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Resolution #449
., R E S O L U '1' I 0 11 N 0. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTOT~T, ILLINOISs SECTION 1. That the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars (~9~000.00) be transferred from the Public Comfort Station Fund of the City of Canton to the Road and Bridge Fund of said City. SECTIO?~T 2. That the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars (~~.0~000.00) be transferred from the General Fund bf the ~it~ ©f' °Canton t~o ttie- Road and Bridge Fund of said City. SECTT01? 3. That the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars (~60~000.00) be transferred from the Qeneral ~- -~und of the City of Canton to the Fire Protection Fund of said Cif. SECTION 1~.. That the City Treasvser and City Clerlt be and they are hereby authorized to make said transfer. PASSED by the City Council and anProved by the Mayor this 25th day of Anri.l A , D. ~ 1967, APPROVED:-y~ ~~D~ ~,0 , OR c._. ~ , ATTEST: CITY CLERK Resolutions for Tuesday'ts Meeting From PuUlic Ccenfort Fund to Road and Bridge Fund ~9~000.00 From General Fund to Road and Bridge Fund ~~.0, 000.00 From General Fmnd to Fire 1'ortoction Fund X60,000.00