HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #544 CANVASSIiVG i,SOLiJTION s r 1 WHE ~' S, the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, by an ordinance adapted on the 6th day of October, 1970, di~,i cause to be submitted to the legal voters of said City at a special election duly called and held ii1 and for said City on the 31st day of October, 1970, the followi~lg question: Sriall bonds in the amo~~nt of ~1, 360,000 be issued by the City of Canton, Fulton CoiLnty, Illinois, .for the purpose of. payi;~g part of the cost of constructing improvements and extensions to the City sewer system, said bonds to bear interest. at the rate of not to exceed seven per cent (7%) ~~er annum? and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City di3 cause notice of said special election to be given by the City Clerk not more than thirty (30) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to said special election by publishing notice thereof once on the 9th day of October, 1970 in the Canton Daily Ledger, being a newspaper published in an d having a general circulation within said City, which said notice as so published did specify the place whereat such election was to be held, the time of opening and closing of the polls, and the question to be voted upon, copy of said notice with the affidavit of publication attached t~~er.,eto, beixlg now on fi~Le and a part of_ the official .records of the City Council of this City and being in words and figures as follows: an d WZiEREAS, the said election was duly and legally held and conducted by the proper persons so appoiTlted to act as judges for said special election, and the question submitted at said election were submitted upon proper ballots, said ballots being in words -1- an d WHEREAS, the election returns have been presented to and have been canvassed by the City Council of said City: NOWT THE'FORE, Be It and I-t Is Hereby Resolved by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows Section 1. That the total number of votes cast at the said special election, as shown by the poll list, was ~~~~„_~ Section 2. That on the question to issue bonds in the amount of X1,360,000. .for tiie purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing sewer improvements in said City, the votes cast thereon were as follows: t3_~:~.J~OTS FOtTND BLANK, WARD ~'~JT 4t~ SPOILED OR DEFECTIVELY NUMBER CAaT YES NO• MARKED A:VD NOT s~OLTNTED. 1 1t4Lt 1~~ ~ Nnne~ _ . _..^ _ . .~_ 2 139.._._ ,,_ .120 1~ _ __ .__ _ ~~._ _._.__._ 3 103....._ ._._?~~ 29 - - - -Nana -- 4 ~. 73 _ ._.._ 59 _ 1!~ - - .~ ._ _._ one _ -- .~ ._._._._._._ 5 ._....~ ~ _.~ _a _ _ ._-_ _ _ -~® _ __ _ --...__.~._ _~_ 6 ._._.~~ __._~2~ 1Q. _ _...__ _ _. Thr.~s.--~-._ __ 7 123 ..._83 _ ~ _ _,_._ __... __~ -_._._ _.._ _ Total 734 _~96~ 1.