HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-1995 Clerical
Clerical Committee
City Council Chambers
August 8, 1995
6:30 P.M.
Members Present: Larry Sarff, Jerry Bohler, Bob Molleck
Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, John Stanko,
Ray McKinney, Gary Orwig, Joanne Shores, Jim May,
Linda Caudle, John Froehling, Harlan Banister, Chet
Phillips, George Spahn, Don Hopper
Mayor Edwards introduced Rich Lauwerens of Chesterfield representing
the Verdin Company. Mr. Lauwerens provided information on computer
chimes which can be mounted anywhere with a controlled environment.
The computer provides Westminster chimes and hour strikes and can be
programmed to play tunes. Cost is $8500 installed. He discussed
tubular bell towers which also are capable of the same programming
and are priced at $65,000. Four-faced street clocks range from
$13,000 to $25,000. Mayor Edwards stated that Pat Wright is
checking on the legality of using TIF funds for this purpose. No
action required.
Finance Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
The first item was the garbage truck bids. Motion by Jerry Bohler
to open the bids and seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion
carried. Bids were read as follows. Foley-Gill Ford, Heil Packer:
two new garbage trucks $180,210.00 less trade, $175,210.00 with an
exception. 5 year warranty on cylinder, not 7 years as requested.
For 10 year warranty add $2400.00 each. Foley-Gill Ford, McNeilus
Packer: two new garbage trucks $176,070.00 less trade, $174,070.00.
Foley-Gill Ford, Koenig/E-Z Pack: two new garbage trucks $187,686.00
less trade $185,686.00. Centre State Int'1 Trucks, Inc., Pak-mor:
two new garbage trucks $189,600.00 less trade $187,600.00. Centre
State Int'1 Trucks, Inc., Heil Packer: two new garbage trucks
$190,470.00 less trade $185,470.00. Motion by Jerry Bohler to refer
bids to staff for review. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Clif O'Brien stated that Bob Anderson is working with the state on
the IDOT handicap ramps. No action required by committee.
Gary Orwig discussed the need fora new dump truck. Due to EPA
regulations the sludge truck that he has can not be used. This
truck is worth $40 to $50 thousand and CMT is willing to assist in
advertising it for sale. A new dump truck would cost between $50
and $60 thousand. Motion by Bob Molleck to sell the sludge truck
through CMT and advertise for bids on a new truck. Seconded by Jerry
Bohler. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Next item was the Squad Car Rotation Plan. In the absence of Chief
Elam, Clif O'Brien addressed the committee regarding the request.
In accordance with the Police Department's 5 Year Fleet Purchase
Program, Chief Elam is requesting the purchase of 2 marked 1995 Ford
Crown Victoria police package vehicles for the total price of
$34,000 from Coleman Ford of Canton. A quote from Mertz Millstadt
was $1800 higher. Shawnee Mission Ford gave a quote comparable to
Coleman's however, buying in the City would eliminate transportation
fees and personnel costs. Also included in the request is to allow
up to $18,000 for the purchase of 2 unmarked used vehicles as
budgeted. Motion by Bob Molleck to approve this request and to give
Chief Elam approval to commit to the 2 unmarked cars. Seconded by
Jerry Bohler. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Ray McKinney requested the purchase of a 36 inch exhaust fan for the
building under construction at a cost of $748.00 and for two
electric louvers at a cost of $382.50 each. Motion by Bob Molleck
that this expenditure be allowed. Seconded by Jerry Bohler. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
On the agenda next was cleaning contract. Clif O'Brien stated that
the cleaning of the public safety building leaves something to be
desired. He will look at other options and will report back to
Under the discussion of bills, Larry Sarff requested that the bill
from Allied Colloids, Inc. on page 2 under department 077 in the
amount of $1768.92 be moved to the sludge project. Motion by Jerry
Bohler, seconded by Bob Molleck to send the bills to council for
Gary Orwig reported that he had a centrifuge go bad and is
requesting the purchase of anew one at a cost of $1200. Motion by
Jerry Bohler to allow this expenditure from the depreciation
account. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Ray McKinney requested permission to go out for bids fora new 21
horse mower and trade in the 1990 cadet. Motion by Jerry Bohler and
seconded by Bob Molleck to allow this expenditure from the
depreciation account.
No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was
Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee
Kevin Meade, Chairman
In the absence of Kevin Meade, Larry Sarff presided. He asked that
the employee assistance program be carried over until the next
Larry Sarff also requested that any correspondence received by the
city clerk regarding unemployment compensation and related
information for a former employee be copied and distributed
immediately to him, Mayor Edwards, city attorney and council
+~" `rrrl~
No further business was discudsoudnednd the Negotiations, Grievance
and Personnel Committee was a ~
Community angobnMolleckl Chairmanent Committee
First item was a TIF Loan regenovateotheDfrontulofrh~s buildengs
Jewelry to borrow TIF funds to a loan for
Fuller is requesting
Linda Caudle reported that Mr.
$1800.00 to use with his private ~nvsstmuidelines~prov~deffora uptto
investment of $3,949.00. The ci y 9
$2500 with matching f undresent5awningeandnnewwtilebanduplasteringnin
lighted sign under the p royal
the entrance. She stated that the department recommends app
with a resolution to be placed on the next City Coje~~l Kohler.
Motion by Larry Sarff to approve request. Seconded by Y
Voice vote. Motion carried.
