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Resolution #408
l~~:a~, ' Cam/ ~£ ~l*~e Il~~aawis, ~s au~da a,r2~esal~~ #~r lP+aderal ~t l~+~r ~~ ~t W~trke, deg 33 ll»+ 4~-8 +~~ ,~~ try rah l~`~h~ ~.dat curl Wel~et„ 1b~l~e 1 ~t a~ r~e~ yt'e~s+~tt~ld CI~~ se~iraaey Mater llua~d. a ms's ~~l~~r it+ ~~It~r ~ ~ ~+s~t~+Md tMt E~et GLCy ~i~ ~ ti~+rr ~~ty +~~' Ca~tt+os- p~~~ ~, rat~sr2at~+a~, ~-rl~, ~ yt~r of tea City. o~ ~~ Ica aet c~ be~~~ ,~~ said City ~ ~a~ptt+~ sulssttta es apgl;tce-E ~+sr such ei~l; s~IRTlr W~~.~, Lv avoid a~~~t~ ~ssolut~,+~-ta fr~u ~ to tisre~ t4 bet pace®d bl- teas ~~.ty Ceura~cilt ~ C~nt~, ~Il~aurica, iC luRS 6e s~ate-d tb~at the ~-;~ a~st~ bra aut~artsad to sct cis- be1~ cry' t~ City ref Cs~Le~, is a21 ~atura +~ua~tters u~ctad with ~- ~i~-~ s ~~pplicaC$+r~a fear a y+aral +6acaAt to cea+-at~ct s e t~urlc _r Pt~b~.~,c L~ ~r~xfl. * ~~ ZT ~?~„ t t z~ayer e-~ ter ~3.~y a~ Casattcast t~. ~'aul t~, bs es~ bec is blr -tl'#a~r~,~cr~d tai rye +~~~~ +of true ~ ~, a-1~c~ate~t fur s+~~.d Jfral G~sa~t ex~rd ~ ~uth+ax autlai~a~#,~etel tca act au betbal~ ~-~ a c~.cy c! ~~ ~~liaa!»s, ,sal ~uturs s~-tten~e c~p~nesat+srl r~ith tie Cty~,s ~p-I:~raat~r sir a Fet~le~~el Gx~t tc+ cturstruct s+s~rage uex~ks ~ tic L+sw ~1. Sit by tie City C~i ~~ +~ !pity +~ ~ tcsta:~ a~,. as~d a~pxewe~l +~ dyer, this ~ e~F.,....~. ~~ ~9~iS. ~~~~ ct~y ~x ~~ cryr ss, ~ ~td~s~~igu+~~l ~+~~~ mat ~~ ~.~ City ~~ ~~ ~ c~.cy a~ Castte~a, l~l~~ta~,~ ead as sualt eke &'~~ custedia+s ~- ~ re~e+~'ds u~ ~ i~ci~~tty e~ t City e~ , illie~e~,s„ sud6 ~ee~+ar e~ a t~dtaxexces ea~d ~atsulutl~ mnd ,~au~aal c-f ~die~s of t~ City iI ~f t2~ City o~ ~tc~q-„ ~11i~ai~; axtd ~l~e l<urtl~ csrti~'ts C~buat flee ~:r~r~~ct lsulutien is a true sacl ~x~ate y of thaa l~^arselut3. c~;ly ctec~ ~~ t City Ceea+cf.l of t Cia~y c~ ~ta~, Il~.trse .s at a stee~f~ag r laxly ~d ~rreoi +as- t~ tai eed ~ eas roll call ~t+s D~tta~ at C~-tcm, lllis~a, ~ -day +~~ ,'l~Z~~.~.,.....,~..:,- 136, Clark ~rf City a~ tc~, 1I1 s " se-t 'naa (Z 3'~Vd) t-bS9Z-SHd •uol;DOllddD sly; y;l,N sllD;ap aplnoJd Ilsa,~~"1 !l `;7 al OJd sly; y;IM UOI;tau UO~ ul ~~ua6D lDJapad Jay;O /(UD y;IM S;~DJjU07 i(UD aJay; aJ~l off $ .. ...................~y1O1 ~xsd s sx s'~q~ qo~ ;o 3~s('Oxd 'i1~O3 s~Qfu'j; O3 soH n-ssI P~8 OOO`Stg`t 3l9blldAb 3140 1Nf10Wd $ .. .......... ... .... (~(~loads) JayiO $ ' ' •sa;ool~l;JaO Jo spuog anuanaa $ ' ' • ' ' • spuog UOI;D611 fIO IDJaUa~ $ ...........yso~ ~JCl11VJ :;oaloJd ay; fo uol;onJ;suoo Job ;uooliddy ,(9 a19DIIDAD apow aq o; spund •y NOI1b01~ddV dO 31b0 d0 Sd NOI1dW210dN1 IdIJN`dNld AI NOIlJ3S ~JDa~ u6lsa4 anl`J) .. " " " " " ' " " ' ... uol;olndod u6lsaa (a;owl;s3 ~o slsog anl`J) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a;owl;s3 luol;olndod ;uasaJd $$S ~t . ................ .... ... ..... snsua0 0961 A213S b'321t/ Jlll"1'ddIJINf1W :uol;Dlndod •Q (noj~asts ou sausq 'P'tTi sacj~T~gd oH)t~anoO [q pssssd se-ssI Poog snusasg •a;op pasodoJd puD suold aglJOSap 'play uaaq ;ou soy uol;Dale yons ~l •e;Dp puD ;lnsaJ a;o;s 'play uaaq .tpoaJlo soy uol;Dale yons fl •o;a 'saxo; }o ~(~al 'spuoq ~o anssl 'uol;onJ;suoo ';oaloJd azl -Joy;no o; '•a•l 'uol;Dale }o asodJnd aylJOSaO •ua~iD;Jepun aq ~(Dw ;oaloJd aJO~ad paJlnbaJ sl uol;Dale uo Jay;ay,N a;o;S •0 sxxos- s8suss 3sux~sucrx o~ ss;~tO 8uz:=xoq~>ny sTosTttI ~o s3s3S ;o ss~n~s3g •;oaloJd pasodoJd ~o uol;DJado puD 'fiulououl~ 'uol;onJ;suoo Joi ~(;lJOy;nD lDBel aglJOSad •g (•o;a ';olJ;slp 'yslJOd '~(;unoo 'y6noJO9 'uMO; '~(;lo ',toua6o lodlolunwJa;ul Jo a;o;sJa;ul 'a;D;S '•6•a) :;UD~Ilddt/ ~O UOI;D7 I~ISSDI~ '~ [~ rV NOIlbW21OdNl "1`dJ3l III NOIIJ3S •sussa TesodsZp s~nnbspsa; xsggo pus ~~ ~~dss xo; peso sq~ s~su~ts tT'F~ assCoxd sglL •~~s[s =usnxd sq~ BuTpus3xs [q ps~-.tas sq ~ouasa gaTga pus 'sxse~ss saarq eau you seep qa;q~- ssxs us saxes tTTM sls~e[s pssodoxd sqy (•suol;onJ;sul ;o gll aeS) •plo loJapad ~o ~t;alJdoJd ay; 6ululwJa;ap Job DIJO;IJO ;aaw II!'N ;oaloJd pasodoJd ay; ,Noy '~lialJ9 aylJOSad •g •ssxs s;q3 xo; peen [trtaz®ouoos sq ~ouusa ssT3 -j~s; Su;;sjsg • sxshss Jtxs3xuss sasq ~raet aou op gajgM [xT0 w>r3 ;o sssss s8u;x; xo; 3usmseoxdet; ;o noja~nx;suoa u; asz:ss o~ sP~i •Pt~d ttT~ uoT~saztdds sqy (suol;onJ;sul ~o dil aag) •;oaloJd ay; Job d;lssaoau ollgnd puD;saJa;ul o!19nd ay; null;n0 •y 1O3fO21d ?JOd NO11'VOIdI1Sfl f II NO1103S PHS-2654-1 REV. 1-63 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE FORM APPROVED BUDGET BUREAU NO. ee•Re06 TO BE FILLED IN BY STATE Date received iset No. APPLICATION FGR FEDERAL GRANT FOR SELVAGE TREATl,~ENT WORKS UNDER 33 U. S. C. 466 et seq. (To b• submitted in triplicate to the State Water Pollution Control Agency-See instructions before completing application) SECTION I REQUEST AND CERTIFICATION A. REQUEST FOR CONSTRUCTION GRANT Location of Project: xilirela lnlter (State) (County or Parish) ~~ ~~ (City, Town, etc.) Cit et Cartes ale Cit~- !tall The (Address) (Legal name of applicant) Tl~.~re~ (herein (Post Office) (State) called the "Applicant") hereby makes application to the United States of America (herein called the "Government") for Federal assistance as above indicated in the construction of (herein called the "Project"). The attached statements and exhibits are hereby made part of this application and the undersigned representative of the Applicant certifies that the information in the application and in the attached statements and exhibits is true, correct, and complete to the best of his knowledge and belief. He further certifies that: He has been authorized to file