HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-1992 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers February 11, 1992 6:30 P . IAA. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck, Jerry Bohler Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Mike Elam, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, George Spahn, Chris Spears, Harry Steck, James Elson, Jr., Will Taggart, Don Hopper, John Froehling, Gladys Young Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the discussion of the beach custodian. Ray P,llcKinney presented an outline of the duties to be performed by the custodian. Ray stated that he had talked with Don Heller of the YMCA and was informed there is a lifeguard school in April or lvlay. He stated that the YNCA has a pool of lifeguards and notices of the potential openings at the beach will be posted during the lifeguard schools. Ray stated that he did not have an estimate of the expenses associated with the beach at this time. He informed the Committee that the low swimming fee was to entice more people to use the beach. He did not have an estimate of the potential income. He stated that he would like to break even but that would not be known until the end of the season. He stated that they will be keeping track of the houses and the cost for the maintenance of the beach and campground to determine the profit or loss on each one. He requested permission to place an ad in the paper for the custodian. He stated that he and someone appointed by the Committee could interview or the Committee could interview. Jerry Bohler stated that the Committee does not interview for the campground custodian. Larry Sarff stated that he would like to see Ray and Chris Spears interview to narrow the field down to five or six and to have the Committee interview the balance due to the fact that this position will have a lot of responsibility in overseeing the lifeguards etc. The Conmittee members agreed. Ray was instructed to place the ad for the beach custodian's position. The next item was the discussion of the automobile/equipment insurance coverage. Harry Steck stated the last time the insurance was put out for bids was in 1983. Bob Fouts, the city's insurance agent, was present. He stated that the city has 45 units covered under the automotive liability policy. This covers all departments and runs approximately $29,000 per year. He stated that the city also has a comprehensive and general liability umbrella policy which is split betvreen three companies. During the last year there were 47 claims closed and there are 7 claims which remain open. He stated that he is a broker for several insurance companies. When the premiums go up, he does check with other companies. He informed the Committee that USF&G have been the underwriter for the city's workrrran's compensation coverage for approximately 29 years. Bob stated that he has looked at the possibilities of reducing the city's premiums by, for example, increasing the deductible. He stated that he conducts an audit on the vehicles annually. He stated that there may be some vehicles he has missed or need clarification on their use. He stated he would be glad to go over the list of vehicles with every department head to make sure all the vehicles are covered. Committee felt this would be a good idea. On the matter of medical insurance, Bob stated that the city is self-insured but at one time the insurance was with a private company. There are very few companies which will insure municipalities. He stated he helped set up the self-insured plan for the city. Harry Steck stated he would like to consider putting out the administrative part of the medical insurance. Discussion followed. The present cost of the administration was not available. No decision on whether to put this out for bid was made due to the lack of information at this time. Mike Elam addressed the Committee concerning setting up a drug forfeiture account. He stated that the DEA has notified them that $2300 would be forthcoming from drug forfeiture proceeds from a case in Normal, Illinois. He stated that the department now has a motorcycle which will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to the department. He stated that the drug forfeiture funds can only be used for drug related activities, basically, "using the bad guys money to fight the bad guys". fvlike suggested that the fund be monitored by Pat Wright but he requested authority to write checks up to $500.00. Jim Elson stated that he has reviewed the matter. The money would go to the city treasurer and the city can establish the mechanics for this fund to allow Mike to have access to it. fvlike stated that sometimes the funds are needed quickly. Discussion. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob N1ollecl< to provide a policy giving the police chief the authority up to $500.00 for the use of the drug forfeiture account. Voice vote. Motion carried. Niike invited those in attendance to visit the station and see the remodeling which has taken place. The wallpaper was put up by the police officer's wives and the total cost of the remodeling was under $100.00. Niike commended the maintenance staff. Don Edwards stated that the wives should be corrrnended as well. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to send a letter to the wives on a job well done. Voice vote. Motion carried. 