HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #400f ~:
R E S O L U T I O N .
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WHEREAS, request has been made to the City Council of the
City of Canton, Illinois, to modify Section 2 of the~Zonin~r Ordi
nonce of the City of Canton, Illinois, being Section 2 of Chap-
ter XLV of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Canton, Illin=
ois, of 1959, so as to reclassify and rezone the .following de-
scribed property by changing it from a R-1 District to a B-2
District, to wit
Beginning at a point where the South side of East Locust
Street intersects with the ,West side of North Fourth Ave-
nue, thence East along the South side of said East Locust
Street to the Northeast corner of Lot Number Four in ]Cell-
ogg and Babcock's Addition to the City of Canton, Illinois
thence, due South to the South side of East Walnut Street,
thence West along the South side of said East Walnut
St eet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 6 in Ander-
~go~~'s First Addition to the City of Canton, thence South
along the West side of the alley running on East side of
said Lot 1 and through Blocks Four, Five, and Six in said
Anderson's First Addition, thence due South to the South
side of the T. P. & W. Right-of-Way, thence Easterly a-
long the South side of the said T. P. & W. Railroad Right-
of-Way to the Northeast corner of Lot number Four in Mal-
oney's Addition to the City of Canton, thence South along
the East side of said Lot number Four and the East line of
the Street known as Grant Place, to the South side of said'
Grant P1QCe, thence West along the South side of Grant
Place to the West side of the alley running North and
South through Whitman's Addition, Marshall and Fisher's
Addition, Carl Marshall's Addition and Fisher's Addition
to the North side of East Linn Street, thence West along i;
the North side of East Linn Street to the West side of
South Fourth Avenue, thence North along ~te~t side=bf said
Fourth Avenue to the point of beginning; all being in the
City of Canton, County of Fulton, and State of Illinois.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
Canton, Illinois, met in regular session, that the Council take
action to consider said request, on its own motion, and that
this Council proceed to a public hearing on the question of whet
her said above described real estate shall be rezoned so as to
make said premises a B-2 District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the _~-'! day of February,
1965, at the hour of 7 o'clock, P. M., in the Council Chambers o
the City Building in the City of Canton, be and it is hereby fix
ed as the time and place for public hearing on said rezoning of
said premises, and that the Mayor of the City of Canton call a
Special eeting of the Council for said time and place for the
purposeonsidering said rezoning of said premises.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that publication be made in the Can
ton Daily Ledger notifying the public of such hearing on the re-
g~oning of said premises, and. that the Mayor of the City of Can-
ton call a Special meeting of the City Council for said time and
place for the purpose of considering said rezoning of said prem-
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that publication be made in the
Canton Daily Ledger notifying the public of such public hearing
to be held as aforesaid, which publication shall be made at leas
fifteen days before said date so fixed for said. hearing.
PASSED by the City Council and approved by the Mayor, this,
10th. day of January, 1965.
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N O T I C E.
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That the City Council of the City
of Canton, Illinois, did, on the 19th. day of January, 1965, at
a regular stated meeting of said City Council, pass a resolution
to consider the modification of Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinanc
of the City of Canton, being section 2 of Chapter %LV of the Re-
vised Ordinances of the City of Canton (1959), so as to reclassi
and rezone the followiny~ desc~rribe property, or a portion there-
of by changing it froml/ aI RD~.S Dis~ric~d to a B-2 District, which
property is described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the South side of East
Locust Street intersects with the West side of North
Fourth Avenue, thence along the South side of said East
Locust Street to the Northeast corner of Lot Number 4
in Kellogg anc' Babcock's Addition to the City of Can-
ton, Illinois, thence due South to the South side of
East Walnut Street, thence West along the fiouth side of
said East Walnut Street to the Northeast corner of Lot
1, Block 6 in Anderson's First Addition to the City of
Canton, thence South along the West side of the alley
running on East side of said Lot 1, and through Blocks
Four, Five, and. Six in said Anderson's First Addition,
thence due South to the South side of the Toledo, Peoria,
and Western Railroad Right-of-Way, thence Easterly along
the South side of the said Toledo, Peoria, and Western
Railroad Right-of-Way to the Northeast corner of Lot 4
in Maloney's Addition to the City of Canton, thence
South along; the East side of said Lot number 4 and. the
East ~i~iec:6f the Street known as Grant Place, to the
South side of said Grant place, thence West along the
South side of Grant Place to the alley running North and
South through H. A. Whitman's Addition, Marshall and
Fisher's First Addition, Carl Marshall's Addition and
Fisher's Addition to the North side of East Linn Street,
thence West along the North side of East Linn Street to
the West side of South Fourth Avenue, thence North along
the West side of South Fourth Avenue and North Fourth
Avenue to the point of beginning; all being in the City
of Canton, County of Fulton, and,State of Illinois.
And the City Council, aforesaid,,,~~t~ the 8th. day of Feb-
ruary, 1965, at the hour of 7 o'clock, P. M., for a public hear-
ing on proposition of rezoning said property, to be held in the
Council Room of the City Building, located at 210 East Chest-
nut Street, Canton, Illinois.
