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Resolution #503
,:' ._ ~ , , '+t i - JW47V7.,SJi LtJF1 fTl . ~ Gl V'~ *~ .. ~~ A R1r.U'x'I©N AELA'TING ~ F'Al21'ICIPATION B1' Mf~~R.S OF A E~~~1C ' iN T'tiE IL1.I:Vr)1S AdU~1CIPAL RE"I'IRk~:NT FUM) 'Wt~It~t5 , the (Name c,f Mua~ici}~u] ity) is .u partic:ipsnt in the lilinois btunicipal itetirtament Fund; and 'IMl6, members of the ~t~verning~body stay becua~e participatlA~ e~rp~a~raee if they era in positi~ms nr~rtnally requ¢ring pwrf~rmance of duty duri~ ~#? Agri ~#~ ~aor+e per year; and i~1l5, this governing body cYi ,d4termi'ne what the. normal annual bo~tr~y requi resents of the pas i t ions of its -sbers are, and 'should wake stt~ det+e:~wi,a- ~-t~~ for the Guidance and direction the Board of 1'ruateea of the Tlliaoia #Cipa1 ltetir®.ent Fund; l~Ip, 1"II~B~'OftE, S& IT RESt)Lt~'ED 'THAT - - . , ($oard,.Council, etc.} ;' ~' ti~~d• that the poaitiv~na of its tncmberr~ normally require the perforr~aaca crt d~t~ ;,~„„", `` 4c#rirsig 6th hours or ~a~~re h year, l A that t - F~ RyG84LVE he authorized agent is hereby directed to i~1~ s certitted copy of these resolutions with the Illinois Atunicip~l AeLi~t+sawltt . ;{ aad that these rnsalutians and the finding Q-ade shall re+aain in full Puree *nd .~ `~ effect until rescinded and the Illinois Kunicipai Retre~etat Fund is natiifW ~~ to nkit#sig cif the rescission. i, F` t CERfiIFIGATIQN ~~ ~ + rp r^r~rLyi .ry"'~.....s.r? .....r.. r Lfl~°w' r ~ the . ,: (clerk' ~r Secretary} ..- . ~r~ o~f the; Go~tc~ t i ~t ; ~, • . ~ y r,~~ciPalit~) try of illnots, do hereby certify that I sp the keeper of thQ bc~oka ettt! '='t8obrds of tie $fcxresoid municlNaiity brtd t~tat the foregoing is a true ~Md ~Or' tact copy of ,~ resolutic+ti duly ad~~pted by - of safd a~u~ilCTp~lty (Governing Body) a~ # aMMtl3l~g duly conven~ad and held an thc~ ~~ day of ~`,~~ , 1$. ;, ~_. ,~ . . t ~~r„ '~* Clarlt ar i~ `~, r. - ~~ ,~' . PbSR 1.62 ~f~~ ::~,~ •b ~'. .~ .: RESOLUTION t~lfJ. .~ ..~~ A RESt?LiT'fIGN REL.A?IN(; TU PAR'TICIPAT`ION BY PAR'C-TIME ~L~CT$D OFFIC 1N THE ILLINOIS idtlNlIIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 11rfIER$A5, the _ is a participant in the ~_~ (tiame cif Municipality) Illinois Municili.al R~~t iz•em~~~~t l~'und, and INtlEAEAS, ele:ctad ~,lticials mdy b~cumt~ participating employees if they Fie in po8ltions normally requiring F~ESri~~rmanr•e vlatiuty during 6()p hours or w)AT'F p~-r yeti; And uire- pH$REAS, this gv~~erning bialy can dutez~tne what the normal annual hourly 311q awentF of its part-time: elect~:d ~~fftc:tals a~, and shr~uld make such deterolnstidn for the guidance and directi<,n of the I3c,F+rd ~~f rustees of the Illinois l~htnicipFl lRetireMnt Fund: finds thst tour' Harr, T~»,E>~o~, BE IT ithsol.v~u T~u+~r .,~;. (6~ard, Cc>until. etc.) pQSitioaF of the fvlluwing part-time elected officials nasally require the pltZ'![1~e a! duty during 60t1 hourF or mare a ydar: Titld ____~ r; . w ~ - .. Present Incwbe.,,,,~trt, ~. -. ~~~ ., ~~.~ I ~' .- tt Lax:; 1~flR'1liER RBSpLYED that the authorised agent 1s hereby dirsCted to Yile • certittb copy of these rer~aluticfns with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund FtW thtltt tbele resolutioAS and the finciinq made shall remain 1n full P~~rce and etiect until rescinded, snd the Illin~~is Municipal Retirement Fund is notified in writing of the reFcisslou. CER1'iF'ICAT qN Z;; , ~ , ~ the , ~ ~z" ~ ~ ~::R k of the I+ (Clerk ar Secretary) (Noose ) a! the County of ."~,`' c`~r, ~ State ai ,,~ {Mur-3cipslity ) Illiao,~~ do hereby d ertify that I am the keeper of the boo -sn4 .records +~~ ' rtore- said-w»icigality that the foregoing is • true and ca t copy of • rssolwstiCia du3y adopted ~y ' ` °`~"`~r~'' of acid wunicipalit •t a areetit~ dolx aoaveard overning Body) ds of ,,t; .~ 19 ~:,;...,,..• •ad held a>a the ~_ Y ,. G ~ SEAL. I Fora 1. SS 3 -- ~. o! .