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Mechanical Committee
City Council Chambers
f~i~ay 22, 1990
G:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jim Pvtay, Harry Steck, Chuck Chapman, Butch Fuller
Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim lvlalmgren, Chris Spears, Cliff
Sagaser, Cliff O'Brien, Bob DeRenzy, Gary Orvvig,
Bob, iy~o I I eck, Ray ~:1cKi nney, \`~Ji I I Taggart, Kev i n
Meade, Howard ~'Ji I I iams, Ross Gardiner
Public Safety & Traffic Committee
Butch Fuller, Chairman
The first item on the agenda was the fire report. He stated that
the report was self explanatory. No action was necessary by the
Committee at this time.
The fire department vvindow was next on the agenda. The costs for
a single vvindow, two windows or a skylight were discussed. !.'Jill
Taggart stated that the style and color of the brick on the Public
Safety Building is no longer available. The Committee discussed
the possibility of salvaging the brick which would be removed to
put i n the vri ndovv. Harry Steck stated that he v"rou Id rather see
two v^rindovvs on this side or the skylight rather than one window.
Discussion. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Jim
May to have Will Taggart try to locate matching brick for this
building. Voice vote. P,~otion carried.
The police report was next. Bob °~lolleck stated the report was
self explanatory. No action eras necessary by the Committee.
The ESDA report was next. Howard Williams requested permission to
purchase back up batteries for the siren at a cost of X228.00. He
stated that the cause of the failure has been traced to a power
surge. A motion vvas made by Harry Steck and seconded by Jim f~~1ay
recommending approval of the expenditure and the insurance carrier
be contacted concerning the insurance coverage due to the power
surge. Voice vote. P.~otion carried.
Howard V~lilliams asked the Council's consideration in appointing
Don Taylor the f-IAZ-t~WT officer. Howard also requested authority
for himself to serve on the executive board of IESi\r'A. A motion
was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Chuck Chapman recommending
ar,~,ruva i cr the appo i ntmen t or uon 1~ay f or as t-W~-r~utaf officer and
authorize Howard 'v"Jilliams to serve on the executive board of
IESi~a~. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Howard informed the ConTnittee that state officials for Region 6
will be in Canton to perform an audit on Wednesday, fvlay 23, 1990.
The next item vas the sign violation ordinance review. Cliff
Sagaser informed the Committee that he would have a proposed
revised ordinance for revi ever at the next meeting. Th i s i tem vras
tabled to the next meeting.
Ray (~~lcl<inney addressed the Committee concerning the repairs needed
on the flat bed truck. He stated that it is using a large amount
of oil. I-le stated that the estimated cost to repair the truck
could be up to $1500. Discussion. A motion vvas made by Harry
Steck and seconded by Jim P~4ay authorizing the mechanic to get an
estimate of the repairs and for Ray McKinney to bring the
information back to the Comrittee for review. Voice vote. 1J1otion
fJo further action was taken by the ConT~ittee and the Public Safety
and Traffic Comrittee was adjourned.
Streets and Garbage Committee
Harry Steck, Chairman
The next item was the review of the garbage ordinance. Kevin
Meade asked that the item be tabled until the item of yard waste
is resolved. Committee agreed.
Jimi~~-lay addressed the Committee concerning a request for a street
light at 35 South 7th Avenue. The Committee discussed the
provisions in the present ordinance for the location of street
lights. No action v~ras taken by the Committee on this request.
Jim P~~~1ay asked that "Deaf Child Area" signs be placed in the 700
block of East Chestnut Street. A hearing impaired child lives on
7th Avenue adjacent to this area. Cliff O'Brien stated he will
check on and order two signs for this area.
Cliff O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning a tree at 541
North 10th. He stated that it is full of lines and a pole is
located next to the tree. He stated that he does not feel that
that city crews can safely take the tree do~~,vn. He stated that he
had talked with representatives of CIPS and they indicated that
they would not be able to assist in the removal. Discussion
follovred. Cliff O'Brien was instructed by the Corm~ittee to check
again with CIPS and if they are not able to assist in the removal,
to put the tree out for bids. The Committee also asked Cliff to
checl~ on the status of the removal of the trees by RLT. These
were five trees put out for bid and approval of the lotiv bidder eras
granted by the City Council.
