HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-1990 Mechanical
Mechanical Committee
City Council Chambers
§ Att~as# 28, 1990
~~ 6:30 p.m.
_ ;1 t---
Members Present: Harry Steck, Chuck Chapman, Butch Fuller, Jim Nlay
Others Present: Don Edwards, Chris Spears, Cliff O'Brien, Gary
Orwig, Bob DeRenzy, Randy Zimmerman, Howard
~Vi I 1 lams, Ray Iti9cKinney, tNi I I Taggart, Don Hopper,
Gladys Young, Ross Gardiner
Public Safety & Traffic Committee
Butch Fuller, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was the fire report. Bob DeRenzy
stated that the report was self explanatory. No action was
necessary by the Committee at this time.
Bob DeRenzy stated that the fire department is in the process of
flushing hydrants. He stated that if any of the aldermen received
complaints about rust in the lines, call the department and they
will go back out and flush the lines again. He stated that he had
received one complaint of clothes being stained by the rusty
water. Ray McKinney stated that those types of complaints could
be directed to him at the water plant and he would give them
possible solutions to that problem.
Several hydrants were discussed that need to be repaired. Cliff
O'Brien stated that he would look at these hydrants this week.
Bob DeRenzy stated that he had had three phones repaired at the
Fire Department. He received a bill in the amount of $286.50. He
stated that he thought the bill was high. He informed the
Committee that he may check with a local business on the repair of
phones in the future.
The police report was next. Randy Zimmerman, representing Sob
fvlolleck, stated the report was self explanatory. No action was
necessary by the Committee.
The ESDA report was next. Howard ti~Villiams presented his report.
He informed the Committee that ESDA has two vehicles that are
jointly owned by the City and the State of Illinois. He stated
that he has sent in the necessary paperwork to get a release from
the State of Illinois. He suggested that the vehicles be put out
for bid with a minimum of $600. He requested that the funds
received from the sale be placed in the ESDA account for equipment
purchases. Mayor Edwards stated that the two options for the city
to dispose of equipment is to either accept sealed bids or to have
an auction. He suggested that the vehicles be held until the
auction. He stated it was originally scheduled for October but
could possibly be scheduled for November.
Mayor Edwards stated that with the recent prediction of an
earthquake later in the year, the aldermen should be aware that
there is an earthquake plan. Howard stated that this plan is
updated every two years and is presently being reviewed.
The next item was the sign violation ordinance review. t~llayor
Edwards stated that no new information was available at this time.
The item was tabled to the next meeting.
Randy Zimmerman addressed the next item concerning sending Dean
Putman to a homicide investigation course. He stated that Bob
Molleck is requesting permission to send Dean Putman to the course
to be held October 8-12, 1990. The estimated cost is $386.50 for
tuition, lodging and food. Randy stated that with the 50'','0
reimbursement from the State, the city would receive approximately
$449.57 due to reimbursement of mileage and wages. A motion was
made by Chuck Chapman and seconded by Jim PJ1ay recommending to the
City Council the approval of sending Dean Putrnan to the Major Case
Homicide Investigation Course October 8-12, 1990. Voice vote.
(Motion carried.
Mayor Edwards addressed the matter of the city owned underground
storage tanks. He stated that the city has several tanks that
need to be reviewed. Bob DeRenzy stated that he has the
information on the age and locations of the tanks and the steps
which need to be taken to assure compliance with the regulations.
Discussion followed. A motion was made by Harry Steck and
seconded by Jim t~1ay recommending to the City Council that Bob
DeRenzy and Cliff O'Brien work together to bring the tanks up to
date and if necessary, remove any tanks. Discussion. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Along those lines, Will Taggart informed the Committee that the
generator in the basement of city hall has a gas tank on it. It
is presently sitting inside the building. He suggested either
running a line to a tank outside the building or possibly
converting the generator to natural gas. Discussion. The
Committee instructed`~Vill to investigate and bring back cost
estimates to the Committee for consideration.
No further action was taken by the Committee and the Public Safety
and Traffic Committee was adjourned.
