HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #6551 ~~~3,3~~:~~S, tI=.c City of ;;ar:tor, =1~?1_inois, I?y formal actior taken arod e~,pressed b~T I~e:~ol.utior P^=o. G~'7, on uanua~°y l,'', 1~~4, institutes? enabling action for a major street and hiE~;I~way accident location study and emfl_oye.d the firm of Craceford, l~durl.~hy ~ filly, Inc . ~: o imps ement; the ~ ame ; and , tvIILPcI~~1S, said f~it.y, through its agent, teas applied for federal highway safety funds under "lchplicatian for highway Safety Project" hroject n.o. IS 4-0~4>-l:':'; ~zrd, I~III~%:AS, tl~e project conteml~latec? is sometimes referrer? to a~ „~ Section f4-I:-CS Project"; and, !!III~;'sZI~,iS, the estimated cost o.f said r~ro jest. i4 the sum of ~~1.4,(}Q0.00 of wlricl~ the matching share of said City is understood to be ~~3(} thereof; and, ~r'31~1~~s~?a, in order to further implement said hr~aject, i.t now app-ears necessary for laic? City to provide for said matching; s3iare in the amount of „v~? , '(}0.C)(}, P~OId, rI'I;~:Itl~f~(~l~i, I`, i7' ~~r ~I' ~I~,~<I~131' I: ?L~~.SC"LVi~~~ F?~r t:he Cot°porate ~ut;l~arities of t:hc ~; ty of Canton, i 1]_inoi~, as follows ''I~at, ttie stt:~ of z.n , ~'(}G.(}(? ?~e, ~~nd t?re same ~~ca^el~y is, authorised anc' set aside tram mci;or fuel tai. funds due or to become due and paya}ale to laic? C~_ty .3r~= for' the I~irrx~osc at' utilisation in t.hc ~aymer.t of sai_c? matcliir.t; <imour:t to '~e Y;~aid by c,ai.d (;ity or. account. of said project. r1'Itat all_ intere~~ted o±'fi cial s ~~rr? any deI artment of the Uo~rernment of the State of I1_linois be, .and t;}~re same hereby are, atathori~cd t:o do such acts ar may Inc needed in the implementation hereof and insofar as the same may .relate to tlir, sett..in.g aside of said motor _fuel. ta~~ funds of said amor:int; of y~? , ^00.(?(}. I ~,SSI~~;? by the Ci ty Colrn.ci.l. of 1; Ire City of C~~ni-,on, Il]_inais and :2I r1OVIJy by the P~ayor tI-ereo.f thi~~ '~ th day of r:rty, ~.}. 1~~4. -~ / h _ i~ i~ I.I1 Illinois Department of Transportation 6035 North Mt Hawley Road Peoria Illinois 61614 CITY MFT May 3, 1974 Canton General Mr. William H. Malmgren Attorney at Law 369 Aorth Main Street Canton, Illinois 61520 Dear Sir: District 4 Attached are samples of resolutions used by other local governments for engineering studies as discussed with Mr. Barton of this office. The city has applied for Federal Highway Safety Funds under an "Application for Highway Safety project", Project Number IS 4-0848- 122. The resolution you are drafting is to appropriate for the city's matching share, 3086 of $14,000.00 of the project cost of Section 64-E-CS, a mayor street and high accident location study to be under- taken by Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., under an agreement dated January 15, 1974. Please contact Mr. Charles Barton of this office if additional in- formation or assistance is required. Very truly yours, 9~~~~ J. E. Harland District Engineer CWB:km attach: >rA'Tr AF •ILI,IIR(?IS • R~~DLt3T'ICP~ FAR TICIi'I~;~~"'~~I~ S'TUI7Y ~Y tN"rylC~p,iLIT1t U1'IA'~ `1'IiF; IL~FI©I5 tiLGii~JAY GCI~k:. BE IT RL~L~, by the Cotmoil oP the City of Maoamb~ Illinois, that thorn ie hereby appivpriated the fStI~l of ~?.,~t}0.44 0~' A'htc~r Foal Tea Ida tar ~ 3ineering scrviaas in aQnnac~ioa~ ~lth the QantSnueue ~i.~t~y N ~ ~sdo Opc'L~te 5ystea drai~ated as H.8.2. S~*,~,cn 76.1972 Dom, for she pnr}~o ss o£ pzb'viding infoa~atiam pf~rt$~.tting to dimf~sione! ohara.:teriati,as, and eoa~d3.t#.on of 7.,~aa1 mua~talpal streeto_in t9~p~-t~.an with the Z211x:ois D~.Q'l.