CI iff O'Brien addres>tyd the Comrittee concerning t,~col lection of
grass. He stated that one local contractor is interested in being
the exclusive collector of yard waste. hr1ayor Edwards stated that
Franklin Park had an insert in the Elunicipal League magazine which
outlined their program and had a list of most asked questions.
The Committee discussed the possibility of picking up the yard
Uraste, the additional manpovrer needed and the potential problems.
Cliff O'Brien stated that he felt the city should either provide a
drop off site or not collect the yard waste at all. The Committee
discussed in length the use of a drop off site, the use of
designated bags or stickers and the possibility of private
contractors collecting the waste. ~ motion vas rnade by Chuck
Chapman and seconded by Butch f=uller recommending to the City
Council that the city not pick up yard waste. Voice vote. f~1otion
The use of motor fuel tax funds for a matching fund side~~valk
project was discussed next. Cliff stated that if 1~~FT funds are
used for this type of program, the regulations determine that
specifications must be written and a bid letting held for the
project. This is not the type of program ~^rhere the homeowner
hires the contractor to put in the sidewalk and hJ'FT funds could be
used as matching funds for the project.
No further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage
Committee was adjourned.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Chuck Chapman, Chairman
Ray Fv~clCi nney addressed the Committee concerning the testing of
well number tvro. He stated that it will run for a couple of weeks
to make sure everything is alright. He stated that Chris had
received some information from Spoon River Electric concerning the
electric costs for the wells. He stated that it has been
suggested that the wells be tested once per month. The estimated
electric costs could be X10-20,000 per month. Ray stated that he
would like to talk vrith Spoon River Electric concerning this
matter. He stated that the city may want to look at the rates
charged during the testing periods.
The Committee discussed the notification to Wehling VVellworks
concerning the roll of electric wire. Harry Steck stated that he
felt the wire should be in Canton since the City paid for it. Jim
fvlalmgren stated that it may have salvage value and/or be potential
evidence for insurance purposes. Jim stated that there were other
matters he needed to talk to the f~llayor about concerning this
subject. f~layor Edwards stated that fv1r. l'Vehl ing has requested
payrnent of the funds vri thheld on vrel I #1 . He stated that he fel t
the city should pay this amount. ~~layor Edvrards asked Cliff if he
had the pay est imat~r for ~'Jeh l i ng. Cl i f f Sagaser~stated that he
had the past pay estimates and would provide the P~9ayor's office
with this information.
No further business was discussed and the Lalce, Buildings and
Grounds Committee was adjourned.
Public V'~lorks - Water and Sewer Committee
Jim f~,ay , Chairman
The first item was the bids for the electric service at the water
plant. A rnot i on vvas made by J im !flay and seconded by Chuck Chapman
to open the bids for the test vvetl. Voice vote. fwlotion carried.
The results of the bids can be found on the attached bid
tabulation sheet.
A motion eras made by Jimf~lay and seconded by Harry Steck to open
the bids for the test wells. Voice vote. fti1otion carried. The
results of the bids can be found on the attached bid tabulation
A motion eras made by Harry Steck and seconded by (3utch Fuller to
send the bids to staff for review and report back to the June 5th
City Council meeting vrith a recommendation. Discussion. Ray
fvlclCi nney stated that f'at \'Vr i ght asked the Corrmi ttee to consider
where the money will come from to pay fort the project. (~7ayor
Edwards stated that the bids could be referred to the Finance
Committee for determination. Voice vote. fJlotion carried.
A cooperation agreement for vrater users was discussed next. Harry
Steck stated that Jim frlay vvas to set up a meeting with the
representatives of other communities to discuss the matter. Jim
flay stated that he had contacted them but go no response. Ray
NlclCinney stated that he could contact the other corrrnunities to set
up a meeting to discuss the matter. Committee agreed.
