HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-1992 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers March 10, 1992 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck, Jerry Bohler, Kevin Meade Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, George Spahn, Robert Fishburn, Chris Spears, Harry Steck, James Elson, Jr., Bob DeRenzy, Will Taggart, Dave Barnett, Dick Coay, Don Hopper, John Froehling, Gladys Young Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was a request from Clif O'Brien to purchase a new radio for the street sweeper. He stated that the cost would be $535 installed. The radio on the sweeper can not be fixed. With the sweeper running two shifts now and with the possibility of breakdowns, a radio is needed in this piece of equipment. A motion was made by Bob Molleck nd seconded by Kevin Meade to approve this expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee with a request to go out for bids for a new 4X4 truck. The present truck, a 1981, has a considerable amount of miles on it and it has several problems, which will be expensive to repair. He stated that he had checked and there is not a state bid for any 4X4 trucks. Gary stated that this item was budgeted and he realizes it is a bad time but in talking with Pat 1Nright, there is a surplus of $108,000 in the water and sewer funds. Gary stated that they would like to have a heavy 1/2 ton or a 3/4 ton similar to Clif O'Brien's truck. Discussion. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to go out for bids on a new truck with the bids to be received April 14. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was a request from Ray McKinney to purchase a pump coupling for the 125 horsepower pump at the plant. He stated that this coupling is obsolete. It has eight rubber bushings which are worn and allows play in the shaft causing it to vibrate the shaft and pump. The cost is $392 to replace the coupling. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob tvlolleck to approve the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bills were next. Ray McKinney requested a bill from HILTI in the amount of $213.61 be added to the water plant. Kevin Meade requested a subscription renewal for Biocycle in the amount of $58.00 be added to the Garbage Department bills. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade to refer the bills to the City Council for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards noted that a memo had been sent out by Pat Wright concerning the Fulton Square payment. He stated that the city had received $1,009,415.67 in sales tax receipts and she will be coming to the City Council to approve the payment to Fulton Square, according to the agreement. This was an informational item and no action was necessary at this time. Chris addressed the Committee concerning the bids for the new fire truck. He reminded the Committee of their decisions on how to earmark the surcharge funds received by the city. The city is presently receiving $15-19,000 per month from the state. In April the city should have a balance of $44-52,000 in the account. He stated that he feels the city should move ahead with the bids. He does not feel the financial situation is as bad as the city treasurer feels it is but he stated he does respect her being conservative and he does not want to the see the city get into a bind. Mayor Edwards suggested that part of the $45,000 for the filters at the plant could be taken from the water and sewer fund surplus. Bob DeRenzy stated that it will take 12-14 months to be manufactured and the longer the city waits, he feels the more it will cost. A motion was rnade by Bob (~1olleck and seconded by Kevin P~leade to proceed with the bidding process. Jerry Bohler stated that he felt they should talk with Pat on these recommendations before the bids are advertised for since she does handle the money. Mayor Edwards stated he felt the Pat's main concern is so the City Council is aware of the allocation of funds, but she is not opposed to the purchase of the truck. Kevin P!lede stated he sees no reason to hold off on the bids, the city is not obligated to spend the funds until the bid is accepted and approved. Voice vote. t~Jlotion carried. Bob DeRenzy informed the Committee that the rescue truck chassis has been sent to Alexis and the box is being built for the truck. He anticipates arrival of the rescue truck to be the last of April, or f i rst of Ntay. No further business was discussed and the Finance Conmittee was adjourned. 2 Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob IVIo I I eck , Chairman The first item evas the drug testing. Bob Molleck stated there was no new information on this item and asked that it be tabled. Conmittee agreed. P~Iayor Edwards stated that support is being asked to be shown at a meeting in Macomb at the Holiday Inn on Friday. Bob t~7olleck stated that he is going to the "peaceful protest" on Friday. The superintendent of the state police is meeting there concerning the closing of District 14. Bob stated they are trying to get as many policemen, officials and citizens to show up to show their support for keeping the headquarters open. Mayor Edwards stated he would like to have Chris Spears attend this rally and asked Bob tilolleck to spearhead the coordination for Canton. He agreed. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Camnunity and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first itern of discussion was the Director's report. Chris informed the Committee that Basement De-Watering had a payment of $11,095 due in December, paid $2,000 toward the interest and made a partial payment in February of $3,000. Today, an additional $2,000 was received on that payment. Chris stated he sent a memo to the department heads concerning budgets. He would like to have the budgets in by April 1 and would like to set two meetings for budget sessions. The Committee decided on April 22nd and 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Chris addressed the Committee concerning the possibility of obtaining a recycling grant in the amount of $50,000. He stated that this is available through the Department of Energy and Natural Resources and would have to be matched by the city. He stated that the grant could be used for equipment purchases. The application is due March 31st. Clif O'Brien stated he will be attending a seminar in Springfield on March 28th. He stated he has found that the picking up of recycled material is the easy part. Finding an outlet for the material is more difficult. There does not seem to be a market for the products. tv1ayor Edwards stated that with the mandatory law being in effect in 1995, markets will have to be developed for the recyclable materials. Larry Sarff stated he did 3 not see how the city can put together a workable plan by the 31st. He also stated that if another city has a plan and needs the grant funds, it is not fair the city have them. The Committee felt this was not the time to apply for the grant funds and would wait until a plan was developed to apply for funding. Chris addressed the Committee concerning a rehab loan request. He stated that in 1981 the city provided a rehab loan for 745 South 2nd Avenue. The owners, through Transamerica Financial, requested the city allow them to refinance their first mortgage with the city retaining a second position. At that time the City agreed. The owners, through Transamerica Financial, are once again wanting to refinance their loan and are requesting the city retain a second position on the property. Chris stated he does not see a problem in granting the request a second time. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to allow the refinancing. Voice vote. Motion carried. P~layor Edwards informed the Committee that Dennis Stremmel has been hired as the new Chamber Director. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the affirmative action plan. No additional information was presented and the item was tabled at this time. Mobile homes/mobile home parks was next on the agenda. This item was tabled at this time Ray McKinney addressed the Corrrnittee concerning a request to waive a water deposit. He stated that Italian Express is located on Main Street and will be opening a second facility on East Chestnut in the old Convenient Store. He stated that there is a deposit on the store on Main Street and asked if the city would waive the second deposit. Discussion followed on the fact that the ordinance requires deposits for business renting buildings, the two building are not owned by the same people and that the deposits are there to protect the landlord as well as the city. N9ayor Edwards stated that in the past arrangements had been made so the tenants could make payments on the deposit. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin (Meade recommending a second deposit be required for Italian Express. Voice vote. Notion carried. 4 Bob Molleck addressed the next item. He stated that he had received two calls concerning the traffic at 16th and Sycamore. He stated that kids cross at this intersection and have almost been hit. He asked Mike Elam to do a study of this area. The study recom~nends a stop sign at 16th on Sycamore as well as at 15th on Sycamore. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff to have an ordinance to place stop signs on 15th and 16th Avenues at Sycamore. Voice vote. P~lotion carried. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 5