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Resolution #494
~u~i,ir~ION rm. .~~ WHDREAS, The City o.f Car_ton, I1_].inois, has received construction bids for a project commonly Down as t•'atex~rorks and Se~rerage Improvements, Divi- sion 11 and Divisior. 12, Storm P.elief Sowers, and I~HE?~l~S, the lots; hid. for said project was received from ?vormoy.~•- ~er~- e.nd Associates, Inc. in tre a~~o~.~nt ~y `;;'499,759.60, and ?~JHR~AS, the U. S. Dep~~rtment of ~?oizci.n^~ ~nr' IJrb-~.n Developmont is making; available to the City of Canton a con; traction ~•rant under t'.zeir project number k~S-Lr-14.-0077, any uai.d Departmen-`, requi_r. e s a Conditional P.esolution of Award, and WHEP~AS, a Joint City-State agreemer_t bett•reen the C9_ty of Canton and the State of Illinois, Ponart*non.t of Public C~7orks and F~uildin~s providoU for State Participation in the cost of the project, NObd, T~:'i3EFORE, BE IT P~ESOLZrEL ICY T1i;~; ~T,...,, COUTICIL Or TF~i'~ CITY OF CAATTON, II.LIF30IS, that, tf~nd.itional upon tt•~e concurrence of the Department of Housinz~ and Urban Development and the St<^tc of Illinois Department of Public Z-•iorks and 33u.ildir..;~s, the cnr.-t;raet for eonstri_iet-i.nn o,. said project be awarded to r?ormoyle-Dorg and Associates, Inc. in tr.e~ a.rnount of ~;~~.99,759.60. PASSED at a Special P•~ectin~; of thc; City Count']. held at 4:?0 o'clocl~ in t.e afternoon of thc; 9th da~r of December A. D. 1968. CITY CI.~'- _. AP:i'R0~1I1D: -~ f L~~~_~ P~7AYOR . ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~'l~i]Cfl1tt~, ~~ ~isrh of t'h~r Ci#~r o! t~tc~-r Zll~toia~ sr of ~rd~~,, Re,~3.u~t#~,r~ -~ a ~~ ~' # '1~' of ~ ©t-t~ntcm~ Il~.ia~olu~ der ~~ ~ ~~ giant ~. ~ tote ~aa~go~»g #~~ ~ ~r annd ~vrrs+ r~ap~ of ~~ ~C+, ~: !#~naa Z,~ ~ ~t et ~r o:P ~&e GYM ~e~ bt t~#,~r ~' '!'ma'y #~a ~'e~ en - ~1 ~ ' +~~.'' ~ Jt« U« 1'961, ~- ~ 1~ gr~z~ is a 1 egad ~+~~ '"' +~' a 8la~ its 'r~rit~ ~n~ tt~r a ~ ~ City C~z-e~3 ari' ! ~~* +~!' ~, ~s~ ~"#.~.e~~~ ~~`t'~cs~t - r !~ dray" ~i' ~ 1. ti,~ '19. ,~ ~ i~ tang a ~- #rM a ~ +eop~- ~t fi,~ +~~` ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ dtt2~ air ~ the ~~ eat' ~sit~ ~-~ ~~ r~Q die, ~ta~. 1.1.a a+~ ~'! ~ ~!~ 4•~ "~~ the €~w-~a~ is +~ - aad ~ oP ~.tt~i~n t'tt ~ t~ " v~#,~ ~{r ~ ~*i#~r Cam, ~+t !~ Q~, ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ at a ~~~ ~ e~sd t~ that ~ lid ~~ at` wego~rr .R. ©~ '19th, 'rt 4t9~ a~~a~.dak ~.n - ~ ~~ ~iid ~#s~ ~ lri~,1,oa rye dtil~y ~ ~' error of ~ aa~ ~' tee` t,~~ A. D. 9.968« 4~" „ ~3.a, tbis 9 d+~y tit ~ ~. ~. '~~- ~~. ~f3~&*