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Resolution #379
Read: Crnan cil !~/21/6~. RESOLUTION N0. 379 WHEREAS, The City of Canton, Illinois, has made application for Federal Grant for Sewage Treatment Works, Under 33 U. S. 466 et seq., through the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public_Health Service, as represented by the Sanitary Waster Board .AND, WHEREAS, the Sanitary Water Board has requested that the City Council of the City of Canton pass a resolution authoriz ing the Mayor of the City of Canton to act on behalf of the said City of Canton in submitting an application for such aid; AND, WHEREAS, to avoid additional resolutions from time to time to be passed by the City Council of Canton, Illinois, it has been suggested that the Mayor also be authorized to act on behalf of the City of Canton in all future matters connected with the City's Application for a Federal Grant to construct sewage work under Publis Law 660. THEJ.~~CFCRE, B:C~ I'=i' RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of anton, Lee Cook, be and he is hereby authorized to represent the ~ity of Canton in making application for said. Federal Grant anal s further authorized to act on behalf of the City of Canton, Ill nois, in all future matters connected with the City's Applicatioi or a Federal Grant to construct sewage works under Public Law 60. PASSED by the City Council of t e City of Can on Illinois approved by the Mayor, this -~~~,~ day of ~(~L _1964. APPROVED: ayor. -TTEST: r ity lerk. H~t~~t3LUTxaN N0. 379 WIiER:~AS, The City of Canton, Illinois, has made applicatfo far Federal Grant far Sewage Treatment Works, Unc~~sr 33 II. S. yam; et seq., thraugh the Dep~.rtment o~ Health, education z~nd Welfare, Public~;Bei#1th fiez~°v`3Qes as r®prosented by the S~axtitary Mater Board AND, ~Fi~~R~wAS, the unitary Water Board. has requested that the City Council of the ^1ty of Canton pass a resolution authori~a ing the Mayor. of the C~.ty of Canton tt~ act can behalf,. of the said City of Canton in submitting an application for such aid; AND, WH~RL9~3, to avoid additional resolutions from time to time tc~ be passed by the City Council of Canton Illinois, it ha,~ been su;geeted that the Mayor also be authorised to aat on behalf of the laityy of Canton in all future matters cann~acted with the City's App],ication for a Federal Gr~xnt to cranstruct sewage work der Fublis Law 66©. THE ~~~~"C7., 8.~, I'r R:i~SCLVF:~, that the Mayor of the City ©f ~anton, Lee Cook, be and he is hereby authorised to represent the pity of Canton in making application for said ~'eYieral Grant and s further authorized to act on behalf of the City of Canton, Illy nois, in .all future matters connected with the Clity's Appl.icatioa or a Federe.l Grant to can~truct sewage works wader Public Law ~n_ k'AS5~I1 by the City Council of h City of Canton II_linois approved by the Mayor, this ,~,~~day of G2.~ 19fi4. APPNGY~Ds ayor. ~TT~3Ts ~--- ~ /~> ~ er ~: