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Resolution #459
~I~:9____ ~' (.~Iy ,ST`t~~S.,I:=;1-ltlbv ~~i~,J~i:L:~Id[i '~d~1~I~a W~~::`~1.Y.1~~~u`, Illinois hevi5ed ~tatu.tes Chapter 4~ 3y~ 1 ~ ~~ ,' 39a-12, ~'revailin~ ~~y'a ~ i..aw, axg amended Au,~u~t ~, 1961 , requires " that the put~lic body awarding; any cor:tract :f'ar public work shall `; `~ ,~ ascertain the ~ `~...._.. ~enera.l pr~svailin~ hourly rate of wages far employees enPar~Ed an. such work, and. «"Ji?~:;t~,~:laa, the :>tGt~te,•, .furt~~r provide that said ratE~s of pay be pt.~blicly pa~~t~5~:~ and%~~r kept, available f cr inspeetia~~x by any interested. party and a cPrt:~ f.'i.~c ropy trer~af` promptly filed in the of#'ice a~f~ tt~~: >ecr~~tmr~y c~:~" State, ~~ `3'i,I';F~.p (.~L., r::I :: x' 'Z ".;,.I'vi-:~ ~~.` `t',~;:~: ~I'I"Y ~GtlikCli, i:~~' Ir:: CT"I'Y E~f° CA1`;1'C'?u, S:S.'.,Ii~C~I~~, t~.at tree determination of the prevail- in~ wages as :yet fcrt~: iri t~~: attached. acpiedule which is made a part t~f thj.~ Ftes~~li,~tz_c,z; tr,~ sa1~~~: as :if incarporatet3 kierein, are the preva:ilin r~ourly rates af' vra~~;s bc:i.r~~ paid to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics Pnma~;e:d in thF car~;tructian oi' hi~;hwa;-;~ rind streets in this laca:l.ity ~~nr .,^,uc~~ r.>ul~:lic, ~,u~..:l.cl;in,R;,~ cn~;~zn;~ under the jurisdiction ei' t.ai;~ ~~r'iunicj pal.ity. ~~ I'r' ~t'I'.~'Ef3.,I~ ~~~~,'i~I~l~ L;U, t.t~-at nothing he~reiri cantain.ed snail be construed tc~ app;i,.y tc: thti~ pr. eva.~.lin~ t3ourly rate of wages in the ~..ocality for eTnplcyr~c3nt Ut~Pr t~c~n public ;corks con^tructian as defined. in the hct, and I~~: I'1` ~'t1~:T,'~~.~z~ ILf~:w;UI,V~Li, that tre ~.~7unty C~.erk b~; aria die is r~ereby G~uthax•:~;aed to i'i1F a certified copy pf t~;is L~*ego].utian with the Secretary a.' State. ~' S~;I',I; ley t}ie Ci1:y ~.%curc:i.i 4,pa~I ap raved ~y t~~i; ;!.~~yc~r this ~~~~ay ~ ~' .,...~,,,~ ~~.:~=~...~.__~_..._ t; • ~. ~ 9~7 . .~~!.. ~ ~} l r / ~+' l r; I 'Y ~ i:~.:It~; . 3'?'~~~~, :F' I~iTi~C'~:I } ~ ~, ~11~~~4~~1~ 4'~~ 1' U+w~1V1~ I, hcinr~; ~~r~~crly ~~~.~tf~ar~.^e~d, c!o h~r~hy certify ttitat l~~S,.. .(.~41 l~~.jV 111;:...1 J ,.. acApt~:c~ by tl:c City vaa. T.in~ licurly Y~~:~~,~~ t:rLar• ,;ire crrr~ct c~p;r cif a F~~©1i~tivn 4c:i.x~ci~. oi' t,~;e City cif ~~ntcsn, l:llir~~ig, ~''r:~yT~r c>f s~~id Citf, cn this ddy of ......._.,......