HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-1993 Mechanical Mechanical Carmtittee City Council Chambers September 28, 1993 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Chet Phillips, Dick Coay, Jim May, Chuck Chapman Others Present: Don Edwards, James Elson, Ciif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, Bob DeRenzy, Mike Elam, Bob Molleck, Chris Spears, George Spahn, Will Taggart, Kevin Meade, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper At this time Mayor Edwards introduced Roy Walters. Mr. Walters stated that he is involved in preparing a weatherization grant application through the Illinois Development Association. In the application, if Mr. Walters acts as the general contractor, it is prohibitive for him to conduct the final inspections. He stated that grant application is in the amount of $200,000 and will consist of 25 houses over a two year period. He requested permission to use the name of a city employee for inspection purposes in the application. He stated that this is not binding on the city and a fee of $100 per house would be paid to the city for the inspections. A motion was made by Jim May and seconded by Chuck Chapman recommending approval to use the name of Will Taggart for inspection purposes for the weatherization grant application. Voice vote. Motion carried. Public Safety & Traffic Committee Chuck Chapman, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the fire report. Bob DeRenzy stated the monthly report was self explanatory. No action was necessary by the Committee. The police report was next. The report was self explanatory and no action was necessary by the Committee. Mike Elam stated that a LEADS audit had been conducted and he is very pleased with the dispatch staff and felt they should be commended for passing the audit in atl categories. Mike informed the Conmittee that the animal pound has consistently passed their quarterly inspection. 1 Mike stated he is presently looking into a "Cops on the Beat" grant application. He stated that this will pay for a police officer's salary but not his overtime. He stated he will come back to the committee with more information at a later time. The ESMA report was next. Howard Williams informed the Committee that the Emergency Operating Plan will be on line December 31st and will be on computer disk so that various changes can be readily made. He stated that the hazmat officer investigated an illegal dumping complaint on September 16 and the report contains the findings on that matter. Howard requested permission to spend up to $800 for a portable radio to update the ESMA unit. He stated that this is a budgeted item. A motion was made by Chuck Chapman and seconded by Jim May recommending approval to purchase radio equipment in an amount not to exceed $800.00. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee with a request to move the police department's radio antenna. He stated that Sprint Cellular is willing to allow the antenna to be placed on their tower on North 4th Avenue. The city's cost for the antenna and its relocation is $1759. Mike stated that an anonymous person is donating $4595 worth of related equipment to complete the move. This move will provide a full time generator for the department's communications system which is not presently available at the hi-rise, where the present antenna is located. A motion was made by Chuck Chapman and seconded by Chet Phillips to send the matter to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee concerning the safety hazards at 440 South 9th Avenue and 871 East Oak Street. These two properties are owned by the same person and have been damaged by fire. The department has cited this person several times. The department has received reports of children going in and out of the properties. Mike asked for guidance on the safety problem. Discussion followed. The Committee directed the city attorney to proceed with condemnation proceedings due to the safety hazard involved. No further action was taken by the Committee and the Public Safety and Traffic Committee was adjourned. Streets and Garbage Committee Richard Coay, Chairman The first item on the purchase of a Best-Aire had the trade if it is not will not work on available. He sta the agenda was a request from Clif O'Brien to put new air compressor out for bids. He stated that state bid last year and will take this unit in on seized up. He stated that several repair companies the unit due to the fact that parts are not ted that this is a 180 gallon 75 horsepower unit 2 and approximately $8,000 has been budgeted for its replacement. A motion was made by Dick Coay and seconded by Chuck Chapman to put the purchase of an air compressor out for bids. Voice vote. Motion carried Dick Coay informed the Committee that he Guy Coleman to vacate an alley behind B Street. The alley is a brick alley any Avenue C. Mayor Edwards stated that the to see if there are any utility easements decision. has received a request from & D Grocery on West Locust ~ runs east and west off of Committee may want to check in the alley before making a Mayor Edwards asked Clif O'Brien his intentions concerning the shoulder along Cypress Street. Ciif stated that Pschirrer has been using their roller on Route 116 but will be bringing it in town to use on the shoulders as the city applies rock in this area. It was mentioned that several yet been raised. Clif stated to winter. When asked when the striping Clif stated that when the Eas the entire length of Chestnut unit. manholes on Nor that he hopes to will be done on t Chestnut Street will be striped th 4th Avenue have not have these done prior East Chestnut