HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1996 Mechanical Mechanical Committee City Council Chambers October 22, 1996 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Jo Anne Shores, Jim May, Chet Phillips )thers Present: Mayor Donald Edwards, Kevin Meade, Dave Nidiffer, Bob Molleck, ames Elson, Steve White, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Chief Elam, Chief Jackson, Harlan 3anister, George Spahn, Linda Caudle, John Froehling, Charlie Wright Public Safety & Traffic Committee Jo Anne Shores, Chairman Chief Elam presented the written Police Report which was self explanatory. He also presented a request from the Fulton County Emergency Medical Association for a proposal to provide dispatching services on a twenty four hour a day basis. The written proposal is to be received by November 18, 1996. Chief Elam recommends we do not provide a proposal because of time constraints. Mayor Edwards requested that an executive session be held at the end of the meeting for the purpose of discussing personnel in this matter. No action was required by committee. Chief Jackson presented the written monthly fire report and noted that three active fire investigations are on going and the refurbishing of the fire truck will begin next month. Chief Jackson reported that the ISO Rating has remained at "6". There is some deficit according to the report in training documentation and equipment. Training needs to be documented for three years. It maybe possible in the future to improve to a rating of "5". No ESMA report was given. Chief Jackson, Clark Wilson, James Elson, Jim Elson and Mayor Edwards met last week to discuss the ordinance violations regarding Wheeler's recycling in the old Soldwedel building. It is their feelings that the city should move forward with the proper procedures as done in the past with other buildings that are not up to code. Chief Jackson recommends the building be condemned because of the cost factor in bringing it up to code. He further stated that every action taken has been fair. Committee also discussed the need to inspect and begin proceedings on 4 or 5 other buildings in need of major repairs and in violation of city codes. Alderman Meade stated we should allow Mr. Wheeler access to his building to fix it up. Chief Jackson stated he was never told he couldn't fix the building and if he wants to fix it he needs to present a written plan and he has not done this. Chief Jackson also stated that he and Clark Wilson are only enforcing the city's codes and they are doing it fairly. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman Shores to recommend to council authorization be given to the city attorney to ~/ move forward with condemnation proceedings. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned Streets & Garbage Committee Chet Phillips, Chairman Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman May to open sealed bids for two new dump trucks. Voice vote, motion carried. Bids were opened and read as follows: Centre State Int. Trucks, Peoria - $131,200 total price; Foley-Gill Ford Truck Sales, Chillicothe - $132,060 total price. Truck Centers, Inc. sent a letter stating they would not bid. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman May to refer the bids to staff for a recommendation to council. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif O'Brien requested permission to repair the transmission and front end of the 1985 IH Garbage Truck which is used as a back up. Cost is $980. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman May to approve this request. Voice vote, motion carried. Committee was provided a proposal from Maurer-McGillem Engineers to provide routine visual scour potential of existing scour evaluations of four bridges within the City as required from the Illinois Department of Transportation. These services will be completed prior to December 1, 1996 in conformance with the deadline of December 31, 1996 as set by IDOT. The fee is $1200. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman Shores to approve the proposal for services from Maurer McGillem. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee Jim Hartford, Chairman There were no items on the agenda for Lake, Buildings & Grounds and no business was discussed. Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee Jim May, Chairman Gary Orwig obtained two quotes to replace sand in the sand filters at the waste water plant. He recommends purchasing the sand from Boss Sand Co. with the low quote of $1907. This is a process that needs to be repeated approximately every two years. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman Shores to approve this expense from the depreciation fund. Discussion -Mayor Edwards asked if sand could be purchased locally. Gary Orwig stated that it could not. Voice vote, motion carried. In an effort to keep the Kilroy Lift Station in good condition, Gary Orwig obtained a quote from Ron Delost for sand blasting the station, and generator housing and painting. The cost would be $2,000. The Lift Station is in bad shape and rusting from the 2 arm' continuous flooding. Motion by Alderman May, second by Alderman Shores to approve this expense from the depreciation fund. Voice vote, motion carried. T'he bids for the city vehicles were discussed. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman May to move forward with selling these vehicles to the high bidders and bring recommendation to council. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Phillips second by Alderman May to move into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and pending litigation. Roll Call vote: Ayes - Aldermen Shores, May, Phillips, Meade, Molleck, Nidiffer. Motion unanimous. Minutes of the executive session are on file. No further business was discussed in open session and the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Minutes Recorded By Linda Caudle (~msworks~nemin.wps)