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Resolution #392
3 ~' ~ R:~~~:~C LUT~C~N . .....w ... ~..,. ~. ..r .. ~~~~~~~~ The Citu~ of Cantcsn, Illinois, did heretoforQ and on dr~t~s hereinafter set fc~rt;h, pass ord~.nancas for t}~e iseuin of General Cbli~atian bonds as follows: Ordinance Number 13~ for the is.~uiza~ cf General Gbli~;.atton fonds for. the improvement of Canton Lake Spillway and water I+~orke Improvement, in thc~ amounv of -~ jp, CJC. QC?, which 4?rd finance w:3s passed on the ?t7. day of ~.u~ust, 151; Grdinanee i4•tx~:ber ~+Q~ fc~r the iesuin~; ©f General Cb1i~;ation Boszde f r ~at~r ~dorks Iruprovement, in the=. amc~ur~t o~ ~,~,Q,a~t~.C(?, ~:hich Crc?ir~~~rice and passed on th~~ 1~th. d~~y of e~;=t~nber, 1~~9; Urc~inance Number 4C}6 for t~.: issuing of General Ob1i~:3tion £sont?s fvr construetion Improvements ~~n~~ extension a.f Sewera~P Improvements in the amr~unt of ~170,GOC).Qa, which Ordinance w~~,s p,~:~~ed on the 15th.. day of aepte~tber, 1959; said. bonds, principal one' interest, t+~ bc~ paid out of mr~ney re- ceived from ~t3raeral assessments levied annually; ~Ivp, ~i .~~~?,,~~, arranemants h;~ve now begin g4-~id to ~aay said bonds from re~wnue received. for service ren.derea fcar water and sewer to patrons in thy: City cif C~nte~n; Th'%"=.T~.~'~:>!, be it resolved, by thu City Cc;uncil ©f the City of Canton, I:~.linais; That the Cr~untvr Clerk of the County of Fulton, Illinois, be notified thst the annual t~~x lew far the above named bonds be abated for the taxable Levy fc;r the years 194 and. 165, and. the se:id County Clerk be enc. he is hereby notified to refrain from the extend~.n~; aP taxes to ~,~ay the principal anc? interest on said bonds for said pPrio< of time. ~~.~ I~7 ~'Lt~TF~:".ki ?,~.SC3a'~'~~;3J, t}a.~tt thr; County Clerk be xsgtifind of this resolution by ttie ~'Iafor of the City of Canton, attested by the City Clerk, and. the City Clerk deliver to said County Clrt~rk a notice cif tt°~is action any! a csrtiyied copy of t~~is ~teeo- lution. P~.~~~:l~ by thx~ Cityt Cvuzacil of the Cite of Canton, Zilinris, this 1'~th. day of Nr~vember, 1964. ~, ty ~;~„' ~f''x'~~1L''~~~ : , ~t s ~ - ~ ' yF~ Y ~ to .''. .~ <: '~ .. ,r .~ t .~ ., ~ '_,a =" S:~I~R~:Af3 ~!u City off` Can~L~,n, Iliinni~, d~-~' hk~}retQt'~-1*a ~,.,' ry K- o~ data heri,tat#r set tcrth, pass ardine-nc'ea tc-r the if•u ~~ ~q~~ ot` ~n~-a~a1 4~11gatian b©nde as t'c~llorrr» ~17~ ~,. ~`~~,~ ~ ~ (~sdimance .~um'~~r 1 °c~r t~ss~ te~uf.n r~ * ~~' < 34 ~; ~.. t#~tneral. ;~- C'h2.i~~:tic~n t,-,nd~ ia~r tP~~ iwprcvem~rnt at Canto~t ~ ~r"* ~,~ ~' ~~„ -~ ~.~ &ake ~" ~ i lMi~a a~`3c^.i W 1~A: 1-0r1c8 ~-~ ~', ,k `s° t.} y ~'1y"r t3YenemL ~ . that areounc of ~i"SU,OJ:.OU, vhiQh 4rc3iaa' craw ~:5~, „~ :i : ,. ~ pa,ersa oxl tie 7t~. any or ~u~ust, 1951; ..~. Y T~~~r k ,ti ;3 •, - GrditYa.uas dumber %~Q`., f~,r the ia$uing of 4~ea+~al . `~ - Gblt~at.lon Ronde f,'~r 'Matt: ~crlrs Ia~rror+r~s~tt~ ` . { '.