~_1 `~F>~, a~'t~r~ ~.~re~rtain~.n~ thFs. r>rc- ~:~° ~~au;~cc, ~°c~x-' r~xi~~.~i_c ~rc~rk~ in this Cit~r. 6 i I ` 1~ / ITAT[ OF ILLINOI• OTTO K[RN[R, GOV[RNOR DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JOHN E. CU LLERTON ^PRINGPI6LD FERN R. RAUCH DIRiCTOR ~~ ASSIBTANT DIWECTOR "' F[7 ON COUNTY Au 11 1967 Pr®vaiiing Rate of Wages for Construction Work in.......k~ ...............................Area on ..........&.:........x..............................._ InWI~- ~' eASlc FOREMAN HquRS FRINGE B[NEFITt CRAFT OR ORGANIZATION RATE WAT[ pgR OV ERTIMg W[LPAR[ P[NLION VACATION OTHER r~_. PER HR, pgR NR. pyggl( RATE RATH RAT[ RAT[ FRJNG[g P[R HR. P[R HR. P[R MR. P!R HR. Masons zg~ Fa I', ' ~. !~.. ~~~ a1:k ~- ' ~ ~ wt~, ~3t w~c4~ } „~ ~~~ I; ~'r. r~, a ~` ~ 'r ~..l~a ~~tit ~r '~'Sa I'~:' ^I ~~~ , ~ ~ ~ r. •N4• Cti~ ~ ~~ ~'r~4 M f ,nx1;~ y ~w~ i j~X4''~!~•. - a y~~at -~7' S,': - :~'~~~~p ~•~ ~ : a, . ~ }~~,a~x -~.~~ ~ ~,xr ! ,~ w : it z`~ .~- '' ~1 ALiLi•M~7• ~ yt~ r ' ~ • , rC i~ ~~ !/iii `yMr ~ejj ~ A + 14{ ~ ~ :;1, , ; ~ ~ • ¢ ~'~ . yam ~} ''r '~'~ +~~; y' ~t`...,t .`'r' a Rk~ ,'~' ~ ~ u~ l1~- _- ~ :i ~ ~Q._ ~ nt. j -.. ~ ,Y 'r ~r~`.~` and lrl ~,~'~~ ~tm ~'• c~rat~ Ot 111i,a01df -`:~ ` y~9t~`fN{rYii ~+i'' ,~~~'~~' ~-~'#~,~e.~ •,.r~-~Sl:+fi ~%~'~~,'~, :~. ~.r : a'+ t ,'<<_ ?~ ~ s m.,.'y ~` ~ X' ,}'.. •. a _ sides ~, "~,oo~+aos'~:rnct _au~ aaiul~a o~ar+t alt aims .~a ~eg~~oa {' vi to ~ a •- .-- ,. ~~~ iii outlined in Fermin lfa 4 • li• ~" .w ~` ,,, ~~-~'''-~~ }' a.r.. ~„~~~ M. a~•,~~, ~ ~, T:i'•~. 3.~ Y, ~~.k~•t s~`x ~ ~ i;'- '~ t1 ~ `r it "~ a•" ~ et ~~~ ~ ~ t ~ii .'f'"` ~j ~ i~~.l'~, i~ ~*. ^T. t ~ ~w _ ,tN..::~+' 'f ~ '..+~r{r,s °'Tc¢y •' ~ « •~~ :l °~~..~ .~•~'r+~ r:4~' ;e ~ .. .ti ~ `}.Z . . ~ c.. ,.. a =_ '~^' ~a~• K: ~ ti ~i 'rP ~` -if' • `Vt •, °ir.; r ~?t Y ~', ~{'r f ,~N .- a ~^s ~ ... ,ti. ~ a- - ~"- ~ Yr`rr: P4wA '~•-r ~ ~~ ~ i ~ :~• ~ a 7., a ~'~ ,y ~ ~ -~ vbikb' : sari; . oca~sa'. u~r tba juriadiotiao and coati~ol o! tbs DsyarLnwnt o! Pulsll ~~ ~ _ ~' ti1C~[~ ~aAd HliildinQai OZ ttN StaLr •O!' ~~nOlf~.•and ~ kv ~.. .. r DilOrs ~~ 1i~Or!