HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #404r':... RESOLUTION No,~~. WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois, did, by and with the consent of the Water and Sewer Committee of the City Council of the City of Canton, e~iter into an agreement with .Harold H. Reed and Ella E. Reed whereby the said Harold H. Reed and Ella E. Reed did convey an easement to the City of Canton, for the purpose of constructing a Combination ~aewer over certain portions of part of the South One-half of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township ~ North, Range Four East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, Illinois, as is more particularly described in the said Easement now in the possession of the City Clerk; AND, WHEREAS, wherein it is agreed that the City of Canton, Illinois, is to pay to the said Harold ~. Reed and.Ella E. Reed, for such Easement the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars 0800.00); .THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that the City Clerk issue a check for said amount of money, payable to Harold ~. Reed and Ella E. Reed, drawn on the .Treasurer of the City of Canton, Ill- inois, payable out of the Water and Sewer Fund, as provided by Ordinances hereinbefore passed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Ill- inois, and approved by the Mayor, this 4th. day of May, 1965« ATTEST• ty erk. APPROVED: ayor. ~_5 ~~ ~ ~, ~~ . .~, ~ M f 'r~i ~.°r~~'A~, tYis Mayer of the Cit of Canton, I:!_1inGi ,, did, ~y an~3 with th~-A cr~neent ref the ',~€~tar and ~swer ~o~u~ittee of th~* City Council of the vita of Canton, c~ntc~r into an a regiment with I3arald F. Reed ane? Villa h'. Reed whereby the sad Hare~ld R. ~.~eed ane3 ~Ila~ ~~. Reed dir', convey an ease~e~nt to the City of Canton, fc~r ~h~ purpose of c~~nst~~•uctin~ a Canbinatian Viewer aver aex~tain ,portions t~f part of the `mouth Gne-half' eel` .the Northwest ,u rter cif ~®ctian 34, Tawnr~hip 7 North, Ran ~ Four ~a~t of the ourth Princip~.l Meridian, Fuitc;n County, llinais, as ~,s more pa~~icul.arly described iz~ the said M•asement now in the° poss+egsion of tYl~ City Ciexrk; r~.i~.}~, '~~}H "i~~;=;~'~"~, whczrsin it iv agreed that the City of Canton, I.linais, is to pay to the s~.~i~, H~arcald R. Reed and Villa ~. Reed, for such ~ssem+ent th~> sum of ht ~kiund red bol lore (f~80Q. Q(?~ ; T~IT~;~-'~c ~~~, ~3e it ~~esolved, th:~zt the City Clerk issue a c~zeck fc~r said ;~maunt of .money, p~;,~able to Iiarold R. Reed and T~~11~ ~~. Reee~, dr~~wn on th ~ Treasurer of tki;~ City of C~zntan Ill- inois, p~:yable olit o:f" they ~aater and :ewer Fund, as prnvidec~ by ~~rdinanees hereinbefc~r€~ pEzssed. x A:~:a~~I3 by thew City Council of the City of CG~nton, Ill- inois, ahc? approved by t~~e I`~ay~~r, t~~is 4th. da.y oi' M°zy, 1965. ~~p ~'~C~V ~ ~:p : 6~`.1' ~ :~;~T : agar. 'ty r~rk. ~ r J .~ ~. ~'