~• tD~ a~144Yft Oa ~2~C,UC©•C~?~ ~t~lt~h ~l't~inall*~` • r~ tree passed on thE. 15th d:i~ Gf .~*s[~Es:4b~t'• Imo!{ , t'',a. axed ~ . 5 Os+di~aaoa Number 4p6 ..*Qr the ira~t of - °{'{w ~,. 4bli ^ii~ou ~an~a fc~r caestr~ttoi~l~Ml~ I~prot'~~ "~' ~ ;.; anti •aricn cat 8:wsr~e 2~s~orrfsrr~ • is bhs << . i-~.., ,~c,uat ox '~l,?D QOU.gO~ which 4rdoaaoe w~-r ,;.. • r,'+~ ~ peed o~ot the ~~-th. d~- of ~pt~rsDer. 1'~i ~~;~,, ~` raid .boaAe, prin+ti 1 and is~tsssst, to b~ paid o~# a~ ~ ,. eeive+Q i'ra~ 6~n ra~~ssea~sent,~ laYisd anauailf; :r k ' A~ID~; V1~~.~-8, arran$sssnte hays ac~r bss~ pai4 do ; °' ~' ~ bra tsar re~r+s rec.aiv+~d !or service r~~derid tar tl~tal~!- ~° r~wsr to patroar :o tb.a ~Ity at Cantam; ~. ~ ~ F . Q TB~~~2'~1RN, bs it- resolved, by Nhs City Cola =~ ~ ~; ~ ; , •. ©# C2antaa, Zilimoie; F r .ghat the C:~uotwr dhrk of the Cotu~t~- of Fylto~-• I ~~ ~ ; :~, ~ `~~; be aatited that the anauak t~a~ 2erq !ox the aDrt-s '~.. ~ bs shatet~ !or .the tayraable lsry it r the iar~ 1Q6i+~ ~ ~ bha said County t3lerlc be and he is hers,g ootif~sd #o ~{ _` ~ frca the ~x~sndlaN off' tearer to psy the prieioi~al ant! ~' . , ' a~,d boad• .ior sand period of ti~s+r. „ . .. ." ` ` - ~~;;~ 8~ Ii` ~N~R f~'°&CiL~::D, tti.~t the Couac-t~- Clsx'!t la ,°'~` - .. o,f tbis rerolu#i©u by the Maycr of th+r G11r~r oS Ca~-tv~t~ ~' `: '~` '~ ''~~'~ the Qity Clsslr, any: tRe City Clark def.#ter to raid~'i' .~ `~ 1er~.a soitios at this action and a csrtitie~! oapy ~-t tlt +~ ~. ; ' :~ R ';~~, ~ ,~ P~~I3 bg the City Vuumcil of the Citg of t"~-nt~©e-~, X31 M1 ~~~ ~ '~ #~-1~-~,a'~th. day Qt ltovsaber, ig6~t. ~``p ~ , ~x~ ~ ~t ~{ ~ .. c ~± v ~, .,~ ,k .: A'ri' . ~~ Z ~z ~~ ~~ •' ~ ~ ' ~. ~, 1~,. ~ _ ' ~. ~' ~~ : ~ - - ~+ . . ~_ ._ r - ,~ ,1~: ,. ) -. _. - ,-~. .~.~y.,~ ~,. .~ . , ";a:. - .; ,.:.. +Ni~Cil'~1~{",.~nh l~e C,it.:, i~ 4 ~i=3ri~.1::1, ~1 1.1I'1~J~:•s, {` ...~ t'irI'f'~'iOt~Y'@ aid. on dr~t~~~ he.reinattex ~~ _"c~^';h, ~,~~~ ~ c~^d.izzt~z.c;aa fvr the lairui~ of aenAr~l. UbAi~z,at3.an boncl~ c~~ 1"ull.~~w~a , , ;' .,~~ , ~ ~; ~ r* • ~~rdinar~^r~ Pdu~^~~.,~,r, 134 ''cx the is::;viaa~ : ~' r~;.v-r~l. ''{ '~ C~~?. ~.~;.: r '~ Ali", r.' ~1'.t~c :ip7` .V Fps? !. fllpx''Si-t^y;ATit G`.~ CBY:~OIi ? ` ~~• ', LEA It~3 ~ _'~, ~.: i'»,-~ ~+' i~11~:a 1~. -1'v S :' '~ 0:'~C~i ~2"i j~rC V'BIDen ~ , ixi ~ '° ` tht-> c~~no~.nY; ~~.t ~"- ;~C~,'.;';::. r3U, w}iich 4r. ~.; inaxaoe ve*~s „ y' pF~;~~~+d on t.~~ '7~i:, c?~~~• o:' Augu~;t, l~~ilt ~' w k„ C rdiAana~ ~ucnt~ar •~~` f ~.:~ ti-~~ 1~~uin~; of general ~ ~~s ~:li~~tics: viands f ~~ '••c*~"` ~r~:'k~ ~aspr®vetemt, -" . 2n tr~r~ c~mc'._nw .~~' ~2'C,:;^~.::Q, ~!~S.eh K}rdin.lnae =~a; w~.s ~aa~~s~cS an thc~ lth, ~ ;fir c, ±' h~~~:?.;~.~ber, 199{ ~ n 1 6 r-` ~ l~nG~ ,:,~,~ ' t7rcliatno~ Altxm'r~er u(,`C~ fcsr cr.+ ie~rain~ of geae~'al Gbl ativra ~r,nc~s fc~r c~~ngtruatirr~s Improvements '~' ~ r.~n'; Y~eRR~CX1 U~' ~:i8t41E!r?t.