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Clerical Committee
City Council Chambers
July 9, 1996
6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Larry Sarff, Kevin Meade, Bob Molleck, Dave Nidiffer
Others Present: Chet Phillips, Jim Hartford, Jim May, Mayor Edwards, Jim Elson, Ray
McKinney, Gary Orwig, Clif O'Brien, Chief Elam, Chief Jackson, Harlan Banister, Lmda
Caudle, John Froehling
Finance Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
'The bills were discussed and water plant charges for computer equipment for $1,000 were
questioned. Ray McKinney reported this was for connecting the two computers at the
water plant. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to send bills to
council. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to open Truck Bids fora 1 /2
ton pickup. Voice vote, motion carried. Bids were as follows: Coleman Ford Lincoln
Mercury, Canton at $14,670; Coleman Pontiac Buick GMC, Canton at $15,749.20.
Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Sarff to send the bids to staff for
review. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to open bids for the sale of
firehouse #2. Voice vote, motion carried. Two bids were received: JGM Properties of
Canton at $26,680 and Virden Trotter of Canton at $45,181 with bid contingent on the
real estate being properly zoned for a veterinarian clinic. Motion by Alderman Molleck,
second by Alderman Meade to accept the bid of $45,181 from Virden Trotter contingent
to property being re-zoned and to fill out necessary papers for rezoning of said property
and send to Planning and Zoning. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to open bids for the sale of
two squad cars. Voice vote, motion carried. Bids as follows: Chicago Motors, Inc., car
#1 $4,655, Ccr #2 $4,766; Asia Motors, Inc. of Chicago, car #1 $4,901, car #2 $5,201;
Winners Motor Corp of Long Island City, NY, car #1 $5,112, car #2 $5,112. Motion by
Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to refer bids to Chief Elam for a
recommendation to council. Voice vote, motion carried.
Chief Elam presented quotes on the purchase of two new marked police cars and one
unmarked used vehicle recommending accepting the low quote from Coleman Ford in the
amount of $39,654 for two new 1996 Crown Victorias and accepting the quote from
Coleman Pontiac Buick GMC for a used 1995 Chevy Corsica for $9,622. This is a
continuation of the Police Department's Fiver~e he lurchaseof the used ehic edand to
Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to autho P
order the two vehicles as requested by the Chief eff oniv~ two Sw• Voice vote of all
alderman present, with Alderman Shores absent, mot
Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve repairs to the
clarifier at the Waste Water Plant in the amount of $648 plus shipping, to come out of the
depreciation account. Voice vote, motion carried.
As an informational item, Ray McKinney told the committee that a gear box and drive on
a clarifier at the water plant has locked up and will neeldct~ odto Chicago for repairs. 'This
is still under warranty but there may be some charges
Chief Jackson requested permission to attend the IntTa thou l A 29thati $1 ~ ~ i has been
Conference m Kansas Cite, Motion by Alderman Meade, sgecond by Alderman Nidiffer
budgeted for this conferenc
to approve the request. Voice vote, motion carried.
Harlan Banister explained the urgency for the oducmSeT f e BtSludge whi h musttbe
Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant is now p g Yp
hauled to the landfill. The 1973 truck needed tod forlhaulin feesois $100 to an outs de
approximately $2500 in repairs. The cost per loa g
hauler. Harlan received a quote from Foley Gill on a tandom truck for $61,585 with trade
in of the 1973 truck. This price, less the money f the de re~ iation accounth Motion by
would leave a balance of $25,585 to come out o p
Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to waive the bidding uts de haulerso for
truck due to the economic hardship placed upon the city in hiring
hauling Type B Sludge to the landfill and due to the time restraints placed upon the city by
going through proper bidding procedures. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by
Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to purchase the tandom truck from Foley
Gill as outlined by Harlan Banister. Voice vote, motion carried.
Harlan Banister presented two quotes for new computers for the Mayor's Secretary and
City Clerk. Rudy Hadsall of Canton submitted a bid for $2500 per computer and Sharp
Electronics of Pekin submitted a bid of $2500 per computer plus $50 to $80 in shipping
fees. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to purchase the two
computers locally from Rudy Hadsall with the money to come out of the general fund.
Voice vote, motion carried.
Mayor Edwards announced that Ray McKinney, Water Superintendent will retire this Fall.
He has $9,000 in vacation, sick days and other time off which he is asking that the
payment of this be spread out over a four meade po~a d rover this erequest t oc eo ote,
Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman M PP
motion carried.
City Attorney Jim Elson requested authorization to sign up the Zink Farm with ASCS a~
This is a necessary procedure if in the future the City would decide to sell
this property. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to approve this
request. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the
committee adjourned.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Kevin Meade, Chairman
Ray McKinney presented a memo to the committee requesting a part time person in the
water department to allow Steve White to go back to his supervisory position. Motion by
Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to approve request. Discussion was held on
the possibility of a replacement for Harlan Banister, who could also take over some duties
in the water department. This will be discussed in further detail in executive session.
Alderman Sarff withdrew his motion, and Alderman Molleck withdrew his second. No
further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Robert Molleck, Chairman
Doug Mannock addressed concerns that he and a few other downtown merchants have
regarding the following: 1. A request for opening the street in front of Maurice's. 2.
Adding one parking place in front of movie theater. 3. Placing 15 minute parking places
in front of Atlas Camera and Lee Rose. 4. Security in downtown after 5:00 p.m. 5.
Move Farmer's Market 6. The need for more parking in downtown.
The committee discussed these problems at length. Some suggestions are: to look into all
day parking on Chestnut Street next to JC Penneys, having merchant's groups hire private
security, consider 15 minute parking in front of Atlas Camera, suggest to the Fulton
County Extension Office starting the Farmer's Market later in the season and to continue
to have the auxilliary police patrol downtown on a limited basis. Chief Elam will bring
some ideas to the Safety Committee at its next meeting. Mayor Edwards also suggested
looking into Market Court traffic flow. Opening the street in front of Maurice's has been
looked into several times with a negative outcome. Alderman Sarff feels the city should
not open the street in front of Maurice's due to safety hazzards. Alderman Molleck
agreeed. Alderman Phillips stated he feels it would be a benefit to downtown. The
Committee will look for feed back on these situations and discuss it further at the next
meeting. No action required at this time.
Clif O'Brien informed the committee that the sidewalk replacement program under TIF
will continue with the placement of new sidewalks and lights and that Mauer McGillem
Engineers are still working on the plans. He will contact Bob Anderson when Bob returns
from vacation.
Alderman Molleck informed the committee that Feaster's had paid in full their TIF Loan.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
David Nidiffer, Chairman
The first item on the agenda has been handled and removed from the agenda.
The property on N. Ave. B was discussed. Chief Elam informed the committee that there
is no house number however it is next to 43 N. Ave. B, north of the alley. The occupant
is in the process of buying the property. 'The yard has been cleaned up and mowed. The
Chief has notified the Fulton CountT uHiitiltt D e~tmmeeting pendingg he reporto fromthhe
inspection. This will be held ove
Health Department. No action required at this time.
Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to go into executive session for
the purpose of personnel, grievance and fire negotiations. Roll call vote: AYES -Meade,
Molleck, Sarff, Nidiffer, Hartford, May, Phillips. Motion carried.
The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the
committee adjourned. Executive minutes are on file
Recorded by Linda Caudle