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Clerical Committee
City Council Chambers
March 8, 1994
6:30 P.M.
Members Present: i!arry Sarff, Kevin Meade,
Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, Mike Elam,
George Spahn, Ray McKinney, Gary Orwlg, Jim May,
Bob DeRenzy, Kayma Duncan, Dick Coay, Chet Phillips
John Froehling, Don Hopper, Denny Brown, George
Finance Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
Larry Sarff informed the Committee that Harlan Banister would not be
in attendance but wanted the department heads to know that he is
available to start budgets. Larry noted that Jerry Bohler recently
was hurt at work and would try to be at the next meeting. Bob
Molleck would not be in attendance due to the fact that he was
representing George Shadid at the "Meet Your Candidates" activity.
The first item was the discussion of the enterprise park lift
station. Mayor Edwards stated that the engineering and design work
should be started soon. The approximate cost of the engineering is
$20,000. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by i!arry
Sarff recommending to the City Council the engineering for the lift
station be started and paid from the TIF 4A funds. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
The proposal from Gallatin National was next on the agenda. This
item was tabled to the next regular meeting.
Financing for the new sewer in the north end was next. Mayor
Edwards stated that he had talked with Bob Anderson, who is wanting
to start the survey work before the area gets green. Mayor Edwards
stated that the plans need to be finalized prior to applying for the
EPA permit. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and
seconded by Kevin Meade recommending to the City Council that the
design phase and engineering be started by the City Engineer for the
sewer in the north end. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Clif O'Brien requested permission to purchase a floor
stripper/scrubber. He stated that the cleaning contract provides the
city supply ail supplies for the cleaning of city hail, police
department and comfort station. The cost of the unit is $1,725.00.
Discussion followed concerning the difference in the present amount
paid for Janitorial services and the amount paid in the past. Clif
stated he did not have those figures at this time but would present
them to the chairman prior to the City Council meeting. A motion
was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending to
the City Council the approval of the request. Voice vote. Motion
At this time Denny Brown addressed the Committee concerning the
possibility of raising funds for DARE through gumbail sales. At
this time he introduced Lynn Feitmeier. Ms. Feltmeier stated that
she is a representative of Foundation Resource Management. They are
involved in fund raising and are active with several DARE
organizations. She has canvassed some of the businesses in the area
and presently have 32 locations interested in placing gumbali
machines at this facilities and will continue to canvass other
businesses in the area. These machines are emptied every six to
eight weeks and the majority of the proceeds going to the local DARE
organization. She stated that the city is under no obligation to
participate and they have insurance coverage. Jim Elson stated that
the city's liability would be minimal. A motion was made by Kevin
Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending to the City Council
the approval to enter into the agreement. Voice vote. Motion
Bob DeRenzy addressed the Committee informing them that a change
order is required on the new fire truck. He stated that the
placement of a generator on this unit was inadvertently left out of
the specifications. The change order is in the amount of $8,569.00.
A motion was made by I!arry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade
recommending approval of the change order in the amount of
$8,569.00. Voice vote. Motion carried.
On the financing of the balance of the fire truck, I!arry Sarff asked
Dan Oaks the status. Dan stated that the pension board can not loan
the city the money but can purchase city issued bonds at the going
rate of interest. The Committee directed Bob DeRenzy to get with
Pat Wright on the balance needed for the truck and to call area
banks to obtain the interest rate. Bob agreed.
Financing for the sludge press was next on the agenda. This item
was tabled due to lack of additional information at this time.
Bills were discussed next. It was noted that the bill from
Advantage Funding Corporation listed under the Wastewater Department
would be checked into. Gary Orwig stated he was not familiar with
this bill. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin
Meade recommending approval of the bills, with Gary checking on the
bill in question. Voice vote. Motion carried.
As an informational item, Bob DeRenzy stated that six fans were
purchased and installed in the engine bay of the fire station and
have been successful in raising the temperature of the engine bay.
No action was necessary by the Committee.
Mayor Edwards stated he has received correspondence from Mr. McAdams
concerning a driveway replacement job performed for the city. Mr.
McAdams has not yet been paid for this work. Mayor Edwards stated
he would check on this are report back to the Council at the next
meeting. Committee agreed.
No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was
Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee
Bob Molleck, Chairman
The first item of discussion was a drug free workplace policy
presented by Mike Elam. He stated that this policy is in effect at
the police department and is a requirement if federal grant funds
are received by the municipality. Discussion. Mayor Edwards
suggested this item be sent to the City Council for consideration.
Discussion followed on whether this was a negotiated item with the
unions. Bruce Beal will be consulted on this matter. A motion was
made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff to send the policy
to the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried.