this application by formal action of the governing body of the Applicant as is evidenced by the ATTACHED CERTIFIED COPY OF AUTHOR- IZATION MADE BY THE APPLICANT'S GOVERNING BODY; the governing body of the Applicant agrees that if a Federal grant for the Projset is made pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 466 et seq.),ths Ap- plicant will pay the remaining cost of the approved Project; and, the Applicant will provide proper and efficient operation and maintenance of the approved Project after completion of construction thereof. (Da e) T(Sigrnature of'Reprssentativs) Na and Title of R alive -Type or Print) B. STATEMENT BY STATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (To be completed by State Water Pollution Control Agency) The Project described above, if constructed in accordance with State approved plans and specifications, is in conformity with the State water ,pollution control plan submitted pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. _~~~ ~~~~~, Watt=, ~,~ (Official Name of Slats Water Pollution Control Agency) GRANT REQUESTED $ Ij;r~tOr (Signature of Responsible Officer) (Title of Officer) (Dots) B. Funds to be made available by Applicant for operQtian•ond maintenance of Project: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES TO BE COVERED: (Itemize amount per year for labor, chemicals, util- ities, supplies, etc.) Bstiaata for iutilitiee covered by this application: Po~rar Coats $150.00 par year Labor - 10 days Q $24.00 240.00 $750.00 per yeas SOURCES OF FUNDS: Water Works i Sewerage ltavantlte iChargas SECTION V ENGINEERING INFORMATION A. Description of Project (Attach a general description of the Project, and copies of engineering reports and available plans and specifications). (See Sec. VA of Instructions) B. Project cost estimate summary Total Project 1. Construction Dim. 8 .$ 53,497.31 (a) Contract No. ................. . (b) Contract No. . .................. $ (e) Contract No. ................... $ (d) Contract No. .................. : $ (e) Contract No. • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ (f) Later Contracts. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (g) Equipment and Materials ............ $ X3,997.31 Sub-Total ...................... . 2. Technical Services. ...................... $ 3. Legal and fiscal ....... ............... .v ... $ 4. Administrative .......... .......... ... $ 5. Contingency ........... ............ $ 6. Other (specify) ......... ............... .$ 18,000 7. sire . .............................. 8. Total ................... ....... $ For Grant Participation $ S©,002.14 $ $ 4 $ 30,002.14 $ 5,000.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 3,197.