< COn Dt :'~,~~~ • VI~FRPAS, a; paiait ~m salad Dspat~sRt la ZrQuls'sd 1 vadertakp~ ~ tau ~ ' ° Ci#~~ of C+iaton;,,,~.,,., .. . ~~-~ j ~ ,, ~ ~, ~~.~ ~~ tt>• +" ;DitT ollCimton ~a' ' ~ ~S . a ~ . ~ ~. THI~F'~E~ bs"• pit r solv+~d • R l~til.too SLa'L, O! "iLl~lOis. ' y , , "~ ,~, •Couat1 Old, + '~• 3 } "~ 1 ~ y •~ ~f '1.Tirs'tit ?'bat ~ do ber~by raquast'~traa ~ •D'partssat of Pub].l~o {ioslts ~ ~,y.= •,' Bulldia~~ Stag ot. I111aoisR a ~~it y autboeiSisss tbs . ~ ~. . _ r ~.•'' ,.~ ", ~, i ~w *, +,. . 1 , • ~,• C it of •Caatcas ~ _ r , ~ _i. p~ocsed wiffi tb~ vork haroia d~seribsd. • ~ e ,• • ,.. ,, ~ e-F,; ~` r ~ ` P ~•, •y,y$zY~r lY Y-; .: ~~ ga00r1dt . '~itt ~rlr hereby p]rsdso ~ laitb O! ., • rf......5 sti ~ '~' .•. •'1 *ar .~ ) ~'I "t . ~. _R 3 '^~*, ~• ,w.v '' '. ' tf and • Quar~ata.. that ' wrk ~ t ~~r - _ ; ~ r o! tba permit to b •srantad , ~ thi Dspart~ai , ,~ Stets of aliaoL, ,arid to, bold b~ .Stab ol,Illirais, ~partsan` o!••Pumlio _ . that ~ mom' ~o Psr!aaa •or ~';~ ' ~ and 8ytil~dLas~ ham].as~, m aaoowL o! ~ .drah pzopsrt,~, : during tba prosooutioei of 'snch wilt ~ acid asses a111iabilitjr !o= da~t~ ,• t4 parscas or propartT, dna to riooi,daot~~~oe~o~rr+ias~ b0- i"sasm a! t~ ko~t ~~ t ~isloo~ od sa3rd pssait .. ~ ' x ' ,,~ , • is to ba parto:~d under ~ pso ~ . . ~ ~. ~ f,~, ~~ ~., :t ~ ; ; ~ + .; ' ~* 'jlilydl ~ . ?ltat r1i ti~r+b~ Gtatt tlsat the pr'OpoNd . rioac ~' ~ DOt~* t0~ ~'~ ~ ., ~ ~ per, o!Y•iatrt O! LtM , ,,~, f ~ ~. r - ~ . ;. • ~ ~. 9"~ ~s~ ~~i ~,~,~''i4a,`„ > ~F,. ~ 84k b ' ~r ~~~ Vit Vl ~ian , ~ • •• ~~ 1M. ~,,~ LIMY :. . ~ a•. •' ". ~ C ~y 1 ~ r .Y,. t ~ ,i~.,!rc. -`r;'t'.r " ° ~': ta~•,.,.,,,y ~s 'r.,' ~ rt ~~ r.~..- .. ~ ~ ,~~M ' r~~+~~ ,. ~ y, € , tdk, <~, ;.,~, . ~ ~, .~( n Z -~ .i, t .k.: it-. -.~ ~ ?+ iii 7 .. .. r • • ~ a ~ '~ ,~1 ,p ., ; 'Q l ~§ 1. 3.d; h. ~ ~{~ ~~ ~ ~• ' Jr :, ST `"sin" • ' w • • ~*..r .r ~.'r- rt ,~'.~. ,°.I'-` +'.. * ~,: k- ~rf .'i~ ~''f ~y4 ~J' .~~'a~~ 7y/ .e r $~ o~ w ` „'. ~ r~~•6.~ ~t,~'~~~•! rj `i... q sia} ~a.h +~tr '~ a r~ A~~rr~ #~ ;~' rf ,4i'~„•~'~ • a~~ •~ r'Ars j ~'.".+t +.'~"' S~ C i '~ a•/ y. '~1 $ ~ y~ "' ~ T~ r ,~•~ '~i g ~ti. .~ ~ F ''t a-,.v > ` "A.t ~r '2r ~""~ 71t,'+'~`' ~ +a• i ~7 ,` ., •~w 1• f ~..a-Y r ~~..v . ~ r... .r • ,mac-. `~ r 7iu7i_7ii.w/M Y , ~, r r t. ~ ~ f . t F v. «,r is ' , :., .. p(~~ yF;, '4 * ~ '' a ~° rk, ~ ~ 'y'fSs ~ v t4~ ~ ~ ~~. 