And in pursuance of said Resolution, Lee Cook, Mayor of
the said City of Canton did call a Special meeting of the Said
City Council to be held at the time and place aforesaid, and d
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notify each .Alderman of said City Council of said meeting, as
provided by law.
THEREFORE, Notice is hereby given that any person interes-
ted in the rezoning of said property, as above stated, may appea
at said meeting and be heard on the merits of the rezoning prop-
Published by authority of the City Council of the City of
Canton, pursuant to the resolution adopted by the City Council
on the 19th. day of January, 1965.
Dated at Canton, Illinois, this 20th. day of January, 1865,
ity lerk.
LEE C00~, Mayor of the City
of Canton, Illinois, a Muni-
cipal Corporation.
(Publish one time and mail- two copies to Nellie Crawford, City
Clerk, 210 East Chestnut Street, ,Canton, I~linois, and bill for
V ~
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N O T I C E i
YOU ARE HE'-EBY NG`PIFIED That the City Council of the City
s' of Canton, Illinois, did, on the 19th. day oL January, 1965, st
~# a regular stated meeting o• said City Council, pass a resolution
to consider the modification of Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinsac
--~ ! of the City of Canton, being section 2 of Chapt®r ZLV of the Re-
wised Ordinances of the City of Canton (1959), so as to reels
and ~eezone the Yollowinc~ describe property, or a portion there-
~' of by changing it fr a~ aI R-1~ Di$~ric~d t° a B-~ District, which
,~ property is describer as follows:
'~ Beginning at a point where the south side of $ast
'~ Locust Street intersects with the West side of North
~{ Fourth Avenue, thence along the South side of said East
'' Locust Street to the Northeast corner of Lot Number 4 ~
in Le l7ogg.an. Babcock's Addition to the City of Can-
tOn, Illinois, thence due South to th? South side of
East Walnut Street, thence West along the fiouth side of
said East Walnut Street to theAddithonstoctheeCity oft
1, Block 6 in Anderson s First ~
Canton, thence South along the West side of the ~ll~y ~
runnin tin cast side of said Lot 1, rind through. Blocks
Four, rg^ive, anc3 Six in said Anderson a First Addition,
i;hence due South to the South si:fe of the 'Toledo, Peori.,
am Western R~ ilr~.~ad night-of-Way, thence Easterly along ,
the South side o• the s~~id j'oledo, Feoria, and Western
i~ailrcad Right-of-Way t~. t,h:. Northeast corner of Lot 4 ~
in Maloney's Addition t~. the City ~~f Canton, thence
South along the Faat si :e ~f a-~ir. Lot nu~nter 4 and the '
East line df tt.p Street kn ~w~n as Grant Place, to, the
~~uth side oy sa.id Grant ".ace, thence 'west along the
South side of Grant Fl~ce to the Miley running North and i
S~~uth through ~. A. whtnan's Addition Marshall and
Fisher's first Addition,. Ngrth~sideaof EastdLinnnStreet,
Fisher's Addition to th
thence West along tre North side of East Linn Street to }
the WeGt side of South ~vurth Avenue, thence North along
the West sine of South Fourth Avenue anti North Fourth ;
Avenue to the point of beginning; all bein@ in the a ty
• of Canton, County of Fulton, and State of Illinois.
y f
And the City Council, afo~esaid,l~ix the 8th. da o_ Feb- ~ ,
rusty, 1965, at the h~~ur of o clock, P. M., for a pudic hear-
,____ ~~,x-_- =~__ _
ing on rroi;~csitron oP rezoning said property, to be held in t e
Council Room. of tree City Building, located at 210 East Chest-~'
nut Street, Canton, Illinois.
. And in pursuance of saki Resolution, Lee Ccok, Mayor of
the s=aid City of Canton did call a. Special meeting of the Said '`
Cit Council to be held at tMe tune and place aforgsRid, and°;dic
~~{~v .;~
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2. ~
notify each Ald$rman of said Cito C;;uncil of said meting, as
provideu by law.
rHti,REFORE, Notice is hereby given that any ~ ersc~n interes- ',
ted ir: the rezo:-ink c`.' s ii'' pr<~pArty, as above st~+ted, me.y appea~Q
at Said t(1r.~Ptli~~ anc. to ,.iE,.+rr ~n the merits of the r~~z~:~ning prop-
.__..,....~ z~_.
Published by au*t~:orit~,~ c'. t~~e ':ty C~uncii of the City of j
Canton, ~,ursuan` to t":~ re so;uti~n a~~:;ptPc b,. the City Council
on t:e 1`?th. e~:~.~ ~i' ,ir~nt:ar~°, i~~F,`>• f
Deted at C~3nton, i . ~ inois, this 'C;tr . day of Jan~iary, 1965
i ~ CUUL, Mayor of the City
A~T.~S~~': c Canton, Illinois, a I'Iuni-
~,:~1 Ccr~crt;i~~n.
i,, L 1
its 1Frk .__.____--
(i'ublisr~ ore tame ar m=~ f w~: c::~~ies ',u IMF : ~e Cr~wf'crd, Ct'~'~".~•
Clerk, ~1~; Est C".~str.ut Str~~? , C=~raT :n, I i ;z;~~ia, and. bill for
l rirtir.~ )
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