HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-2024 Canton City Council Regular Meeting Minutes CANTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Historic Depot-Donald E. Edwards Way th 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Il 61520 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on February 20, 2024 (6:30pm) at the th Historic Depot located at 50 North 4 Avenue Canton Illinois. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Kent McDowell, City Clerk Andi Walters, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Fire Chief Scott Roos, Police Chief Michael Eveland, Street Superintendent Dash Wilson, Utility Director Joe Carruthers, City Engineer Keith Plavec MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Fulton Democrat MEETING CALLED TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION – Mayor Kent McDowell ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham Running Late Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: MAYORAL COMMUNICATIONS/REQUESTED ACTION: Mayor McDowell wanted to keep the McClaren family in his thoughts and prayers. Mayor asked Bob Ackerman to come up to the podium and stated that Bob has worked for the city since December of 2017 and is retiring. Mayor wanted to give his appreciation to Bob and everything he has done for the city. Bob explained that he really enjoyed this job and is very appreciative as well and that it was a great opportunity for him. Mayor McDowell announced there would be a barricade going up and afterwards repairing the fence at Greenwood Cemetery. CITY CLERK COMMUNICATIONS /REQUESTED ACTION: DEPARTMENT HEAD COMMUNICATIONS/REPORTS: Police Chief Mike Eveland stated if anyone has any questions about the police report that he could go ahead and answer them and noted that the second school resource officer started in January. There were three school threats either online or via some kind of communication. One of the threats was reported to the police department by the FBI and two arrests were made with a couple weapons confiscated from the parents’ house. This was not a threat against Canton School District but was against another school and those people arrested lived here. Public Utilities Director Joe Carruthers said that this has been a good month and water usage is down a lot with short run times. CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD FEBRUARY 06, 2024 BILL LIST DISBURSEMENT REPORT TREASURER’S REPORT PUBLIC WORKS REPORT POLICE REPORT FIRE REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/Grimm to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY AND LEGAL ALDERPERSON JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIR ORDINANCE RESCINDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 5 OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING BILLBOARDS; POSTERS. Attorney Chris Jump stated they were looking through the zoning steps and examining the billboard ordinances which were from 1959 and some more recent updated ordinances dealing with signage which included off-premises signage. They will be rescinding all old, outdated ordinances that should have been repealed when the signage ordinance was passed, which is part of the zoning code. Attorney Jump will be repealing the outdated language. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Gossett/Chamberlin to approve ordinance rescinding title 3, chapter 5 of the canton municipal code regarding billboards; posters. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin The motion carried. REGULATORY AND POLICY ALDERPERSON ANGELA HALE, CHAIR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALDERPERSON JOHN LOVELL, CHAIR PUBLIC WORKS ALDERPERSON ANGIE LINGENFELTER, CHAIR FINANCE ALDERPERSON ANDRA CHAMBERLIN, CHAIR IT AND CYBERSECURITY ALDERPERSON GREG GOSSETT, CHAIR LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT ALDERPERSON RALPH GRIMM, CHAIR APPROVAL TO HIRE AN OFFICER TO FILL A DISCHARGED OFFICER POSITION. There was an information sheet in the packet provided. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/Grimm to approve hiring an officer to fill a discharged officer position. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin The motion carried. PROPERTY ALDERPERSON PATRICK KETCHAM, CHAIR ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ZONING RELATED TO AN APPLICATION FROM CODY TH GIEBELHAUSEN AND CIVIL DIGITAL DISPLAYS, LLC FOR A DIGITAL BILLBOARD SIGN ON 5 AVENUE. Attorney Jump addressed this agenda item and the next agenda item together. Everyone received the ordinances in their packets. Cody Giebelhausen reached out and is in the process of submitting the IDOT application. It was a requirement to notify the City/Council under the redevelopment agreement. Part of the issue when drafting the redevelopment agreement, the idea was that they would submit their design to the mayor and the mayor would approve the final design and then it would go to IDOT. We aren’t quite to that point though as the final designs are not complete and they cannot submit to IDOT until they have final zoning approval from the city. Our sign regulations are built into our zoning code for off-premises signs. It could take a th while for IDOT to get back approving the sign. Giebelhausen currently owns the 5 Ave/Linn Street location, however, we will soon be moving towards closing on it and the city will be taking ownership and then will be in a lease with them for that portion of the property. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Gossett/Ketcham to approve an ordinance approving the zoning related to an application from Cody Giebelhausen and Civil Digital Displays, th LLC for a digital billboard sign on 5 Avenue. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin The motion carried. ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ZONING RELATED TO AN APPLICATION FROM CODY GIEBELHAUSEN AND CIVIL DIGITAL DISPLAYS, LLC FOR A DIGITAL BILLBOARD SIGN ON MAIN STREET. Giebelhausen will remain owning this location and there will be a little bit of a difference in the signs as this one will be a little bit larger. All subject to IDOTS approval. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Hale/Ketcham to approve an ordinance approving the zoning related to an application from Cody Giebelhausen and Civil Digital Displays, LLC for a digital billboard sign on Main Street. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Ketcham x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin Mayor McDowell x The motion carried EXECUTIVE SESSION/CLOSED MEETING ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Gossett/Lovell to adjourn without the need for executive session. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett x Alderperson x Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz x Alderperson Hale x Alderperson Grimm x Alderperson Lovell x Alderperson Nelson x Alderperson x Chamberlin The motion carried. _________________________________________________________________ Andi Walters, City Clerk _________________________________________________________________ Kent McDowell, Mayor