Next was the LaRoma Pizza uPZZae'wasorreceivedncregardmngChtheir
Covey, representing LaRoma P
previous request to pay interest payments only on the federal loan,
due in June and December, as uwh11DecembereresMr.pCoveyts oletter
revolving loan from March thro g interest and
states that in January 1996, they will resume making
principal payments to the City of Canton and will also use their
best efforts to catch up the principal payments which will be past
due at that time. They believi ahmentsecurrenthineJanuary~19ggial
resources to bring all principa p y
Jim Elson stated that he WOndlinalsuch1requests.atNoractionrtaken
county to see how they are ha 9
at this time.
An update on West Walnut Street was next. The attorne l~JimwaElson
and certificates have been received. City Y
received a letter from Robnrthe~amountaof L$34,275t00nimmediatelyy
Yaste requesting payment
Jim Elson stated that he haatranuasreementahaddaalreadymbeen reached
former attorney stating th 9
with Mr. Yaste. Mr. Elson recommended no action be taken until this
affadavit is received.
No further business was discuurnedand the Community and Industrial
Development Committee was ado
Legal and Ordinance Committee
Jerry Bohler, Chairman
Underage over the counter drug sales/tobacco possession was
addressed by Karen Hahn and Alan Grebner, co-chairmen of the
"Together We Can" committee. They are especially concerned of the
availability of over oxedecouMserHahntsaidathe committee feelsth~
availability of nitrous
should be illegal to possess tobacco products by a minor. Larry
Sarff mentioned the d1knowledyed~thisfbutlwouldnlike~theccityftohis
nature. Mr. Grebner ac 9
take steps saying that the city doesn't want these things available
in the community. Mayor Edwards said he will invite the group to
meet in his office with Police Chief Elam and other members of the
legal and ordinance committee to address these concerns.
The next item was a request fora handicap person to address the
committee via a speaker phone. Mayor Edwards called Mrs. Jackson
Neal and allowed her to communicate with the committee regarding
action filed against property at 323 Johnson Court. Mrs. Neal asked
what she could do to fix her home to dismiss actions filed.
Attorney Jim Elson stated that all of the items of complaint in a
letter from the Fulton County Health Department would have to be
resolved. Mrs. Neal stated that several things had been done. Mr.
Elson said he would arrange for a re-inspection of their property by
the Health Department and will share that information with her. No
action required at this time by committee.
Next item was a request received by Mayor Edwards for one handicap
parking space at 1st and Elm, located at the first parking space on
the east side of 1st Avenue at the Corner Cafe. Motion by Bob
Molleck, seconded by Larry Sarff to approve this request. Voice
vote. Motion carried.
Jim Elson next reported on the ordinance for vacation of Southview
Acres Plat. The developer did not comply with specifications and did
not put up a bond. He stated the only way a plat can be vacated is
by the owner of the land. However, the city can set aside its
approval of the same. Motion made by Jerry Bohler to refer the
revised ordinance to Planning and Zoning August 14th and then to
council. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Mayor Edwards brought to the committee a letter from Dr. John Day
regarding the parking lot he has been leasing from CIC which is now
owned by the city. He has been leasing lot #44 for $50.00 per month
and wants to continue to either lease it from the city or purchase
the lot. The city attorney will check the options available and
report back to committee.
The junk yard ordinance was next. Clark Wilson stated that he felt
clarification of some wording was necessary in order to make
enforcement of the ordinance easier. Motion by Larry Sarff to send
the ordinance to council. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote.
Motion carried.
Also discussed was the daycare ordinance. Clark Wilson said he has
had requests fora revised ordinance. Motion by Larry Sarff to
refer to Planning & Zoning August 14th and to council. Seconded by
Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Nuisance lighting was also discussed in regards to mercury vapor
lights disturbing neighbors. It was consensus of the committee that
enforcement of an ordinance regulating lighting would be difficult.
No action was taken on this matter.
The committee was addressed by Bob Watts, regarding his properties
at 326 East Locust and 261 comtlianceCewithhalloucodesnbyasJunec22t
was to be repaired and ~n p
1995. This has not been dtoe•courtlactione againstnthesenprope~tiese
deadline and the city to s p
Motion by Larry Sarff to have George Spahn inspect both toopodeiby
and work with 95handlthattthereywill bnotgbeoan extension after that
December 1, 19
date. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion Carrie .
Attorney Jim Elson stated that we will hold court action at this
Next a discussion was held onA decisionU needsstoobe madeAvatuthis
project from Locust to Pine.
time in planning for 1999. Bob Anderson will be asked for input on
this matter. No action taken by committee.
Joanne Shores and Jim May were presented with a petition from
citizens in Ward 4 regardiin tthatGthis prope~ty beocleanedoupGrJim
Place. Petitioners are ask g ersonal
Elson told committeon andthisetennedaysahaveelapseded Hethalso stated
notice of violate ro ert at Grant
that we will begin action against the olace othehepetitionyon file.
Place. Motion by Jerry Bohler to p
Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried.
Requests for door to dthissatepewofesabesuand therexis alsoea need
concern for regulating y
to review the fees collecmedEbsonhwillltworkrwith pthelcommittee fon
door to door sales. Ji
draf ting an ordinance regarding same. No action necessary at this
Mayor Edwards stated thoaeC~s have6beenp~signedaandlreceavedenin h~s
the north end sewer pr ~
Jerry Bohler requested tmenutes ofttheecounbilns executive~sess~onse
council to release the
Mayor Edwards reported that he has reAnlordinance isomnlplace
regarding roller blading on city streets•is not responsible f or any
prohibiting such activity and the city
injuries involving ro~her oliceldepartment,streets. This ordinance
is being enforced by p
No further business was discussed and the Committee was adjourned.
Linda Caudle - Committee Secretary