~eion of ~.gbzaa~ra and the 1"llixwie ~ii~h~ay Study C~frtmiss3.on. Bfi I'P FE~~TH~ R~SpLY~, that the Qerk is hereby directed to t~n~mit t:~ aertd.timci a~piea of this re~olut~.on to the district o!l~.ae at the Deparb~~ent of Tran~partation, 1~3.visior- of Hi~;h~aay~a! st poarf,r-fa ~.].inois. AFPRO~ Dept. of Traasportatiot~ I~.vie3on at High~y$ September 5, ~ 1g72~ • ItI TI~STIk~NY t,~iF,Rl~t~~ I Nava ~~^~-.~ ~' `~-~> - --~ Srv~nto sot fayr hand and seal. Under Secretary Chief Transportation Englneet t~6 8t~1 ~y ©t September I~ Mro. LudLto Gibarn~ 4~.ty Qerk in +end for the City of Maco>~b~ Co4mty of l~ia3bnvu~, herby aorti~'y the tarc~oin~ to be ,a tree, ,perfect and annpl.ate caopy of a rernol>,t~.an opted bgr the C3.ty Coundl at a mes9ti.ng on ~`` ~l~ i ~ ` C 1872, `ate. ~~~~,`~~. ~> atiY Qork '^'.t'...+~!.Y"'^!.'~A', .x..i,:w .,..._^+99+wf`«4'xi .i.~P~g1M"sKlylp~es ~ 1wMn1i'~2'.n,••AVC.1if#q'rY'S"';.~'.w... in I'1F~Ylw'r;x^~.~'.°RtA*~~19~`4O'RT, {PRS!°~„~"•"•N -m«~r.,. ~'rn.....'r,~+ ,~~~p~,. J 1F 1. ` • r~ •~ - " . • STATE (JF 171,7''.~T~IS RE9LaLtT`1'ION Ft1R Il`?GINE?RLNG STUTIY }3Y N,UiVICIPALYTY UiJAc~t THE ILI.IivOIS HIGHtvAY (ODE BE IT RESOLYs~D, by the Council of the City of Bushna3.1, Illinois, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of $1,373. of 1Kotor P'utal Tax Fundy Yor engineering s®rvices in ao2meotion with the Continu®us Highway Needs Tlpdate Syste<a designated as M.F.T. Section 29-1972 N3E-C3, far the purpose of p~vicHing information p®rtaining to dimensions, characteristics and aonditir~n of ],oral mtazicipa7. streets in aooperatian with the Illinois Atvisian of Highways and th• I]a,inoia Highway Studer Comtni.ss3on. HE IT FURTfiER RESOLVED, that the Qerk is hereby dl,reoted to transaoit twin certified c©pias of this resolution to the distrlat office at' the Department of Transportation, Aivi~lon of High~rays, ~, at Pacyrf.a, Illinois. ~~~, „~ , r'` -. ~r^w~rr - - - il++' ~ s '~.rk j~ '..! 4,a -` '' AP`PROYED p`ST~~to'~ ~ I, Mrs. Margaret Davis, :t 'tie®~~~ t?-~~S~o~e Qerk in and for the City of `~---s- ~' `J.~. ~ ~ ~97~ E~ushnell, County of Mc$nough, ,19_,,, hereby aartify the foregoing to Dfpt. of Transportation be a true, perfect and oomplete. -- Divisian of Highways copy of a r~solutionadopted b9 the .City Council at a meeting an ,. E'~~'~~~`'"'-: _~- =` 1'ld TESTIh10NY WfiER~F, I have Under Secretary hereunto set ~Y hand and seal Chiet Transportation EnSinaer, thi s _,,,,(,~,_ day of 4s= G__.~,__,~„-,. 19~. ~ tg Qerk .:.. ;.,..:~. K ,.: ~~~- ... , • _. .' ~. RE II' REESOLVED, by the Cotl": cil of the City of Bushnell, STATE OF ILLINOIS RESOLE""TIC'i1 FO, ~i~~r'l,i~:.ii~G S'~U~Y BY i'~irtTvICIF~LI`l`t UNDO TfiE ILLINOIS HIGH'~~7AY CODE. Illinois that there is hereby appropriated the sum of X1,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for engineering services in connection with the first year of a municipal-wide study of the City of Bushnell, Illinois Storm Sewer System, for the purpose of planning future construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of local municipal street drainage facilities and appurtenances. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution t district office of the Department of Transportati of. Highways at Peoria, Illinois. ApproTred ,19 ept. of Transportation Division of High~rrays District Engineer ,.. -~,. 4/ ~ ~~.. .~.~[~ .~ r ;~~-~. ~~,~~~ . Y•~. .~.- .~~ :*- I, Mrs. Margaret Davis, City Clerk in and for the City of Bushnell, County of ryIcDonou~,h, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by therr''City .Cou/n~ cil at a mpeeting on IN TESTIMON: Y V'~H~EOF, I 'r:ave hereunto set my hand and seal thi s~~,day of ~ ~~ r. y,• - ^ .~;, 19~~_. ~ F. . ~ ~ ~ (seal) ~r',; r ct ~' ~ .