HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-1991 Clerical
Clerical Committee
City Council Chambers
January 8, 1991
6:30 P.{V1.
Me~r~bers Present: Kevin Meade, Jerry Kohler, Larry Sarff
Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim tvlalmgren, Chris Spears, Bob
I~Aolleck, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Harry Steck,
Will Taggart, Ray U1cKinney, Bob DeRenzy,
Ross Gardiner, Cliff Sagaser
Finance Committee
Vic Kovachevich, Chairman
In the absence of Alderman Kovachevich, Alderman Sarff presided
over the meeting. The first item was the testing of the aerial
ladder on the fire truck. Bob DeRenzy stated that the Department
of Labor inspector was at the fire department on December 20th.
One of the violations cited was the lack of certification of the
aerial ladder. Bob stated that 12 years ago the ladder was
updated. He informed the Committee that he had contacted a firm
to test and certify the ladder and the cost is $750.00. As a
point of information the other violations cited were: 1. PJledical
records for the employees were not available verifying they are
able to use the air packs. Bob stated he has a form he would like
to have the city attorney review for this; 2. Air pack checks
were not available; 3. No training records were available. Bob
stated these are kept in the personnel file and should be
separate; 4. The cascade system air check was not available. Bob
stated that this will cost $125.00 to be checked; 5. The intake
vent for the air compressor should be vented outside the building.
Bob stated that this has been done. A motion was made by Jerry
Bohler and seconded by Kevin ~vieade to approve the expenditure of
$750.00 for the aerial ladder testing and $125.00 for the cascade
system check. Voice vote. (viotion carried.
The garbage fees were discussed next. ~,9ayor Edwards stated that
the Fulton County Board took favorable action on a resolution to
increase the landfill fees to $16.00 on February 1st and $18.00 on
July 1st. He stated that present rate is $14.00. Discussion
followed concerning the need to discuss raising the user fee or to
take the garbage to another facility. Chris Spears stated that
Peoria Disposal charges $11.10 per ton and using the increased
rate, the city will be paying approximately $20,000 rnore over the
next year to the Fulton County landfill. The Committee instructed
Chris to contact the county and Peoria Disposal to see what their
projections are for
determine the amount
cover the additional
the landfill costs in
the user fee would have
costs. No further action
the future and to
to be increased to
was taken at this
Gary Urwig addressed the Committee with a request to have GIv1
IViechanical install an electrically operated basket at the lift
station at a cost of $6500.00. Gary stated that in checking with
ClvTi", they feel that this quote is a good price. The cost of the
parts is $4,000 and the labor will be a maximum of $2500. Gary
stated that it has been indicated that the labor will be at a "per
hour" rate not to exceed $2500 and feels that the cost will be
less. A motion was made by Kevin ~,4eade and seconded by Jerry
Bohler recommending approval of the expenditure. Discussion.
Voice vote. Motion carried.
Gary also requested permission to have Hunter come in an suck the
grit out of the chamber at the same time this basket is being
installed at the lift station. He approximated the cost to be
$375.00. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry
Bohler to approve the $375.00 cost. Voice vote. 1~lotion carried.
Cliff O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning the transmission
in truck #66. He stated that he thought he would have the price
for the Committee but it has been determined that there may be
further problems than first anticipated. He stated that he does
not have a price for the repairs at this time and will be looking
at the truck in the morning to see if there is further damage. No
action vas necessary by the Committee at this time.
Will Taggart asked the Committee's permission to have a new lock
put on the front door of the city building. He stated that a new
lock will cost approximately $600.00. There have been several
problems with the lock and it is worn out. A motion was made by
Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recom~nending approval of
the expenditure. Voice vote. P~~otion carried.
Bills were next. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by
Kevin P;~eade to approve the bills as presented. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Mayor Edwards stated that a recommendation from CI~~iT for the pay
estimate for Environment Management Corp. (EMC) has been received.
The pay estimate is in the amount of $47,306. A motion was made
by Kevin fJleade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to recommend to the
City Council the approval of the pay estimate. Voice vote.
P~lotion carried. The Committee instructed Chris Spears to check on
the lien waivers for the contractor.