George Meacham, Chairman of the insurance committee, addressed the
Committee concerning a claim reviewed by the committee. He stated
that an employee needed surgery and contacted Mutual Medical. They
indicated that the procedure would be covered 100% by the city's
plan. The surgery was performed and bills submitted. The insurance
company is now saying that the procedure should have been performed
at the clinic and not at the hospital. In the past they have paid
for the procedure both at the hospital and at the clinic. The
amount in question is $701.05. The doctor had offered to waive the
hospital portion of the bill but the insurance company is still
denying the claim. The insurance committee recommends the payment
of the bill. Discussion. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and
seconded by Larry Sarff recommending the matter be referred to the
City OOuncil with Jim Elson checking into the matter and making a
recommendation. Voice vote. Motion carried. Voice vote. Motion
At this time Bob DeRenzy addressed the Committee with a problem with
payroll. He stated that Dan Oaks received a temporary appointment
due to the retirement of another firefighter. During the time Bob
was on vacation, Howard Dye (assistant chief) was on vacation. This
put Dan Oaks into the role of shift commander. The union contract
provides that when an officer is assigned temporary additional
duties, such as shift commander, that officer will receive $10.00
additional pay per week. The payroll sheet for Dan Oaks reflected
$20.00 for his temporary appointment and $10.00 for one week as
shift commander. This was questioned by the payroll clerk and was
verified by Bob that this was correct. At the timie of receipt of
payroll checks, Dan Oak's check was $10.00 short. It was found that
Bob Molleck and Nancy Whites decided that Dan Oaks was not entitled
to the additional $10.00 pay for shift commander. Bob asked Dan
Oaks not to file a grievance and he would present the matter to the
Committee. Bob asked why Nancy Whites and Bob Molleck have the
authority to change his payroll after he has approved it.
Discussion. A motion was made by ~!arry Sarff and seconded by Kevin
Meade recoim~ending to the City Council the payment of the $10.00 to
Dan Oaks for shift commander. Mayor Edwards stated that the
department heads make out and approve payroll. He stated he would
send a memorandum to the parties concerning this matter. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance
and Personnel Committee was adjourned.
Community and Industrial Development Committee
Kevin Meade, Chairman
The first item was presented by
Committee that a mission statement
Committee for their comments and
to the next regular meeting.
Kayma Duncan. She informed the
had been developed and asked the
suggestions. This item was tabled
The next item was a loan payment update. Kayma Duncan stated that
one loan recipient who has announced the closing of the business is
three months behind in their payment. She asked the Committee's
feelings on the loan. The business has a balance of approximately
$1600.00-$1700.00 of a TIF loan, which was used to update the
building. Mayor Edwards suggested that the loan be called. A
motion was made by ~!arry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to refer
the matter to the City Council for action. Discussion. Jim Elson
will review the promissory note. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Kayma reminded the Committee that "Business Preview" will air March
10th starting at approximately 10:00 a.m. and will run for 24 hours.
Bob DeRenzy informed the Committee that he has talked with the owner
of the house on South 5th Avenue which was destroyed by fire. The
owner has asked for 30 days to clean up the property. No action was
taken by the Committee at this time.
No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial
Development Committee was adjourned.
Legal and Ordinance Committee
Jerry Bohier, Chairman
The first item was the placement of a stop sign at the intersection
of Birch Street and 8th Avenue. The city engineer has reviewed the
area and recommended that the stop sign is not warranted at this
intersection. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by
Kevin Meade recommending acceptance of the city engineers
recommendation to not place a sign at this intersection. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
The placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Pine Street and
Martin Avenue was reviewed by the city engineer. Bob Anderson
recommended the stop sign be placed at the intersection on a trial
basis. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff
recommending a 60 day trial period for a stop sign at the
intersection of Pine Street and Martin Avenue. Voice vote. Motion
The Committee discussed the possibility of having all water bills in
the property owner's name and eliminate the need for deposits. Ray
stated that there has been some discussion on the failure to pay
interest on the deposits and the problems encountered by the owners
with tenant's water bills. The law states that the owner is
ultimately responsible for the water bill and they have to be
notified in case of problems. Ray stated that the department does
not know the owners of all the rental property in town and suggested
the bills be put in the owner's name. Discussion followed concerning
the problems encountered and how the accounts would be handled
without deposits. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to have an
ordinance drawn for the next Legal and Ordinance Committee meeting
for consideration. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion
Mayor Edwards informed the Com~nittee that he has received a request
from Mr. Sweeper to have an unloading zone on Pine Street adjacent
to his store. He stated he had asked Mike Elam to look at the area
and make a recorm~endation. Mike stated he had not had time to look
at the area. Discussion followed concerning how well the 15 minute
spaces on South Main Street area is working and the possible
elimination of unloading zones no longer used, such as the one used
by the former Tarboletti Drugs. No action was taken on the matter
at this time, but Chief Elam will review the situation and make a
recommendation. Committee agreed.
No further business was discussed and the i!egal and Ordinance
Committee was adjourned.
Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary