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Resolution #638
F RESOLUT I ON~~3~ WHEREAS, the City of Canton located in the•County of Fulton , State of Illinois, wishes to __~ocate. coaetruct. operate and maintain a 10 inch VCP sanitary sewer line and crossing and a 8 inch water main and crossing along and across Route 9, Section 41R and 41X and as outlined in Permit No 4-12315 which, by law, comes under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation, of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from this 1epartment is required 'before said •work can be legally undertaken by said City of Canton ~~ ~ now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Canton County of Fulton State of Illinois. First: That we do hereby request from the Depa~•:ment of "9'rs~¢nsportation, State of Illinois, a permit authorizing the y of Canton to proceed with the work herein described. Second; That we hereby pledge the good faith o:E f~flue _ City of Canton and guarantee that all work shall be performed in ~accu,r~~nun~~e uritrl'h~ ~:~e~e conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department of Tra~r~portra;;io~a of tlhx~ S?a,te of Illinois, and to hold the State of Illinois, Department of Trarnspox°f~~stiocn harmless, on account of any damage that may occur to persons or property, during the pros~ecuti®n of such work, and assume all liability for damage to persons or property dare: ~~o aiccidents or otherwise, by reason of the work which is to be performed under the proviaiouas of said permit. Third: That we hereby state that the proposed work is coot, to be perforn~ed by the employees of the Citv of Canton Fourth; That the proper officers of the Citv of Canton are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said pt;c~it ire l~e~:aul~ of the __ •~ ~ J - I'/ '; ~`- *- ,,~ -~ ~l t ~c~ , hereb,v ceL•tbfy '~l~e m?~ove to be a true i' _ copy of the Resolution passefl by the ctrv of •~n~~ ~~~ County of Fill tnn /~/J State of Il~.i.;rois, Dated this ~~`l"` day of _ ~_~. A. D. 19~~ , ~!--- ~Y (CORPORATE SEAL) E'. -~ -G-P ~~~ Form B. M. sr STATE OIr ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SPRI NGI~1 ELD. 1 LLI NOI S HIGHWAY PERMIT District Serial No. 4-12315 _ WHEREAS, - SI TY OF CAN ~N . City Hal 1 -_ of _ Can ton ,^-~ ~ Illinois, hereinafter termed the Petitioner, requests permission and authority to do certain work herein described, in, upon or along State Highway known as Route 9 Section 4iR and 41X -from station 58+15+ to Station 81+©0~ - SBCLIOn from $tatlon t0 Station __ F'e><l ton - County, subject to the following conditions and restrictions: Permission and authority is requested to locate, construct, operate and maintain a 10 inch V.C.P. sanitary sewer line located south og the south edge o~ the pavement of Routs 9 Section 41R and 41X between Station 58+15+ and Station 81+00+ in the City o>:' Canton, Fulton county and constructed at the locations as shown on tfie attached prints as pre- pared by Anderson and Associates, Consulting l3ngineers and made a part of this permit. The said 10 inch sanitary sewer shall cross the above described pavement encased in a steal casing at Station 81+00+ and shall be constructed in accordance with the attached State Specifications governing boring or jacking. Permission and authority is also requested to locate, construct, operate and maintain an 8 inch water main located south of the south edge of the said pavement between Station 58+25+ and Station 67+30+ and shall be constructed in accordance with the said attached prinks. `Itte said water-main shall also cross the above described pavement and shall bs encased in a steel casing at Station 67+30+ and shall be constructed in ac- eordancs with the said attached State b"pecification-s governing boring and jacking. The backfill of the trench shall be thoroughly compacted at time of backfill by water soaking or tampinglby mechanical means, and any depressions which may develop within the area involved in the construction operations, due to settlement of the backfilling material, shall be kept Filled, and the highway restored to its original condition, during a period of six (6) months prom the date of the completion of the work authorized in this permf t. First: The said petitioner shall furnish material, do all work, pay all costs and shall in a reasonable length of time restore said highway to a condition similar or equal to that existing before the commencement of the described work. It is also understood that the work shall be completed within Six C 6) months After the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. Second: That the proposed work shall be located sad constructed to the satisfaction of the Chief Highway Engineer or his duly author- ized representative and the material used shall cori£orm to the standard specifications of the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways. Third: In performing this work the petitioner shall not interfere with or obstruct traffic on said highway. Fourth: That the petitioner shall not serve any patron while the vehicle of the patron is parked on any portion of the S~a~.e highway. Fifth: That the said petitioner, his successors or assigns, shall assume all risk and liability for accidents and damages that may accrue to persons or property on account of this work. Sixth: That the petitioner shall not trim, cut or in any way disturb any trees or shrubbery, along said highway without the approval of the Chief Highway Engineer or his duly authorized representative. Seventh: That should the State's construction nn and operation of said highway require any alteration or change of location of the work called for in this permit, such alteration or change of location shall be made by the Petitioner upon written request by the Chief Highway Engineer without expense to the State of Illinois, and should the Petitioner fail to make satisfactory arrangements to comply with this request within 60 days, the State reserves the right to make such alterations or change of location or remove the work and the Petitioner agrees to pay for the cost incurred. Eighth: That this permit is effective insofar only as the Department has jurisdiction and does not presume to release said petitioner from compliance with the provisions of any existing statutes relating to the construction of such work. SIGN AND RETURN•TO: Mr J• E•Harland, 6035 N. Mount Hawley Road, Peoria Illinois DMrid B.nsiaev Address This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this day of , 19~ Attest• Witnew -~- Signed:-__ Pedfioaar Given this. ~aq of ~ ._._.._ _~, A.D. 19.. TRANSPORTATION lUepartmcnt of Recommended: Diatrlcf. BaQiaeer ~- _.__-- ur-- ---- DiracWr ,~ • i • .' PERMIT YJO. 4-12315 -l - ~aebruary 29, 1972 Upon campletfan of the above described construction aperatiaas all dis- turbed areas shall be reseeded or sodded. Whenever any of the work under this permit involves any obstruction or hazard to the free flow of traffic in the normal traffic lanes, plans far the proposed method al traffic control moat be submitted to and approved by the District Engineer, at least {72) hours and preferably longer, before the start of work. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the 8tace of Illinois Manuai of Unifarfn Traffie Control Devices and amendments thereof. It should be Hated that standards and typical placement of devices sha~,m in the Uniform Manual are mini~tas. Many locations may requir s additional or supplemental devices. The contractor performing the above described work shall furnish the State of Illinois, Department of Transpor tation, a surety bond in the amount ag 31,000.00, to insure fulfillment of the provisions as set forth in this permit, said bond to remain in :Full farce and effect for a period of five (5) years Pram the date of approval of this permit. The City Councii shall approve ail copies of the attached 'Resolution', to do the above described work. The Petitions r ageees to notiey Mr. J. F. Harland, District &igines~r, De- partment of 'l~ranaportation, 6035 N. Mount Hawley Ra acl, Peoria, Illinois, as sass as the above described work is completad, in order i:txat an inspection may be made. NO WORK IS TO BE STARTED ON TH.6 ABOVE PROJECT UNTIL TH6 PERMIT IiAS BEEN AP- PROVED BY TRIS DEPA€t'Il~IENT. TiiE PBTITTtI[Vi13R IS '1~D AIOTIFY 'iliE DISTRICT TRAFFIC ENGINEER ('1'ELEPHONEt 691-2114) i~IVE (5) DAYS BEi~UIZE THE STAEtT OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. TRAFFIC CONTROL STANDARDS NUMBID.tS3D 2300, 2298-1, 2299-1 AND 2305-1 AP,E ALL MADE A PART OF THIS PERMIT. u_`...,_._.__________._ _...__ ___._._.~ T~iI3 PERMIT SHOULD BT AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES AT TH.E PROPOSED PROJECT, IF !E- QUESTSD BX A .DULY AUT[iORILEll RgPRESSNTr1TIVE OF Tips DIVISION OF HIf~1WAY3 OR THS STATE POLICE. ~ ~ : . W,. a i • • .~ __~ • ~'I'AI~DARD D~SiGi~l i~ C~:Z I' L : iG:,i iii i :~A~'riC CG~~T OL S~G~~ ~. ~ . -~ ~-' r: f } T` . m .. •:~ t -- STAFF FRONT SIDE REVERSE SIDE . .. • . .. .. GENERAL ~IO'~LS ' 1. Tbs "S COT' foa shs11 consist of chits lettt~ and 7. 'iZta si~+ Mae nuterial s'uII be O.CE sturtpnum. Tl~e stag Gorda on a led relIatori:rd brck~ound shall eortsLSt of two sections of 3i~ in. ~ivmLai steed Z. Ths "SLOW' t3:t s.':=!! caa~LSt o~ :'.acft letters and cord:tit joi.,cd by a couciin; 1oe~ted 6J in. Lt•o:°+ the border ort s orsn;e rttlectocitn! baca~ound. bottom of the sta!T. Ai:erna;e C:s:.~ > an~;'or r.~.:rru~ 3. Mess out::d: siS horde:: s:.a1 be ;ib,.yt bi:se. tstay be used when aparoved by the Dsrict E.i~^.rxT. A~ 4. The. portion of the staff vritlws the stun fcr shaII tnatcir ~ Tho agtss null ~ ~furnr~~cd by chef contsacta and s".srl {!re tart toles s. AII colon and letters shwa nxN appltc:bk fedora! be used by the ~~~m.an in Geu of t1~~ or other s:cnu:n; sssnbudi devices. Tlie Boat of furnishing :nd r.L:inu:r.:n; t~: sti, ~, 'TMe T:;, sf ~'J he atUe!•e^~l to t1e stiff wit.~f rust resistant sha!1 be con i,!-red i^.c:.lent:t to the contl~ct ar.d no {fi in. hrr~Mus. ~ aQJiaorol compcc.~~un w..1 be :.~;.Wcd. •: _ + ' .. . • • i ' ~ ,-> ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~f~ .~~ i ~ (~ 1 ~ ~ ~p y•. ~= ._. e j~ ~~ t i "~ :+~ vl ~°J ~ ~G til_". ~ n! ,}.,! 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