~___._ __ Sev~g_.,_,~_._ _~._ Section 3. That it is hereby fotuld, determined and declared of record that the question to issue X1,360,000. Sewer Improvement Bonds for the pur. pose of paying part of the cost of constructing sewor improvements in said City, did receive the approval of a majority of the electors of the City voting on said question at said special eloction and that said question has been legally approved and carried and that the City Co~xncil of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, has been authorized by the electors of the City of Canton to issue X1,360,000. Sew~;r Improve- ment Bonds of said C~:ty. Section 4. That all orders or resol,~tions in conflict -3- herewith be and t;~ a same are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, and ttzat this resolixtion be in fu11 force and effect immediately and f«arthwith upon its adoption. Passed: November 1t~, 1970. Approved: November 10, 1970. Vote: Aldermen Kvvachevich, George, Spencer, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. AST e Aldermen Kmvachev3.ch, George, Spencer, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. Nay : None. ayor ~~ ~../~ ,. ~; c:. ~,. ~ -w~< ATTEST : -~ -4 and last- `/Ll\FY~lY, 6WJ:J LaV Vii lny t/~J'f:~~ "Member Of The Illinois Municipal League" MAYOR, ROBERT F. JENNINGS CITY ATTORNEY, WILLIAM H. ENALMGREN November 11, 1970 CS°.Y CL=RK, AIELLIE CRAW FO^nD CITY iRGASUR`~R. CARL 1V, Y-~ILL Chapman and Cutler Attorneys at Law 111 ~rJest Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Attn: Mr, Howard Hush Dear Mrs Hush: Re: ~1,360y000 Sewer Bonds City of Canton Fu~~.;;o.~ Coun'~y, ~l_~. c~;.., This letter responds to ,yours c~~ No=~c_::'.~o:~~ 2~ y?~ u"c; ~.:v _ w~„ rr~aterials sent to you by Mrs. C-~ ~,..'ol~d, ~,.~ .•;c~ Cy. ,;y O~e:~ ~:~ The mentioned materials includo: cart f~.ed co~~y of portion of minutes of Council meeting of Novo 10• `~~ ; elati~,g to p~sage o~ ~~r_vass~--~~g Resolution°Y and certified copy of said Resoluti on itself d A'u appropriate places attached to and as part of said Resolution appea-.:~ original certif» icates and copies relating to public at i.U:.'1 of election notice and sample ballotsa Likewise, or~_ginal copies of ballots actually furnished for use at each of seven polling places are attached a•v approrp~~iuta place ar~cl as a part of said Resolutions »ilso included are facsimile (uerox) copies of City Ordinance relating to adopted rules oz" order. ordinances to committee for reference back in ordin Rule 28 outlines procedure for suspension of ~^ules; 2~3 vote of members present to suspend rules. (You enabling Ordina~sce was adoptod upon suspension of portions of Canton Rule 25 refers pry course of business; Secs 31 requires will recall that the rule s s ) Please affirmatively advise if the mentioned materials are what you require at this time and as outlined both in the first paragraph of your mentioned let~;er of Novo 2nd and by previous letter requesting the proced~ ural rules of the Citya With res ect to the matter of timing on the actual issue, please be advised that ur Chairman, Mr. Rupe, has taken steps to confer with our engineers and expects to meet on this and related matters in the immediate futureo Please be further advised that I have tal~:ed by phone with one of the consulting engineers and he has told me that actual money would be needed for the spending about the 1st of Niay, 1971. with this date in mind and assuming the money need at that time, perhaps you can then advise me of time needs regarding actual issue so that I can make your comments in contributi on t o Mrs Rupe ~ s planned rr~eeting Indic ated s Anticipating your advice, I remain, YSincerely, ) co ies : file Cit Clerk Mro Ru e William Ham. Maim r~n p ~ Y s p g Portio~l of t':~e P4inutes of a Rc~gu.lar Pfleetin~; o:~' t',-,e Cit~r Council of the City of Cant~~., Fulton Coant;;r, Illinois, P~eld. at the C'~.nto.i, Illinois Cite Building at 6; 3C o ~ cloc'.~ P.P~. , on the 17th da.y of November, 1~;~70, The Ma;;ror ca,l?.ed the m~ eting to order and. r'..'~rected the Cit~;~ Clem- to call the roll. ` Upon the ro17_ being; called Robert F. Jer1.ings, the P~iayor, ~+nswer.ed present, and the following Aldermen a:nswerec?. roresent; Hovra.rd, Rope, Svob, Fa,r.~ , Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Wil7_iarrs, Spencer., George, aynd Kova.chevich. The followi nf; were abae~.t; Aldr~rr~a~ Yorbic. Alderman Rope presentee and the Cit;~r Clery. read in full a resolution entitled.; ~~CANVASSIIIG R~'SOlT7TI0''T° Alderman Lond; moved. and Alcierma.n Ed~~~arr.s seconded the motion that s=•id rPSOlutioz: =~.s present?d and re~~.u ?fir t'r:e Cit;- Cler'r. '~e ado:;ted. After a full. and car;plotP discussion t?~ereaf, t?~F P~Ta~~or directed th~.t the roll be called. for vote u-,ion the motion to adopt the resolution ~.u rer~.d. Upon the roll being; called the following Aldermen voted; AYE'; Kova.chevich, Geor=;e, Spencer, Wi?.~.ia:.,s, Kroe17., Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich , Farr , Svob , Rupp , ar.d ??owa.rd. NAY: None t~iereu~~on the P•4ayor declr..red the raotio•r. car~•ied a.nd the resolution ado~:~ted end henceforth did approve and sign tle same in open meeting, and did direct the C7_erk to record. the same in full in the records o:P the Cit;r CcunciJ. of the Cit~r of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. STATE OF ILLItiTOIS, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF FU LT 01T . ) I, Nellie Crawford, City C- _.~, .. _ .. ,- .,. :.,._.: ;. _~: County of Fulton, Illinois, dorle~^e~y c.;i ;,~.f;y- -__~..; ~. :..,. .._~.e c,;~- ~ ~ ....