'y~~c,' ~, + ~' l~ ••; • =~' :rah ~ . i •~ z ~ Y p' ,. rr ''~" rad'9 ~'P M •ew:W ~ ~. '~~ t. ~'7~~q `~~t#~9~df •,i~ ~~:, ~}~+ -n~ - •, .ear a ~^ •~ . f f. ~ '~` af. ~. }-~~so~uTia~- E WHERE' A$, the , ~ i.h ,! ~~ ~-H!"a toil) ~ , ' located in the County of F'~Yltnn ~ , State of Illinaia, wishes to loco*a corgi±.r°ucr. aasi~ tMi.*tair~ a`concrete sidewalk along Fbout~ 7$, ~eetian (1J,4. ~ 5 )W&~9 ~ ag rut.I .i.na;s~ ~ n i'~r~:1 t No. k-`~'?O1 y 1 whikh, by ],aw, ecngsa under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Pub11o Works and Buildings, of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from sal,d Department is required before said work can be legally undertaken by er~id {' + ty csf CaAte~ r ;j,,,,,,_„_~.,,,, ~ T3Cw THFr'REFORE, be it resolved by the C ttv of Canton County of i^-~-it~~r' , Statd of ILlinoia. Fist= That we do hereby request from the Departffient of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, a permit authoriRing the 1 ty of Canton _ to proceed with the work herein described. µ , Seconds That we hereby pl®dge the good faith of the .. ; .~ , `- ~ City of ar: ton and guarantee that all soork shall be perlosm+~d !a : ~uacord~ae with the oonditions of the pern-it to be •granted by the Department of Public Works and' Build3a~'~t`~-~"~r State of Illinois, acid to hold the State of Illinois, Depart~nant of Publio Workr +and Buildings harmless, on arcaunt of any damage that may ooaur to persons or property, during the prosecution of such work, and assue-e all liability for damage to persons or property, due to accidents or otherwise, by reason of the work which is to be performed under the provisions of :aid permit. Thirds That wm hereby otate that the proposed work ~„ is not, to be performed bpr the employees of the are 1~ourth: That the proper officers of the Cif and authorised to permit in City ar Cantaa-_ , the / ~ ~ _,.--~ ,hereby oertity tt~• above to be a true f tern tca! copy ~of t ~e Resolution pees ~ by the City' o. ~_„.„ - Po d S ~ County of 19ulton , s*ate of Illinois. ' Dated Chia dey oi" ~~`~ ,' _........., A.D., 19~~,,~.. 4 ~,, '~, :~ ~ ~,M,. A , e ~ ,~~a ~„_~ ~ .. r~ ,~ ~ ~ rr ~" (co~'eoRi-T~ L) ~"~";a ' t'~ ~, . ~ t~;;.