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Resolution #391
~~so~u~zox. ;. ... - WHEREAS. the City of Canton is engaged in the construction and extension of the Water and Sewer System of the City of Can- ton, Illinois; AND WHEREAS it becomes necessary for the City of Canton to purchase the following described-.real estate, to wit: Fifty feet of even width off of the South end of the following described property, to wit: A part of the Southeast Quarter of Sec- tion 25, Township Seven North, Range Four East ,of the Fourth Principal Meridian, I'ul- ton bounty, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing 24 rods North of the North Rail of the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad, (formerly known as the Toledo, Peoria, and Warsaw Railroad), where the same crosses the West line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, Ill- inois, running thence East 8 rods, thence North 10 rods, thence West 8 rods, thence South 10 rods to the place of beginning; for the purpose of a proper extension of its Sanitary Sewer pipe AND WHEREAS the Water and Sewer Committee of the City Cou cil of the City of Canton, was authorized by said. Council, to take any action necessary to secure Easements for said project and purchase any land necessary for the completion of said pro- ~eCt; AND WHEREAS, the said Water and Sewer Committee has made arrangements for the purchase of the above described real estate for the purpose of construction of a booster pump on said prop- erty, and the MAYOR 6f the City of Canton has, in cooperation with said Water and Sewer Committee, entered into a contract with one Pearl M. Elam for the purchase of said property for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars; THEREFORE, be it Resolved, this City Council of the City of Canton, meeting in regular session, approve the action of the Water and Sewer Committe and approve.,. the contract entered into by the Mayor with said Pearl M. Elam, and the Clerk of the City of Canton is hereby authorised to Attest said C~:>ntract and place the Steal of the City of Canton to said Contract, and said Mayor and ~he-,Wa~er and Sewer Committee are hereby authorized. to take all means inecessary~-to~~cbmp~.ete-~satd contract and acquire said property. And it is further authorized that said Water and Sewer Committee draw on the City Treasurer for money, to be taken from the Water and Sewer Fund, to pay the several amounts provided in said contract, to the said Pearl M. Elam. PASSED by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, this 4th. day of November, 1963. APPROVED: 1TT ST : - =~ ty rk. ~V ~ ~.~ ~' ~ a t r ~j 2 i ~; a~'E `~ 3 t' ~ F ' f i. 5 F'. _{~. -, s Y;r ~~ ~. ~ .' •• •~ttar~ av ~-aFSS~r~t A.do tbia :- t •t 19bd• bt aei botwoa']~RL n. ~~ of aur~i~o ~io~ iQOi. or ebe nr.i r•~ arse ta. ct~c o~ e~~o~r~ Iij.~r~=s; :. a rsu~fvoo~s oa~ros. ~~ of tb. s.ood earl, vii•••e*t~tt! . . ',~•: ' bat it ~ party of too •eeooe. pare •ball tis•t ~.: the •poJNOi• aAd sfor• the so~aab• Leriiasttos ~t1eaM ~ •.. i`• pari to do ~ sad psrtoraad~ ibo •aid paste ot•ibo tis~.: " ' boroD~ ooo~aaai• acrd s~o• to ooe~t~ id iAe •aie ~ :: , ha •NOfd parr !as too •i le• olear of all r~eNpb..- ~. •orsr• ~od• apd suttioieat~arrae~ijr Deed. the tol or+las coal ~ iatel • •~~ j ( ) ; ~~.~ iti? ts•i o!~ o•oO ~ridta ottraot bbo i~bti ~, . . aei of ~11• ip~low ds•orib.d rrrrperlgr~ h wii~ • 'pars qt ibe Bon~boaati attar of 1Eoealo~ !S• ~ - zora•bly~. ~ ~vrl~-• D•~-go '- ~t of ibr lousia ' yrinoipal lwridiaa• ~-lteo Oo~i I11~.noio to• ,~' '_ •e +r• toilerae ComaeAOi ~ rod por~ :,;:. . ,• • of , the 1lortb re~il of tae Zoloeo~ ~ a~ v1~~, , Aail~otb . (tore It bore a• of o• Peo~~ •at •.. . ~ai!•w ltsilroat~• •rboro eas •aQe oro®se• ~ ' ~- 2 ~i;~o 'ot tbs BovtL•a•t vwrs.r at 8ori~i~.;' S oyo•hipp '~ sor~• Raage 4 ]East of ~ ~' Pr;aoi 1~,1s.riella., lv-ltoo Oontid ~ Illi~ioi• .. ~ ~~ , aia~ 1e ~i ~S soe•.., tbeuoe ~Pth ~e tbeooo Yeat e~~r~dY btyeuoo 8otitl~ ,10 so~ to sae. ~ ~' laoe o= botinbiag• loos s~ is ~ tea tt~loN ,~ ~- ' - ~atriei wo. 6i• rtitoe ~uait• tllinoise ~~a~ 9 •ae tb• etR. tbo ~.••iesd part eo.• h.rb~oo..ost ~; ~ ~~ Qod agree to py o t ~ • ,ar~- of the tir~i pare • •e ! s••lae~feo "~~ Ar.rai xati0e• Oasipa~ I11~is~ ire wa of tro ibouaeee bollsr~a t ~f the tolLo~riog w~aer~ Z1re ~ose0 (i2vo.oo) j+ellaa• u ~to~ ' ~ "=' amt o~d tb• e~outioa of ~.ai• +3sreaooi sat appre~ral of iae Cona• it os 41i~- ' at Oraeoa • Illisoi sae ibr baliaoe et tail D'~"" , -• •;_ ~~t:~•• DDrioo to pale oa preeeata~~oa of long ror^ •b•tra0b t!' ?1t1e bt pi-stt ~ tarsi pe-st• •Mriag ~oo~ • Qer~aaAtaDle table !~ party of the tir•t p~i• riidia •~prosiQatol,~- tl~irlt dat• of trao data of thi• a~rooaoei. Ii blob . agrosd lbat the part of tibo Mo• , oad pari py • raeior for the oo•t• of Ds'oparirg •a~0 a1•irNb. At ~a turiMs ouaolaorsEiN if is a~eN ibat t!M - of tpe •esoed part gball bare privilege of oo,nawotiag io tl`e " ' ~,' . •aoltart ester pipo rbios pant of the •eooad ,part i• •o ly ~ ~';'° higbvy- is tsoat of •aid propes~4 sad la thr tr.ai of psoai•e• of the party of Irbe t i s'i e~seeilt Mo:'ib of •aid abode ~~~r ` , csibN coal eetai~ ~~~s~. too { tbi• ~iag~! . ' ~k'. oQe iappa;e tte.ca~. - . , It ~ eader•boot sad aglrot il~at itbe of ~ eogiN ; pas! latioat• io o•e race propo eo seouiset tor~ tt~ }~eposo of oo~o•isvoVieg ~ a booster pow to~ae •owr •tstw to De .eoa•l:wfN'' is the o10 of Oaatbb~ sad for aaait•s~,-, o4rer ape to bo planet in ib+~ bi,~vy io t~o~ of •ait psoai•~e• sad ~ said paw et ~ •eeood part e• ~o t~s~e M~ proporlT •e aoquiree vitti • 1aY11~,~~~, teao•. of avtt sieat W1ghi sad •treogtb to aura all live•1~oeb. . 1 '' v in •r1 . ` ~ ~~ ~,, t •-~ 2. J ~Y ry. .. I O .t ^1 f N It is agreed thzt the party ot.lbe first part will x+11 gezzenl taxes for Jean 19b~~ s,nd previous yearn levied a~.-:' gai4at avid properl~r w~ch fazes are pa~-able in 1,,2 p ~a the Noc:pd part x111 pty all gan,ral ta~ce• and .aiaasaab lobe 1Nvied or i~yoaed oo said Dropert7 nubs t - ""'~'~ xRwa to the ~a~ ~oaa*saioa of said property i:; to`bs given to !ba paw of toe aeooad Yai't oa delivery of did !o acid p p~- of aeoond party an,d on pyseet of balanoe due on thin ocnto - ~ "• ri-et. • IT I6 KU ~; A~..LT AGR: °D ~ by and between tt,e that time o~t p;.y-ant ab~ t 1 be the eseenpe of this; con~rsati aOd !o, that all oor«naata end a6reesenLa oont.sinecl b,, sad be obligatory upon the heira~ exeautors~ admialatratoi~ta~ ~ aaa1E°na of the respeotire parties. . It is