~',e Iaipr~l're~ArDtii i?1 the ' ~''~~ ~"~~, amp °.ant of Sll'7C,C©O.t~;c~, wrhiGh Qrcliaapcte w~~t " ',~`~ ' pis#e~f ou the 15th. d~xy gat 6e~s~gmber, ~.9y9t ~ ~ •~ ' ~ ~ said .bands, principal a,nt' iz~t~rest, to be paid out of moae~- se- ceivcd Pram ~?.~>n~a.~~ a~~aasmsnts, levied annually; •~.s e ,~ ~ ADM '~riIfi;t~'~;.~~3, arr~~n~~ementa have nor begin paid tv path , bdnda fro~a x~r°r~*t~us~ rf~c~~:ived tcsx a~Krvtce rend®r~ed for ~ta'te~ " `~'~~: s®wsr to patrcEn~t in Lts~~ city :,t ~:antUax; TI~?^;t..:~"uR~, be it rerac~lved, by thae Cite. Cauncl.l at Y. N, -~,, of Cent ~a, Z . lino i s ; •-~~° That tti~: C.:unt•, Clerk vf. ~;hA Cctax~ty of FuI1CaaM x1Y~a~-~+~~ ' be na*itied that tkap ~+nnu~l. t~-;x levy fvr the e-Do~t'• nas~ ~ '~ -~ be abated fcr thA t?~xable levy f r~ the ,~+~er~a 1 a~ l~ll~r"~ `NIA ' f~he said ~cunt~+ Gl~rk be and hn ~.8 her~,b~r z~otitl~ed ~o r+~lh~a3agt A ,` ~ ; trflm +;h,e e~rterdlta , c.f tease tc. ~'`~!Y th:~ prin~aipatl and 1m!~~~re~r ' Bald ~on~~e f'c~r s~a~i3 r~~frl.vd pC ti~r,~. . y B ~.~; i , rX~ atrn2~~r,~. ~~Z ~~~ ` .5~,1_,V ~~: , t.:.; { t,. ~~; h,~„ Vour~ty Cle r~ b• Dt~1i~.~~`+~'~' ;`~ ' v f ttii ~ r~ svlut~ian by tti ~~ I'l j~rr.• c c ~ 1.:~~, v"i~j oS GaA$on y at~~~ F '~ ,~ , ~ byy trie City Clerk, ear.<~ *11~ ~i;y C.:l~?t,i~ c!r+`..ivez~ to said Co~x~t '~^-, wlArk a notices of ~tE~i~ es~~~t ~Qaa ;~~~~. a cew•titied vc~hy' of t2a~,s~ Y~ution. ... "h~ .d ,~ ^~ y.ia ;f ~ - ~ PAS£~:L.' by tht~ ci..t-, ~:<...u:•c:1 aP tie ,;ity of canton, I1li~e##* '~„ "~,, t~h~.e l~tb. 8s~~ 01 ~~~v'9IIbHr, 1'~4. .,. . ~ ~ ~r-„ A i~~ (y'7' ; .:~ v ~~ ~ r r' ;' ..__ , ~-,~~v~ ~ v.riL i ~~ - L `'~ ; ~ • ~_,-~ ~ . CQU~TY q~ ~tT1'li`gN ~ ;5, qI`i''~ q~' Gr~~'~TUN TC T;MI, ,~~~;rIQH, CL`'tA~ Q'~'' FUL'T'C~1~ C(:1UBTX, 7:I,:-all~t:~Z>: YCLT ~A~'-~; ~t .~.BY NC~~1.Z~;~J that a Resalutian dul~* ad-opted by the City Council of th,,, Cit;,r of Canton., Ill.inoi.a, an the 17th. day of ~lavember, 1964, teat the tax levy for the follawin~ bond issues, to wits General Cbli~ation Bond$,issued under Grdl.nance lumber 174, adapted. ~uust '~, 1951., for the a- mount of ~~SC~,CQq.Cq, for the purpose of pro- vidin funds for iara ravem+:nt of Canton Lake spillway any`' ~`ater orks Irmproveuzent; Crer~eral gbli~ation Bands i.,eaued un~+,er. t7rdfz~- ~~nce Number 4Q5, adopted ~eptember 15, 1g~9, for the mount of 230,000.CC, for the purpose of providing; funds for Water Works Improvements; and General t~bli,atian :~~x~us, ~.ssuad unc? er Grdinance Number 4U6, adopted.-~tieptember l5, 1959, for the amount of ~17C;,QOC.QO, for the ~~urpcse of pro- vidin~, funds for the Improvements and extension of uewera~e I~prave:raents; are hereby abated end you are hereby directed not to extend any tax to pay the ~:=rincipal any; interest falling under s~ici Bond. Issues for tha ~re~:r 1964, coll+~ctible in Ig65. A certified cop; ox' s~7id .Resolution is hereby attached and made a part of this not~.ce. ty er ayor.