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Mechanical Committee
City Council Chambers
May 28, 1991
6:30 P.M.
Members Present: Harry Steck, Jim May, Dave Barnett, Dick Coay
Others Present: Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, Mike Elam, Tom Reid,
Chris Spears, Will Taggart, Ross Gardiner,
Gladys Young, Don Hopper
Public Safety & Traffic Carrmittee
Harry Steck, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was the fire report. Bob DeRenzy was
excused from the meeting and no fire report was presented at this
The police report was next. Mike Elam presented his report to the
Committee giving a brief synopsis. He pointed out that the
department has come in 1% under budget and noted that the gas
consumption report will become a part of the monthly report. Mike
informed the Committee that he has written three letters of
commendation in the first month of this appointment. Bonnie Ford,
leads operator, purchased uniforms when she was transferred to day
shift. Mike stated that this was with his approval but at no cost
to the City. Mike stated that the second and third letters were
issued to Darren Flynn and Dave Ayers who were called out in the
early morning hours to find that someone had emptied garbage cans
in the south end of town. They did not find the persons
responsible but picked up the garbage in the area. Mike also
informed the Committee that the new squad car will be on the road
Wednesday evening. A drop box for the circuit clerk has been
installed at the police station. This is monitored by the
dispatcher and ernployees of the courthouse pick up the
correspondence. Mike stated that this will be more convenient for
the police officers, and the general citizenry. At this time Mike
asked Officer Denny Brown to speak to the Committee concerning the
DARE program. Mike stated that he had attended the first
graduation last Thursday and was impressed. (~1ike stated that Denny
has spent a lot of his own time in the program. Officer Brown
stated that he was surprised at the turn out at the open house
recently held and he had 242 fifth graders who graduated from the
DARE program. He showed the Committee what items are presented to
the graduates. Officer Brown thanked the Council for allowing him
to become involved in the DARE program and for allowing him to be
the city's DARE instructor. No action was necessary by the
Committee on any of these items.
The ESDA report was next. Howard Williams presented the report.
Howard informed the Committee that one siren at Canton Lake does
not properly work and they are trying to get it corrected by
working with the phone company. Howard stated that a feasibility
study will be conducted at no charge to the city to determine if a
siren should be relocated in the north end of Canton. Howard
stated that the results of the study will be presented at a later
date. Howard rnentioned to the Committee that he felt the city
should consider having a provision in the cable franchise
agreement to have a warning device. This is available to other
surrounding communities and could be activated from ESDA. This
would provide ESDA with an outlet to present reports of current
conditions through the cable network. He suggested this be looked
into. The Corrrnittee asked Chris Spears to put a note with the
present franchise for further consideration. Howard also invited
anyone interested to come to ESDA headquarters during the next
storm and view the operations. No action was necessary by the
A sign request was heard next. P;M1r. fv1atejewski addressed the
Committee concerning the property at 630 East Ash Street. He
stated that he has opened a bait and tackle shop and would like to
put a lighted arrow sign on the terrace. I-ie stated the sign would
be between the curb and the walk. This would be two lots west of
the 7th Avenue intersection. Discussion follo4ved concerning the
blocking of traffic view. P•~1r. Matejewski stated that he could put
it closer to his building but the regulations state that no
lighted sign is allowed within 100 feet of a residential area.
Upon learning that this property was zoned residential and IVIr.
Pviatejewski did not have a special use permit, P~lr. Matejewski
stated that he had talked previously with the former city engineer
and he stated that he had final say so and to go ahead. After
further discussion the Committee suggested that Rr1r. Matejewski
talk with the City Attorney concerning the fact that he did not
have a special use permit, and the sign question.
No further action was taken by the Committee and the Public Safety
and Traffic Committee was adjourned.
Streets and Garbage Committee
Richard Coay, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was a street light request. It was
noted that fv1r. DePJbtt of North Avenue H had requested the light
and had been invited to attend the meeting concerning this
request. P~tr. Delvbtt was not in attendance and the Corrrnittee did
not consider this matter.
A request for the repair of a truck rear end was next. Tom Reid
stated that the rear end in Truck #63 is presently at Wheeler's
and the cost to repair it will be $1700-$2000. This is one of the
newer IH dump trucks and one that the city will be keeping when
they enter into a lease/purchase program later in the year. A
motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Jirn May to allow
the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage
Committee was adjourned.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee
David Barnett, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was the generators. Dave stated that
the this item was requested by Ray McKinney and Will Taggart to be
tabled to the next meeting. Committee agreed.
THe lake patrol boat was next. Dave stated that Ray McKinney had
asked that this item be tabled to the next meeting as well.
Com-ni ttee agreed.
Ray McKinney requested permission to purchase a 500 gallon gas
tank for the water plant. He stated that the cost would be
approximately $525.00. Discussion followed. Ray stated that he
did find out that since they are not in the city limits an
overhead tank is allowable. Ray stated that there are two
underground tanks at the plant which will have to be removed. The
Committee instructed Ray to talk to local dealers to see if a used
tank is available. If Ray locates a used tank, the matter will be
discussed at the next City Council meeting. If Ray is unable to
locate a used tank, the recommendation to purchase a new tank will
be brought to Council for consideration. Ray stated he will let
the chairman know of his findings.
The banner lease was next. It was noted that this item should be
referred to Legal and Ordinance Committee. Committee discussed
the inclusion of a well drilling stipulation in the present lease
and the use of the "T" in the river water line for city use.
Discussion. A motion was made by Harry Steck to refer the lease
to the Legal and Ordinance Committee unless immediate action is
necessary. If immediate action is necessary, refer the ordinance
to the City Council for discussion. The Committee also recommends
that the well drilling stipulation and the insertion of a "T" in
the river water line be included in the lease. Seconded by Jim
PJiay. Voice vote. Motion carried.
No further business was discussed
Grounds Committee was adjourned.
and the Lake, Buildings and
Public Works - Water and Sewer Committee
Jim Play, Chairman
The first item was the discussion of the extension of the water
main on Myrtle Street. N9r. Giebelhausen addressed the Committee.
He presently owns lot 7 in section 7 of Village Square. He stated
that approximately 300 feet of main extension is necessary to
accommodate lots 6, 7, 8, and 9. There presently is an 8" main on
Myrtle Street. Mr. Geibelhausen proposed to run a 4" main from
the 8" main to accommodate the four lots. He stated that he will
need financial assistance from the owners of the other three lots
to construct the 4" main. Discussion followed. Harry Steck
stated that it may be possible for the city to pay the difference
between a 4" main and an 8" main. The Committee discussed the
area and the possibility of further development in the immediate
area. The Committee suggested that Mr. Giebelhausen talk with the
adjacent property owners to see what they think of the proposal
and to come back to the Committee for further discussion. Mr.
Giebelhausen stated that he had worked with the draftsman and she
had been most helpful. Ray McKinney suggested that Tracie look
into the possibility of tying this extension to another main to
eliminate another dead end. Committee agreed.
Gary Orwig addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a
valve for the digester building. The cost of the valve and labor
to install it will be $750.00. A motion was made by Dave Barnett
and seconded by Harry Steck recommending approval of the
expenditure. Voice vote. Pv9otion carried.
Gary Orwig requested permission to look into a lease/purchase
option for a new skid loader. He stated that the present skid
loader has had to be repaired several times. The engine was
rebuilt two years ago, it has had numerous starters and some
electrical problems. He stated that the parts of this loader are
very hard to locate. Gary stated the new loaders range from
$12,000 to $20,000 depending on the size and brand of loader.
Discussion followed. A motion was made by Harry Steck to put the
purchase of a skid loader out for bids with options as follows:
Outright purchase with and without a trade-in; and, lease/purchase
option with and without a trade-in with bids to be received at the
next Mechanical Committee meeting. Seconded by Dick Coay. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the Public V°Jorks - uVater and
Sewer Committee was adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary