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11Aechan i ca 1 Corrmi t tee
City Council Chambers
January 29, 1991
6:30 P.t.~1.
Members Present: Harry Steck, Jim i~.~1ay,
Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim gitalmgren, Chris Spears, Cliff
O'Erien, Gary Orwig, E3ob DeRenzy, E3ob ~~J'~olleck,
Ho4^rard '~'fi I I Tarns, Ray ~~,1cKinney, \^Ji I I Taggart,
CI iff Sagaser, Don I-topper, Floss Gardiner, Gladys
Young, Dan Oaks
Public Safety & Traffic Committee
€3utch (=utter, Chairman
In the absence of Alderman Fuller, Alderman Steck presided over
the meeting. The first item on the agenda was the fire report.
E3ob DeRenzy stated that the report was self explanatory. Included
with the monthly report was the yearly report. Pdo action eras
necessary by the Committee at this time.
E3ob DeF:enzy requested the Committee's consideration in having a
book for the fire departrnent printed. He stated that a
representative of Taylor Publishing Company had talked with him
concerning the possibility of developing a history of the fire
departrnent. Sob stated the first impression to him ~^ras that the
representative wrould be doing all the research and would be
selling ads to the local merchants. In further conversations, it
appears that someone with the cit;% would be gathering the
information and would assist in selling the ads. He stated the
cost for 100 copies is X2,632.00. P.~layor Ede^rards stated that he
has seen nicer books that the ads paid for. tie stated he felt the
merchants should not have to pay for the book but if ads L^~~ere
sold, the ads should pay for the book itself. Discussion. A
motion was made by Jim P:eay to deny the request. Seconded by Harry
Steck. Voice vote. i~1otion carried.
The police report eras next. i3ob P~'ol lectc presented November and
December reports to the Committee and stated the report vas self
exp I amatory. No action ~°ras necessary by the Cortmi ttee.
The ESDA report was next. Howard '~Jilliarns presented his report.
He informed the Committee that one bid vas received on the ESDA
trucks which were advertised. A motion was made to open the bids.
One bid v~ras received from crank Huff. The bid vras in the amount
of :1,300.99 for the 1952 Dodge I';/1-37, Serial #80200879, and
$700.99 for the military trailer. The bids also asked for the
"accessories" that went with tl~e t~vo items. Discussion followed
concerning the bid on the trailer since it vas not advertised. A
motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Jimf.lay to refer
tl~e bids to the City Council with staff checking on the meaning of
"accessories" contained in the bid and to hold the other truck
over to the next city auction. Voice vote. Ulotion carried.
The next item vas the sign violation ordinance revieur. Cliff
Sagaser stated that he has provided the Committee with a model
ordinance for their revieur. This item vas tabled to the next
The next item was addressed by `"dill Taggart concerning the
electrical system at the Public Safety Building. He stated that
he had several persons looking at the building to see what type
and size of generator would be needed for emergency pourer. He
stated that CIPS has provided hire a letter stating that the three
legs of the three phase system are not equal and need to be
corrected. It was stated that this ,vas probably like this since
the building was built. CIPS suggested that an electrician look
at the systern and get estimates for budget purposes. It was noted
that balancing the circuit box would correct the problem. b°lill
was instructed to check the effect of the electric heaters on the
Dan Oaks, fire department safety officer, informed the Committee
that several items contained in the union report have been taken
care of or are in the process of being corrected.
Harry Sarff stated that the ad hoc committee which~,vas instructed
to follo:v up on the union report, will have a written report of an
inspection for the next Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel
No further action was taken by the Committee anti the Public Safety
and Traffic Committee was adjourned.
Streets and Garbage Carmittee
I-carry Steck, Chai rrnan
The first item on the agenda was the repairs for Truck #66.
Cliff O'Brien stated that the truck has been repaired by changing
the shifting forks in the transmission and repairing the PTO. I-ie
stated that bill from \'Jheeler's is in the amount of ~~470.00 and
requested approval of the expenditure. Cliff stated that this is
less than the original ;700 estimate. A motion was made by Harry
Steck and seconded by Jim i~iay recommending approval of the bill
for ;470.00 for ~~lheeler's. Voice vote. fv1otion carried.
The Cortrnittee discussed the upgrading plans of the signal lights
by the Department of Transportation. fi4%iayor Ed4vards stated that the
state is wanting to know if the city intends to make Avenue A,
north of Locust Street, two vray traffic in the near future. This
decision is needed for the state to determine what type of system
will be installed at that intersection. C~~;ayor Edwards asked
draftsman, Tracie Skaggs, to outline the balance of the progra~~n.
She stated that DOT will be putting mast arms over the
intersections for the signal lights. The city could elect to
place an additional street light on the mast arms at a cost of
$2,000 each. These would be installed at the same time as the
signal I fights and can be paid out of the i~:'rT funds. Bob Pv1ol leek
stated that if Avenue A is changed to tyro way traffic, the parking
Uvould have to be eliminated on both sides of the street to allo~~v
for traffic. Tracie stated that if the change is done nrn^r, the
state will pay for the added cost. Cliff Sagaser pointed out that
if the city changes Avenue A after the completion of the
intersection lights, the city could pay as much as X15,000 for the
change. P~Aayor Edwards stated that if this block were developed,
there would be nothing preventing the city from passing this cost
on to the developer. A motion vras made by Jim i~~ay and seconded by
Narry Steck to leave Avenue A as it presently is. Voice vote.
P.1otion carried.
Accidents reports for the street and garbage departments were
reviewed next. Cliff O'Brien stated that three accidents occurred
during the month of December. The first accident involved a
garbage truck at the intersection of 12t1~ Avenue and c=ast Chestnut
Street. He stated that both parties were given tickets and the
truck has been repaired. The second accident was at 5th Avenue
and Hanlon Street. A snow plo;rr slid through the intersection and
hit a pick up truck. fJo tickets v.~ere issued and minimal damages
was done to the truck. The third accident involved a snov/ plow.
The driver hit a manhole which folded the plov/ under the truck.
The damage evas done to the truck when it hit the curb and seems to
be extensive. fJo act ion vdas necessary by the Corrmi ttee on these
Garbage fees were discussed next. Chris Spears stated that he,
Harry Steck, Cliff O'Brien and Jim iJiay met with the county
concerning the landfill fees. Fie stated that it appears the city
will have to increase the riser fee for garbage collection. He
informed the Corrrnittee that they have the proposed schedule of
increases for tine landfill through the year 2001. The fee vdhich
v~rill be attained by the year 2001 is $26.50 per ton, v~rhich is an
89;o increase over the present rate of :14.00 per ton. Chris
stated that Peoria Disposal will be increasing their fees but
substantially less than the Fulton County Landfill. Chris stated
that according to his figures he anticipates a 15c increase per
month of the user fee to January 1, 1992. P~:;layor Edwards stated
that he would prefer something in the area of a 25c increase to
take the city through the next fiscal year. This would eliminate
the need to increase the fee t~°rice in one fiscal year. Discussion
folto~ved. A motion was made by Harry Stecl~ and seconded by Jim
1~1ay to send the matter to the City Council for consideration.
Voice vote. P~.~9otion carried.
The status of the Spoon FZiver Drive and the placement of signs
were next on the agenda. t-carry Steck asked about the disposition
of the signs, vrhich were approved by the City Council some time
ago. It vas stated that vahen the city approved the placement of
the signs, it was stated that the area representative would see
they were put up. The Committee instructed Chris Spears to
contact the area representative concerning the r~ratter. On the
Spoon River Drive, P~aayor Edvrards stated that it was his
understanding the Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a meeting to
discuss the rnatter. No action was taken by the Comnittee at this
Cliff O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning the placement of
guard rails along`•.`Jest Hickory, and 11th Avenue and I~.~yrtle Street
adjacent to the Roudebush property. I-le stated that these can be
paid for from the t~~~1FT funds and he will be measuring the areas for
length. No action eras necessary by the Committee at this time.
Esob DeF2enzy addressed the Committee concerning the bill for the
checking of the air compressor. He stated that the sample ~^ras
taken and sent to Texas for testing. i-ie received a bill for $247.
He called the company, informing there they had told him tine charge
vrould be $125.00 for the testing. He has been told by the company
they vrill correct the bill. Bob stated the first sample was not
usable and the company ~wi I I he re-sarnpl ing.
