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Resolution #414
~`y~y ft E S O L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, The City of Canton, Illinois, did heretofore and on dates hereinafter set forth, pass Ordinances for the issuing of General Obligation bonds as follows: Ordinance Number 134 for the issuing of General Obligation Bonds for the improvement of Canton Lake Spillway and. Water Works Improvement, in the amount of $250,000.00 which Ordinance was passed on the 7th day of August, 195t';; Ordinance Number 405 for the issuing of General Obligation Bonds for Water Works Improvement in the amount of $230,000.00, which Ordinance and passed on the 15th day of September, 1959; Ordinance Number 406 for the issuing of General Obligation Bonds for the construction Improvements and Extension of Sewerage Improvements in the amount of $170,000.00, which Ordinance was passed on the 15th day of September, 1959; said bonds, principal and interest, to be paid out of money re- ceived from general assessments levied annually; AND, WHEREAS, arrangements have now been maa~~ to pay said bonds from revenue received for service rendered for water and sewer to patrons in the City of Canton; THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois; That the County Clerk of the County of Fulton, Illinois, be notified that the annual tax levy for the above named bonds be abated for the taxable levy for .the year 1965, payable in 1966, and the said County Clerk be and he is hereby notified to refrain from the extending of taxes to pay the principal and interest on said bonds for said period of time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be notified of this Resolution by the Mexyor of the City of Canton, attested by the Citp Clerk, and the City Clerk deliver to said County Clerk a notice of this action and a certified copy of this Resolution. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, this 16th day of November, 1965. > APPROVED : !~~" ~ ,J ATTEST: ~ °''~c r--~ ~ .-,~ c -~ ~`~~~- / GJ, 9 TATS aF II.LI~iOZS CC3tINYY ~F Ft~L~l~ ~~. I?Z 4~' GAAT'~!~ j TAt ~M~L :3~PICH, ~~ tip' FULTC3N C~UN?Y, ILLI~t~23~ ICE3U al~~ HSREHY MpTIFII~b that a xeselution duly adapted by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illin©is, on. the 16th day of i~ovsmber, '19b5, that the ta~c levy far the f©lla~in~ bond issueu, to-~it* {~eueral ~3bZigaticn 8oeds, issued under C~rdinaacs ~ur~ber 1~~ adopted Auvst 7, 195?, for Lbe a,~roant of ~4~~iQ,,QO, for th+e purpose of providistg funds far improvement cif Canton Lake Spillway and dater ~©rks 2mproveeent~ t}eneral Ob3lgatian fonds, ia-sued under t~rd:tnanae lumbar ~©$ ndc~ggt~~ed Seaptember t ~ ~ 9 9~9~ ~"or tbo amount of ~2~4,i#.0fl, far the purpo~te nt pro*- vding funds for ~'ater ~'orkm I~prove~en~Cs; amd general Obligation bonds, issued under t~rdinancs dumber 4~6 adapted ~eptestbear 1 ~, 19gg, for the amount t~f 1701, 00(7. n© for the purpose of pro- vidng funds for the ~mprove~aents and Factension of Sewerage Improvements; are hereby abated and you are hereby directed not to extend any tax t© pay th® principal snd interest falling under said hand Issues fcr the year X965, co~.leetible in 1gbb. Q certified copy off' said Resolution is hereby attached and evade a part of this Notice. L ; ~ ,. ~ ` f y', ~ 2ATE t?F ii~t~ai~ ~ Ct~U~TY ~~' y~LTC~iT ) 9S. C I~? QF CJI~~'C~i j I, ~ELLI~ CRA~~'F9RI3, City Clerk of the City o!" Cantaa, Illiat~i~s, artd lawful .keeper of the rect~rds of the Qity ~-~" +~a~tcu~, Illia©is, and of the prpcdedin~s and rsaord~ of the City C~at~nail of the City of Gantan, Illinois, de herebg ~aertifg that the at« tacked RflL~TIC3~d is a tree and correct copy cif the . ~tes~rlt~tir~n p~tsseet by the City Council of the Citp of Cantors, I31ir~cis, at its rs~urlar session held an the tfith day cif ~iavember, l96~, in the Cit~r Hal of the City caf Canton, and the wh+~le of said reat~- ltitiQn, whi©b resolution eras entered on the rec®rds of the said City Cousscil. I~ ~I T~'tE3S WH~bt~t3~', ~, have set ~3' hand and affixed tho corporate seal of the City oi' Canton, Illinois, this 17~ih dsg of Hc~ve~ber, ~9b5. ~~ ~ ~ f er ~ t~;;, Canton, Tllinaiat.