__w:~"w.... and acting City Clem cf said City, a•~.d as such cf~~.cyal I ac fu: ;,:~~~ certify that I have the- care and custody of all official r~corus of t: City Council of said City, and t'r.at the foregoing resoluti:~ attac~;ed hereto, together with that part of the rr,inutes of the meeting of t~_c C=ty Council showing the adoption of said resolu,ic;~ at a regular meeti:lg of said City Council held on the loth day of November, 1970, is a true, correct and compared copy of the original thereof noT,,r on file in my office pertaining to the canvassing of an election held iTl said City on the 31st day of October, 1970. I do further certify tha, incorporated within said resolution is a true, correct and compared duplicate origial of one of the official ballots used at the polling places designated for said special election, I do further certify that the returns of said election were filed in rry office on the 31st day of October, 1970 IN WITNESS W',~REOF , I have hereunto affixed my 'nand and the corporate seal of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, this filth day of November, 1970• ~_ . /;' ~ CITY C (SEAL) 1T1Gi:1}JCr i:l a.:C Ci1Qlr li .1C GCS:rCS t0 S ~~~.8:~ G:1 :a C~ w::Gli. , •1 y i ' ~:',.:C .div. 1::,'. 1~liiCS 2nG Lir4~.- Gi ~:1Si::L'SS 5.10:. 110 aC S~:P.-~1,:iui;G, i:n18SS iOr SOnle StatCG 2nd Si'1CC1.C ~Uri~OS:,, »:1G ru^ C'iL.... ~uSi..CSS sh21 busi ess .~ v,~'r:ic:: file rues we;e 1 be In Grder exce.,tirg t::a r~r i ~ r t^ Y"1P r„1 on , 511SY ended, 21.11 .».~%r' ~+:Si~OSI ="o G: 1:iG i.i:SlneSS rOr w:::C.. ~ ~;~1~,:;r O:C:2~ G~ JL'.S~..C`oS Gi ' L":C ~;'~,rC SllSj:CndCG, tiiC i'L'-1CS 2171.. r8° Council shall :hen L'c in fence' . µ • ; d ;y ,Yrovl::e got l:° s'occ:• „rcln • Ie Cn 11 outs of Grder ' ^ . _ '_ ~ 2dc~~'.eµ and ~~.. a: -. Ls areoy ~" --, ,.i, Rums Ci V1GCa ~~u..Cit S , ^ TOr Jy ~l?ese ruieS, f L :,, VGL1: C;:. _ . 1- :'i.C1.~C~aa011S G' ` 7 } ~'OVC11?ln°• a c, 11?2GC the ,aw ° ° ^ i + .~ ~~ . I .... _. ~ _. j (: C:~,7 'vim i.C,: _ c,CC. v,. ~.1:;.. C'.S Gc ~' r au ;C S11C:. :LC., V yrSt n?eetl :~ In 1V...y O ~'»? y~ $L,;a.:GIC fOr ~ ` ,~ ~ u\l c.~. 'Gus:: ess as ~ rr y • . -- "~~ : ~~~. ~:. y COriG:;C; G: ~ ~~+- :iCC: G. C:.a1. " , ~ S :a a V l C a:, ~.. r+ .:a`1 S...a:l u y '~" _ `.:C11 Sii1~- ri1:eS ~p;1:1C :, wL ~ ~ ~Wv-ll?i uS (r3) O l e ~ nrCSCLL' »t a:•y . excert oy 2 vct:, o: ,` , . ~ ~" ::e::Ge.s SL'S~CnG:CG Gy COi1SP,::. Of ~w0-tI1:rC:S O: ' -•e a i U ~lae 1v;luWl11o :Gr1=1: rrleeting, and .n2y ~e o- 1::: 5 :. ~i ~.C. ', ` O.1 a' G ECG v L.?C ~+ z. c1?air tL.e - , '1 lalita.et:?e ;~;.a and in::e~.»:~ly ,, 4 , G. G:ty~ rr:eet> to •~ e 'lc~s Council iG or""1:a. „ ca'lcd, an:, I ursu2nt order the rc1L ;;tiers. of a`osent nle: compel t terdarco ~ ._ » nz :eat _~~ ~sii.l~e cuGru ~ :ec~ si?u:a cG:. Gf t':.e xr.e?tiers-e ~u: ~. ~ rnajcrity for the transaction o Business. _ ^' ' _ ~ urloss e ~ .~ , -. G. yuS:<-:;SS. ~ ~:^aC'~ OuS 1:;CC:ui°, .~ 7 • tl?C nlix.ti.~CS Gl "G:1 Cal:, rCa.Gir•~ O- 2•yd CGrrvCuGi1. • °. ar:d tl?eir 2:..endr er.t . . (wl~.;cl:.shall always L~ in wr:tlno)• c;isy~~==sed wit-; , - r ~Gns r~reSeli$2tLOn Gr pell:.. b. ' ~ainst the C:`~'• c. Claims a° . ' d, repo. s of oricers, L'.:;: ? .~. is:3 ~ity C..:eY:i S:a:: ;.OrW:::G <.:~ ~."_'_ 3rS' O '~.'.~, : r0_~_1,.,~ committees <.nCi O:~1CerS, 2S eQ:ly w,, is ;, ..GX~ CiGy ~.~'~:,;; .~:~;,:::, S ?. C m3C~C, 3ii'1Cr ~:~3YSC <...y C. ,;y ...,, lJ:.:e: G~ ~CiC~. ~G:e ~v. 1'`TG hCtltlOn :Or 'ii13 :C:111SS:Oi1 O:.. 1:..., :::iu3Y c^..y O:G_: 1:...,., of , . , ~ _ .~ _ :_ . i:le Clty Si7Si1 :i3 COi1S:QCYCCI 2;,cr rCC3Z ~lCn, VJ:?-:vc.L :. V0~3 u. tW0-ii7lrCiS O t:13 40i1:7Cli, nOr Wlt''.CUt t:lG' iCii'~i0% .., S: j::3C ~Jy ...,, ''~Oi:CC ~A~ISi'<:tC, ~L'SiiC3 O t.:e i 3C3 GI' ti e ~~:ry .. 7vS - ~ .,, ___ ..,.... :Z::i3 i~. When Q 7nOtiGn O: :eSO::.ii0:1 .:.S ..,..,_. S:.:e:.. ,..,. ;VwyOY, It Safiii b3 C:eem3Ci t0 v3 :.. ~OSS3SSiOr: G 1..3 V:~::':,.;::., ~.~... by consent of ~ e ~cuncii n:zy be Witil~rzwn zt <.ny ~i 3 ,,,,.,,_„ _, .~ zcteu u~.cn. ~,::C:e.V. ~'1~i13n 1 bi::.C IS CO :i3 iieC i::lu C.Iii,:iJL'. ......... O: :.:...;$ 2YC p'iOiSOSeCi, 1:13 ClleSt/On Si1<.1 iSt TDC ~~iit li`:~: Li13 i::rGeSt S:i::: Gr ii/e iGI1~8Si il`.'.: e. ....1:C .'7+~. W:Cn is C~::CS tiOn iS .::IGeY C:3~:,c t3, n0 .::Oi0:1 ,..:~5: v3 v C::'i3ri::Ir:CC~, llniCSS :Or 'i.13 F7rev:o~a OI~,Stiv , OY 'o .:.y O:: ..:3 '~:;i:.^,, t0 ref°:, i0 ~.OStj On3 1::40' ..ii3iy, 'i0 ~.djOl:r:7 :O .. C3::..:.. Ciuy, :O ~ n •t zlTiCn , Or t0 i.C:)OLirn the \,OC1' C::. ~:::~3 `G'?.. i i'i3 ~~IiYeVIOIIS CAli3S~10n 5:1.°.:i u3 piit S ~C;iGVJS. ~•vii.'.:' . t::8 7:1fli ; Ci:GSiiOB b3 nOW ,;:~:,> YL.3 23. Wren tr:e CO::ncii aciourns, ti":e .:3r.:~.c:$ z;'.::i: ..,, tyi31Y Se2tS IIntii ti/3 ~i:yOr, Or G:.:B: ~rO,SC.:~ O~ iCu':S, .,........ V.~, ..,_. ~1C ~riulY. l~z1L3 '~C. of iii(,' C~i1CSt10n 'unG3r CC~2t3 CCnt^..:.~ S3V3_ui i.:S~:^.Ct . 'i~7070S1ii0:1S, it Silc:l U3 G:V:C:3Ci :i~10: L::3 'iCC~iICS~ :.. <.:y :':13r.'.,',3:. . .Pi3 '~J. fill Cru.n4nC3S, CXCCJ; GrC:i':c:;1Ci,S 10: ...,, CO::S;'.u..~:vn O': SIu3W&:.:5, 3nC~ .3i: ffi0'ii0:1S ;:nc r3SOatiG:7S .GVGV::1o e C.1""i .:i.:i:rC of money or crea'cnb ary ;i .biity absnst tr:e city, sr_u: b3 raf;;Yrec t0 ti7e $~propr:ut3 Cv:i:n1'.iiC3 c1:Ci 011iy .::CteCi 011 at C. S~:JS3Ct:3r: meefinb of file ~ify ~ eu:lci:. LC ~v. When <.nlCnunl3ntS C.r:, GC;r3:i t0 u:1y Cit:3S~iOn i1eo:e 'ii13 ~u0II11C1i, Ln3 VOt6 $i7c.:i :rs~ iJ3 i£iSen v : ta:, umenC:L..,..i .<... ~~: O~. GS 3 i. ., ~_~ i~n3 G7. ile C.Ciinb VC.yO" Wi1en SC'3Ct3C: =rG^.7 ti1., VV"l...i.i .,.,.,_.. 7101 be GCjirIVO~ OI 11:5 ri~ia i0 V0~3 O: C:3:~<.t3, .:.i .,..<,_. _ ..C3 ,.;,.:.;, Ii.('m.^iCr In '~17e Vil.alr .. iii CeSlreS t0 S`:3uiC G': .. :~i13S:O:.. ~...-2..':iu. ._ :8 x.U:CS ?.nC VC7~;: O: /~:SI:i3SS St:.^.~i iv^ i:3 :.~:5 .::i~,:.:, unless for some states <.:~ snecsc _ -,:rioose, <.:a ::;, ct:.er ;;a:.ess S~1c1i1 ~Je in OrGer eXCeDtl::b ~iSie bllSil:eSS fOr Wi.iC1 'i1e r,..3S W3r3 sus~~enCed, z :d ~ ~' ,. A' ' . : ~ , w.e: L::SYOSIn~ G: u:3 i111S:neSS fOr W.IC ...3 rllieS