Bob also informed the Cornnittee that UL will be here February 4 to
test the aerial ladder. It e°rill tale approximately eight hours at
a cost of $750.00. This expenditure has been previously approved.
iv1ayor cdwards asked the status of the ~u~T program for 1991. He
stated that the first step is the resolution being presented at
the City Council. Cliff Sagaser stated that since it is the money
end of the rnatter, i t cou Id be referred to "r i Hance Com-ni ttee.
Corrrni ttee agreed.
Harry Steck asked \`~/ill Taggart the status of the report on the
last visit to NAIER. ~lVill stated he is getting it together.
No further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage
Committee was adjourned.
Lake, Buildings ~ Grounds Committee
Chuck Chapman, Chairman
In the absence of Alderman Chapman, Alderman t~1ay presided over the
meeting. The first i tem was a request f torn Bart and I~.tary [3rown to
purchase the north half of Lot 9 in the Industrial Park. Bart
Bro~.vn stated that they had previously made arrangements to
purchase the lot, but due to financing was forced to abandon the
project. He stated they are once again attempting to place a
kennel at the park and ti^rould like the city to reinstate the
ordinance passed in i,Jiay 1989. Chris Spears stated there tivas an
ordinance approving the sale of the north half of the lot and also
one rescinding the sale. Chris stated that the city sewer line
would have to be installed to accorRnodate the Browns. Chris
stated he thought the cost was approximately X0,000. Chris asked
the Committee's feelings on development and adoption of
restrictive covenants for the park. f?ayor Edwards stated that
restrictive covenants had been dray°rn up but not adopted by the
city. He stated he felt the city should look at restrictive
covenants not due to this project but for future reference. I-ie
stated he has been approached more than once concerning the
location of an incinerator. The restrictive covenants could
prevent this type of business in the park. Chris stated that the
ivlay 1989 ordinance provided for the sale at a total price of
X7,665. l~~?r. i3ro~~rn stated that they are anticipating a mid-April
opening date but i nforrned the Corrrni ttee that the f i nanc i ng i s
pending. P~4r. drown stated that when the original project was
developed there vdas tax abatement at the park. He stated he has
been informed that this is no longer possible and asked if the
city would be willing to subordinate the lot with the bank.
Discussion fol lo~~red concerning the matter. A motion vas made by
Jim~,,4ay and seconded by Harry Steck to send the matter to the City
Council for consideration and to have Chris Spears get the details
of the financing from the 6ro~^rns' and to have Jim f~~almgren talk to
the bank on the subordination request. Voice vote. ivlotion
Chris Spears addressed the Committee concerning tY~e railroad
depot. He stated that he has located a tourism grant program
vrhich can be used for the renovation of the depot; however, it is
a 50/50 grant and in-kind services vrould not be eligible for the
city's 5C1~~. In talking with the city treasurer, he has been
informed there is :?37,000 in the TIt= fund which could be used for
the city's share. In obtaining a rough estimate for the
renovation, he has come up ~^/ith approximately $6~J,000 needed for
the complete renovation. I-ie stated that one thing that may have
to be done to qualify as "tourism" would be to relocate the museum
in the depot. tie stated that Dick Strode informed him that they
vroutd like to have the entire building for the museum. I•riayor
Edwards stateed that the Conmittee had talked about the Chamber of
Corrrnerce office being located there as well as the Cormiunity
Development office and the possibility of a corrmunity room. Larry
Sarff suggested the city could spend $5-10,000 for glass
replacement, minimum electricity and running water for ttie purpose
of having it available for the Spoon diver Drive. Discussion
follo~~red concerning the scope of ~vorl~, for the renovation. Chris
stated that for the grant, the city ~n~ould have to have firm
estimates from contractors. A motion 4vas made by Eiarry Steck to
forget the grant and proceed with the original plans. Seconded by
Jim •.~?ay. Voice vote. fdtotion carried.
The matter of remodeling the City Council Chambers was discussed
next. ~'yill Taggart provided two samples of carpet for
consideration. The Conmittee discussed the painting of the walls
which no~;v have paneling on them as well as the repair to the
ceiling. ~`lill stated that he has talked with s''dike Conklin
concerning the placement of a cubical to house the video equipment
and they have agreed on the style and location. Discussion. A
motion eras made by f-tarry Steck to paint the chamber ~aralls antique
vrhite, lay the solid gray carpeting, and have',`~Jill build a cubical
for the video equipment.
tvlotion carried.
