HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #630~..
RE~~ OLU`~'I0N
T T"' r.?~[• 'Ti 1-cr riT ,~ n~. ~' i~"i ~ ''r TT i r'~T^..~ ~. rl~_' /~.,.~;., T .. ..
BL w.z ..;-~aC1~ ~~ ,D ; . L,-L. ~,__T ~ . ,C 0 r Ck T~~ ~ i~ _ T.T ? ~rS ;
S~sCTIO?~t 1. That tl~ze sum of Eighty TYiousazzd (`;~n0~0()0.00) be
transferred from the C:eneral Cor..x~orate ~'1.znd of the ~it~= of Canton to the
Fire protection fund of said City.
SECTI~i`lT 2. 'That t'~ie sh,;1 of T~:i{;ht~= '"ZOUSand. ('>80.000.00) be transferred
from the Cxeneral Corporate '~l:~nd of the %it~= of Canton to the Road and r~rid~e
~'?~nd of sa~i_d r_tTr.
S~:CTTO^T 3. That ti~.e s~~m of 'hirty `l'h.ousa?~.d (~?30,00~.00) be transferred
from the r?^neral Corporate 1''la.nd of ~i,he i~~..-Ly of Canton to th.e Garbage ~isPosal.
"und of sa_d C:i.ty.
SrCTT~'T ~.. ThaL the s~u-n of O~~e ?Iuncred '-=z~ht~- `thousand (''.~1~0,000.00)
T~~1.l.ars be tra~~~sferred from the Cr~:neral Cor-~orate ~.~:nd of the C;_t~= of Canton
to the r'o1_~_c= ''rotect~_on ~~lznd. of sa;_~? r,_t-r~
5~~~,CTl""'~? 5. ~~'hat the s~i.nn of 7"~.ixty `Ch~~oe i"~~.o~c~sand, ~r~_e I~undred Ei~;ht~~= One
dollars a:r~d. seventh,- four cents (";~33,1~'~1.711 1>e transferr:~d from th.e ~3~eneral
r ,~
Coreorate l~'u.nd. o,~ the Cit~,= of Canton to t'le ~~n~c.al Assc;ssnont i~und of sa~~ d
S'', ~iT~ )*: ~~• `That t''?.e SlL"1 Of 1' ort,~ i''!ti=e ~Ol~..arS and tir7e`lt;~j O'_1e Cef1.tS
(`~L.5.27_) be transferred from the ;ponds and Interest fund of tl~ze C~_ty of Canton
to the Police Protection ~~ and of said C_t'; .
That the``Cit`= `I'reasurc;r and City Clerl. be a::-,.d their are herebT~= authorized
to make said transfers.
PAOSED b~ th.e Canton CitV,r Counci7_ and a~nnroved bar tl~.e Tla~;%or this 2~th
daz7 of Anr%.~. A. D. 1973.
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Transfer of Funds
General Fund Fire Protection Fund £0,000.00
" Road &_ Bridge F~1nd 80,000.00
~' " Garbage Disposal Fund 30,000.00
~' " Police Protection Fund 1$~~000.00
-~ " Special assessment Fund 33,181.4
Bohd~ & In'~erest Police Protection Fund 45.21
Fund 403,22~.9j