HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-1991 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers October 8, 1991 6:30 P.M. fvlembers Present: Kevin Meade, Larry Sarff, Jerry Bohler, Bob Molleck Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Malmgren, Mike Elam, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, Will Taggart, George Spahn, Harry Steck, George Meacham, Dan Oaks, Chris Spears, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper, Gladys Young Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the opening of the bids for the various pieces of equipment. The secretary opened the bids. The results are contained on the attached tab sheet. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade to recommend acceptance of the $250.00 bid from Louis Long for the 1977 GMC pickup. Voice vote. Motion carried. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob Molleck to refer the balance of the bids to staff for review with discussion at the next City Council meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. The second item was a request from Gary Orwig to have an aerator motor replaced. He stated that this is for the first flush pond. The cost to repair the motor is $1192 and a new motor costs $395.00. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bob Molleck to recommend approval to replace this motor at a cost of $395.00. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee concerning the purchase of a sludge truck. This truck would be used to transport the sludge to the applicator truck. He stated he would like to go look at the used trucks contained in the brochure. This firm, in Indianapolis, have trucks which cost up to $37,000. Gary stated that Macomb bought a new sludge truck and the cost was $87,000. Discussion followed concerning the availability of the trucks, how long they are available, and the possibility of this being a specialty item which would allow the waiving of the bidding requirements. It was noted that the mechanic should look at the trucks as well. Gary stated that he has talked with Pat concerning the funds for the truck. Bob Molleck made a motion stating the if it is determined that this is a specialty item and the bidding procedures can be waived, Gary and Rick be allowed to go look at the trucks, see if the company will hold one with a purchase order, and have Council or Committee make a final determination on the purchase as soon as thereafter. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. Clif O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning the receipt of the salt quotes for 300 tons of salt to be paid from the 1992 MFT funds. He stated the two quotes received were: Morton Salt - $28.00 per ton from Peoria; and Cargill Salt - $28.50 per ton from Pekin. The Committee discussed the difference in time and mileage from the terminal in Peoria and Pekin. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending acceptance of the $28.50 quote from Cargill Salt. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig informed the Committee that one of the pumps at the Kilroy lift station was hit by lightening. He stated that cost to repair the pump was $930.00. This is reimbursable from the insurance minus the deductible, but Pat Wright has informed him that the city will have to pay the full amount and then be reimbursed from the insurance company. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob Molleck recom~riending payment of the bill with reimbursement from the insurance company. Voice vote. Motion carried. Clif O'Brien requested permission to have the used plow installed on the new pickup. He stated that this plow was purchased for $200. The firm who is in the process of installing the boxes on the new trucks will install the hardware for the plow and winter prep the pump. Clif stated that cost is $877.35 for the installation and $15.00 for the winterization, for a total cost of $892.35. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Clif addressed the problems with the stop lights at Elm Street and 1st Avenue. He stated that these are mechanical lights and the parts are almost worn out. He stated to replace the mechanics with a circuitry board would cost $4,800.00. These parts are in stock at Advanced Electric. Clif stated that he is not asking at this time for the replacement but they may have to be replaced in the near future. Along those lines, several aldermen asked the status of the right turn at Main Street and Ash Streets. It was noted that the other Committees had discussed the removal of the prohibition of the right turn but had voted to leave the regulation in place. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to refer the matter to the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried. 2 Mike Elam addressed the Committee concerning the purchase of a bullet proof vest for Officer McDowell. He stated that there is at present a general order that the vest be provided for all police personnel by the city. To purchase a new vest would be $480-500. Officer McDowell presently has his own vest. The vests available at the station are not the correct size for Officer McDowell. Mike asked the Committee's direction in purchasing Kent's vest from him at a cost of $200.00. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to purchase Kent McDowell's vest for $200.00. Voice vote. Motion carried. The rental of the excavator was discussed. Ray McKinney stated that he has two beds which will need to be cleaned out at the water plant, while Gary will have one bed at the sewer plant next spring. The cost of the rental for one year is $10,000. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bob Molleck approving the rental of the excavator for an additional year at a cost of $10,000. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bills were next. It was noted that Pat Wright has been notified that the workman's comp has increased. Since the amount of the levy is not sufficient to cover the increase, a public hearing will need to be held to increase the levy. This notice must be published by October 29th. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to allow Pat Wright to proceed with the publication. Voice vote. Motion carried. Larry Sarff presented a bill for $400.17 for 165 patches for the fire department. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recorrrriending approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. On the Burlington Northern bill for the repair of the tracks on Linn Street, Pat Wright would like to send a letter to the railroad with a check for one half of the amount due. Discussion followed concerning the amount and the circumstances surrounding the bill. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Bob Molleck to allow Pat Wright to send a letter to Burlington Northern with one half of the amount due. ($1,071.43) Voice vote. Motion carried. Clif O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning a leaf program for the city. He stated that there have been problems with the storm sewers plugging. He stated that a machine is available which attaches to the rear of a truck that will pick up the leaves off the street. The cost of the machine runs from $3800 to $15,000. Cliff suggested that a machine could be purchased for $3800. He stated that a program could be developed where the residents would have to sweep the leaves in the street and they would be picked up by this machine. Discussion followed on the manpower necessary for this operation and the problems that may be encountered. At this time, no action was taken by the Committee. 3 Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning the sidewalk program. He stated that it has been mutually agreed between the City and the contractor to finish the immediate area which is torn out and wait till next spring to continue the project. At this point, the contractor will have to go to the next wall and finish the vault. Discussion. Mayor Edwards stated that it will be getting close to the holiday shopping season and that Chamber of Commerce representatives have asked that the project be "buttoned up" for winter. The Committe was informed the Committee that the paving bricks, which have been placed around one tree, had been changed but the bricks originally selected will be installed around one tree for comparison. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending the sidewalk project be stopped for the winter and continued next spring. Discussion. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that he has met with County Board Chairman Melba Ripper concerning the landfill. It was noted that a private hauler is the largest user of the landfill. He also informed the Committee that Gallatin National will be presenting a proposal for the city taking their leachate in exchange for garbage. There will be a hearing in Lewistown on October 21st concerning the landfill. Mayor Edwards stated that the county will have to do some of the same things that Gallatin is doing. He stated that he plans on attending the hearing and stated that anyone else interested could attend. Will Taggart addressed the Committee with a request to spend less than $300 for the following items: print out calculator, chair, two drawer file cabinet, business cards, a fan and bookends. Discussion. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bob Molleck allowing the expenditure. Discussion followed on the point that the best buy should be obtained for these items. Voice vote. Motion carried. Will asked the Committee on direction concerning the issuance of building permits. He stated that Tracie has informed him that she is of the understanding that she will not be issuing permits in the future. He stated that at times when he is on vacation etc., he would like to have her issue the permits. Mayor Edwards stated that his intent was that Tracie could issue permits in Will's absence. The Committee agreed. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that he has received a request from approximately 28 union employees to make available a slot on the payroll deduction for savings bonds. Following the request, he has talked with several administrative personnel and there is interest there as well Discussion followed concerning the use of the bank who presently does the city payroll for the bonds. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler to approve the concept of savings bond deductions and to work out the details with the bank. Voice vote. Motion carried. 4 No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob Motleck, Chairman The first item was the drug testing. Bob Motleck stated that the fire department has presented their proposal and the other two bargaining units, Public Works and Police, have been approached but have not made a decision to accept the policy or develop a proposal to present to the city. He recommended that this item be held over until the other bargaining units have presented their policies or approved the proposal presented. Committee agreed. The Committee reviewed the job description for the Zoning Administrator. The Committee discussed the duties listed, who this person would report to, as well as compensatory time for attendance at meetings, and the time frame for presenting moneys to the City Treasurer. Committee discussed changes which need to be completed before presentation to the Council. A motion was made by Larry Sarff recommending Bob Motleck get with Jim Malmgren to make the necessary changes in the job description and to accept the description with the amendments. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards stated that as of July 1992, in accordance with the disability act, the city will be required to have job descriptions for everyone who works for the city. The Committee discussed the salary for the Zoning Administrator. Bob Motleck suggested a salary of $23,400. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending adoption of $23,400 as the salary for the Zoning Administrator. Discussion. Jerry Bohler stated that he feel that the job does not warrant that salary. Voice vote. (1 nay) Motion carried. Along the same time, Bob Motleck asked that George Spahn be placed in the position of Maintenance Supervisor at a salary of $20,862.40. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending approval of the elevation of George Spahn to Maintenance Supervisor at a salary of $20,862.40. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee with a request to appoint a part time dispatcher. He stated that the next person on the eligibility list is Cindy Taylor. He stated that normally there are four full time and two part time dispatchers. The part time dispatcher fill in in case of sickness etc. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to offer the position to Cindy Taylor. Voice vote. Motion carried. 5 '~/ No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Corm~un i ty and 1 ndust r i a l IDeve 1 opment C.artmi ttee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's report. Chris informed the Committee that he, Ray McKinney and Bob Anderson were in Springfield today concerning the Clean Lakes Program grant. This is a 50/50 grant, where the city will be matching the grant funds. The city has received approval for $50,000 for a feasibility study at the lake. The city's portion will come from the surcharge funds. Ray McKinney informed the Committee of some of the tests that will have to be done for the grant and stated that most of these things will be done in house. Part of the city's portion can be considered in-kind services and they will be keeping track of their timie for these tests. Chris stated he has an intergovernmental agreement which requires the Mayor's signature. Mayor Edwards stated that a resolution could be prepared for next City Council meeting. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck recommending approval of the grant and to send a resolution to the City Council directing the Mayor to sign the agreement. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris informed the Committee that legislation has been passed prohibiting a utility tax if an enterprise zone exists first. He stated that DCCA says we are technically in violation. It was suggested that Representative Homer be contacted to amend the legislation to include only certified businesses. The Illinois Municipal League is wanting to send a letter to the Governor to repeal the legislation. Chris stated he would like to work with other communities concerning the amendment or repulsion of this legislation. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to have Chris proceed with this matter. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris informed the Committee that he and Mike Elam talked with Jerry Friend concerning the supervisory training and mid-November is the target date. Mike Elam stated that Mr. Friend welcomed assistant department heads as well as the department heads and if any particular topics should be covered, Mr. Friend is willing to adapt his seminars to our needs. Mayor Edwards stated that a representative of the United Way will be scheduling a meeting with him and the department heads in the near future. 6 "1rrr-` Mayor Edwards addressed the matter of the storm sewer on West Walnut Street. He stated that there are two sewers, a 42" and a 48", which is dumping into a 60" sewer. Bob Anderson has provided three possibilities to alleviate the problem. The possibilities are to install an additional 18" sewer at a cost of $75,000; install a 30" sewer at a cost of $110,000; or, install an additional 48" sewer at a cost of $170,000. This would allow the excess from the two sewers to flow freely, eliminating the flooding problems in the area. Mayor Edwards stated he has talked to Pat Wright concerning the possibility of a bond issue or going through the Rural Bond Bank to finance the additional sewer. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that he is having Bob Anderson look into the matter further. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the affirmative action plan. No additional information was presented and the item was tabled at this time. The next item of discussion was the cable television franchise and agreement. Bill Ludwig addressed the Committee stating that the with this agreement TCI would be making a one time equipment donation to the city valued at approximately $28,000 plus labor and would hook into the head in to allow for live broadcasts in exchange for an extension of ten years of the present franchise agreement. Mr. Ludwig stated that he has not received a map showing the corporate boundaries and prior discussions were held on the possibility of making cable available to additional areas. He stated that he has a sample density clause TCI would like to see inserted in the new agreement. Paul Vondahaar addressed the Committee stating that in the past the public access channel was used for other things besides the City Council meetings. This was changed and he would tike the city to consider an educational access and extracurricular events such as sports, band concerts, etc. be allowed to be aired. Mayor Edwards stated that some towns have direct access to the schools. Jerry Bohler stated he felt that if the agreement is not extended, educational items may be allowed in the present agreement and this should be reviewed to determine that possibility. Mayor Edwards reminded the Committee that this is a non-exclusive franchise. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff recommending to the City Council the adoption of the ordinance with the ten year extension and acceptance of the donation of equipment from TCI. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Discussion. Jerry Bohler stated that he will not support the extension to 25 years. He suggested that the city take the approximate $60,000 now received 7 per year from TCI and purchase the equipment. Mayor Edwards stated that he would like to see specific guidelines for government and educational purposes developed to set criteria for the access channel. Chris Spears stated that after the acceptance of the equipment, the city will have to maintain it and it is possible the equipment would have to be replaced before 2016. Mike Conklin stated that with the equipment, the city would own all of the equipment and be self-sufficient technology wise. Mayor Edwards stated this new agreement also includes the override system for emergency situations. Mr. Ludwig stated that the override system will cover all channels so the subscribers will be notified of emergency situations such as tornados, boil orders, etc. Kevin Meade stated that it is important to keep in mind this is not an exclusive franchise. He stated it is important to have the educational programs and would like to see other governmental bodies use the public access channel. Voice vote. (1 nay) Motion carried. Bill Ludwig introduced the new manager of the Macomb office, Dominick Ascone. The Committee welcomed the new manager. Jerry Bohler addressed the Committee concerning several requests to replace trailers on lots. He stated that he has been approached on the replacement of a trailer with a new model. He stated the ordinance now states that once the trailer is removed, it can not be replaced. He stated that Fulton County has passes an amendment to allow replacement if the trailer is newer than 1975 and bears a HUD seal. Mayor Edwards stated that the trailers in the Beech/Shamrock area were annexed to the city as a Planned Unit Development. The original intent was to eliminate trailers in residential area. PUDs were allowed for the replacement of trailers on those lots. Harry Steck stated that he is not opposed to upgrading and replacing trailers since some of the lots would not be large enough for building a house. Mayor Edwards stated that the Board of Appeals was established to review variance requests for items such as this. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff to table this item to next months meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. Along the same line, Jerry Bohler asked to discuss trailer parks. Mayor Edwards stated that parks are licensed by the State of Illinois. There are regulations as to how many trailers are allowed etc. He stated that there should be a list of licensed mobile home parks in the City Clerk's office. No further discussion was held on this matter. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 8