Seconded by Jirn f~1ay. Voice vote.
l~Jill addressed the Committee concerning a request from the
ambulance people on obtaining some of the city's carpet. 1~'Vill
stated there is plenty. Harry Steck stated that the items
obtained through fdAIER have restrictions on them for city use
only. He stated if a letter Urere obtained from t~11=P. stating the
city could donate the carpet to the ambulance service, then he
wou Id not have a prok.~lem with the request. The ConTni ttee
discussed other carpet the city has as ~^relt as paint. Harry Steck
stated that he felt if the materials did not come from f~1~1>=R, then
donating the items, specifically paint and carpet, to the
ambulance service would be acceptable. Committee agreed.
The city hall heating system was discussed next. ''Jill stated that
his memo outlines the problems Urith the heating system. He has
talked with Chris Spears concerning hot vrater heating system.
Discussion followed on the possibility and cost of a forced air
furnace system for city hall. f;~ayor Edwards made a motion to
advertise for sealed bids on a forced air heating system and a hot
water heating system with the bids to be opened at the Mechanical
Committee meeting of February 26, 1991. Seconded by Harry Steck.
Voice vote. ~~~~+otion carried.
No further business 4vas discussed and the Lalce, t~uildings and
Grounds Cormi ttee arras adjourned.
Public \'4iorks - V'Jater and Sewer Cormmittee
Jirn f~iay , Chairman
The first item was the discussion of the Del-t3ar water line. Flay
Rickena addressed the Corrrnittee, along with Jerry Smith, to
discuss the possibility of extending the line to tl~e subdivision.
The proposed location of the line and the requirements for the
construction vas discussed. The consensus of the Committee was
favorable. Jirn f.~alrngren suggested an agreement be developed with
the interested parties of the subdivision signing the agreement to
construct the line, hook on to the line and dedicate the main to
the city. The Committee discussed the requirement for an EPA
permit for the construction and operation of the line. It was
decided that Jim tvlalmgren vvi I I try to get a draft agreement for
the residents in a couple of weeks. No additional action was
necessary at th i s t irr~e.
On the matter of the present line, f;layor Edwards stated that a
correction to the amount that would he charged for additional
residents to hook on to the line needs to be made. Cliff Sagaser
stated that the small line 4vould be financed by the five residents
of the area and the balance, seven residences, uvould then be
charged `'529 each for the line construction costs. This would he
in addition to the normal tap and meter fees. Cliff stated that
evith the residents purchasing the corporation stop, stop box,
meter etc. from the city the cost would be an additional X225.00.
He did state that plumbers also f~ave these things available and
the resident would then pay the city for an inspection and meter
on I y . A motion was made by J i rn 1~;1ay recom7~end i ng t hat X629 be
charged each resident for hooking on to the existing line for
"line construction" in addition to the norrnat tap and meter fees.
Seconded by Harry Steck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Ray l4,icFCi nney addressed the Conmi ttee concerning the agreement with
Sadger meters for the replacement of meters. Ray asked the
Committee's consideration in continuing the program. A motion vas
made by I-lar ry Stecl< and seconded by J im f,;iay to continue with the
same program for the meters. Voice vote. ":Jiotion carried.
The slaker contract vvas next. Ray fw°>cKinney stated that this is an
annual contract ~rrith~Nallace and Tiernan in the amount of II45.00.
A motion was made by ~larry Steck and seconded by Jim.~ay to
approve the contract with'.^Jallace and Tiernan. Voice vote.
P~iotion carried.
Ray ~~Jic~Ci nney addressed the Corrmi ttee with a request to continue
the annual lab testing. He stated that the annual fee is $25i00y
A motion eras rrrade by r-larry Steck and seconded by Jim
recommending continuation of the contract. Voice vote. Potion
Ray i~u9ci~i nney i nformed the Corani ttee that he had requested and
received chemical prices from two suppliers, t'Jallace and Tiernan
and Valley Chemical for the various chemicals used at the water
plant. He requested approval to purchase the chernicals from these
two suppliers using these quotes. A motion war~cCinae bbe ga'rven
Steck and seconded by J im P:ay recorrrnendi ng Ray Y
approval to purchase chernicals for the vrater plant. Voice vote.
P~lotion carried.
PJo further business was discussed and the Public ~`Jorks - ~~Jater and
Sewer Conmi ttee eras adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - ConYnittee Secretary