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Clerical Committee
City Council Chambers
December 11, 1990
6:30 P.M.
Ment~ers Present: Kevin tileade, Jerry Bohler, Vic Kovachevich,
Larry Sarff
Others Present: Jim Malmgren, Chris Spears, Bob DeRenzy, Bob
Molleck, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Harry Steck,
Will Taggart, Ray McKinney, Chuck Chapman, Jim
May, Ross Gardiner, Gladys Young, Cliff Sagaser
Finance Committee
Vic Kovachevich, Chairman
The first item vas the opening of the bids for a new truck for the
street department. The synopsis of the bids is contained on the
attached sheet. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by
Kevin Meade to refer the bids to the department head for review
and recommendation. Voice vote. Motion carried.
The garbage fees for the landfills were discussed next. Chris
Spears stated that by direction of the Committee he and Cliff
O'Brien had met with Melba Ripper concerning the anticipated
increases in landfill fees and the city's concerns as well as the
possibility of utilizing Peoria Landfill. Chris provided the
Committee with the potential savings using anticipated future
costs if the City utilized Peoria Landfill instead of the Fulton
County Landfill. Melba Ripper addressed the Committee informing
them that the engineers had conducted detailed studies on the
costs to operate the landfill and the funding which would be
necessary to keep the landfill open. She stated that the input
from the county residents was that they wanted the county to run
the landfill. She stated they are not wanting to make a profit
but need to break even. She stated that the county did not want
Canton to turn their back on them when they need the city. She
suggested that the appropriate persons meet with the county's
landfill committee to discuss the matter and to obtain additional
facts before a decision is made by the city. She stated the city
may want to discuss further the anticipated fees for the Peoria
landfill since they will have to meet the same EPA requirements as
Fulton County. She stated the city may want to see what their
rate structures may be in the future. Jim Malmgren stated that he
concurs with the joint meeting and stated that the Mayor was
concerned with the county's possibility of the bond issue and
wanted to insure the lines of communication be open. Melba Ripper
stated they will have better information from the engineers in the
near future concerning the rate structure since all the
calculations and information has become available. Discussion
followed. The Committee took no formal action on the matter and
agreed to meet with the county's committee. This item was table
to the next meeting.
Sandy Spyres addressed the Committee concerning her son's stolen
bike. She stated that her son's bike was stolen in March 1990 and
the incident was reported to the police department. She stated
that she had been to the police department several times and was
informed that personnel was not available to show them the bikes
that had been recovered. Mrs. Spyres stated that the stolen bike
was sold at the last city auction for $15.00. Her son saw the
bike at school, was told it was purchased at the city auction, and
the owner would sell it for $80.00. She stated the present owner
buys bikes and parts, fixes them up and resells them at a profit.
She stated she had talked with the Mayor and he advised her to
come to this Committee with the problem. Bob Molleck confirmed
that the bike was stolen in February 1990 and found by the police
department on RAarch 15, 1990. He stated he was not prevously
aware of the problems in described. He informed the Committee he
has taken people to view the bikes several times himself, but not
Mrs. Spyres. Discussion followed. Larry Sarff stated that his
son's bike had been stolen and both his wife and son had to make
several trips to the police department before someone was
available to show them the recovered bikes. A motion was made by
Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the $80.00
be given to Mrs. Spyres to purchase the bike from the present
owner. Discussion following concerning the setting of a
precedence and why the price was now $80.00 when the bike was
purchased at the auction for $15.00. Kevin Meade stated that it
was an obvious case of gouging the city because they are the city
and taking advantage of the victim. Vic Kovachevich stated that
he would hope that better access be made available for the
citizens to view the bikes. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Gary Orwig addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a
radio for the truck at the sewer plant. He stated that he had put
$500 in the budget for a radio and had received two quotes. The
quotes were: Colson Radio in the amount of $519.00; and, Supreme
Radio in the amount of $665.00. A motion was made by Larry Sarff
and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending purchase of the radio
from Colson Radio in the amount of $519.00. Voice vote. Motion
The generators were next on the agenda. Ray McKinney stated that
he had presented information on the generators from Caterpillar
and informed the Committee that the gentlemen from Kohler will be
at the plant on Wednesday. He asked that the item be tabled at
this time. Committee agreed.
A request from Ray McKinney to replace the conduit and wire for
the electric main at the plant was next. He stated that the
conduit is rusting and flaking and the anticipated cost of
replacement is $1,000. I-le requested approval of the expenditure.
A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade
recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion
Bob DeRenzy requested permission to have a fenderwell repaired on
one of the fire trucks. He stated that he had previously received
a price of $5300 from Alexis to repair the truck with stainless
steel. He stated that he has two prices to replace with steel,
sandblast, paint and undercoat the fenderwell on the truck. The
prices were: $1,457.13 from Reed's Autobody and $1,786 from
Orwig Autobody. Larry Sarff stated that the committee appointed
to look into the problems at the fire station met last Thursday
for a tour of the facility and found that several things on the
list presented by the union were either corrected or being
corrected. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry
Bohler recommending approval of the low bid for the repair of the
fenderwell on the truck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Bills were next. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by
Larry Sarff to approve the bills as presented. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Harry Steck asked about the disposition of the Christmas trees
this year. Cliff O'Brien stated that they will be handfed by the
city as in the past.
No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was
Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
The first item of discussion was the prescription cards. A motion
was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to convene in
executive session in the City Attorney's office to discuss items
of negotiations. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee
reconvened in open session for the balance of the agenda.
No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance
and Personnel Committee was adjourned.
Cormxinity and Industrial Development Committee
Kevin Meade, Chairman
The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris
informed the Corrrnittee that the DCCA committee did meet today
concerning the CIC agreement but no official answer will be
available until the director signs off on the matter.
Chris informed the Committee that one HHS recipient had not paid
on one of their loans. He stated that the payment was due
December 1st in the amount of approximately $15,000 and this is
the third consecutive payment that has not been paid. He stated
that last December they went to the Mayor and informed him that
they could not rnake the payment and hoped to be able to in January
1990. Last June they addressed the Committee with a request to
skip the June payment and was granted that request. This week
they informed Chris that the December payment would not be paid
and hoped to pay the city by the second week of January 1991.
Chris stated that he did not want to reveal the name of the firm
due to not wanting them to receive any "bad press". The Committee
asked the name of the company be revealed. Chris stated that the
firm was Active English. No action vas taken on the matter by the
A request from two residence of Del Bar Subdivision was addressed
at this time. Ray Riekena stated that he is interested in
obtaining water from the city by running a water line to his area.
He asked if the City would be interested in paying the difference
between a smaller line and a large line to service this area.
Discussion followed concerning the availability of water if a line
is put in around the lake. Ray McKinney stated that a four inch
line may be sufficient to service the 20-30 homes in that
immediate area. Discussion followed concerning the plan developed
by the Lake Ad Hoc Committee, the factors determining the size of
line needed for the area, possible cost factors and future
annexation possibilities. A motion was made by Larry Sarff
recommending the City Council express an interest in the concept
of water to the Del Bar Addition. Seconded by Chuck Chapman.
Voice vote. Motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial
Development Committee was adjourned.
Legal and Ordinance Committee
Jerry Bohler, Chairman
The first item was the building permit fees. No new information
was available and the item was tabled to the next meeting.
The next item vas the affirmative action plan. Jim PJlalmgren
stated that the draft second third of the plan has become
available and is in the process of review. He stated that he
anticipates the final draft to be completed by January 30th. The
item was tabled until the next meeting.
The bed and breakfast ordinance was next. Jim Malmgren stated
that no additional information was available at this time.
The mausoleum was next on the agenda. Helen Taraboletti read a
petition to the Committee with a request of acceptance of
conveyance to the City of Canton the mausoleum and to have it
become a part of Greenwood Cemetery. The petition states that the
petitioners are willing to also relinquish approximately $3,000 in
funds to the city for the mausoleum. Jim Malmgren informed the
Committee they can recommend to the City Council the concept of
acceptance but the decision would be up to the Cemetery Board to
accept formally. It was noted there are approximately 50-60
vacancies in the mausoleum. Carroll Offord stated that several
broken marble slabs had been replaced and a complete new roof had
been installed in the last two years. Discussion followed. A
motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Vic Kovachevich
recommending the City Council accept the concept and forward the
matter to the Cemetery Board for consideration. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
The regulations concerning the setback requirements was addressed
by the Committee. Jim Malmgren stated that the setbacks should
allow enough room for the installation/repair of sewer and water
lines. He stated that if the deepest sewer is 40 feet, then a 20
foot setback on each side would be sufficient. Discussion
followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin
Meade to have the City Attorney draw up an ordinance for the
change to the setback requirements. Voice vote. Motion carried.
The request for additional lighting for the Jameson lot was next.
Due to the absence of Mayor Edwards, the matter was tabled to the
next meeting.
The CIC agreements, referred from City Council, was next. Due to
discussion earlier in the meeting, a motion was made by Kevin
Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff to refer the agreements back to
the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Will Taggart informed the Committee that there are 19 Christmas
trees for Jones Park. He stated there are approximately 60 kids
that will be decorating the trees. He stated that he had received
a $100 donation toward the cost of the trees from Bob's Towing and
other donations for the trees would be appreciated. Will was
thanked for assisting in the coordination of the project.
A motion was made by Larry Sarff
convene in executive session for
Voice vote. Motion carried.
and seconded by Kevin Meade to
the purpose of land acquisition.
Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee
reconvened in open session. No action vras taken at this time.
No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance
Committee was adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary