HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1993 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers November 9, 1993 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Kevin Meade, Jerry Bohler Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, Mike Elam, George Spahn, Ray McKinney, Gary Orwig, Jim May, Bob DeRenzy, Will Taggart, Dick Coay, Chet Phillips Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the opening of the bids for a new air compressor. The bids were opened by the secretary. The results of the bids are on the attached bid sheet. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to refer the bids to staff for review and recommendation. Voice vote. Motion carried. The utility TIF funds were next. Pat Wright stated that the Council has to develop a written plan to spend the funds contained in the TIF 4A and 4B accounts. If these funds are not spent or committed within three years of receipt, the funds are to be refunded to the taxing bodies. She stated that there is $73,000 in TIF 4A of which $41,000 needs to be spent. There is $90,000 in TIF 4B of which $66,000 needs to be spent. She stated that in 4A, which is the enterprise zone, there has been discussion of upgrading the road, running additional water and sewer lines, and upgrading the lift station at the enterprise park. In the downtown area, TIF 46, the discussion has been to use the funds for the depot. Pat stated that the funds have to be committed or spent by the end of April. Mayor Edwards stated that Bob Anderson is developing plans for a water main extension from Hickory to Locust Street and has filed for an EPA permit. Gary Orwig is wanting to upgrade the lift station at the industrial park and Clif O'Brien should be putting specs together for road improvements. He stated that the city should know within a few days on the grant application for the depot. No final action was taken by the Committee at this time. The next item on the agenda was the opening of janitorial bids. The results of the bids are on the attached bid sheet. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to refer the bids to staff for review. Voice vote. Motion carried. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee with a snow plow for his truck. He stated that the 10p/o discount and a trade in of $300-500 for - $1860. A motion was made by Kevin Meade Bohler to approve the purchase with the t Voice vote. Motion carried. request to purchase a price is $2360 with a a total price of $1660 and seconded by Jerry rade in and discount. Mike Elam requested permission to purchase a new squad car for the police department. He stated that this is a 1994 Crown Victoria and can be purchase at Lock's for a price of $14,564.00 which is $395.54 over the state bid. Mike stated that this would allow the purchase of a car from a local dealer and would save money in not having to have two officers drive to Decatur to pick up the car. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending to the City Council the approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 4th Avenue sewer report was next. Larry Sarff stated that another meeting had been held with the constituents of the area and Bob Anderson had shown parts of the tape where the sewer line had been videotaped. He and Chet Phillips stated they did not see a large amount of infiltration of water in this line. Clif O'Brien explained that the tapping was done on a dry day and the sewer line is plugged so that no flow is able to get into the sewer line so that the camera is not underwater and can tape the inside the sewer. Clif stated that he feels the biggest problem is the infiltration. He stated that at 2:00 a.m. when he has had to pump this line, the water is clear and the likelyhood of residents using the sanitary sewer at that time of the morning is minimal. The Committee talked about illegal hook ups of sumps and floor tiles. Mayor Edwards stated that there are also restrictions on the North Main sewer and the total picture is needed to determine the problem before a solution can be addressed. Clif stated that in th early 1980s smoke tests were conducted by CMT and some illegal hook ups were found. He stated that footing tiles hooked to the sewer would not be detected unless the area was dug up where the sewer comes from the house to see if the tiles are connected. The Committee discussed the possibility of checking the laterals to see how much water is coming from the houses to try to determine if the tiles are hooked to the sewers. Clif stated he would try to find the CMT report on the smoke testing and get back with the Committee. Committee agreed. Bills were next on the agenda. Pat Wright informed the Committee the printer has been received and the cost was $5,840.00. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending to the City Council the approval of the bills. Voice vote. Motion carried. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to continue the rental of the excavator at a cost of $10,500, of which is to be split between the water plant and the sewer plant. Voice vote. Motion carried. Larry Sarff stated that there had been discussion of putting some of the insurances out for bid. Pat Wright stated that they are now renewing and would like to see the insurances come due on the fiscal year, which is May 1, rather than during the year. Larry Sarff suggested that quotes be obtained, with the quotes to be received 60 days prior to May 1st. He asked Pat Wright to put together a standard sheet outlining the coverage needed for the city. The 2 Mike Elam requested permission to purchase a new squad car for the police department. He stated that this is a 1994 Crown Victoria and can be purchase at Lock's for a price of $14,564.00 which is $395.54 over the state bid. Mike stated that this would allow the purchase of a car from a local dealer and would save money in not having to have two officers drive to Decatur to pick up the car. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending to the City Council the approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. The 4th Avenue sewer report was next. Larry Sarff stated that another meeting had been held with the constituents of the area and Bob Anderson had shown parts of the tape where the sewer line had been videotaped. He and Chet Phillips stated they did not see a large amount of infiltration of water in this line. Clif O'Brien explained that the tapping was done on a dry day and the sewer line is plugged so that no flow is able to get into the sewer line so that the camera is not underwater and can tape the inside the sewer. Clif stated that he feels the biggest problem is the infiltration. He stated that at 2:00 a.m. when he has had to pump this line, the water is clear and the likelyhood of residents using the sanitary sewer at that time of the morning is minimal. The Committee talked about illegal hook ups of sumps and floor tiles. Mayor Edwards stated that there are also restrictions on the North Main sewer and the total picture is needed to determine the problem before a solution can be addressed. Clif stated that in th early 1980s smoke tests were conducted by CMT and some illegal hook ups were found. He stated that footing tiles hooked to the sewer would not be detected unless the area was dug up where the sewer comes from the house to see if the tiles are connected. The Committee discussed the possibility of checking the laterals to see how much water is coming from the houses to try to determine if the tiles are hooked to the sewers. Clif stated he would try to find the CMT report on the smoke testing and get back with the Committee. Committee agreed. Bills were next on the agenda. Pat Wright informed the Committee the printer has been received and the cost was $5,840.00. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending to the City Council the approval of the bails. Vofce vote. Motion carried. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to continue the rental of the excavator at a cost of $10,500, of which is to be split between the water plant and the sewer plant. Voice vote. Motion carried. Larry Sarff stated that there had been discussion of putting same of the insurances out for bid. Pat Wright stated that they are now renewing and would like to see the insurances come due on the fiscal year, which is May 1, rather than during the year. Larry Sarff suggested that quotes be obtained, with the quotes to be received 60 days prior to May 1st. He asked Pat Wright to put together a standard sheet outlining the coverage needed for the city. The 2 Committee suggested the city attorney review the list and bring back to the next committee meeting for review. Larry Sarff suggested that medical insurance be included and asked Pat to have Ron Jones put together the city's loss information. Pat Wright asked the C{~rmittee if they want to implement the insurance changes as specified in the union contract, which provides for a preferred provider on two hospitals and a drug card. The Committee discussed the changes. Pat Wright suggested Methodist Medical and Graham Hospital, and stated that Select Plus had provided a plan which would enable the city employees to utilise any pharmacy. She asked if the Committee wanted the changes to begin January 1st. Discussion followed. The Committee instructed Pat to check with Bruce Beat on the timing of the changes in relation to the union contract. She stated she would contact him. No further action was taken at this time. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob Molleck, Chairman The first item of discussion was the acknowledgement of receipt of a notice from the police union stating they are desirous of negotiating their contract. No formal action was taken by the committee at this time on the matter. Mayor Edwards requested an executive session at the end of the regular meeting concerning personnel. Committee agreed. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Cormnunity and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the cafeteria plan. Mayor Edwards that a packet of information had been provided for the aldermen's review concerning a cafeteria plan to have insurance premiums deducted from the employees salaries prior to taxes. The memo illustrates that the employee would save money, and the city will also save money and the service is free of charge. Pat Wright stated that this would effect the retirement amount of the employee because social security taxes would not be paid on the full amount of the employee's wages. The Committee held this item over to the next meeting to be discussed further. At this time June Bath was asked to speak to the Committee concerning a grant application for a museum for children. She stated that this would be utilized for school children and would be 3 ~r+' a "hands on" type of museum. She stated that the grant application should be here this week and requested a support letter from the city. Mrs. Bath stated that she has received support from the community and Gary Grzanich has expressed an interest in helping with writing the grant. Mayor Edwards stated he would provide a letter of support for the application. Mrs. Bath stated she did not have all the particulars at this time but stated that a location will be needed for the museum. No action was necessary by the Committee at this time. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohlen, Chairman The first item was the auction of Fire House 2. Mayor Edwards stated that a date needed to be set and quotes from area auctioneers would be needed for the auction. Larry Sarff suggested that this item be tabled. This location may be appropriate for the museum for children. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to table the auction at this time. Voice vote. Motion carried. The alarm fee ordinance was next on the agenda. No additional information was provided at this time and the no action was taken by the Committee on this matter. The matter of keeping and breeding non-domestic cats was next on the agenda. Jim Elson stated that he had written a memo stating that he had talked to several people from the Wildlife Prairie Park to a zoologist to the Brookfield Zoo concerning two species of cats that Bart Brown is wanting to keep and breed at this business. He has found that the Caracel is banned by Illinois law as a variety of lynx and the Serval is considered to be a wild and dangerous animal and a permit is required from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency in order to keep this species of animal. Jim stated that several years ago an ordinance had been deleted from the code book presumably due to the fact that it was thought that the state law covered these types of non-domestic animals. Jim suggested that an ordinance be drawn banning dangerous and/or exotic and non-native wildlife which includes birds. Jim stated there is a problem now with dangerous animals in town, basically dogs, and problems with unwanted animals. Bart Brown stated that he can keep the Serval as an exhibitor with a U.S.D.A. permit. There is one other bobcat being kept in town under this type of permit. Jim stated he would provide Mr. Brown with a copy of his memo concerning these two species of cats. No action was taken by the Committee on this matter at this time. Joe Berardi was asked to speak to the Committee concerning recycling. Mr. Berardi stated that there are alternatives for solid waste and he has been involved in recycling for fourteen years. He stated that there is some liability of having a transfer station. 4 He stated that it is difficult to make money in recycling and would be difficult to make money on recycling in Canton. He stated he is in the business of selling and servicing recycling equipment and suggested that the CIC location would be better equipped for a transfer station site due to the loading docks and rail service available at that location. He stated that he felt the industrial park is not a good location due to other businesses located there and that funds would have to be spent to upgrade the road. Mr. Berardi introduced Jerry Mahoney of Pekin concerning his operation in recycling. Mr. Mahoney stated that he owns and operates Pekin Recycling. The company services several small towns as well as Pekin, picking up recyclables bi-weekly and processing them. He stated that 60% of the volume is newsprint with glass and plastic following behind. He stated that Morton is being serviced by his company and is comparable in size to Canton. Discussion followed on the operation itself in sorting the recyclables and the costs involved in the process. The Committee thanked both Mr. Berardi and Mr. Mahoney in presenting their views to the Committee. No action was necessary at this time by the Committee. A sign variance request was next on the agend stated that Feasters is wanting to place a sign sidewalk in front of their building. This pole with the trees and lights that will be installed motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded recommending approval of the request. Voice vote. a. Mayor Edwards on a pole on the would be in line in this area. A by Kevin Meade Motion carried. The Del-Bar water line agreement was next on the agenda. This agreement provides for an additional tap fee for anyone hooking on this line with reimbursement to the original investors. This agreement has a CPI clause which would be retained by the city for maintenance costs. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending to the City Council the approval of this agreement. The Giebelhausen agreement was next. Mayor Edwards stated that this is the line the city put in on East Myrtle Street. There are four lots and the additional tap fee would be $400 per lot. He stated that since the city put the line in, it is not necessary to have an agreement with Mr. Giebelhausen. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to amend the document to provide for a special tap fee instead of an agreement and to accept the resolution as amended. Voice vote. Motion carried. At this time a motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff to convene in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Committee minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvene in open session. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 5