Street, project is completed, using a truck mounted No further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage Committee was adjourned, Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee Chet Phillips, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the lake lots septic systems. Ray McKinney stated that when a property is sold or transferred from one owner to another, the septic system is inspected at the request of the financial institution but, if any problems are found, they are not forced to have them corrected. The Fulton County Health Department does inspect newly installed septic systems but not exiting units. Ray asked if this could be added to the new leases providing that any problems found during the inspection must be corrected in order to transfer the lease. The Committee directed the city attorney to look into the matter. No further business was discussed and the Lake, Buildings and Grounds Committee was adjourned. 3 Public Works - Water and Sewer Carmittee Jim May, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the maintenance agreement with Illinois Blueprint for the xerox machine in the basement. Mayor Edwards stated that this is in the amount of $425.00. Committee discussed the original cost of the machine and if service has been required in the past. Mayor Edwards stated he would talk with Tracie to obtain more information on the matter prior to the City Council meeting. A motion was made by Chet Phillips and seconded by Chuck Chapman recommending approval of the maintenance agreement. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig requested permission to pay for the repair of a pump by Manufacturing Services in the amount of $1,0784.58. A motion was made by Dick Coay and seconded by Chuck Chapman recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee concerning the possibility of looping the water line between Route 9 at the prison and the Canton/Cuba blacktop. Ray stated that this could be done in house, is approximately two miies and would loop two 8" mains with the installation of a 6" main. The approximate cost is $14,000. He stated that at a recent meeting, it appears that Fairview will be hooking into the city main and not through Norris as originally planned. Ray stated that an EPA permit and engineering would have to be obtained prior to the installation of the loop. Discussion. A motion was made by Chuck Chapman and seconded by Dick Coay to refer to the City Council the recorrYnendation to have Bob Anderson complete the engineering and obtain the EPA permit to complete the loop. Voice vote. Motion carried. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee concerning the old and new intake structures. The old structure has a partial crack. He would like to have a diver put water plug in the cracked area to help prevent possible water seepage. On the new intake structure, Ray sated he wold like to spray the area with potassium permaganate, which will help keep the zebra mussels from infesting the area. It is reported that the zebra mussels do not like potassium permaganate. Ray stated that these are only thoughts at this time and will bring the matter back to the Committee with a final plan. Jim May stated that Jeff Hauk was in the audience and is here concerning the possible tap fee reimbursement. It was noted that the figures have been presented ($2,867.86) and would be split between five lots. A motion was made by Chuck Chapman and seconded by Dick Coay to sent the matter to the City Council for their approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. On the East Myrtle Street water line extension, Mayor Edwards stated that this matter is ready for Council action as well. A motion was made by Chet Phillips and seconded by Dick Coay to send the matter to the City Council for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. 4 qi~r" `~' Mayor Edwards stated that the prison hearing was very possitive and informed the Committee that Chris Spears had done a good job in preparing for the hearing. He stated he feels Canton will be in the run-off. Both Kewanee and Havana complimented Canton on their presentation. Mayor Edwards stated that he, James, representatives of Manufacturing Services and their attorney met concerning the stop order on the building on 1st Avenue. He stated he did not know if they had made the deadline for publication on their rezoning request. Mayor Edwards informed the Com~nittee that Chris Spears has resigned his position with the city and will take a job as an apprentice lineman with Spoon River Electric on November 1st. Chris stated that he and his wife are pleased to stay in Canton. Mayor Edwards asked the Committee to think what they want to do with the office and the matter will be discussed at the Personnel Committee next month. Chet Phillips stated he had heard that CIC had been sold and there is a new owner. Mayor Edwards stated he had heard this as well. Dick Coay asked Clif O'Brien if he will be instituting a house to house check for illegal hookups to the sewer system. He stated that if a house to house search were to be done, it could be accomplished by the meter readers. He stated that the biggest culprit to that sewer line is the infiltration of ground water at the pipe joints. Discussion followed on using several persons from ail departments to conduct the house to house inspections. It was noted that if the illegal hook ups were removed, this would help the backup problems experienced in the north end. No further action was taken on the matter at this time. No further business was discussed and the Public Works - Water and Sewer Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 5