Bernie Held of Crawford, fJ9urphy ~ Tilly, addressed the Committee
concerning the sevrer plant digestors. (vlr. Held presented
background as to ~vhy the digestors were removed from the original
project. He explained the way the digestors work and vvhy the odor
occurs at this time. This is due to the valve being inoperable
and the build up of solids or grit in the tanks. The material is
not being held in the digestor long enough for proper digestion
and with the build up of material, the gas that is escaping from
around the rim contains a foul odor. The undigested sludge being
transferred to the lagoons is also causing odor problems due to
the digestion of the sludge happening in the lagoons. ~,~r. Held
stated that they had met with the Environmental Protection
Agency's representatives and found that they will participate o5;0
in the cleaning of the digestors down to the valves in order to
repair the valves. The estimation to haul off and apply the
sludge is $60,000.00. Bernie Held suggested that total
maintenance on the~„r,,,+i gestor should be done a,,~the t ime the
digestors are empty. this would include the valve replacement,
pipe replacement, sand blasting, painting, etc. He stated that
the total projected cost of the project v/ould be ;150-160,000.00.
N1r. Held stated that the city would need approximately 50 acres of
land for the application of the sludge from digestors. Cliff
Sagaser stated that he has written a memo to the P~layor and Council
concerning the land owned by the City. He suggested that the
sludge be applied at the Zink farm ground and immediately tilled
under and an EPA permi t wou Id be required. P.layor Edv/ards stated
that this is at the head the of the Canton Lake v/atershed.
Discussion followed. f:layor Edwards recommended the City (~uncil
enter into an agreement with Q`•J~T to start planning for the
cleaning of the digestors. Discussion.
(~llr. Held also informed the Committee that the permit requires
certain chlorine residual in the water at the west plant. He
stated that Canton is eligible for a chlorine exemption but needs
to be obtained by (~lovember 20th. He anticipated the cost to be
~3-4,000. Gary Orwig stated that this was included in the budget.
A motion was made by Jim f~iay recommending that CS~7T' present a
proposal for the scope of services and plans for cleaning the
digestor for the June 5th City Council meeting. Seconded by Harry
Steck. Discussion. (~1r. Held stated that the best time for the
application of the sludge is in late fall after the crops. Fie
stated that time was of the essence. Voice vote. (~~rotion carried.
Along that I ine, P~~Sr. Held stated that the (~1PDES permit for the
sewer plant went into effect P~:1ay 20th. In the permit there is a
requirement that a CSO (combined sewer overflow) plan needs to be
developed by February 20, 1991. He presented an outline to Cliff
Sagaser at at this time.
(~~1r. Held stated that the permit also requires the chlorination at
the east side plant. It provides that chlorination is required if
a discharge from the pond occurs. (,fir. Held stated that the city
could request an "adjustment of the standards" for the elimination
or reduction of the chlorination at the east side plant.
Discussion followed. [3ernie Held stated that he would talk ~^/ith
EPA representatives and possibly set up a meeting concerning this
item. ivo action was necessary by the Committee at this time.
At this time Gary Or~vig addressed the Committee concerning the
need for a truck at the sewer plant. -1e stated that he had talked
vrith Cliff O'Brien and felt that the Street Department Dodge truck
would be suitable for their needs and the Street Department could
then purchase a four wheel drive truck. Cliff O't3rien stated that
the Conmittee should also be aware that the truck in System
+liaintenance needs to be replaced as ~•/ell. Discussion followed
concerning the problems encountered, the needs of the sewer plant,
street department and system maintenance department. A motion eras
made by Jimf~lay and seconded by Chuck Chapman recommending that
bids be obtained for a new and/or used four wheel drive truck for
the Street Departme~„rand the Sewer Department ~ provided the
Dodge truck for their use. Voice vote. P~~otion carried.
The last item on the agenda was an informational item. Gary Orwig
stated that Pat Wright has informed him that the railroad easement
at two locations will be increasing from $25.00 per year to X50.00
per year. Jim ;~fialmgren asked to review the leases. No action was
taken by the Committee.
No further business was discussed and the Public Works - ~'Vater and
Sewer Committee vas adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary