HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-1990 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers February 13, 1990 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Jerry Bohter, Larry Sarff, Linda Zilly Others Present: Jim Malmgren, Cliff Sagaser, Bob Molleck, Bob DeRenzy, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Jim Boyd, Will Taggart, Harry Steck, Ray McKinney, Chris Spears, Kevin Meade, Gladys Young, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper Finance Committee Vic Kovachevich, Chairman In the absence of Alderman Kovachevich, Alderman Bohter presided over the meeting. The first item on the agenda was a large water bill due to a leak. Linda Zilly made a motion recommending the request for reduction of the bill be denied on the basis that the present ordinance provides that no deduction will be made due to leakage. Seconded by Larry Sarff. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was addressed by Larry Sarff concerning a large water bill. He stated that the Council had approved the removal of the triple rate charge on the water but had failed to act on the sewer portion of the bill. Larry Sarff made a motion that the sewer charge be reduced to $12.10. He stated this is a normal amount for sewer charges on this property. Seconded by Linda Zilly. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request to purchase purchase orders was next. Kayma Duncan stated that she had obtained prices from two area printers for 5000 purchase orders. The quotes were as follows: Canton Printing - $403.50; and Crawford's Express Printing - $417.29. A motion was made by Linda Zilly recommending approval of the quote from Canton Printing in the amount of $403.50 for 5000 purchase orders. Seconded by Larry Sarff. Voice vote. Motion carried. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee concerning the use of chlorine dioxide at the water plant. He stated that for a three month trial, the cost would be $5,890. This will assist in reducing the amount of trialimethanes. He stated that this cost includes the rental of equipment, tank, installation costs, maintenance and testing. Discussion followed concerning the use in other communities. Ray McKinney was instructed to check with other communities in other states to obtain information on the process and success rate and present the information at the next City Council meeting. No action was taken on the matter at .this time. 1 Ray McKinney addressed the Committee concerning the request to purchase a security light for well number 2. He stated that the cost of the three phase light is $339.00 and CIPS will install the light free of charge. A motion was made by Linda Zilly and seconded by Larry Sarff approving the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request to purchase a raw water valve was discussed next. Ray McKinney stated that the present valve was installed in 1967 and needs to be replaced. He stated that cost of the replacement valve is approximately $379.00. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Linda Zilly recommending approval of the purchase of the new valve. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was a request from Bob Molleck to attend an Illinois Law Enforcement Intelligence Network Conference. He stated that he would like for attend the conference along with Marty Brown. The approximate cost of registration, lodging and food would be $400.00. The conference will be held in Springfield on March 20-23, 1990. A motion was made by Linda Zilly and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the attendance of Bob Molleck and Marty Brown at the conference. Voice vote. Motion carried. Jim Boyd addressed the Committee with a transmission repaired by Wheeler's Garage. would be approximately $1800.00. Discussion of anew transmission. A motion was made seconded by Linda Zilly recom~r~ending approval to the transmission by Wheeler's. Voice vote request to have a He stated that cost followed on the cost by Larry Sarff and of the $1800 repairs Motion carried. Pay estimates were presented by Cliff Sagaser at this time. The first pay estimate was for Wehling Wellworks in the amount of $7,020.50 for the expenses to date on the repair of well number 2. Cliff recom.ended no action be taken on the pay estimate at this time. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Linda Zilly recommending no action be taken on the pay estimate for Wehling. Voice vote. Motion carried. The second pay estimate was for Hillyer Excavating in the amount of $18,239.74 for the installation of the odophos equipment. A motion was made by Linda Zilly recommending approval of the pay estimate for Hillyer Excavating. Seconded by Larry Sarff. Voice vote. Motion carried. Cliff stated that there will be two more pay estimates for Hillyer for the building and the electrical work. He requested that due to the time table, the pay estimates be considered at the first City Council meeting in March. The Committee agreed to the presentation of the two pay estimates at the first Council meeting in March. 2 Cliff addressed the Committee concerning the update on the auxiliary water source. He stated that a meeting was held in Springfield with legislators, city representatives and others concerning possible funding for the water source. They were informed that funding was not available at this time. He stated that he has talked with EPA personnel about the possible use of the CILCO treatment lake water. He stated that this is approximately four miles south of Canton Lake. He stated that Howard Williams is checking to see if ESDA has pumps and water lines which may be available for a temporary line to fill the lake. He informed the Committee that a meeting has been scheduled for February 22nd at 2:00 with representatives of CILCO to discuss the possibility of using their lake. He stated that if there is 21,000 feet of six inch pipe with the pumps available, it could yield approximately one million gallons of water per day. Discussion followed concerning the possibility of using CILCO's water, running the line to the river and/or using strip mine lakes. Cliff stated that using strip mine lakes for additional water would be lengthy and noted that those takes are low as well. No action was taken on this matter at this time. Bills were next. A motion was made by Linda Zilly and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending the bills be approved as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item of discussion was the odophos solution purchase. Cliff requested permission to order the solution for the tank at a cost of approximately $2,000.00. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item of discussion was the salary for the new full time person in the water department. Cliff Sagaser stated that the City Council had approved $5.00 per hour and that this be the same as the starting salary of the previous employee. Cliff stated that $5.00 is not correct and the starting salary of the previous employee was $11,000. He requested clarification of this matter. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Linda Zilly that the salary be set at $11,000 for the full time person in the water department. Voice vote. Motion carried. 3 Larry Sarff reminded the Negotiations Committee that a meeting with the fire union has been set for Monday, February 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers and a meeting with the police union has been set for Monday, February 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. He stated that the Negotiations Committee will meet at 6:00 those nights. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Cormtunity and Industrial Development Committee Linda Zilly, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris Spears stated that he had nothing to report at this time. Chris Spears addressed the Committee concerning a request from Lloyd Leason to lease a part of the Banner property for barges. Mr. Leason stated that he has contracts pending for the interior cleaning, sandblasting and painting of barges. Chris stated that Mr. Leason has indicated it would be a month to month lease and is proposing $200.00 per month. Mr. Leason stated that he would like to lease the cement canal area and approximately 1.5 to 2 acres of land adjacent to the canal. The land would be used primarily used for parking. He indicated that when the lease was terminated the area would be in substantially the same condition as it presently is with the exception of some removal of brush. Discussion followed. Cliff stated that the conservation department would like to construct an inlet at this location and he is not sure if this activity would be detrimental to the possibility of the inlet. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to send the lease request to the City Council with no Committee recommendation. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris Spears addressed the Committee concerning the test boring at the Banner property. He stated that he had talked with two firms and received ball park prices ranging from $1000 to $5500 for the test boring. Cliff Sagaser stated that he feels the boring would have to be between 80 and 200 feet deep. Discussion. Kevin Meade stated that the test boring results will provide the city with information to determine options for an auxiliary source of water. Jim Malmgren stated that he feel the time and effort spent would be well worth knowing what options would be viable. He stated that this may be a specialty item and bidding requirements may be waived. Harry Steck stated that there are other drillers in the area and feels the item should be put out for bids. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending specifications be drawn up, bids solicited and bids be brought back to a City Council meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. 4 No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The next items of discussion was Wehling Wellworks and well number 2. Cliff Sagaser stated that in his opinion, the city should write a letter to Wehling. Cliff stated that he had sent the report of CMf that stated that the city should not be held responsible for what happened at the well. Wehling was suppose to send reports to Cliff concerning the examination of the pump etc. and he has not received the reports. Jim Malmgren stated that the Mayor did send a letter stating the failure of the pump was not the city's fault and is waiting for Wehling's response. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff directing the City Attorney and the City Engineer to call Wehling concerning well number 2 and a letter be sent as a follow up. Seconded by Linda Zilly. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item of discussion was the affirmative action plan. Jim Malmgren stated that unofficially, the first one third of the plan has been approved by the city wide committee, the second third will involve mathematics to determine the number of minority positions required and the addenda needs to be developed. At this time there is no action necessary on the plan. Jim P,Aalmgren stated that no additional information is available at this time for the bed and breakfast ordinance or the election procedure ordinance or the betterment commission review and asked that these items be tabled. Committee agreed. Jim stated that the Liquor Ordinance will be presented at the next meeting following the opening of the new Walgreen store. This has been held to eliminate any possibility of accusations that the ordinance was changed for certain establishments. No action is necessary at this time. Cliff Sagaser addressed the Committee concerning a request from Burlington Northern Railroad to eliminate a crossing on 4th Avenue due to the realignment of track. I-le showed the Committee the area in question on a map. He stated that the only problem would be with a private driveway adjacent to the present crossing and the railroad is proposing to relocate the drive. Discussion followed. Jim Malmgren stated the city should respond to the letter informing the railroad that the city will consider the matter after the property owner is contacted and the city has been notified that the owner and the railroad have reached an agreement on the location of the private drive. Committee agreed and no action was taken at this time. 5 At this time, the Committee met with representatives of the Cuba City Council concerning the possibility of developing a water user agreement for unpaid water bills. Jim stated that he had conducted some research into the matter and the communities may have to forma water conservancy district to develop rules and regulations concerning the unpaid bills. Discussion followed concerning the possibility of developing a list of persons who have left unpaid water bills in the various communities. No action was taken at this time by the Committee and discussion of the matter will continue at a later date. At this time a motion was made by Linda Zilty and seconded by Larry Sarff to convene in executive session for the purpose of imminent, pending and/or threatened litigation. Voice vote. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 6