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Resolution #524
JiJ lil ~ " ~' ~• V ~~~_'vi\T ~ li+~_~.0 Yu ~ ~.:J ..:~v_;! ..ice',:..' ~ :~;:.. "v~:~ 3C: V ~--i ~.~7 'vv ~.~C "v=.~G v.. A"~ril 2 ~ ~ ~ .. ~ - - _ . ~_O~OO r1u ~:~ J G. .,....i. C.„'~C, :,~"~:.,:.~ .`~~~... _~._._, ~. ,- '.--_ G~ ~C.G G_ ;,~1- ~ ~.:. :.~E~O.'_^c O_ ~~:'v'v C::.;;.. v_ ~y lr_~;~ _ j ~._:~: ti`.. ~•~? ~~ C."' `•,' ,~'.._~~' ,..5 ,~ '~ C''~°-~S"i.:.:u"~u~~CC;v~ C:,._.'v0~~ .'.."!=;0~ ~ .,."~ ::._.._~:~.: ......_;~^. ::::::; ~._.°.,Cv .:,~:.=i '.~?.GS i7:.~~ L:C vC ~: Vv i::'0! iv =O v_CC .iG l`,v....v,: c:~:~~G:... :. ..::~~' •__: ~;4. /'c• ..-~,.:,, JiI ._ -~.~~. v_C~ ~.... -. -:C 'wu w ~+H ~PASSF~ this 31st day of i~iarch, Ao Do 19?Oo Eldon ti~T. P•`yersy ATTEST: _~~ BOARD 0~ LOCAL Ii?'ROZ%~"i•~N~i'S Ol~~ T ~~: CTi'lr OE CA~TTO'Ty ILLI~IUIS. i=iO~,iard ~l'~ 1r1~'iJOT1S~ 1'i01~iL~B U. ~ ~ -;~ Sealed bids will be Ct~e:ivec.a .. •~ ,...._ c ~ _. , ..:`.c._ r.:_ -. .. _,.~.. _ .r~~ovca. _.~ c:_' certain portions of ~'~" "- s°' ~'~•- rGU v ~.u? n'~a ~^'' u.~ t: V i' .._.... 1, .~.,''r ....~ ~. .. .. ~ O,. _ _. ~, connected ~ nave , _ Y _- ,,ys-;,em o ~ - ,~, _ ~.:;..,, a~.w ~... _.. y, yy , .. _.. ~._.. ... .. •, .. by thy ioard Gl 1JG ~i v:1 1 ~'~'^O~T - ,j. ~']. day of April 4. D. lr'~C~ ~•~ t:..e aou7~ ~:. _. ~~ __~ :. ~ ~ ~ ••~ f- - o f flc e in thQ Ci ~y Builc:_n~ o _ s _.~ ~"~.'-~ - - ,,,, ~ ~_ ~, ?' " =- t =- ~ _ ~, ~J, --~ = _v .gas„ G:.e:,'~ :a,. S~..rc:c~ ~'~ which time and plaeo saic bic:;, r.il"a uo -',-~;~'i~;,-r c'-.,,~odo . _ ~ _ :lans and epecif:~cut.o c srir ;aik ~L,;;~r~,~~•:;r _;,'~;,, ;;h;; G;: ci~.ancc ~rovic?~.rl~ there.'o-^, fora of contract to Uo e.:~;c,a~~d,, ~,.~:. _o:.;, c _ , o~«.~.~_ .. .. ..:35..~~: .. 'oo~c: Or vO:;CuGi ~C . 4 be issuad 'r r z ,. . won ~ the off-,n GlI ~Cli G.r? 4rlr ~,'ti: d... ., vu,.J G ~' ~.. -~+ ./,. ..-.. .... ~/.,. W ..... ..... .. -.. .., 1 ._ _~ lry ~. V... ,. ~ .-... _ , .. ~ , the Clty Ballesnv, 2~ ~ ..i~.,u v la"'s: -.r .,,~_,:. .,.. u .. , ~._ ,......_... v __ ~..... • .. ..__....v . ... Uiddl:r u ~Ci ``J G4l tr...W. i. l~io~7'~ Qar Wl~., ,~ .,_.. .. ~ ~ ;~-, ,.. a••;~ V...,~ +.,.w ...•4:~.-+ . ..... . .. ... w.. ~. .. .~... ,. v ..'V J«.. v.4..a.a .?v% t, G1.1 ... V _ :10~ ,o ....-.~ ,.~n..., the same. Doaosi is ~ril~. ,'- ~,~, ~'". , ~ _ - i4 ~ _~---U a_ ~. ti,-~~ ___cac._Gns ~,•:d Lo~.~. G_ ao_. tract fGL said zm?rovc~Wor~V may ,~l~:,o b~ o:~„ ^'°T a•~ ~,:..e WJ:.1..CV o;. Crawforc., l~,urp.'^.y g:y ..~ b: lw Tilly, Consulting DnC=W~.c~;rs, 755 Sout~ C:^a~c ~~v~ wc: ~ '~~'os~, y vp;.^in~~ield, I? linoi:,, 627GL~ . The Board of vocal I~_~:.^ovc~w~on.t; rose^v4~, too :r; r,h L to ;:eject any a~,d all 'oid„ if '~ J 1.11 1.tS judo ent it {;Jill 'r.7eiG:.^ :,~'G ~tJC~s. ~.~..;;~;:G;;;v~; o; laic: V:ty Os; C'+aslton Gr may aClard the contract to the lot~e;,t re:,~onsi'ole :~i,;o ~ deposit Of C2.S~1 O.' C C',~r:`:;'- CGr.i~~GG u~'' a Cf,~~G:1i.w',3~ v ban?L anc made payable t0 the order: of the nresid,;nt of 'c:1c D~arc. o ::::,~G, ~~,~3roverceri.;;s, ; n :pis official caba- city, in the amount off' iG pe, ccr.'c of t~1e '~~~;~ ::;~,~;t 4a :~ac~o 'oy ea;;h bidder, t7ith :1is as a ~uara?stee A'~, _'- ._ ,.. _ ~., ,_.t. _ _ a.d, ~,...uv ._.. our:; ~.«:; cV_..V_avv ~.~ ~:.°°.~~._ wee Vo 511YIl, he tail ~ ~•,; ~h~ n fifteen days tLlereater 0;1 ~eCGi~t O:° °'^.~,,'~~:i~.'!v _. t;i;; v:~ ....:.,..^~.~ C:-:•.~.Ctd 4.v 62:L:: CO'""` ';, „_ ~,; and furnish a satis::acto_y bo d ac .r~:ci~~_..~. -~f •r~. Cw ~,, w -, •~ forfeit the deposi~~ w~;; l~ c•aic;.; ~,od =• .. ~ v - a ~+ •t--,,~L' ~ ... .., w. ~: Jw «C%:: G.. v.=t: v.sQ ...r.j..l iJ .~. 1: Ci ~.'vln~•• erit upon the fullfilln~;nt os thi..:, 1CC~._i0:11~_1, iJ?j v..:.~: ~v_dC:ilru m'.'.e Cc;;si1 Or CheC:L deposited gill be retui: red a~' o v.e.dvCc 'ay la~'r~ The successful bidder c-rill be renui e~ by t',e Bow:.»W o:" ~oeal Improvements of said City to furnis=,c,a bo;a:d in tb,e ro~:~1 a,:d cG~+tc~:•;; a;, ~~:ovic~ed by la~~, satisfactory t0 the said Board, lnsurin~; ti0 it;hi"ul;~~@~:or'~uz:.~::~: G.".' %he Con,'`,:^acto The COntr&CtOr :, hall kiG~~aid :iii E;j~~',z.".la!~. wu.Sl;.~S.~:tiJ~bi ~,io;~~;iF, Or VOLiChers t^.i t$ interest Gt the rate of r,ix fib) per' cc~:; ~~;;:; ~.~~~1u.:.,® Notice is hercJy further U1.ve •~,:;:a; tho .~w~.~;:'. "oa.:^` o_ ~,ooal Z~.;;~:;ov~;ments is unable to ascertain the prevailin~;-ato of ~~~a~~s of ~;-:J clwss of~ ~:ro-~-'r ~quirad to bo performed under t~de prGpOSVC;c t;G'~'~^aC. fii ^ '.;,;.;; CGia~:~:'~,G:.2 ~~:ii.' ~'~C' pr070s~^,ii i~,'JrOVe.~..e11~,o DATED at Canton, Illinois, the 31st day of PZarch, A. D. 1970. - Howard '1'. Uibbons, i'iember on W. 'hers, Mem er. BOARD Or LOCHS, Ii~PROS,~~P~~1T5 OF THE CI"I'I' OF CAS^bTGN, ~LL.~~10IS