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Resolution #586 (2)
~.ead: Cow.icil 3/28/72 Laid over RESOI.~IITIc~N S- ~.~ WHEREAS* it has bass noted to the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois by the Canton Betterment Gamrais~ion that Arbor Day in Illinois is to be celebrated ma Fridays April 28~ 197~~ ands WHEREAS, in the interact of turtharing and encouraging the baautitieation ai-this Cityt the Betterment Coa~missian has recoo~mended unto and petits©ned the Cfty Council to daeigaata~ by formal eation~ a period of days in Apri~~ 1972 as Arbor Week and as a time tar citinans to be spatially encouraged to make apprap- ruts plantings of trees and ehrubs~ ands 4iHEREAS* upon considaration~ it ap~?aars that the City could be best seared by action consonant to and in implamentatioa at the premises hereof„ NOWT THERF.f'ORE+ BF IT AI3D TT I~EREBY IS RESaLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or CAidT{3ti i ILLII30IS AS FOLLOWS ~ f1} That the period April 23* 1972 through April 30* 1972 ba and the same hsreby is designated ++ARBOR ~dEEK IN T'r1E CITY OF CANTONS ILZ,IAtOIS++~ f2) That during this period the lsitiacena cf this City be and they hereby are urged and encouraged to make special effort to plant ap~rapriate trees and shrubs is beautitiaatian of their homes and grounds f3) Th t~ further, ~-p~arapriate of~iaials of this City are likewise urged and instructed to examine the grounds and holdings of this City and thereon cake sash plantings during this period as shall servo the intended purposes thereat'; ands (4) That the Mayor of this pity be and he hsreby is authorizeds by PROCLAMATION„ to timely publicise "ARBOR WEEK IN T.K CITY OT' CANTON, ILI.INC!IS'+~, as harain contemplated, to the end that the spirit and intendmente hereof may be cad become widely and generally known in the City. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton+ Ill.inoie this _~~~~day of __ ~i~%~, A. a. 1972. _' z.-Y2~ APF'RCAEDt ~, ,,.~.~'`~'' :~~~~ ~ NE%y ~~ J ~* MAYOR• ATTESTi ', CITY CLERK,