Streets and Garbage Committee
Harry Steck, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was a request from Cliff O'Brien to
replace a packer cylinder on the garbage truck. He stated that
the cost is approximately $1250. The tank will be purchased from
Elgin. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Butch
Fuller recorrmending acceptance of the $1250 expenditure for the
packer cylinder for the garbage truck. Voice vote. Motion
The next item was a request from Cliff O'Brien to have the rear
end in the 1975 IH tandem replaced. He stated that the estimated
cost from \'~Iheeler's is no more than $2200 to replace the rear end.
A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Jim fvlay
recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion
Cliff O'Brien informed the Committee that he will be putting
together information on the street department vehicles and the
amount of money spent on the repairs for the Committee's review.
He stated that he will be addressing the possibility of a lease
program at a later date.
PJo further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage
Committee was adjourned.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Chuck Chapman, Chairman
The first item of discussed was addressed by Ray McKinney. He
stated that leachate tests have been conducted at the beach area
and have been forwarded to the county. He stated that Spoon River
Electric will be moving the electric poles to the cove area after
the campground closed. He stated that the building is almost
completely demolished. Ray stated that he had talked to the
contractor who constructed the siltation dams at the lake
concerning the moving of the dirt at the beach. The estimate was
$1850. Ray asked if the city wants to proceed in moving the dirt.
Harry Steck suggested drawing up specifications and advertise for
bids. Ray stated that the work would not be done until late
October at the earliest. Ray stated that he could contact those
persons who were contacted for the original work. Harry Steck
suggested that local contractors also be contacted and bring back
to the next Committee meeting. Committee agreed.
Ray P~~1cKi nney stated that
Youth Acres organization
stated that they will be
Acres and asked the Commi
to pass on for discussion
he will be attending a meeting of the
on Wednesday, September 26, 1990. He
talking about the well located on Youth
ttee if there is anything they would like
at the meeting. Nothing was offered for
The next item on the agenda was addressed by Will Taggart
concerning the public safety building furnace. Will stated that
there are three furnaces for the building and one was replaced
while the other has had a retro-fit kit installed. This kit
eliminates the series set up for keeping the furnaces operating.
He requested permission to purchase and install the kit for a cost
of $350.00. A motion was made by Jim Ivtay and seconded by Butch
Fuller recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the Lake, Buildings and
Grounds Committee was adjourned.
Public Works - Water and Sewer Committee
Jim May, Chairman
The next item was the water deposit procedures. Louis Hagen
addressed the Committee concerning the fact that the city has
approximately $40,800 in water deposits that is earning interest
but is not being returned to the depositors. He stated that he
feels the interest earned should be given to the depositors;
should be used to help pay delinquent bills; or the city should
not require deposits. t~~layor Edwards stated that the state laws
are different for cities in comparison to privately owned utility
companies. He stated that if the city paid the interest to the
individuals, federal forms would have to be filled out for income
tax purposes. He suggested that the city could check with the
local banks to see if they would be interested in keeping the
books, paying the interest and distributing the interest. Harry
Steck stated that he, personally, did not like the idea or
deposits and has most of his rental properties in his name. The
Committee discussed the number of absentee, out of state owners
and the amount of delinquent bills for last year. Harry Steck
stated that the amount of bills which were written off last year
was $11,897 of which $9800 was for International Plastic Recycling
Inc. He stated that the city wrote off $409.00 which consisted of
bills generally under $15.00. Ray P~icKinney stated that if the
bills are delinquent and a lien is filed on the property, the
filing fee is $12.00 not to mention the preparation of the
paperwork. This is why some bills are written off by the
department. Committee discussed the matter further and determined
that the Council had voted previously to leave the procedure as
is. A motion was made by Jim Play and seconded by Butch Fuller to
send the water deposit procedure back to the City Council for
further discussion and consideration. Voice vote. Priotion
In a related matter,
Illinois Department of
Roudebush building. Mr
name. A representative
get the water account
would be required.
Mayor Edwards stated that the State of
Child and Family Services is renting the
Roudebush does not want the water in his
of DCFS came in to the water department to
switched and was informed a $100 deposit
The representative informed the Water
Department that the State of Illinois did not pay deposits for
utilities. Mayor Edwards asked what the feeling of the Committee
was on this matter. Ray McKinney stated that he felt they should
be treated as any other business and be charged the $100 deposit.
Discussion. A motion was rnade by Chuck Chapman recommending to
the City Council "no deposit, no water" for the State of Illinois
agency. Seconded by Harry Steck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a request from CIC for adjustment
on the water bill. Ray fvlcKinney stated that this is on the same
meter that the City Council had previously adjusted for the month
of February. Ray stated that the low flow of the meter tested 2°%
slow and the high flow side tested 13°,'o fast. Ray stated that the
City Council had previously adjusted the high flow side of the
bill by approximately $7100. CIC is no~v requesting adjustments
for March and April on both bills. Discussion followed concerning
the time frame in which the meter was tested and repaired. A
motion was made by Jim ^~Aay and seconded by Butch Fuller
recommending the CIC bill not be discounted. Voice vote. (1 nay)
Prlot i on carried .
Chris Spears addressed the next item on the agenda. F-le informed
the Committee that an application had been submitted to the
Illinois Rural Bond Bank for three projects: $1 million for the
dredging of the lake; $240,000 for the digester repair; and,
$50,000 for the mothballing of the east side wastewater treatment
plant. He informed the Committee that $290,000 had been approved.
He stated that the deadline for acceptance is September 30th,
there is a $250.00 application fee, and asked the Committee's
feeling on the matter. He stated that if the city would accept
the funds, a special meeting would have to be held. Chris informed
the Committee that Pat ~"fright would prefer to use the supplemental
income tax funds for the digester repairs and the east side plant.
He stated that if bonds are accepted, it would probably mean the
rates would have to be increased. Mayor Edwards suggested that
the Committee hold off till later this week and to let him, Chris,
and Pat make a final determination on accepting the funds through
the Illinois F2ural Bond Bank. Discussion. A motion eras made by
Jim F•rlay and seconded by Chuck Chapman to let the three officials
make the determination on acceptance of the funds. Voice vote.
Iviotion carried.
~Aayor Edwards informed the Committee that he has received a letter
of intent to retire from Cliff Sagaser effective f~~ay 1, 1991. He
stated that this will provide the city time to review the
department, consider restructuring and/or replacing the engineer.
No action was necessary at this time by the Committee.
Mayor Edwards stated that he has received a complaint concerning
the road being slick where the sludge is being moved. Cliff
O'Brien stated that they have been using the old sweeper to try to
keep this area cleaned up but will run it more often if necessary.
~~1ayor Edwards asked why the sludge was being moved twice. Ray
PllcKinney stated that the sludge is soupy when it come from the
sludge pit. They are placing it on the hill to dry, at which time
the farmers will take for incorporation in their fields. The
amount of rain received this year has keep the pits wet but they
will be installing a pipe for surnp pump access as the pits are
cleaned to assist in keeping the pits dryer. No action was
necessary on this item.
Bob DeRenzy stated that he felt the job done on the flag pole in
Jones Park was very nice and was completed before the Friendship
Festival Parade. Committee agreed and complimented b'Uill Taggart
on the job.
Jim i~tay asked if the curb on the west side of Spurgeons could be
removed. He stated that he periodically runs over the curb. It
was noted that the semis unload in the area and it was designed to
keep the trucks out of the line of traffic. Several suggestions
were discussed. Cliff O'Brien stated that he could have the curb
painted yellow to forwarn drivers of its location. Committee
Will Taggart stated that the Spoon River Weatherization has a
1984, 5000 watt generator for sale for X700.00. He asked if any
of the departrnent heads were interested in the the generator. No
interest was shown and no action was taken by the Committee.
fJo further business was discussed and the Public t{'forks - \^Jater and
Sewer Committee was adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Corrrnittee Secretary