~-• ~ :.~.~ s.~ . • ' y ,~i ty Clem: R E S t1 L U T I O N `'~ • ~ .~ err ~:tty of Kicomb hss entered into an Agreement with the State of ;, !,~r the improvement of Jackson Street (F.A. Route 10), known as -.,.1, City Section 74-1CS, and Federal-Aid Project T-5040 (1); and „- a : ,_~, to co:rpliance with the aforementioned Agreement, it is necessary ~.r the City to appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds to pay its share of the coat nt said ir..provement, aC-,t, T1lERF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Seventy Thousand, Fivr_ Hundred Dollars ($70,500), or so-much thereof as may br. necessary, from any money now or herafter allotted to the City under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law, to pay its share of the cost of this {rpiovement as provided in the Agreanent; and ,, ~ l1f. IT FURTHER RI±SULVED, that upon completion of the improvemen*_, the CITY is hereby authorized and directed to pay over to~the Department of TransportRtion of the State of Illinois in a lump sum from any of said money allotted to the City tinder the Motor Fuel Tax Law an amount equal to its obligation incurred under this agreement; and, -' sE IT FURT1iER RESOT.VF.D, that the city agrees to pass a Supplemental Resolution to provide necessary Cunds for its share of the cost of this improvement if. tt~e amount appropriated herein proves to be insufficient to cover said cost. STATE OF ILI:INOIS ) . ~ ) SS CaUNTY of McDONOUCH) • ? . • kTXX , I, Ms. .l„~il1P l~ibsnn - Clty Clerk, in and for the, City i ~ of Macomb, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect, and complete copy of ~ Resolu- • tion adopted by. the Macomb at a meeting on J'u~ 2, ;1 73 • ,APPROVED ,• IIJ TESTIMONY 'v7T1ERE0F, I have hereunto set my • Z' ~~,~ hand and Sealy this 6th, day of t~c t@ r • ~~Y. ,A. D. , 19 73'. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION " • - i Division of Highways ;, Ci#~ Clerk s----- .. . • ~ ~ . G / ~ •- District Engineer ~ ; -~ ~ - , ~__ ,.. _ ,.. ,. ,. .. ~, e. ,. . , ..~ _ ,., _.. .. :. .~ • '° ~w - 1 "r ~ <<'Ii(i_ ili~i'~'^T;~i„ Pf-~t3G;:l;?< < '~,"' i~; t~C?r~t~i {b , 1 ~'r'1 STALE CAF iLLI~;C7IS) ~.S. Ct,UT1' JF Fl~LT~:~Y ) td~~E~?~:,~+5, Fulton County currertl ~~' r.?ai ntai ns approximately 40 hri dge structures on its County Higt~~;ay Systeit~, an~i, tdttEREAS , i t i s ~ n the public i ntert~st to see that these struct~;rF~s receive periodic inspections, and, tIHEREAS, Federal and State policy require that tt;ese structures receive a farmal inspection every two years, and that a formal inspection record be established, and, li1HEREAS, the cost of this inspection must be borne by the County. THEREFORE, 6E IT RESULVEU, by tk;e Coard of Supervisors of Fulton County that the sum of five thousand dollars (~J,UGO.aO) is hereby appropriatea from the County's allotment of i~,otor Fuel Tax Funds for the cost of tk~e 1871 Cridc;e Inspection Program, and, BE IT FUFtTi•iER RESOLVED, that tt-e Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public t-dorks and Qui 1 di ngs , Division of }li gh~.~rays through its District Engi Weer. I, Emil E. Sepich, County Clerk in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Fulton County, at its .''arch meeting held at Le1l1 S tON'n on t parch 10 , 1971. IN TESTIhiOt~dY 4?FtEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at my office in Lewistaam, in said County, this llt~,day of March A.D. 1971. -----~ - ~ r ounty Clerk APPROVED: 1971 Department of Public t~orks and Buildings Division of fiiclhways .~. ~._ L (,1 C '~ I ~ i c~, „ it ; k. r, ~:; j_, , ~ ~,..___._ ._~ ~- -~ .. ~ ~ x r ..~ i /,'.. ~)' I