2 ~ir-' `' Gary Orwig addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a tractor for the sewer plant. He stated that the present one is a 1965 model and is being used to spread sludge. In talking with the Mayor and looking at used tractors, Gary stated he found some in the $7,000 to 11,000 range. One tractor in Havana, which is a demo, had been leased for one year, and has 180 hours on it, can be purchased for $13,600.00. This tractor would have a two year warranty with an option to purchase an additional warranty for $393.00. I-ie stated a new tractor identical to this one can be purchased for $16-17,000. In talking with the city mechanic, the present tractor could be used for mowing and last an additional two years but can not take the added use in spreading sludge. Gary stated he had talked with Pat Wright and she felt the city would be better off to purchase the tractor outright. Chris Spears stated there is a $70,000 surplus in the water and sewer account at this time which can be used for this purchase. Discussion. Gary stated that one dealer has offered to lease a tractor for $200 per month for nine months with the option to purchase. The Committee directed Gary to check into the lease purchase plan and bring the information back to the City Council for consideration. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee with an informational item. He stated that the backwash meter at the plant has failed. He stated this meter is used on a frequent basis and the cost to replace will be $2-3,000. He stated he will try to have the cost to replace the meter for the next City Council meeting. Committee agreed. Clif O'Brien informed the Committee that he has garbage truck problems. Another garbage truck, a 1984 with 2,000 hours on the packer and 70,000 miles on the truck has several things wrong with it. The estimate from V~/heeler's to fix the truck is $5,097.37. This spring it will be budgeted to rebuild the engine in this truck. This would extend the life of the truck until 1995, at which time the city would have to look at replacing the truck. He stated that the bill for $1,239 on the list of bills is for the repair of another garbage truck. Discussion. A miotion was made by Jerry Bohlen and seconded by Bob Molleck to allow the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bills were next. A motion was made by Bob fv1olleck and seconded by Larry Sarff to refer the bills to the City Council for approval. Mayor Edwards pointed out to the Committee that a new section has been added for the city attorney's bills. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. 3 `"~r-" Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob Molleck, Chairman The first item vas the drug testing. Bob Molleck stated there was no new information on this item and asked that it be tabled. Committee agreed. Bob Ems addressed the Committee concerning the medical coverage provided by the City. Bob Ems stated that prior to his surgery he talked with the representatives of Mutual Medical Insurance concerning the surgery. After the surgery the bills started coming in and several were not paid by the insurance. Bob found there was no appeal process outlined in the insurance pamphlet therefore, he was at committee to discuss his case. The following is a list of items Bob felt should be covered by the insurance: 1. the special care unit with a private room was not covered. Bob had asked for a two room bed but due to the potential of infection vas assigned to a private room; 2. the certified physician's assistant's bill was not paid. He stated that they are certified by the AMA and are used on a frequent basis and are cheaper than having a second surgeon in the operating room; 3. the insurance will only pay for two sessions of physical therapy. The therapy is a rehabilitating process not an exercise program. Bob feels that this is unreasonable; 4. the physical therapy assistant's bill as not paid. These people work under a licensed therapist. Mayor Edwards stated that this is not the first appeal of this type. Following his surgery, the physicians assistant's bill of $750 and 2/3 of the therapy charges were not paid by the insurance. Bob Molleck stated that he feels the plan should cover the physician assistant and the rehabilitation. Bob could not do for himself and these were not exercises. On the hospital room, Bob Ems did request a two bed room. Discussion followed. Mayor Ed4vards stated that there is another case pending. A motion was made by Bob Molleck recommending the city honor Bob Ems appeal and direct Ron Jones to pay the bills. Seconded by Jerry Bohler. Discussion. Jerry stated he felt that Ron Jones should be given the opportunity to reply to the denial of the bills. Conmittee agreed. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Conmittee was adjourned. Corrrnunity and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Pdieade, Chairman The first itern of discussion was the Director's report. Chris informed the Cormni ttee that Basement De-V'Jater i ng had a payment of $11,095 due in December, paid $2,000 toward the interest and presented a check today in the amount of $3,000 toward the balance of the loan. 4 On the Duryea Plaque, Chris stated that he has requested additional information. He has been informed that the price of the plaque has been reduced to $1350. At this time the city has received $200 plus another $100 has been pledged toward the purchase of the plaque. Chris stated that the Fulton County Tourism Council dues are due and the amount is $200 per year. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob P~olleck to approve the $200 expenditure for dues. Voice vote. Motion carried. On the rnap being developed by Fun Time Promotions, Chris stated that the Chamber of Commerce has decided not to participate and he feels the city would not support this promotion at this time. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to not participate in the map promotion at this time. Voice vote. P~lotion carried. The Kentucky Fried Chicken proposal was next on the agenda. Mayor Edwards stated that he has received communications from the City Attorney concerning the proposal. The city entered into an agreement with Fulton Square and this matter could be renegotiated. Don stated the city should not have entered into conditional gifts or conditional agreements. Mayor Edwards stated that he feels the city should be able to sell its own property. This lot would have influenced the K-P~lart proposal as well as the motel development which had looked at the area. Jerry Bohler stated he felt the city should not go any further until the city knows for sure what they can do with the tot. Larry Sarff stated that the city must also decide if they want the Kentucky Fried Chicken on this lot or not - is it the best use of the tot. Harry Steck stated that he has observed the lot and it is being used frequently enough that the city may want to place a two hour limit on the parking. Discussion followed. No decision was made on the matter at this time. The P,ilcCloskey house was discussed next. Jim Elson stated that he is waiting for a reply from the Farmers Home Administration concerning discussions he has had with them concerning this property. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the affirmative action plan. No additional information was presented and the item was tabled at this time. 5 Mobile homes/mobile home parks was next on tt7e agenda. This item was tabled at this time while it is being reviewed by the city attorney. James Elson asked that \'Vill contact various communities to obtain a model ordinance. James also stated he would look into the possibility of this being conditional zoning, which is illegal. PJo further action was taken at this time. Mayor Edwards stated that the city had received a complaint on the project being undertaken by Jerry Hand on his property on Cass Place. Bob Anderson had looked at the area and recommended a plan of the proposed project be reviewed by the City. There seems to be a natural water way and some of the neighbors are concerned on the possible flooding if the project is continued. Jerry Hand stated that he acquired the property two years ago, discussed the situation with the former city engineer and former street superintendent and was informed it was fine. Mr. Hand asked why the ditch has to be on private property to drain the area. This area has always had a water problerri. He asked if a ditch could be dug along the city's property instead of on private property. This would require approximately 80 feet of grader ditch on public right of way running east on Olive to French Court to the existing culvert at Cass. He stated that he has been working to fill this low area with dirt to level it off. Discussion followed concerning the possibility of the ditch and the potential problems if the water is redirected. The Committee asked Clif O'Brien to have Bob Anderson look at this area again and provide a recommendation, if any, to eliminate the water f torn the area. The next item was a review of the campground fees. The Committee discussed the electric costs for the campground. Ray stated that he could not provide a profit/loss statement on the campground but would be able to at the end of the season. A motion vas made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck recommending acceptance of the proposal. Voice vote. 1~4otion carried. Vdill Taggart requested consideration of a change in the present sign ordinance. He suggested that the limit on the size be deleted and the size be determined by the architect. Larry Sarff stated that he had a problem with the architect determining the size. Mayor Edwards stated that he feels the city should have the final say on the signs. He also stated that the variances for signs are granted by the City Council and are not required to go through the Board of Appeals. Discussion. Larry Sarff made a motion to have Jim Elson and Will Taggart review the proposed changes and bring them back for consideration. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried. ~.~layor Edwards addressed the Committee with an informational item. He stated that the city does have input on development within one and one half miles of the corporate limits. Lori Nell of the i=ulton 6 County Zoning Office has notified the city that Leander Land Company is asking for a zoning change. Mr. Leander o~,rrns the property on the northeast and southwest corners of Rt 9 and 20th Avenue across from the White Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Leander is wanting to have his business at this location. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleek to have P~9ayor Edwards send a letter to Ms. Nell informing her that the city has no objections. Voice vote. Pnotion carried. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to convene in executive session for the purpose of negotiations. Voice vote. N9otion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. No further business was discussed and the Clerical Committee meeting was adjourned. I<ayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 7