HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-1990 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers May 8, 1990 6:30 P.M. Me~ribers Present: Larry Sarff, Vic Kovachevich, Jerry Bohler, Kevin Meade Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Malmgren, Cliff Sagaser, Bob Molleck, Bob DeRenzy, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Will Taggart, Harry Steck, Ray P~11cKinney Chris Spears, Ross Gardiner Finance Committee Vic Kovachevich, Chairman The first item was the East Elm Street. One Concrete in the total ai that the estimate was stated that this is in acceptance of the bid. seconded by Larry Sarff Pollitt Mobile Concrete. opening of the bids for the sidewalk on bid was received from Pollitt (Mobile mount of $2,580.00. Cliff Sagaser stated approximately $2140.00. Mayor Edwards the tax increment area and recommended A motion was made by Kevin Meade and recorm~ending acceptance of the bid from Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was addressed by Gary Orwig concerning the installation of ceiling the in the sever plant building. Gary stated that the estimate is $780.00. The ceiling now has exposed duct work, plaster is falling off and the light fixtures need to be repaired or replaced. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the expenditure be allowed not to exceed $800.00. Voice vote. P~1otion carried. Cliff Sagaser presented a change order for Heinz Construction. This is an increase of the contract in the amount of $5,686. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending approval of the change order for Heinz Construction in the amount of $5,686.00. Voice vote. fviotion carried. The next item concerned the cable for well number two. Cliff Sagaser stated that the cable has to be replaced. He has talked with Dick Wehling who has informed him that 950 feet of cable at $15.00 per foot would cost $14,250.00. 1;'Uehling has offered to pay for one half of the cost with the city paying the other half. Cliff stated that Wehling has indicated that the cable was faulty and may be the cause of the problem. Discussion follo~~red. Mayor Edwards stated that the city will probably have to pay for the replacement of the cable but would like to see legal action started against the cable company for the cost of the cable and pulling and reinstalling the pump. A motion was made by Larry Sarff recommending agreement of the joint venture on replacement of the cable and to proceed with legal action against the cable company. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. Jim Malmgren will contact Wehling concerning the decision of the Committee. Ray fvlcKinney addressed the Committee concerning the possibility of a lease/purchase of equipment. He asked for guidelines from the Committee on receiving quotes. He wras instructed to obtain quotes on leasing and lease/purchase of equipment on both new and used equipment. Ray P,~cKinney addressed the Committee with the quotes for the trenching for the water line to the campground. The quotes received 4vere: Narmont P~lachinery - $.50 per foot; and Slack's Excavating - $.90 per foot. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to accept the low bid for the trenching. Seconded by I<evin PMeade. Voice vote. P~totion carried. Bills were next. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the bills be approved as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris Spears asked the status of the enterprise park sewer line. Cliff Sagaser stated that the permits had been obtained some time ago but the pipe has not been purchased. No action was necessary by the Committee. Pao further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the discussion of the Class I operator for the wastewater plant. iMayor Edwards stated that Dick Lindsey has passed his test and now has a Class I license. He recommended that Dick Lindsey be paid for the responsibility of the lab and the reports necessary for the EPA. This would bring his salary up to $24,600. A motion was made by Vic Kovachevich to increase Dick Lindsey's pay to $24,600 for the added responsibility of the lab and reports and to be retroactive to hMay 1 , 1990. Seconded by I<ev i n "Meade. Voice vote. i~~ot i on carried. 2 Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning a letter received from EN1S concerning the operations of the wastewater plant and the availability of a Class I operator through this company. Discussion followed concerning the possibility of cleaning the digestors. It was stated that Crawford, Murphy & Tilly have informed Gary Orwig that there may be funds available from the EPA for cleaning of the digestors if it is determined that the valves are not functioning and need replaced. Discussion followed. Kevin Meade stated that he felt EMS could bid on the digestor cleaning and possibly provide a quote for the engineering of the digestor cleaning. Larry Sarff referred to a memorandum from flay McKinney regarding the pay increases for the part time employees in the water department. He is asking the two part time employees at the lake be increased $.50 and the part time meter readers received a 4% increase. Jerry Bohler stated that he felt that until the union contracts are settled, the raises should not be approved. Along the same line, Chris Spears stated that there had been a mistake made on the appointment resolution for one part time person. The part time girl in the water department was erroneously given more than the 4°,6 raise and this should be corrected. Jim Malmgren was instructed by the Committee to present a resolution at the next City Council to correct this mistake by removing the additional raise as well as the 4%. The next item was the Ii~.rRF contribution by Cliff Sagaser. It was stated that Cliff was not enrolled in the IMRF plan during the first three months of employment and he would like to pick this period of time up. It was stated that a resolution will be needed for the next City Council meeting. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Vic Kovachevich to have the resolution for Cliff Sagaser's INRF participation presented at the next City Council meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that Tracie Skaggs has submitted her resignation effective May 31, 1990. She has accepted a position with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning the salary of Gary Orwig. He stated that the Council had voiced their intention of providing a raise for Gary some time ago. This was not done. Mayor Edwards stated that he thought the amount was approximately $700.00. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recommended Gary Orwig be given a raise with the amount be supplied by Chris Spears. Voice vote. Motion carried. 3 fvlayor Edwards stated that Bob Hurst is retiring as Assistant Street Superintendent. He informed the Committee that he would like to hold the filling of the vacancy in the Street Department until after next Tuesday's City Council meeting when he anticipates the naming of a new assistant. Committee agreed. Bob ivlolleck addressed the Committee with an informational item. He stated that the Fulton County Board has passed a resolution to raise funds for an enhanced 911 system. He stated that he had attended a seminar on the enhanced 911 system that was very interesting. He stated he hopes to be involved with the county on this matter. Fo1loUring Ray McKinney's suggestion that the City INRF representative make periodic visits to the City to talk to employees, Cliff Sagaser informed the Committee that Carol Gurrmerson, the city's IfvRF representative, will be in the City Building on May 24th to talk to employees. Committee thought more information should be provided and the employees be notified. f~lo further business eras discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Cormtunity and Industrial Development Corrrnittee Kevin f}lleade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris Spears stated he has no report at this time. Mayor Edwards asked that an executive session be held at this time concerning pending, imminent, and/or threatened litigation. The motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to go into executive session. Voice vote. f~~otion carried Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. The second item was the report from the Ad Hoc Committee concerning the railroad depot and Jones Park. Chairman P~1eade presented the v~rritten report to the Committee for review and gave a brief synopsis of the Comm ttee's findings. f~~ayor Edwards stated that he would like to see work started on the depot. Ray McKinney has been in contact withe the prison and Hanna City concerning the availability of prisons for work details. On Jones Park, PJfayor Edwards stated that he would like to see that project continue. No formal action was taken on the matter at this time. 4 The Spoon River Drive representative v~ras next on the agenda. P~ayor Edwards informed the Committee that the Spoon River Drive Association has changed the by-laws whereby the Mayor makes a recommendation for appointment of the area representative. He stated that Norma Wheeler is the representative and is still interested in holding the position. PMayor Edwards stated that several concessioners have recommended Karen Beasley as the new area representative. He stated that he thought the Committee should have input into the matter. Gilbert Wheeler stated that the by-laws have not been approved by the board. He also stated that some concessioners have signed up for space at V~Jallace Park for this years drive. Mayor Edwards stated that the city is in the planning stages for the depot and hope it becomes a focal point for the com~nunity. Bobby P~1cCarthy, Chamber Director, stated that she has been approached by a group voicing their concern for the low turn out at V~lallace Park. They feel a different location should be tried to increase the interest for Canton such as Jones Park, the depot, and Big Creek Park. She also stated that more signs are needed. The locations need to be determined due to the June 1st publication deadline. The group felt it was time for a change. Kevin ;vleade stated that the locations should be up to the area representative with the City only recommending the area representative. Jerry Bohler stated that the by-laws have not been changed at this point. Discussion followed. A motion arras made by Larry Sarff recommending that the city notify the Spoon River Drive Association Board that both candidates are acceptable, they could be co-chairman if that is what the board decides and the expanding the locations would be acceptable to the city. Seconded by Vic Kovachevich. Voice vote. Motion carried. PJo further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee arras adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The lease for the motorcycle club vas first on the agenda. Jim N9almgren informed the Committee that the club had provided written notification to the city that they vrould like to exercise their option of renewing the lease for five years. No action tivas necessary by the Committee on this item. The matter of allowing the City Council to meet on election day was discussed next. PMayor Edwards stated that he felt the City Council could meet on election day, other than municipal elections. The consensus of the Committee was to have Jim PJlalmgren present an ordinance to the City Council for consideration. 