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Affi0~1TId1 ~~P'PRdiII~ ~PPLTCAT'IOiI lit P'KiLIfR~tT ~ ~ .. .. ~ .. .
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11R1~!ffit8~ it is tAe polia~ o! thin locaYLty to'~•1'ti~doat• sabtrd Ord' e~wMi~~'
ilia3equtte houais~, to Fr ev~snt the spread of a~laa~e as~d b3igbt~ sad to realise ar
sc~cn aai Seuihle the' `oal of a dscrnt hosie iii a pa;table ~~ arisoa~at ,toe . „
a1.1 ~! it~e oitiseas; at~d ~ .
N~A3, tinder the provisions o! the OrtiZsd mates gawd~og Aot of 1937, u
amended, tM IIidted States of 1laerioa~ 8otisiag lls~dataa®s AdwiAiatratioa (heareia~-
utter called the "Qoaern~rsnt") is authorised to ~ratide tinana~ial assistaase to
local. publio housing agsnol.es !or nitdbrtakitu attl oa*r:inr aat~ preli~daar~- plus.
add o! 1oM~rea~t housing pro3ects that Mill asa~ist is s-eetint t~i,e goal] assd
' it1f~F~Ad, the ~ Aot paro~idss tbllt the^e .shall be ]+oosl s~rteridar~i.on of to:.
,31roM-~raYaR harm :to a~teE needs not being ade~nats]J stun b! pei~aiM asetespeiar agad`,
~"~hat the' Gowrn~snt sbah not sialce aopr aoa~r not xith a o]~a~ ter
~,~reliaeitu~ loans toes sotl-eye and p~~ ,ia re~peai~ to ~ lsovrdssg
pao~eota tmUer t!N jotersd.ad bold of tbs lodality inrohd hear 1p- sea,ol~a~Lea~
a~pparo~red' tar app~lioaf~oa o! the poblio hoa<ai>~ agena0r 'tai ausad parr]lsiaaarfr htsf
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the ~lt0t! ~rttlk-rity A oalted t1i '
"Local Authority" s a pu a ousing agency s app to ttse Got+erarnt tar
a preliainary loan to oo-er the costa. of aurtroye and plaisd~ is- ooaneotia~ tdt#t
'the ds~eloprot dt loM-rent hausiog j
'~ fQ~, TH®t1~0~/, De it rao~by ~~ _ Ql° tY Cbm~oLl_'"
~ e~ the ~ '~~1' o!. • ~ as o t
1. There exists in the " .,.~ ~t7 - . o[ ~ ~ . ~~ • ~ a
need for aneh lotf•rant hq~sing~ rs r Ml,thia • tr a~gs o f , ,
` '~ :2. T1ie appl3:oation of tb* beoal Aut:foeity to the tsareraaeet tae a prel~s~inary
loan in an as~onat a~ot to exceed $ ~:~ !br eurtgs sad ~pl.aatdag to
'cot~eotioa Mith loM-rent housing~o • s ~o
lOQ dMS111ng unite is hereby appro~¢• ' ~-
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:;RO ;iuly 1966
RFSCLu' IAN Nq. ` ,'
r .,R Lt.~1-F.t;NT PUBLIC HgtitiilNG
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~~ ~%-~ ? , ~~ ', °:: t~ ~~ r tt~.3..~ locality to eliminate substardar~i ~.nd otr.er
~~ ~ ~.4-t ~'~~^=~ r=,~ • f "- ,e `"c. y~read of slams arxd bli~,ht, and to reu~~~e a;;
. ~ r~ _ k," +r:~> p C~r~ti :~i' a c~t~cE.'nt home in a suitable living emrironmcnt ~or
lic~.~r `;~:_, under the ; r~ ;;ions of the United States Housing Act of l93?, as
r trr,~ ~~~ ,t, , r ' ^~~~ ica, Hou_in~; Assistance Administratior ~rein~
_,_ - - ~ ~ :;, - _:~r art '' a~,~ ~...
~H ~ t.- ..yt,•~or-izea tc ~,rov±de financial assietsrrt-~< ±.o
' ,. ~ ~L ~ h: ,;~~ ~,f?, c:r~ ixrdertaking and carrying chit prelir`inary plara-
:~:,~ ~f _~ ~ ~'c:~~t -~ ,c*,~ *.:;gat will assist: in meeting this goa%., an+.
`'~' '~ ~ ~, ~ : t ~~-,:vi des that. there shall be local determd-nation of need fa
loN x~cr, ;z asira -: mee r~k:ids not being adequately met by private enterr:,r~?sc and
t~ t ~ 't? ~ r,w + , mater; ar~y c~mtr act with a public ho~~~:in~• ~~;enc~;r ~';,,
r ~.i`~.1 ,~::I"`~ ~ ~~,: `.':~r "~r ~pC planning in re5 eCt t0 -
. p any low-rent hc; ~s.iz,~ry
~.~~'~±;; '•~ „ ,` ~,' ~' a"~a ~, 4o~~,r of the locality involved has by resolut-i~~r
aFt~rc.,e~.~ tt~.P afa4.Sy~~ati A ~" the public housing; agency fcr such rE~li:rd,n
~,;d p ary lc<~;,
=~i~"'~.EA~-~, ~.,he °~ ; ., c~ ~: ~ .. = i;,;- A~a~:,i~cri *y (herein cal~.ed the
"Local ~:uthorit;rf~) is a ~ blic housing agency and is applying to the Government for
a prel3.minarTy lo;dn to coy :r the costs of surveys and planning in connection with
the dov~elopment of lo,;-•rer:t housing,
~ar~. ~c~~:R.F;FG;~.B, ~ _. , resolved by the G~' ~ Co~~n•~.i.I
~,:, ~h _, _.,, --,
-~-~------------- _._ .. ..._ ... - - as oll ~ws
.. ~ , exist. ~ :r °,r<<.. - ~ of "~.;~'::7- L,~ ,~,.
.._ a
r, ~F~~ ~ =='~~`h l.o`~r-rf= ~~ t ;,~.,G:ing at rents within t e ~ ans o loW- ncome amities;
,, ;:.
he arn~;~~ ;h ,t y ~;_' the Lcca1 E,utharit to the Gwexz~nent for a
i y prelimin ~~ry
~.: an arrsctznt x; ,'. t., :x~:~eed :z ~ a ~'+'''
£or suxve~ys and plann:l.nE i~:
r, ~°t ~on ~: th loc.- r±, housing proje s o not to exceed approximate],p
.....,_ 4 ~. tsrgl%ing units is hereby aPPro,~d. --`----.-.