HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #475~~~t ~it~Y ~t;G3 ANi~ ~~~S~~X f ~ ~~S ~&~~C~, ao~sd+r a +~ra~-d i~ct.~- i~~~~;,,,~~,~~y +~~ 1~.~,~~. t-~ d 6~r~~~an c~ra~oa~~s, ~ 7Pil~p. .„ +~~+~ +~darw~e~ ~.~ 7~~ i«~aah t~rua-~ Av~p-wt+~ W!~~t:w ~~~~a~+d: ~~~+~ ? z~la~a~'~+~ae ~1+~+~ ~~~ "#aarr~~~°~, std +~ F~bl~ l~ ~-~ -+~ ~t,3- rah t+r~, ~~ ~1lr~r~~, ic~~~rfE+~~r ~t~1~d tart "~bi~ac ~~ arr~r ~~~k p~gr~+~~ost~raal ~ ,e~r~-+r~- ~+a~a-~~i~wa ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ,~sb S~~t#~et !~~ ~~ea~b- A~~~ t~ -a~ Cmus~.~ ~s~alaga ~~ ~i~-~`t~-. '1` ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~- ~~~m stir ba ~e~~a~ ~.~-~.+~ ~~~ p+az~~~~ crf t1~e ~'al~~rt~ ~tggf» a~+mr ~~~~~~ ~ il;l~ ,A;~a~acy ~~~i~ r~il~ ~ha p~r-s~ a~ t~sx+rlta~a-r~ d+~ar+~s'b+~d. ~-~ ~~~~ p1+~~. b, k~r ~cle~te gon~x~a~ utd +~-~it;il ~+, ~pe~c#.~-I pravi~loa~i, -~ +e~t~xwa~~~o ~c1dlttoa~l ~~~ e~~ ~z all d~aC~~ i~ ~~~r~ e~~l !~ suf. ~~ ~te~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~e~ w Ala ~i ~ai~~ d~~~~ q~ef~+c~;t~ ~- ~t11 d. A~m~~.~t char ~i~ ~t+X ~ u+r~e~pt met +~tlrrut~.r~ ~ ~-~1~ ~M ~k #.~~ ~Y ~M+~i~~i. ~.&. ~• M~M.~i 1:~~ ,~Ar~i~ $~ ~i~rsw4+:A~tA.~~ P*~~e~ ~s~+~r~. ~~~ day ~. rr+r~ottatfva~,, ~~ ~~t~~ p~rclgs~t~~» G~t~~ ~~~ ~ of t~~~~t ~~~~~ fir. ~+~ + ~t€~+A~E d~`~r tq ~a+tr ~~ ~~ ~~` ~# iR1~t ~ jMlsa~ ~ i~iC~~#t~.o1~R 11i14~ ~ ~ p~ (M4 ~~~1 ~IN y~~~k' ~*# C#i #4#~ ~Ar.L ~~lrllh ~~ ~ i~~lA~~~ Ir ~cc~r~rirr~s ~~~'~ b~- c+c~tr~cat~-r ~ l~~t~btt#.~- ~~~~ ~~ ab ~- ~re,~~da~t ~~+u~r, ~x+ta~r~a~a~~r~. d OC~t+R1C ~~ ~f~ quay. ohs .~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~*+~ ~+~ ~~~ ~+~~~~s s~~~ ~~ ors ~ grr~r ~~ ~s~~~~c~at ~-es~c~a. . ; ~ ~~~ +nr~1 ~+ t: +a~-tar~ac~~+r' o ;r~ci~~~ara ~~at~,a~ aa~d ~~ ~a eta 1t~ + ~ i• t ~~1 ~4~ette~ per, ~~-~ew ~d p~ca~vl,~i+ t~ ~ ;~~tr~,~s~t~d t #~~ ~~ t~t~a ~~t ~-~~~ b,~ #aa~i sa~~ ~~ ~rra~t g~~iea+ ~~ +~~~+c~u~ ~~- ~ ~t~~d +~~ the ~~t ~~ +~~~ 1-1~~ addita~s~a ~o ~~ pro ~~r x~~ ~ata+~~ aua-e! t~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~- ~~ amt tb~e air ~~-~b~ ~ ~~~~ ~~- +d~ ~ ~. 4. 1~ea~rz ~-u see, t~'tlls ~ #~d +~~r dada cam„ ~~t~ t~- r -1 ~~ v~.tb~rt ~+~~~ ~ ~~~~ a~N~tt+~~~sst#~+a- ox ~~~t as t~ t.lar +~. ~xa ~~~~t~, ~~ rr ~i~ ~a~u ~~t ar~~d ~ apt +~aa~~t -~~ ~r~~~ ~s -~-+ ~ ~- ~~.~~; hip p~e~:E~-~s~. petal x~s~~ +~ !~s er+wt~ac ~'. ~'+~ t, +- ~e~~t ~~+~ ~ge~ a lea ~ petxaetl tie ~ aegis ~~- +~~ ~~~ ~ ~reawix ~~ ~-~' tee ,~~~. ~. * ~ ~ ~~a~a~cets a#~33,a~etd ~~ ~:~„ lie, 1~ a~ ~d ~~ end ~t ~~ aid ~- b~~,o„ tet ~ ~ gi-net:ae satf. L+~' ,~~. ~ela~-i+~et$ ~~ter~d +~ ~~+dt c~i~ a~~ a* ~etloroY xol Cet~rt ~~` +~+~tst9~~i ~e~sera~xe~t~ ~'~te~ ~3~~ r • r r r fnl #~y ~ ~:. ~ Ybi~ ~+Yei# riaM#+F eaetr~~.e~te~ ~e~~ettrrtd A~`~~ ~ ~W ~,ac~R ~-llx ~ +~ ~~ re~oak pr+~~let sf+tr maw ~~ fir,. ~~~ ++~a~+t ate tt~ta fe~~lemo~ ~~~; e •tt~1:a ~r~ +~ ~~ a ~~~~- ~r~ they ~~~ ,y,, mac eft eat r- e~tatfa€et+~ 'l~taa~ - +~ +~c~etet e b. Upon award and approval of the santrast for the