HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-1994 Clerical~b- `~w~' Clerical Carmittee City Council Chambers February 8, 1994 6:30 P.M. Mer~bers Present: Larry Sarff, Kevin Meade, Bob Molleck, Jerry Bohler Others Present: Don Edwards, James Elson, Clif O'Brien, Mike Elam, George Spahn, Ray McKinney, Gary Orwig, Jim May, Rod Heinze, Kayma Duncan, Dick Coay, Harlan Banister, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the discussion of the water line extension from West Hickory to Route 9 and in the enterprise park. Ray McKinney stated that Pat Wright had indicated that TIF funds can only be used in the TIF area. He stated that the line from West Hickory to Enterprise Drive would have to be paid from other sources. Clif O'Brien stated that in checking pipe prices, the pipe could be purchased for $1.53 per foot if purchased this week, as the price will be increasing. Ray stated that approximately $10,000 would have to come from other sources while approximately $20,000 would be paid from TIF funds. This would loop the west end of the water system and Fairview is planning on hooking onto the line at Route 9. Mayor Edwards stated that Pat has indicated there is $77,000 in the TIF account and the city receives approximately $30,000 per year for the fund. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bob Molleck recommending the purchase of the pipe. Discussion. Clif O'Brien indicated he will be purchaseing 100 additional feet of pipe for Avenue I. Voice vote. Motion carried. A new lift station for the enterprise park was discussed next. Bob Anderson provided prices for two options. One was for an underground, pre-fab unit with related expenses at a price of $169,400 and submersible pumps with related expenses at a price of $145,700. Mayor Edwards stated that the prison will be there for a long time and a good system should be installed with the present lift station to be maintained as a back up unit. Committee discussed the possibility of financing $169,400 over a five year period. Bob Anderson stated that the prison population will be increasing with the construction of the additional wing, bringing the total to 2100. Consensus of the Committee was to have Harlan Banister review the item and discuss the matter further at the next Finance Committee. Tim Harbaugh of Gallatin National addressed the Committee concerning a proposal for landfill tipping fees. The proposal is for $18.00 per ton with the city bringing their garbage to Gallatin exclusively. Clif O'Brien stated that the Peoria facility is 1 presently charging $14.35 per ton and there may be a $3.00 per ton additional charge for "out-of-county" user. Discussion followed. Mr. Harbaugh indicated that the proposal is good for 45 days from the date of this meeting. It was the consensus of the Committee to discuss further the city's expenses and bring the information back to the Committee at next month's meeting. No additional action was taken at this time. Bills were discussed next. Larry Sarff asked if department heads are the only ones who sign purchase orders. The department heads indicated that the assistants and selected others are authorized to sign the purchase orders. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending approval of the bills. Larry Sarff presented a brief overview of the meetings held concerning the north end sewer problems. He stated that Kelly Duchardt, Paul Reber, Bob Anderson, Clif O'Brien, Chet Phillips and himself had met several times and have come up with some conclusions and possible solutions to the problem. He stated that the sewer is carrying three times the amount of flow due to infiltration into the system. He stated that some of this could be due to: sump pumps being hooked to the sewer, footing tiles hooked to the sewer, seepage into manholes, infiltration of ground water in the sewer itself and possibly into the service lines and floor drainage from basements. He stated there was a grease plug on Sycamore between Main Street and 1st Avenue, which has been cleared. An additional contributing factor may be due to the fact that the sewer was installed at the minimum slope. The sub-committee came up with these possible solutions: 1. Installation of a clarifier at manhole 523 which is north of Pecan Street. The approximately cost would be $775,000 with $225,000 for maintenance costs. EPA regulations are getting stricter in the discharge of water on adjacent land which makes this option somewhat unattractive. 2. Expand the system by adding an 18" sewer at manhole 526 south to manhole 508 at Linden Street, west to manhole 418, which is across Main Street and park district property. The approximate cost of this system would be $825,000. Other suggestions by the sub-committee were: A. have the meter readers check if sump pump are hooked up to the sewers when they do their annual inside/outside checks of the water meters; Q. have staff, possibly summer part time workers, check down spouts to see if they are hooked to the sewer system; and, C. have volunteers monitor the situation. Larry Sarff stated that the timetable for the new sewer is 14-18 months depending on permitting and weather. Mayor Edwards asked if this plan addresses the lake area by the railroad tracks across from Kelly Duchardt's house. It was stated that if a culvert were installed at the beginning of the golf course, this may eliminate more water standing in the area. Larry Sarff stated that the new system would handle some potential growth in the north end and would also be able to be extended further north if necessary. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the approval of the concept of installing an additional 18" sewer in the north end. Voice vote. Motion carried. At this point Dan Oaks addressed the Committee concerning the financing of the new fire truck. He asked if the City will be borrowing any funds from the Fire Pension fund, which was offered to 2 the city. Discussion followed. It was indicated that the city is desirous of borrowing funds from the pension fund and asked that Dan Oaks get with Pat Wright to see how much is needed to pay the balance of the truck and to proceed with the borrowing of the money. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending to the City Council the borrowing of the balance from the fire pension fund to pay for the new fire truck. Voice vote. Motion carried. Larry Sarff stated that the insurance had been discussed previously to be put out for bids, both the health and the other insurances carried by the city. Larry stated he suggests that Pat Wright prepare an ad to put the insurances out for bid, to have appointments required to get the information from the city, with the bids to be received by April 1st. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Bob Molleck recommending the approval of the suggestion presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. Larry Sarff stated that the budgets will be discussed with the department heads at the February 16th department head meeting. Harlan Banister indicated that the process may be further reduced from fast year. No additional action was necessary by the Committee at this time. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob Molleck, Chairman The first item of discussion was the cafeteria plan. Rosemary Trimble of AFLAC stated that eventhough the City Council has passed a resolution to set up a section 125 plan there are still documents which need to be signed to implement the plan. Larry Sarff stated that Pat Wright had indicated that she felt the paperwork involved was not worth the savings to the city. Bob Molleck stated he felt the city should look out for their employees. He stated that the city is in the process of negotiating a contact in which the employees will be participating in the insurance premiums and next year another union will be involved as well. Ms. Trimble stated that the laws are changing that may not allow new installations of section 125 plans but she feels that those already in place will be grandfathered in. Larry Sarff stated he sees Pat's point that there is not big savings to the city but in the long run feels the city would be better off having the plan. Kevin Meade stated he feels it should be offered even if it causes some paperwork. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the implementation of the section 125 plan. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bob Molleck stated he would like to have a short executive session concerning personnel at the end of the meeting. Committee agreed. 3 No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Community and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item was a loan payment update. Kayma Duncan stated that one loan recipient is still delinquent on the federal loan payment. They are now current on the revolving loan payment. She asked the Committee's direction on this matter. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to have Kayma call the recipient and follow the conversation up the a letter concerning the delinquent status. Voice vote. Motion carried. Kayma addressed the Committee concerning the possibility of purchasing a new camera and remote microphone for the taping of Business Preview. She stated that following the completion of the taping of the first show it was discovered that there were audio problems. The tape was taken to Spoon River College where Jerry Giimere reviewed the tape and attempted to take some of the noise out of the tape. His first indication was that the camera was an old one and the lens has some problems. Mr. Giimere was not as successful as they had hoped in eliminating the noise in the tape. Kayma stated that two quotes had been obtained for a new camera and mike. They were $1,020 and $950. Both were from local businesses, primarily for technical assistance availability. She asked the Committee's consideration in approving the purchase. She stated that the first airing is scheduled for February 10th. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. Kayma Duncan addressed the Committee concerning a request received on behalf of John and Janet Gray. The bank is requesting the city to take a second position on a mortgage for the Gray's since they are refinancing their property. She stated that the Gray's refinanced in 1990 and 1992 previously and the city passed a subordination agreement to remain in the second position. When asked if an appraisal was available, it was noted that there is not one at this time. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the request. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legai and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first Item was the request from the Daily Ledger to place a semi-trailer behind their property for the collection of newsprint for recycling. The trailer would require two parking spaces. Mike Elam stated he and Clif O'Brien had looked at the area. He stated that at times this lot is full of cars. It was noted that the spaces would not be adjacent to the alley due to the short turning 4 radius in the area. Mayor Edwards suggested Mike Elam talk with Larry Nolan concerning the use of his property behind his building for the location of the trailer and to have Tracie prepare a drawing outlining the location of the trailer. Mike stated he would tack with Mr. Nolan and would get with Tracie. The request from Wareco for a change in the liquor ordinance was next on the agenda. Wareco is planning to expand their business into a convenient type store along with the gas station at a cost of approximately $750,000. They have requested the city's consideration in changing the liquor ordinance to allow for a liquor license to sell beer for this type of operation. Jan McCubbin addressed the Committee. She stated she is a member of the County Task Force, which has found that in 1992 there were 53 alcohol related injuries and one fatality, which was her son. In 1993 there were over 200 DUI arrests in Fulton County. She stated that there are 20 establishments in the city limits which have liquor licenses of some sort and 11 of these are located within a one mile radius of the Wareco station. Mrs. McCubbin stated there are ten other gas stations besides Wareco in Canton who may want similar licenses if the ordinance is changed. Steve Fairbanks presented a map showing the locations of the existing places where alcohol is presently sold. Larry Sarff stated that he does not think there is a need to change the liquor ordinance. Kevin Meade stated that there are a lot of communities who have gas stations and grocery stores who do sell alcohol but that does not mean Canton has to. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Nleade recommending to the City Council to not consider any change in the liquor ordinance at this time. Voice vote. Motion carried. Jerry Bohlen asked the status on the water problem at Avenue H and Walnut Street. He stated that the owner has the property for sale, but the problem has not been resolved. Clif O'Brien stated he has been out there several times and the neighbor had also been written a letter concerning the lack of a culvert in the former alley. The Committee asked Clif to check with the city attorney and city engineer on the matter. He agreed. The status of several properties were discussed. The house on South 5th Avenue - the fire chief was to send a letter to the owner, no update was available at this time. 123 East Olive - the 30 day time limit is almost up and the next step will be taken to advertise for demolition. 123 East Elm - this property has a court date scheduled. At this time a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to convene in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 5