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Resolution #495
~,;, ~. - IZI1^CLTJTT~~?~1 l~;n ~~_~-~~ l3E IT '~F,~n?;Sr~?D BY THE', r,IT'.~ CC`LT•i~:CIT. C,r,, `~~ii~; CITY t~;,, ,~ ~;,;~,` ~.?y TLLIT~OIS: Section 1. That fc;_• the General p,~.Znicipal I'rimar; Election in the City of Cant an, I)..)_~_no's, to be ?~~al~,. Febrtk~r~r 2[, 1~!~3, sea fc.~ the nom~_n~.tion of Candid^.teu for the falloi~in,~ C-±.~ C~~'?:.rce : t,t•~~r,-~~i C~ t,- Clay±~'c, CitJ ~Creasurer, and ^:ldermen of C^1s.rds One, '?`t~~c=, Three, Ia"aur, 1~"~_~T~~, S~_;r, and .:'even; Red fc+t~ the !"ren.:'r~l T~~micir^l "? t:ction to b,,. hr? ~ on lpri) 1 r, 1 ~~,~, for the pur_~%ose of electing one ~^.~.~:,e?~man 9_n euch of said T~;~.r;Is )_*~ ^^i T r'ity and e).~,ctin^~ a I'~ayor, Cit~T Clerk, City Trea:~~z~~er in said Ca.ty, tha: f~'1.).owing place, fc-° ho)_dinC; said elections are hereby dcsi~;nated: First Tr7ard: Ct 1,``~.ry~;; G;,°~n~~.si.l.im, ~c;~ T~ic~rth m',.rd ".ven~,e; Second Z~wrd: ~T~.hle t s Carnet ~^~ T'~ho)_stery Cleaners, 1 CcO ?~?ortri ~'tain St.; Third ":~.rd: [~Ial_lace Park 25C So~~th °..vontze D; Fourth ,~Iard: ~'nmm2~nity T?~~.:~ldin,;, 1C'C~^ East Oalr Str:~et; Fi.f+.'.: !~ls,rd: Grand A,: n1y of the Re~oub.--~c , Iemor~ ~;l T-I.-~11., ~.C South First:. • ^ 5r Sz.:Y-tT~ trls.rd: Coin 'rn ^h, Sr.)_f-sc:°~r~ce ?~.un;Iry, ~ > >lorth 11tz !~venla~o; ~eVO~'itl7 1':1~n."C~: YOl.ln~ T'ient ~'. Cl'lrs. a'`-1~^.:n _~.~.^,GC~.,`~.~? an, 1 ~~} ~'.~~t .':.^.li atr^. E' • Scctien 2. "'hs.t t~^ ~'a1.1n,,"nFr ,,. ,,.-~:~~° ~r~ hE;: ,her ^rroirted. c.s Judges of Sa.3.d P.,,,,i.,}., T''l n.+, inr ,p.~ ,.„~ a ~'~.-. r,. ,.~ "'~ -. r,+~ en F h~i.. ~, tr^,.,,?. ~n ^.(ti nlr .•.;. TT.t.t'-}tr ~7.). 1.. ~..~?~', F'!?"ti~~...a L• ~~CTz?ia2"_, T:fJ y'f'ntJ ~'~• T ... ~ ,. ,-.- Zr .-. ~,n , t „~,-? 1~f ~~-'~ .. rt'n+~nl 4. p,...t+i ~+}~ ~ ~~-~; ~. 'l ,gyp.. ~T.. r.~ r+l" r+l.Tp (~~ ^.E'~7't~. n~'17 Virgin~iaL~~. ?n^t_~ rfi.,-, . T;, .. -. rite ~ Tr ~. P,r~i--~... T.....1:•~p:- pn.~..,..-, n^ ,'"a T"~~... tt .-':n+~ Tttn~~~:^ T.'1}'~~tP.~!'~. Helen Voorhees Ruth White. '-,; +, Ti„ ~ Mildred Portwood, I~Zaralee Anierine, Mary Johnson, Bernice F"1?~''- Slater, Hazel Stambaugh. Gertrude P~oudebush,~ ~'~ i`.~-':-1 t.~',t...:~ . /I T?~tr~.. I . I~C1~ l i -F-I- •4 ~ a~ ~ ~ f':: G~.r, '1T~tOI^~. ~'.C~.C~1C3rt, ~ t^c?.?72?_,. .+~.Tl° _ ... .. ~ . _.. _.. ~, ..,, r, ~~e°~,,^~r, ..±~ t r , " !ia r- Z 't; -, T.~ _~ .. rr".•C,?nic11 rrn ~ `F11.'o'~*~_Cil, ai~... ~ arc,.: Iel~~._ i~. ~r a~ :, - ~ ~TE':i'u. T r i?O~C`."i, T'.'(•,~~~ G r;C'CSG2:",.'t,.Tlr Seventh I.1ard: Tva i~Iaddell, Sally Kuhn, Ge~~°aldine Brown, p_ r, ~, T'o,rbara ~,~cie.:~, T'crl~.;~~u . ran_ ,,. C .p 4, ~ Section That thy; r_,it J~ Clcr?> of. sai~.: r~ t;y iti ;:~°~_1~J, aitho~~~ zed and directed to ;;is-e notice anal -!;~ ~'o a.n~t ~--~f::r~^ ^11. o'v:;r act„ on her Hart Yl (;, (,+e r!en~+c' 'r>n~ i'}_, t-" L~!}~("i rt r, n~F' c+n.l' n~'!+ l '1 *"1 'nr^ „~~~~ cl rec7.u.~~." o .~o..~cie for the . _.._..,:~ ~._~.,t_.on^ n ,. °> ^.nd ~'~;rr± ati ;?a.eocri';o~'. r4T is .. r, T~ 7,,,. ._. , YlY..:...`i.'~l.J t./ T t~C- ~~7_ l~ : ~(?11n('i~ ry'l;.i a I)T1i Utz ,'' ~f' `yr t{!ki .'`.°+.,;~!}T' t'_i1.S day C): ~..~.._.,...__.~I~~~:_..._ ..._._..... n. ~. 1 ~ ~ ~. .171 _ .,~~,.'~~~.~ ~ ,G~.i~~..~[~~'~rC;`~'r'~'~.'.~«~. ATTEST: f~'`~ ~~,' " <_ ~ '~~~ --- ~C'f~~~~` -mv nT~ .. C11_ lj lit . ~~~