un~lerttood end agreed that this b a binding on the agr•esin t sha 11 sOb F+u't7 of the aecoac~ a-rt until thin a~ reeMb! io approved by the City Counoil of Lhs Ci~y pt Qaoton~ tlliooia. Ill ~'IZ'Nt~:;9 VFf~,H'.Ot? the parties to these Presents Aarr h~r~unto set their haadt any: asals~ to this agraexsnt~ lade io, dupli0ate~ the day and year Brat shore written. ~. ($liJlL ~ ear a, ~t -r ayor. A TTE.BT t er . y this Ap;;rored bJ the CitJ Council of the Oitr o! Oaaton~ tll• ~..,_~ d.;y of lforeaber~ 1964. y e ", .. , . .,., • ~, . K~ ~~" . ~'t•. WH.°;~izuAS the City of C.antan is en~a~red in the ~onstructioa and extension of the Water anc? Sewer System of the City of Can- ton, Illinoi$; ~~ '~J~zx~E2~a,A.S it be~;az~FeS necessary for the ©ity of Canton to purchase the fallowing described real estate, to wits .Fifty feet of even width off Uf the South end of the following described property, tW wits A part of the.SoutY:east warier of Sec- tion 25, Township Seven North, Range Four L~a~t of the Fourth ~'rincipal Meridian ~'ul- ton ~vunty, Illinois, dese.ribed .as fo~lowss Comr~encin~ ~4 rods North of the North Rail of th-~ Toledo, Peoria and r;storn Railroad, {farmerlg gown as the Tol~ti'c~, iyeoria, anr? Warsa~r R:~ilroad), where the same crosses the Meat, .line of the Southeast ~uart~:r of SeCtioxt ~5, j'awnship ~ North, Ranee 4 Fast of the ~''ourth Principal j'Ferid ion, x'~ultan County, Ill- inois, running; thence fast 8 rode, thence North l0 rods, thence West 8 rods thence South l0 rods t _.~. th~~ place of be~;innin~°; for the purpose of a proper extens~.on of its Sanitary Sever pipes; '~ WH%r~F_sAS the dater and Sewer Cc;r~~mittee of the C~tg Caun- eil of the C3.ty of Cp~nton, was authorized by sz~id Council, to take any action necessary t{~ secure Eas~amsnts for sai<? pr^~ect and purchase ang l~nc' n~ca~sary fc~r the campletior. of said pro- ~~ct; ~'~~' ~h`,`~,;,~5, the said `~atPr and Sewer Cc.:nm,ittee has made arran~;ements far t}ae purchase of the ab ve described real estate for thU pur,;vse of canstructi©n o:~ a 'booster pump on said propf arty, anc' the M~Y~;>~ of the Citd~r of Canton hds, in cooperation with sai~? Water anc Viewer Committee, entered into a contract with one Pearl ~. Elam for thy: purchase off' s~~id ,property for the sum of Two Thou~,,~nd ~7olle.rs TR ~i~.~i+'%r''~~~, 3e it I~esalved, this City ~+vur~cil of the Citg of. Canton, ~aeQtin~, in re~tslar session, ra~,prove th:~ action of the Water e.nr'~ Sewer Cnmmitte any' approve the contract entered into by the Mayor-with said Pearl M. Elam, ~.nd the Clerk of the City of Canton i~ h"1''~bY authox•ided to Attest s~~i~? C ntr~ct ;~rd pl:~ce the Seal of +~l~4~ ':%ity of Canton tcz said Contract, an, s,~id Mayor and the,,Wa~~r and Sewer Committee are heLeby authorized to take `:~~" mc~dnr~ he~~~'~~~'~QS!~~~p+~e~~-~ae~d contract and acquire a~aid prog~rt~+. And it is further authorised that said ~Jater s.nd Sewer Committee draw on tha City Treasurer fUr money, to be taken from the Water anti: Sewer Fund, to p~~~y the sever~~l amounts provided in said contr:~ct, to the said Pear]. ~. 1am. Ft~SSi~;v by the Cit;~ Council anc' approved by the Mayor, this 4th. c?ay of Novemb~:r, 1363. ~~ F~£i~~VIaI~ s ~~ ~PL' 3r ~ ~> r k . ~, ~ ,, ~.~-'' ~.