HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-1991 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers December 10, 1991 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck, Kevin Meade, Jerry Bohler Others Present: Don Edwards, Mike Elam, Clif O'Brien, George Spahn, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, Will Taggart, Dick Coay, Dave Barnett, Harry Steck, Bob DeRenzy, Chris Spears, Jim May, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the opening of the bids for the new audio/video equipment for the council chambers. The secretary opened the bids. The results were: Beatty Televisual - $9,998.00, and Klaus Radio - $9,439.00. A motion was made by Kevin i~ieade and seconded by Bob PJ{olleck to have the bids reviewed by ~Jlike Conklin and Chris Spears and to have a recommendation for the next City Council meeting. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that a check had been received from TCI for approxirnately $9,500 for the purchase of the equipment. Voice vote. Motion carried. The second item was a request from Gary Orwig to have a backwash pump repaired by Westinghouse. The cost is $930.00. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Sob Molleck recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. The request to release the bond for the sidewalk project was discussed next. Tony Rolando, representing some of the downtown merchants and the Chamber of Commerce stated that there was concern over the release of the bond. He stated that some spots are occurring in the red concrete and felt that the chance exists that it may have to be replaced. They have also been concerned with the time in which the project has taken. ~Aayor Edwards stated that he had received a letter from the contractor and asked the secretary to read the letter in its entirety. Larry Sarff stated that the letter mentions unforeseen hazards. He stated that there were weeks when no one was on the job. If there had been a full crew working every day, the work would have been done faster. Bob (~~olleck stated that he was against release of the bond. It would be an injustice to the taxpayers if the bond is released. He stated he had received complaints on the project from merchants and citizens. He stated 1 there are several places where the curb is not rounded and the adjacent buildings should be cleaned of splattered concrete. Mayor Edwards stated that the red concrete was not the contractor's idea. He stated that the dye made it very hard to work with and staying with the natural concrete may have been a better idea. Tony Rolando stated that the concrete in front of his store is fine. The red seemed to change the quality of the concrete. He stated that there were too many times when nothing vras being done. The letter states that there were several holes which were not filled but Tony stated that he was not aware of that. He stated that if they had worked on it every day and not finished the project before winter, it would not have been a problem. Jerry Bohler stated that N1rs. Pollitt called him and Jerry felt that they would like to have the bond released but if not, it would not be a problem. Discussion followed concerning the lack of a time completion date on the contract. (fVote: the contractor was to furnish that information on his bid; 2 out of 3 did) Jerry stated that if the specs allow the release of the bond when the project is 90% complete, he feels the city should follow the specifications. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bobfvtolleck recorm~ending the bond not be released on the downtown sidewalk project. Voice vote. f~POtion carried. Clif O'Brien requested permission to have the jetter worked on. He stated that 500 feet of new hose, sandblasting the tank and re-coating it, having the pump checked out and installing a new belt would cost approximately $2700-$3000. It was noted that the jetter is a 1976 which is used almost daily and the city has not had to spend any money on it. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam requested permission to send two officers to a drug enforcement training school in Bloomington January 20-24, 1992. The total cost is $420 and is not reimbursable by the state. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob Molleck recommending approval of sending two officers to the training school. Voice vote. Motion carried. The pay estimate for Earl Hobbs for the block work on the campground and beach buildings was discussed next. Ray McKinney stated that pay estimate is in the amount of $8,000. He stated that total bid was approximately $12,500. He requested payment of the pay estimate. It was noted that the bill was listed on the list of bills for approval. No action was taken at this time. Ray McKinney requested permission to obtain quotes on a new long block for the flatbed. He stated that one quote he had received was for $1175. Discussion followed concerning a rebuilt engine for the flatbed and the many uses of the flatbed truck by the departments. A motion was made by Bob "Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to have Ray (McKinney obtain quotes for an engine for the flatbed truck. Voice vote. Motion carried. 2 Mike Elam addressed the next item. He stated as an information item, the Fulton County Board had agreed with the request to opt out of Section 27.5 of Senate Bill 907. This would allow the local agencies to received their fair share of traffic citations issued in their jurisdictions. He stated that the Fulton County Chiefs of Police Association and other entities in the county felt the same way and voiced their opposition to this section. Mike stated that Mary Hampton presented a scenario to the Fulton County Board explaining the effects of this section on the disbursement of funds. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler authorizing Mike Elam to send a letter to the Fulton County Board and specifically to Mary Hampton thanking them for the assistance and decision on this section of the senate bill. Voice vote. Motion carried. Clif O'Brien addressed the Committee with a request to approve a bill for garbage truck repairs. He informed the Committee that air compressor went out of truck #54 and the cost to repair it was $715.00. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin i~~leade to approve the $715.00 expenditure. Voice vote. Notion carried. Bills were next. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bobi~Jlolleck to refer the bills to the City Council for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. tJlayor Edwards informed the Committee that a pay estimate for Buckeye Street had been received in the amount of $204,099 with a retainage of 5%. He requested that the pay estimate be forwarded to 1rVal-Mart for payment. He also informed the Corrrnittee that the state had not yet sent their portion of the project to the city. A motion was made by Bob Pvlolleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to submit the bill to VVaI-N1art for payment. Voice vote. iti~lotion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that a hearing had been held in Peoria concerning the installation of traffic tights at 5th Avenue and Chestnut Street. He stated that IDOT has approved the installation of the lights. He stated that Tracie Skaggs and the police department had conducted a survey for the petition to the state for the lights. He commended Tracie for her work on the survey and representing the city at the hearing. To add the lights to the project would cost approximately $75,000 of which the city would pay half. The total estimate of the FAIJ project for the widening of Chestnut Street and the $30,000 inclusion of the lights would total approximately $675,000. The city would pay 1/3 of the total project costs from Motor Fuel Tax funds. These funds will be available and will not take away from the city's normal maintenance program. He stated that there is property acquisition involved and a June letting is possible. Mayor Edwards stated that McClure Engineering will be sending the city a proposal for the design of the project. No action was necessary on this item at this time. 3 Mayor Edwards asked the Committee's consideration of allowing the City Clerk's office to purchase a computer for their office. Discussion. Chris Spears was instructed to talk to the City Clerk's office for consideration and bring the findings back to Corrrnittee for consideration. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob CJIo I I eck , Chairman The first item 4vas the drug testing. Bob tviolleck stated that the Dave Smith, representing AFSCIv)E, talked with him. They are in the process of looking at the fire department proposal and making some changes. This item was tabled at this time to the next regular meeting. Bob P1lolleck stated that he had attended a seminar in Galesburg concerning drug testing. He stated that the city now has the right to have an employee tested. He stated that if an employee tests positive of an illegal drug, he has in fact committed a felony. The speakers stated that the employee should not be given a chance at drug rehabilitation due to the fact that the employee has committed a felony. He stated that copies of new legislation was provided and he would provide copies for the council members for their review. Larry Sarff suggested that copies be provided to Reed Roesler as well. Bob agreed. PJlayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning an agreement for city engineering services. He stated that he had not had a chance to review the agreement. Bob Anderson stated that there would be a change in one paragraph. The Committee had not had a chance to review the agreement. The matter was tabled at this time. Larry Sarff addressed the Committee concerning compliance with the disabilities act. He stated that as an employer, the city should look at their hiring practices; and, as a public body, the city should look at the access to the building. Discussion followed concerning what is "reasonable" access. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to have George Spahn contact Phillips and Associates for a quote on a study of the city building to make it handicap accessible. It was noted that f~1r. Phillips should be asked about the possibility of attending the City Council meeting to discuss the matter. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. ,/lotion carried. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. 4 Camnunity and Industrial Development Carrmittee Kevin ~~4eade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's report. Chris informed the Committee that he had no report at this time. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning a proposal from Basement De-V'Jatering. He stated that they are proposing an exchange of their Rural Development Loan (approximately $63,000) and the building at the enterprise park for the land and building on Van Buren presently used by the System 1,9aintenance Department. He stated that Chris Spears had addressed the proposal in a memo to the aldermen and he agrees with Chris' reaction to the proposal. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the City Council not enter into the agreement proposed by Basement De-V`Jatering. Voice vote. ~~lotion carried. At this time George Bellovics, Department of Conservation, addressed the Committee concerning a proposed walking/biking trail on railroad property presently owned by Burlington Northern Railroad. He informed the Committee that grant funds are available for the acquisition and development of a recreational trail. This is a 50/50 grant with governmental entities being able to use manpower for their 50°,0. He stated that Burlington Northern Railroad has petitioned the ICC for the abandonment of the line from Yates City to Dunfermline. He stated that of this area, it appears that the area between Farmington and Canton would be appropriate for the trail. He stated that any entity can petition the ICC for right of refusal or interim use of the land. Mr. Bellovics stated that a group can collectively work together, whether it is cities, villages, counties and townships, to apply for the grant funds and development the recreational trail. He stated that usually the railroad will salvage the lines, ties, etc. He stated that this is informational and wanted to make the city aware of the possibilities. P,nr. Bellovics stated that the Canton Park District will be receiving the 1992 brochure. There is talk of accelerating the next round of applications. They may be receiving the grant applications from September to November 1992. Mayor Edwards stated that the city had sent a letter opposing the abandonment but if it is approved by the ICC, this could be looked into further. No action was taken by the Committee at this time. The Committee thanked (•:1r. Bellovics for his presentation and information. Chris addressed the Committee concerning the long distance telephone service for the city. He stated that he and Nancy Whites talked with a representative of CII~rIDO. They are putting together a group of long distance telephone users to take advantage of high volume rates. The Illinois Municipal League has elected to be involved with CIM~O for their service. There is a discount rate for Illinois 5 Municipal League members and a 90 day trial period. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to try the CIMSO service for the 90 day trial period. Voice vote. Motion carried. At this time, Gary Barnhart made a presentation for the development of the lot at the southwest corner of Main and Locust Streets for a ne4v Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. fJlr. Barnhart stated that he found that if something is to be done with city owned property, the city must advertise for alternate proposals. He stated that a letter had been sent to the city with the proposal for obtaining the land, having the city drill the lot to determine environmental status and the possibility of issuing $30,000 in TIF bonds to assist in the development. Mr. Barnhart stated that if the fair market value of the improvements is $250,000, it would result in $7,758 in taxes based on $9.21 per $100 assessment. The entire tax amount would come to the city. Over the next 18 years of the tax increment district would result in $144,000 in taxes. On the bond issue, Mr. Barnhart stated that they are asking the city to consider selling the bonds with the purchaser making arrangements for the bond purchase. The $30,000 from the bond sale would then be given to the developer for construction purposes and paid back by TIF funds from the district. Larry Sarff stated that he sees two questions. 1. is the city interested in this project and at this location; and, 2. does the city want to issue TIF bonds. Discussion followed. A motion v~ras made by Bob fvlolleck to advertise for proposal for the lot on the southwest corner of fv7ain and Locust Streets and to proceed with the drilling on the lot to determine environmental conditions. Seconded by Dick Coay. Discussion. Larry Sarff stated that he is not personally excited about this proposal due to the fact that he feels that this lot could be valuable on a larger project. This could be a "key" lot. He stated that he is in favor of advertising for the proposal. Bob DeRenzy arras instructed to obtain a quote on the drilling of the lot for the next City Council meeting. He agreed. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that the city has been taking advantage of a trial membership in the National League of Cities. He stated that he has been receiving information concerning the cost for a full membership at a cost of $697.00 per year. At this time this is an informational item only. No action was necessary by the Committee at this time. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee vas adjourned. 6 Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the affirmative action plan. No additional information was presented and the item was tabled at this time. Mobile homes/mobile home parks was next on the agenda. This item was tabled to the next meeting. The building code update request vas next. This item was tabled to the next meeting for further information. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that copies of a proposal for the acceptance of leachate from Gallatin National had been provided for them to review. He stated this was an informational item and no action was taken by the Committee at this time. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to convene in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Voice vote. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 7