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Resolution #393
RESOLUTION No•393 WHEREAS, the Gity Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, has heretofore approved plans, specification and estimates of the cost for the construction of a needed improvement and extension of the combined waterworks andsewerage system of the City of Can• ton, Illinois, in accordance with the engineering reports here- tofore submitted and approved by this City Council; all as is fully set forth in itemized detail in the plans, files, maps, specifications and cost estimate heretofore approved by the City Council and now on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois; AND WHEREAS the said City Council has heretofore provided by Ordinance the. issuing of revenue bonds in the amount of $1,825.OO+Dfor the purpose of financing the project for the im- provement and extension of the combined water works and sewerage system of the City of Canton, Illinois. AND WHEREAS the engineering plans, so adopted and filed, as aforesaid, show~;that it is necessary for the proper construct• ion of said improvement, easem~nt8 be acquired by the City of Canton, Illinois, for the purpose of laying water and sewer pipe: for the constrvtation and extension of said project, and that the land hereinafter~`'descrbed, being and lying outside the corpora- te limits of the City of Canton, Illinois, is necessary for such purposes; AND WHEREAS the engineering plans, so adopted as afore- said, show that it is necessary to acquire easements over and through the following land for the construction of said project, to wit: The South Five -sixteenths (5/16th) of the North- west Quarter of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Seven C7) North, Range Four (4) East of the Fourth Principal Medirian, containing Sixty (60) acres, more or less; and a part of the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Seven (~) North, Range Four (4) East of the Fourth Principal Medidian, described as follows: One (1) rod wide off of the North side of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section Twenty-two, commencing at the Northwest corner of the said North- west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Sec- tion, running thence East Thirty-two C32) rods, more or less, to the Canton and Farmington Road thence South One (1) rode thence West Thirty-two ~32) rods, to the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the South-east Quarter of said Section Twenty-two(22), thence North One (1) rod to the place of beginning; AND WHEREAS this City Council, in regular session, is of the opinion that said land above described, and as shown by the plat hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, is the only feasible place for the laying and construction of said sew pipe; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Water and Sewer Com- mittee of the said City Council, be and it is hereby authorized to enter into negotiation for the acquiring such portions of sai land, from the owners thereof, for the construction of and layin such sewer pipes, as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, and app proved by this Mayor, this _,~i.c~.day of Dec tuber, 1964. ATTESR~y '~ r C _ APPROVED MA City Clerk. p.E~aO1,UTI~N . No, 393 1dI~~:~.~iS, the 'City Council. of the, City of Canton, Illinois h€~e heretofore ~~pproved pl=ins, specification and estimates of th+ cyst for the construcstion of a needed improvement and extension of the combined waterworks anci,sewera~e system of the City of Caa~ ton, Illinois in accordance with the engineering reports here- tofore ,subanitted ~tnc'. approved by this City Council; all as is fully set forth in itemised. detail in the pls.ne, files, m€~ps, specifications mnd cost estimate heretofore approved by the City Council e.r~c now on file for public inspection in the office of the City ~~.er~ of the City of Canton, Illinois; AN1: ~~rl~,::;~.}±~. the said City Council. h~ae heretof4r+s provided by Ordinance the issuir°~; of revenue bonds in the amount of ~l,$25.000for the purpose of financing; the pro~eet far the iffi- provement and extension of the combined. water works ,and sewerage system of the City of Centonj Illinois. ANi~: ifil~'~.k~~i +,A~w the ezagineering plans, so ~d©pted~ and filed, +~s,aforeea.id, show tz~at it is necessary-for the proper construct fan of said, improvement, eassmen.ts be acquired. by the City of Gantan, Il1~.na~.rs~ for the purpose of laying water and ,sewer pipe for the constx''tt4tla~i .and PYtensicin of said pro ect, and th~~t the land here inafter"~desC~l:hed, aein~ and lying au~~;~ide the Corpora- te limits of tY~:e :;it;,r 'ai' Canton, Illinal:s~ is necessary for such purposes; lal~~3 WK~~.r~'~i~ the en.~ineerin~; pl,.ans, so +~~3optsd as af~re- said, show that it is neCessa~ry to acquire eas~.n~rts aver end through the fallawii~g land for the construction of said pro~ec't, to wits Thar youth .pure --s:lxteenths (5/16th) of the North- west quarter pf ~eCtion Twenty-two (22), Township aBy'en (~,~.) ~©rth, it~:.r.~.+s Four (~) ~~st of the Fourth Priniep~2. ~T@c?irian, cQnt.~~~ining Sixty {60) acres, more or les~+s; and ~ part of the southeast ~~,udrtsr of Sectibn Twenty-two (22}, Township Seven (.`~~ lKarth, Range Four (4) :fast of the Fourth Frinaipal Medidian, described as fallowss One {l) rod wide off of the North side of the l~orthw~ast ~`~xarter of the Sauthe et quarter of said Section l'rrenty-tyro, commencing; at the northwest earner of the s~.id Narth- wbst ~u~rter of the Southeast ~;uartPr of said sea- tiara, running thence ~t~ast Thirty-two C32~ rods, .more or less ~ to the C~~.nton a.nd Farmington Road thence South One { 1) r~cl:~: thanes West Thirty~twa ~ ~, 32 j rod s, to the hest line of the Northwc~et quarter of th:e South-east t~uarter of s~~:~id Section '~.'wenty-two{22): thence North One {1) rod tea the place of begin~aing; .~N'L kN ~RxJ~,S this City Council., . in regular session, is of the opinion that slid 2..s..nd above described,. anti as shown by the plat hereto .attached ar:d made 3 ,kart of this resolution, is the only feasible place for the laying; and construction of s:~id sew- pipe, `.~N~~,:~;.~"C.~iS~~ E~ I`. R:~~~C~L'~ija.~ T.,~2' l'~~?~: yfater anti sewer Com- mittee of the ss.id City Council, be s.n~' it is hc~r€~by s,utharized to enter into aegoti~tion far the acquiring such. portions of sa.i~ land., from they owners thereof, far the Ccanstruction of anri laying such sewer p~.pes, ~~s m~.;° :~e nece~s~ar~r £a~• the r;ur~;oses s~faresaid. Fr~~ ~~U by the City '~aunt~il. of the City of C.~ntani and: app proved by this Mayor, th3.s ~~ day of CPC mbar, 1964. Ai'.~'i~; --~-~-~c.- ~i biz ~l?C~V"",4;1~ I'".~'YC! r