5 The next item of discussion was the affirmative action plan. Jim Malmgren stated no new information is available at this time. The Committee tabled the ordinance to the next meeting. Jim Malmgren stated that no additional information is available at this time for the bed and breakfast ordinance and asked that this item be tabled. Committee agreed. The Liquor Ordinance was next on the agenda. Bob Carmack addressed the Committee concerning possibly changes to the ordinance. Jim Malmgren stated that he would like to have all the written comments from the license holders, their attorneys, council members and citizens to consider and try to re<Nrite the ordinance before further review is made by the Committee. He stated that this may make it simpler. Larry Sarff asked if a comparison of the present ordinance, the proposed ordinance and the rewritten ordinance could be provided for side-by-side review. Jim f~talmgren stated that this may be possible for the next meeting. No action was taken on the matter at this time but tabled to the next meeting. A proposed burning ordinance was reviewed at this time. Jim provided a synopsis of the ordinance and an outlined of the present provisions for burning. Bob DeRenzy asked to have time to review the ordinance. The consensus of the Committee was to table the ordinance to the next meeting for further review. The Betterment Commission review was next. PJtayor Edwards stated that a citizen has contacted him concerning ideas for the commission. In other towns, organizations had "adopted" blocks to keep clean, landscape etc. Mayor Edwards stated that he would like to have this individual involved with the Betterment Commission. The next item was the review of the building permit fees. N9ayor Edwards stated that he had asked Chris to review the fee structure of other communities in the area. The Committee reviewed the information provided by Chris concerning the cost of the building permit fees for other communities. Cliff Sagaser asked if these fees included plumbing, heating, electrical etc. He stated that the City of Canton's is for all of these as well as the structure. Discussion follo4ved. The Committee asked Chris to contact this area again and find out if the charges are complete. The Zink farm was next. R,9ayor Edwards stated that he had walked the area and found that weeds are growing in the fields. I-ie asked the Committee's consideration in having these areas planted. The Committee was provided with an aerial map outlining the areas that could be planted. f~layor Edwards stated that the tenant had contacted him some time ago concerning farming the land again as 6 he had prior to the city's ownership. The tenant was told that the city was not interested. tv1ayor Edwards stated that he could contact this person to see if he was still interested. No formal action was taken on the matter at this time. The public access channel was discussed next. Jim Malmgren had provided the Committee with a memorandum concerning the agreement between the city and the cable company regarding the nature of the programs which may or may not be allowed for broadcast. This is the result of comments seen in a local newspaper and other problems ~~rith public access channels in other communities. No formal action was taken at this time by the Committee. fv1ayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning ESDA. He stated that he has been informed that the state ESDA will not longer certify the local agency. Jim Malmgren stated that the had talked with the state ESDA office and has been informed that they will continue to certify municipal units. He stated that the statutory changes provided for the county agency to take over the municipal agency at their expense. He stated that the City Council as a legislative decision, may want to determine if the city would retain the ESDA unit. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff recommending that if the la~v says the city can keep the ESDA unit and receive certification, they the city should continue and fund the municipal ESDA unit. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. fnayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning a liquor license application for EI Sombero. He stated that the City Council had approved a license last December but the appropriate bonds and papers were not filed. Now, EI Sombero has filed all the necessary and required papers and bonds and has submitted a new application for the liquor license. IJlayor Edwards asked if a new hearing would be required. Jimivlalmgren stated that due to the time lapse and his opinion that the fees would still be charged for the unused portion of the license, it would be advantageous for the liquor commission to hold another hearing on the license application. No additional action was necessary on the matter. fvlayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning a letter from a business located in the enterprise zone. They are asked for reimbursement of the tax funds due to the tax increment status. Jim Malmgren stated that the original enterprise zone allowed for tax abatement for businesses in the zone. Since the adoption of the utility tax increment district, the department of revenue has determined that the o f takes precedent. Therefore, the enterprise zone abatement is not applicable. Discussion followed. No formal action was taken by the Committee. 7 fir' Jim i;~almgren addressed the Committee concerning an upcoming ordinance concerning codification. He stated that with the codification of Chapter 95 1/2, the city would be prosecuting the moving violations which would result in more money for the city if the moving violation is prosecuted as an ordinance violation rather than a state statute violation. Discussion followed. The consensus of the Committee vas to table the ordinance for further review by the Committee. At this time a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to convene in executive session for the purpose of negotiations and personnel. Voice vote. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. ICayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 8