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Resolution #451
R~sC?~,UT~~R ~~1... RR'~l'l~ R~~~,t~'i'xC3l~ aPR4V2Nq t~'~R~tTA~tl'~'t~ ~~' aR~I~R~L R~I~R~t7Rxat~I3 R~7~LI, PIi ~ P'TLI~I'C~ t3~' APPLICATl4R ~`43R ~`RAi- a~3YA~fit1~ dF i~CCt H3C ~ ~'ITY ~P' ~aR~~QRr IL~TR~I~ ~R~A9 ~ Wider ~'itle ~ aP 'the Houair~ aet e~f ~,93~9, ~-a nd~-d the ~~fic~,ar~x axtd - Rye ~'ina»ae Administrator stay ~sa~o ad~ano~e~ aP t"'tinde to l~+aa2 ,~ublio a~cenoies far tha° preparatirax~ ~-f ~~r~eral ~ei~hbear~r~ed Ran wax Flans P~-r areas defined in lea Toni lt?2d of suoh. "Pit3,e w~-are the intere~et oP sou~-d oounit~- planning ~makes> it ~dssirable that the urban rehewal aotivities prnpmsed ~~~- the - az~eas be ~r1,e~nned in their enti~ret~-; and RRRA~ Tula YT ~rP the ~'ivil Rights tot caP 19b~, and t~-e regul~ttivne ~rx the Rausizzg and Ro~tte Firianoe A that T~.tle prd~ris~e that nd 9 Aft'e~tunting person, ehail, nn the ~-e~ptd bf x~toe, solar„ c-r natlohal ~-rigin, be exoluded Proms partit~ipatic~n in, be dex~l,ad the be~e~`ita s~f, yr be sub~ooted to di+~o~-.tsruCism in $h~ us~dertaktng aid o arry~,ng out C-f urban rextewa~, pr~- eats as s i~ tad' tuide~ Title l' o~ the Reusing Aot trf 191~g~ ,~e ~~,-ned; and ~RRRAg it is deeix~al~le and in thm publio tntvree~t 'ghat the Citr oP ~~riton prepare a general i~eighbarh©od Renewal ~'lau, ~rre- sently erat3matac! tc oust '~.~r~~~~ ~~, in that +~erta3ri area., hare.in desi~Rted a ~enera~ Raighbarhd Renewal Area, 1t~oatsd in t~se C~3tY v~ Cantaa~., aunty t~~ ~ulto~,„ and :~tabe oP Zlliaoia, and descri'~ed ~~ itr~laws ~ ~+ei at the interseatos~ off' goat Wal~tt gtx~+~e~ .arid the easta bd~y of the City listts~ thenoe ~e~thwa~dl~r along the eastern bc~at~tdary off` the Giti~r l~:i~s to the mc~nxthern batdar;~ oaf thrt right~-v~'~~ra~- of the T.~ Rai~,r+~ad traoks ~ tharaso aantitaatng ~rea~-- xar+Q1Y Rlnr~g the southern baux~,dax-y off' bhe rigb~•a,~-war vt' tie ~~~T Railaroad tra~s~cs to a p4ittt ©~" interseotivn with gouth R~sth Ave~ue# Cherie eontitir~ sc~uthwar~lly al+~ng gcth ~tinth Avex~te t+~ ~ pr~mt of l~tersertti+an with Bast oak dtreeat ~ thez~c~r ec~ntinnir~g r~eet~,rardly along $ast Oak street to a pot~at cif intarue~tiaxt with the ear-te~i 1ia~es at residential property alarms the Rae side ~-f gr~-uh 33acth Avex~ae ~ ther~oe eox~tinuing southxardlg along the ea~rtern 1i,p o resident~,al p-rcrperty alarng .the ~ae~~ slde cat gc~uth" Rath Avexa ~© ~- paint of interseotian with the aenter dine mF fast ht,nn streets then,c• ac~nhlzsti eaeter~.~ along ~aet ~i~an street to the eas~e~*n bcundar~r ~~` ths~ity Baits f thenoe o~sntii *ou~h~rardl~r along the •aaterxa boundary air the ~ltq limits to the eaubharn b~dary +~~" t~s Cit~r lintitsg thence ~cc~ntixsxng reetwardxy along the sc~u~xeru ba~ndary pt" the ~itg li~~,ts to ~ pe~in'~ oP inte~eeatiun with ~auth Main 9tre0t p thenoe o®ntnuing AQ~°th~rardly alaar~g ~t-uth data Street to a p+oirstz mi' interseotiQn off' test Riokory gtreet$ thence trestWardl~- along, Meet R'1~horY to a pgrint of irtter,~eoticaz~ ~r3.th gc>uth ~,vanui ~; thanes r-orthwardly alb 9t~.th Avee B,, to tlne sou'b~herr~ bdapy of the right~o~`~-gray c~~' ~~ae TPa~ Rai~.raka~f tra~o,~~ th,~~rae e~-a#~r~ardl~r al~rng the, ~o~tthe~rn boundary of 6he ~"W Railroad traake try a paint of int®ree~ction with ttth ~'hird A~-enua~ thence southwax~ly al.o~g south Third street to a p®ir~t off' inter~reo~tivn. with t ~-ak dtreat~ thex~ae eaetwardxg aloe ~Saet yak street to a pal~at aF ihterseerton with the: Eastern ~o~-dary of the right-of~~ray ~-~ the Q~ Railrr~ad tracl~; thence s~ar~shwardly along the eastern ba~adaa~y ~-#~ th$ ri t~ v~`-~,ra~t a~" the 1~ Ra3lras-d ~rac~r~ ~a e, ~r~tnt ~~` interseat~.+~r~ With the gc~utherx~ 'br~ndary rrf the right•at'«way of the T~ Railroad t~aaks;~. n'ae"Ehstta'atd:i~ along ~ the ` ~'outhern ~i©ti~~ar~~ . of ~. th~''~it- x~f~~r~y oi'4the'.~?.P&W::"R~ai~ro4d"=tracks ,toga pont~~of':intersecttin~~with ~QUth-" ~ftYi= ~u~nue;°w.thence nor~thwardly. ai.ong~ :3buth.`gift~~~~veh~t~~~.~to a point of intersection with E. Walnut St;; thence eastwatdly along E. R94L1t?:t~ ~~t..,.,.,.,.,,-.. Walrartt street t'ca the pant ~-f beginning. Pag~- ~ rbr that s prv~e+mt be initiated in the eaaterr~ pcr~rtiQn ©f tie E~~R1' area, said prc+~eat to be nwn +~s '~aat pale Pra~eat~ ~ to tx>talnd'e ttae area with bo~snd~.riea as folZowa s ~lsgit~ning at a, paint At #h+a ~~-nte-r line 4f 1~aln~at gtrse~ anQ th4 eaate~rn bcn~zadary bf the flitp 1i~,1te; thence si~h~rardly a~.on,~ the eastern boundary mt' the !Citp lim~ta to the arouthe~n bc~undat*y ©~' the rsgh~-caf~-~ap 4P the '~~drW R~.lr+~ad tx~ackar; th~riae c~mntiriu,~.x~g w+~extwardly along the aouthera bc~xx~dary of the rightws~F-sag of trrhe 'fP~kW Railr©ad tracks tc~ a point of interasctic~n with Swath T~iinlsh AVt~i'~,e; theiruse ~-c+uthwardly slang Sa-uth ffiinth Ae'enue to point of inte~eectian with gaart pak Street, t~iez~ca- westwardly alpng Sa.at QaIC qtr®et to a pdni~ of int~resctioa~ With thew oaafie ~.inea cf r~r~rid®ntia2 propertq a:iah, the gaidtt aid+~ of Sauth ~~.ath Avenue thence aouth~tardlp a~.c~ng the e~e~tern lines of rea~S,dential pro ar1~~r along trie ~a~rt arias r,,f Sc>u.th SiAth A~renue to a pesi,nt of inte.r$e~ati~-ra Wi'~h the raenter line- of ~aat 1-inn Strt~et; thence eaet~rardly alvhg ~a~t Linn S'~reat to the $aatmrn `bsanandar~r of tha City li~it,~g thanes eeat~thwardly ale~ng the eastern bndary oaf the Citp 1#atita to tha ~tla~tthern b©undary of the Cit~r laliter f thence weetwss,rdl~r along the ~r+~utherxi bcntnc~arp o.f the pity ].i,~a3ta to the- ea;~tern b~a~cndarq of the r~.ghtw~af••way a~` the C4~ Railroad tra;cl~s; thex~o+e nc+rthwardly t4 the southern boundary of the right~-af-way fay the ~F'~W Railar~-ad 1'raalc~rl tharnee east~rardly along the ac~utthern b«undary cif th® rigkat-of-war ©f the "f'Z,i.rcaad tracks td the center line of ~'3Pth Avenue; thence r~ot-thwardly al~-ng the c~ant.+~r lire of South ~"i#'th ~venua to the cen.tsr line of Walnut ~troa't to the pdix~t ~~` 'baginnng~. ~TdW, T~Ht3R~, .HI I~ R~~LY~I~ ~~` T~ CI~'Y pp' pA"t, Ct~1~'"'~' a~ FtrLTO~ s 1. What the prapased C&eneral ~larighb~rrhaad Renewal Area daeoxibed ab+gve is am area. c~onsiat~.xig cif an arban ~rene~ral aria ar areas ~ and aa~~oini.ng areae~ hav~.xig +apscially related pr+~blenrs ~ ~, whiceh is of such wise that the urban renewal activi;t~.ee in tha ar'ban rer~awal area cr areas mag have tt~ be init~.ated in :arta-g~ss ~sax~~tiatant with. the capacity and rear ~roea of the pity t~f Cahtt~-M 2111ncaie aver an eati~ated period of not more than ~ 8 year,. 2„ `hat the and®rtaking by the City of Canton ~~` the p~-e«. paratia~ r~P ~- tlehera,3. I~'eigl~barha+~d Renewal flan fc~r the C~ener,sl ~eghb~+rh~~rd 1~e~ae~ral Area desaz~ibed above i~r hsrebg approved:. ~. ghat it'i~e cognisant of the intention of the Citp of Cax~tan t~- ux~derta~Ce an urban renewal pro~eet prv~ptlp up+an c~• platian o2` the tlenaral ~eighbarhoad Renewal Plan end t2~e' prepara- Lion ©f an ur~aan renewal. plan t'or sash pr©~ectf xhitah prca~'e~at sha11 eMbrace at least lp per+~~-nt vP the urban r+az~ewal area or areas with3.h, the t3~:a+aral ~eigbbrsnc~-od Renewal Area and ~iha~l tae of the c?aax~a~ster contemplated by Section 114(a~ cif tle 1. ~: 'ghat ~t is cvgni$ant at' the aanditicrne that are imposed in th+s undertahi~g aztd aarrging c-ut oP tarba,n rerwal gro~ecte~ with Federal i'lnantaial asreri~rtantae Wider Title 1, s~esluding th©sa rs3ating to ~s) a feasible raethc-d oP rarlr~catian, ~b~! the proviso:©n s~f neaea~+arp 1c~cal grants.-in~-aid, and ~ a} the prp~aibitian of diet+ oriminatio~x beaauae of race, col©r, Breed, ar nat~.a~al ariglb; ' ae v~eZX as the. regairement of Section Id~tdy of Titla- ~ that a ~~Y~S7 ~r~"'dl ~K~i+ibp-~-hotu9 ~x~~~ ~~~ oc~~1'a~t Q ith~ laoal#t~~ ~ ~~-~tw 113"A~. _~"I~.t l~1t~ Wf~1'~[IBl~9~~ ~''x~a~s~itt~ .i~ OI" E±CiL'l~~k+'~ '~'+-' ~"G"I~~'3~"i M '~~~~ ~~ a th+~ inte~i~e~ at ~hi~ ba~cly ~~~ ~~~ ~snoral ~ei~~barih~m-d ~t®aar~al ~l~ ~~1 '~tlr used tc~ the t".le~~ •xtsr~~ t'Ma~r~b3u a~ a gt~idw ~'~~ the px~-~'~~iw~ gat p~:tbl~t~ ~tp~~t-sauera~s ~ ~~e S~~rNI "~eixbo~h~a~a R~r~rra~~. ~:~- d ~~ ~ .~ ~~.ll b~ c~ox~~~sred ~n ~~la~s~-g ac~~ +d other x~e ~~~~~- +~su~e a~'Pe+~ti ,pror~~r ix~ ~u~F~ Area a~~t ~,~ ~dsr~ar,~ cr~~a+~r 1+~±~a~. ~~ra~~e~t~l a+~t~ir-ite~e p~r~~t.~ix~g too t~haa develep~-a~t, red+~~,~lvp~» Wit, ~eb,abi~~.~atiir~x~,~ sand ~c~~ru~aw'ati4r~ Q~' the A-~ea« 6. Mat tie t'S~lxn~ a~' + +~l~.~m~at~~a~a of th~r ~itiy of Ca~c~aa tt~r ~~ a,~r-a~.~ae n~ Pt~edtr ~`~rc~a the ~tx~tsd ~~ut~-~ ~+~ e~,l~- #'t ~v ~tef ~~~ -~~~ ~a~~ dt' p~e~a~~: a ts~~c+r~s~ ~~,1a-b~-~h+~a~ ~e~srral ~'1a~ !`c+r i~he pr~-pc~~~d flke~x~~;]. l~eig2a'b+e~-h~d ~e~-+~a~. ~.re~e, ds,~~ri,b+~d ~rbove ~~ hex~e~bg ~pp~wed. a~t3~~? ~~' ~ ~S~`~ C~}~tNE3~~, !J~` ''E GY~'Y 4' CA14T4I~ ~ ~`~' ~' m MAYK~~t *~`Z ~ da~r tit`: , 396'x. a~~av-: f ATfi'~ t ..