$8 $ xxxxx $60,000.00 PHS-2654-1 (PAGE 3) REV. i-63 .: es-t •naa ` (b 3°JVd) t-bS9Z-SHd s i~lS~'S~ tltt ~) r !'E1LL! R+~jTZ 'Pt'r~',~lS~,~tdffi ~~! ~ Ma~-~ rars~ +t~ ~sL ~ ~~~ ~r'ti"htt~ CAI 2'T"tIi ! i '~~,~ (J••u!Bu• s~juDa))ddt/ ~o J•gwnu •uoyd•(•; puD ssuppD '•woN~ s•a~~.•S Bu!J••u!Bu3 '3 •,(;!JOyjnD puD sjuawu!nb•J )DB•~ •)goa!)ddD o; J•;•J os)d •uoijis!nbaD Job p•J!nb•J •wij puD poy;•w p•sodoJd ayi ajoa!pui puD p•J!nbaD •q o; •JD ya)yM ,tD,N.~o-sjy6!J puD 's;u•w•so•'spuD) u! ;s•J•ju! ~o ju•jx• puD •Jnjou •yj •jD;S ~d~! *Op r*qQ :pa,!nbaD u••q +ou soy •;!s •y; !I 'L rNQ ~3aa~,tt~!! tq L~tNy,~ '~ P~wt~eir~ nq i~T3 •p.J)nbaD u.•q soy y„yJn •j!s u! js•J•ju! •s)a•Jd •y; •q!us•Q (q) ••j!s •yj ~o uo)jd)Jas•p )DB•) o yaD;;b (D) :uo,jow,ofu! Bu!,MO~)o~ •yj •p,~o,d 'p•J,nbao. u••q soy •j!s •yj }I 'L 'pa~!•a•J sp!q ~o uo!jD) -ngDj D pup fja DJjUOa yanf f0 S•IdOa jiwgns 'p•pJDMD u•• ,t D•J D •AD ¢~~~~ ~~~~~ 9 P I y ja•IoJd s!yj Jo} sjaDJjuoa uo!;anJjsuoa ~tuD ~)* •s~(Dp aopu•)Da-s! uo)jDJ•do u! ;»~oJd •yj gaD(d puD •j•)dwoa of •w!j uo!janJ;suoa p•jowijs3 '£ ___. p•jdaaaD si J•f~o;uDJB •yj J•jfD sJtop JDpu•)Da ~ u!y;!M sp!q Jof Buisij..~pD,of dpo•J •9 11!M suo!joa!~!a•ds puD suDld 'p•;d•aaD sl J•~~O juDJ6 •yj,•;~D slop JDPu•)Da .. ulyjlM;•I •q ))~M jaDJjuO~ •Z l :a)np•yas Bu)Jno))of •yj uiDjuiDw of p•JDd•Jd s! ;uoa))ddy •yl oN .f°A dP•PJDMD u••q sjaDJjuoa uoljanJjsuoa ~tuD •nDH ••)np•yaS uoijanJjsuo~ ja•IoJd •~ • t`` ~I:}I, I;r1 F~affination of pertinent documents and physical i#aepactio~ of sewage works construction and equippmamt of then having been me~de this ©~' :o~,~ra"~n '~~e portion of the project c-n~ as cc~amps~r the portion remaining. to be completed; IT IS ADD ,A,S pOLLQ~1$: The amount of construction work com~pleted~ movable equipment delivered to possession and control oP the applicemt„ i'ixed equipment installed, and service rendered, ,,;~~~. The estimated amount of construction work to be done, me~terials to be incorporated, movable squLpuent to be delivered fixed equipment to be installed, and services to be rendered., This Agreement does not constitute any authorization or approval, of the application for the project invalvpd. gigned this day of ....~,~..~ ~i~ ~~ at ~ ~_ ~ , .~ ~ , /~~ sprees G ve o Gan rHe Bo~dD FRANKLIN D.YODER,M.D.,M.P.H.,CHAIRMAN DIRlCTOR OF PUBLIC H[ALTH WILLIAM T. LODG[ RIR[GTOR OF CONt[RVATION ROBERT M. $CHNEIDER DIR[CTOR OF AGRIGU LTUR[ FRANCIS 8. LORENZ DIR[CTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDIN68 A. L. $ARGENT MUNICIPALITIE8 C. 8. BORUFF STATE OF ILLINOIB SANITARY WATER BOARD BPRINGFIELD INDUSTRY TECHNICAL SECRETARY CLARENCE W. KLA$SEN CHIEF SANITARY 6N61NEER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC H[ALTH ADDREB$ LETTERS TO: STATE SANITARY WAT[R BOARD SPRINOFI[LD, ILLINOIS e[~oe 'fir ~r ~..~.