improvement by the Public Agency, ],flQ per caul of the total t~eea, based on the above schedule and the awrardead contrast aost, lase any amnuat paid under "a"' above, plus laQ per sent of the feen for furnishing Chee servicens described in paragraph le, wt-ich payment shah. ben considers:e~ final payment for senrvices la through ld. c. Upon completion of the construction of the improvement, 1Q0 per cent of the fees due for services eCipulateed in parap~raphs le, if and lg lees anq attee>unts previously paid. d. Should a portion of ttyen ienproveene~:nt be abandoned affect the award of the construction contract, the eengineering; fees on the abandoned portion aha11 bee th® awarded cost o£ the abandoned portion ti:aea the fee percentage 6oruputed in aeeoreiance with the scheedule set forth in paragraph 1 above - using the fatal awarded contract price: as a basis. B,y mutual a.~;ree-ment, partial paymeents, not to exceed 9th per cent og the amnu~at earnend, may be made frees time to time as the work progresses. 3. To pay for the services stipulated in paragraphs lc, le, if and lg at they hourly rates stipulated below for personnel assigned to this Section acs psyanent iu full to the Sngineer for then actual time spent in providing these sesrvices - ttar~ :sourly rates to include profit, aver~asad, rtaadineas to seavee, insurance, seacial security and retirement deductions. Trave,lin$ and other out-of-pockeat sxpesneea will use reimbursed to tt;ee Fngincecr nt tz~.s actual cost. Suh,~ect to tae approval of t;~e Putalic Agenncy, ttie Engineer may sublet all or part of the seervicens provided under paragraph 2f. 2f the ~ngine:er sublets all or a part of t~-is worm, the Public Agency wrill pay tii.~ cost to flee ~~ngLneer plus ltd per cen€: to cover readiness to serve. '`Coat to Engineer"` to be verified by furnist~in$ tote k'ublic Agency copies of invaice~ fra~a tl~a party doing the worb.. Grade Classifications of fa~~loyae dourly Rate Principral of F'irnt ~ 16.QQ Associate 13.QQ Qesign E'ngix~eer 11.5f? Sngine$r 1Q.QQ Land Surveyor ZQ.p~} 8+anior Engineer Technician g.Qp Engr. Technician 6.SA ~:n$ineeering Aide ~ ~ gQ Resident Engineasr g. ~y R+esidant Ineepe3stor x.75 Resident Engine3eerinp Aide g~pp Tt-es above hourly rates shall apply to any services provided within two years after the date of this agre3en~nt. If sservices to be reaimbur$ead on an hourly hassle are provided under Chis a$xeement seers than two years aftez the date Qf this x$reemant, then per diem rates shall be adjustssd at the request of either party tss rates which area mutually agreeable to both parties. '4. That, should tie improvement be abatndonad at any tune after thee 8ngineer i~as performed any part of the se:rvisees pravidend far in paragraphs la and ld, and prior to then coanpletion of such seervices, thee Public Agency shall reeissbursee the ~;g~s~r #~s ~#.~ ~te~l ~oah,a ~1~~ 1C~3 r a~c-~ ~-auxr+ed ~,~- ~ ~ ~,~ ~o~~a~~td f~- r-~ra~c~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~, "~-a~ua~ ~a~~°' b,~~ ~+e~la~ad ~~ +w~,- tari~~. ~~~~~ y~~s ~~~ ~+r-yralla ~~raras, ~a~t ~~°~,~- ~ ~, d~+~u~tic~aa. ~X +~; atla~rs~ +~ut~-~-~-tweet ~~,~ w~,1 ba r~r;~tx~erd tt~ ~ at tee -~ ~c-~t. ~. -t, +~t~a~t~d ~~~ ~b~te~ y ~^~~ ~ereF eR~ ~-t` tt-~ det~peil~tet pLa~r, ~pe~i~tc:,edtl~a~ eye: a~C#e~tee~ e~~ee~ ~ t~~ t~ ;prc~rad~ 6lee~ ~,~,~ y ~r311 t~~ ~e ~ t~c-r ~~ ~~-~#~~ +~~ eu~tua~. +~~ pint ~~ ~ e~+eaa-t to err p~ro~'~.~, esrvwrcba-d, ee~-d r~dfin~a~~ tce serve ~ "uczte~,~ ~~-~~" bang ~1~laa~ee~ a+~ t?~x+'+~t ~ Vie. I~ ~,~ ~~a-te tb-at 'r~tt~,Mis"' a~ ~~+ t~-ie ~a~ra stall ~ nc~ v~e~r reelav+e tt~ee lsrae~ ~ &~,,~ re-spsdrta~»bf,ltt~r tc~ ~re-re • e~os~-l~te aa#~ata sett ~~ ~laa~s. I'~ ~ wit 1. -~ ~ di~~eesrcee treteee- t~ce ~~ eeaQ ~ ~ts~-lat~z ~Y +a+ex ~e~ ~t+eret+N-tiee- s~~ tt~e p~re~visirascs ~~ ~~~.~ agx t shall 'be rs~tr~d to ~ clttea al etiaris~te~es~red ~art~tete ccisk otr aroma Paz rt~ted by cue ~Sl~+rr, arse ~ 't~'isi~Ged '~~ ~ t~bli~ a tt~t~rct sbse~ aplaati~+Rct +~ tvp e~tts~ar Viers ~~ d~spm~it#~e~ tit tbat ea-~,tts+eis s- shall tea Taal, ~~ ';~~ ea~reaiae a~~r b+~ terzm~as~t+~ead t:~ ~ktet 1'1~ ~gey t ~1~ ~-~iee wzltiug +~~ ~ ~e~ ~~ his. Est ~ ~~ e~i~i~ew ~~sirae. ~ ~ te~~- iutiea~« tie tgl~x ~~ ceatsea ~~- - dei~,~x+sd eta tbae #lla A,~e +~~~. dur~~3~o, si~'isat~;+~ota, pe~tLetl ~ ee-leter+~ era~t#s~actes, e~pd +ia~aa„ sway fr~a ~ara~twiex a~tu-dies aa~i Boll ~~ s~~t subesa-x~~+~w~e tstiwresttties~;s ~rt~ t ctancstaen+~ that all ~ ~ertt~rlal b~e~ t~~t~ ~rt~ tt~a ~. ~fit+s~~-• >t~r shall bo ~-a~d +~ ~ sus et-leta~ ~ se~nr~.aas ~ra~t~.al~,p aa~letr~di ~u~e~rac~dazwaer ~. tt ~~ t~ aa~actra>zt ~aa~ ea~es~x~ta~a has ~t t~ erwavc ~e ~ e~lter~r t~ a~et~re +~~ ~ pla~-s by t~-e Publlt Agaatt~, ~ t:~r#l~.e eaa<s~r will ~ ter t3a$,ia+eeex~ balaae~ a~ ~+ elaee~ ~ axe: ~~- sse~s ~ ;~ ~+~~ ~~ +~ total ~s~a~r fur! y~~ +~r ~wi~ ag~r~~,,~yt, b~a+~E ~y~~~y~-~r a~~tm~~e ~+ ~~~t +~~ ~~t~w-r1 ~-~ t: tt~~,gel~ #IIIf.7iir et~r+anr~ee# ~ thee ~~~ ,~ef~tY 4. Ti~at tt~+ae tt~ir its tt~a~. bra t~s ant ~+l~yerd art r~-~la ~~r aq Qr p+rrsc-a, a~+~er tt: ~ tx~-a ~l.ct~r Ite~reke waxt~ixeg sc-l+~ly tee tb~e tiaeeex~, tc~ ~r~~.e~t~~ ax se~xe~ this +~s~tre~at, $~ t ~ teas sat p+~id eez ere~d to pad ~9 eeess~e~-y ov ~era+seea, +~+~~+~ ~- ~- ~ :~e~ee er~lsrye-+~ ~re~rkfap~ sei•ly ~'~-~ tha ~c„ +~ ~, a~,ssl~ea~, peM~re+~s, ~+xc~tt+sra~ee lera. ~i~t,~, rat air +~~ aeea#,ct~r~rat~.~~t, e~~~t xtisaltla~ txs~ std ear ~~ his ec~-t~t. ~'ex ~~rerae~h as vic~latiau et Ctals w~aacraaty tha Pebl~,+~ er st~l~ tu~eN tt;-~e rat t~+ ~~ ~.~ ec~c-txas~ ~rll~- asst llah#,lity. ~'t~~8 ~', ;a p~aar't~.es ha~!e cae~aa~t thte ~~r~ ts- ba etteed ~t tr~,pli~atC+~ aatar~at~ts, ~ a~ whie~ stuell tae aa~si+~-re~! ~-~ vernal bit Betz' duly +r~aztY~-siaeect ee#+~sas ~-~ Q~ ttte ~+~~ ~-el~e taxdia~tsd. ~~~ ~~~~~~,t T~~~. ~t~c: ~~~~~~~~ ~i~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~- ~~a~e ~t ~l~.~a~-ae, +~~~ ~1rd ~~~~ ~~- ~STt ~« "~~~, ~y ~ .