Bob DeRenzy complemented the street and maintenance departments on
the job they have done on the streets and walks since the snow
No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was
Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
The first item of discussion was the prescription cards. A motion
was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to convene in
executive session in the City Attorney's office to discuss items
of negotiations. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee
reconvened in open session for the balance of the agenda.
At this time Ron Jones of Mutual P~ledical addressed the Committee
concerning the cards. All three unions were represented at the
meeting concerning this matter. He explained the use of the card,
the benefits of having the card and answered questions from the
audience concerning the card. Larry Sarff stated that he had
letters from both the fire and police unions stating that they
were not in favor of the prescription card. Dean Putman and John
Harmon stated that the membership was basing their decision on the
information that vas available but now felt that since some of the
questions had been answered they would like an opportunity to
discuss the matter with the membership again. Ron Jones stated
that he would try to attend their union meeting if it ~vould help
in understanding the use of the card better for the union members.
Dan Oaks stated that the union and city never discussed the $4 and
$8 cost. He stated the union avas under the impression that during
negotiations they talked about a $3 per prescription cost at any
pharrr~acy or a specific pharmacy would be used. Discussion. No
action was taken on the matter at this time.
No further business was discussed and the fegotiations, Grievance
and Personnel Committee was adjourned.
Cormiunity and Industrial Development Committee
Kevin ~~1eade, Chairman
The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris
informed the Committee that he had been meeting with some of the
local retailers and some are still considering improvements to
their building and/or businesses. No specifics were available at
th i s t irne.
IJo further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial
Development Committee was adjourned.
Legal and Ordinance Committee
Jerry E3ohler, Chai rrnan
The first item vas the building permit fees. Larry Sarff stated
that he felt that the fees should stay the same and suggested that
the matter be removed from the agenda. Committee agreed.
The next item was the affirmative action plan. Jim f~talmgren
stated that there was no change at this time. The item was tabled
to the next meeting.
The bed and breakfast ordinance was next. Jim Malmgren stated
that no additional information was available at this time.
The regulations concerning the setback requirements was addressed
by the Committee. Cliff Sagaser suggested the requirements for
the easement right of ways be maintained but only if there are
utilities or potential for utility location or where alleys exist.
Discussion followed. The Committee instructed the city attorney
and the city engineer to discuss the matter and come up with
appropriate language.
The request for additional lighting for the Jameson lot was next.
Mayor Edwards stated that this was the result of a request from
the employees of Coleman Clinic. Cliff Sagaser stated he would
look at the lot and make a recommendation on the placement of the
lighting at the next meeting.
The Uel-Bar water line was next. Mayor Edwards stated that the
city has received the permit to operate the line which was
constructed. With the recent request from other residents beyond
the line, Mayor Edwards stated that a decision should be made on
how many homes can hook on to this line and the hook up costs will
be. Extensive discussion followed. Cliff Sagaser and Cliff
O'Brien will review the area and make a suggestion at the next
City Council meeting. Committee agreed.
Jerry Bohler asked about the location of the durnpster in front of
Illinois Bell. E3ob Iviolleck stated that Illinois Bell had talked
to him and he has discussed it with Cliff O'Brien. They are
removing equipment from the building and the dumpster will be
located there for approximately two weeks.
Jerry i3ohler asked Bob Molleck about the increase in burglaries in
his ward. Bob stated that the news media is publishing more
information due to their coming to the station and obtaining the
information. Bob stated that he felt that it is good that the
citizens are more informed about what is going on in their
neighborhood. Ross Gardiner stated that the comments he has
received have been favorable in providing more information to the
On the matter of the street light resolution passed by the City
Council to place a light at Edgewood and Avenue D, Jerry asked the
status of the light. Cliff O'Brien stated that it was probably
due to "inclement" weather but would check with CIPS on the
Mayor Edwards stated that the light at Avenue A and Locust Street
seems to be flashing early. He asked if this was changed with the
time change took effect. Cliff O'Brien stated that he would check
on the light.
At this time a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by
Kevin C~.~eade to convene in executive session for the purpose of
personnel. Voice vote. ~~lotion carried.
i=xecut ive session minutes are on f i to for revi evr. The Corrmi ttee
reconvened in open session. No action was taken at this time.
No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance
Committee was adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary