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Mechanical Committee
City Council Chambers
February 25, 1997
6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jo Anne Shores, Jim May, Chet Phillips, Jim Hartford
Others Present: Mayor Donald Edwards, Kevin Meade, Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck,
Steve White, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Chief Elam, Chief Jackson, Harlan Banister,
George Spahn, Linda Caudle, John Froehling, Marnie Eiksteadt, Jim Davis, Merle Pettit,
Gene Phillips
Public Safety & Traffic Committee
Jo Anne Shores, Chairman
Jim Davis of Mauer, Stutz, Inc. addressed the committee on the FAU Project on North
4th Avenue, (Project # 234-97005), and presented drawings from three different cross
sections for an asphalt design. He recommended a 36' width which would require
relocating the fence along the Park District's ground. The concern was not enough room
for the sidewalk. It was suggested that the street plan be narrowed to 30' which would
also save money on the total FAU Project. Mayor Edwards asked that Bob Anderson and
Jim Davis meet with Gary Baker, Director of the Park District and discuss these plans.
No action required by committee.
Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Hartford to go into executive session for
the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll call vote. Ayes: Aldermen Sarff, Meade,
Molleck, May, Phillips, Hartford, Shores. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are
on file.
The committee reconvened in open session. Mayor Edwards asked for a temporary
appointment of Merle Pettit as acting director of ESMA until he could be appointed as full
time director at Tuesday's council meeting. Mr. Pettit addressed the committee on his
background. Mayor Edwards stated that he feels Mr. Pettit has the desire to serve to help
bring the ESMA group and the Fulton County group together to work in harmony. Gene
Phillips also expressed his confidence in Mr. Pettit having this appointment. Chief Elam
also praised Mr. Pettit for his work as an auxiliary officer. Motion by Alderman Molleck,
second by Alderman Phillips to accept this appointment. Voice vote, motion carried.
A written police report for February was provided to the committee by Chief Elam and
was self explanatory.
A written fire report for February was provided by Chief Jackson. He pointed out that
Acting Lieutenant Bonnie Cremer has completed the 5 week course in Basic Law
Enforcement for Fire Investigators and he requested she be given Peace Officer Status by
resolution at council. Chief Jackson also noted that Acting Assistant Chief Dan Oaks has
been promoted to Assistant Chief on a permanent basis. He also suggested that
committee look at an amendment to the Mutual Aid Agreement and to look at the Mutual
Aid Agreement with Spoon River College. Chief Jackson noted that in the future he
would like to put out for bids the 1970 pumper and a large safe at the fire department. No
action required at this time by committee.
Chief Elam requested the purchase of a JVC Camera to replace the original JVC In-
Camera. Only the camera would need to be replaced, not the system. Repairs on the
original camera would be $480, and a new camera would be $590.99. Motion by
Alderman Shores, second by Alderman Hartford to approve the purchase of the JVC
Camera at a cost of $590.99 with the amount to be taken out of the newly established
gambling fund account. Voice vote, motion carried.
As an informational item, Mayor Edwards informed committee of a new Federal Law
which goes into affect this Friday and enforced through the Illinois Liquor Commission. It
states that it is a violation for retailers to sell certain products to anyone under 18, and all
persons up to age 27 must have Photo ID verification. Products include cigarettes,
tobacco, and snuff but does not include cigars or pipe tobacco.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned
Streets & Garbage Committee
Chet Phillips, Chairman
Clif O'Brien informed the committee that there is $133,538 in the downtown TIF account.
He suggested using part of this to overlay the street on 1st Avenue from Pine to Locust
and also use this fund to replace the sidewalk on both sides of Main Street in the block of
Brown's and Spoon River Optical. The west side of the street would take priority. The
plan would be to replace the sidewalk and install lighting. Clif will get some numbers
together from Mauer, Stutz, Inc. and bring back to the Finance Committee.
Clif O'Brien asked the Aldermen who have not turned in their lists of streets for MFT to
do so by the end of this week. After he has the list he will get some totals from Mauer,
Stutz, Inc. and bring to finance committee. Harlan Banister, fmancial advisor was asked
to look into the MFT fund to recommend to the finance committee how much should be
allocated for street work, how much for the FAU Project over the next three years and
how much to allocate to reimburse the general fund for the purchase of the two new dump
trucks. To date there is $380,000 in reserve for MFT with $5,000 allocated for the
residential sidewalk program. No action required by committee at this time.
There was no further business discussed and the committee adjourned.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Jim Hartford, Chairman
Linda Caudle asked committee for the authority to have Bob Anderson complete the
necessary documents for the partnership with CIPS in the CIPSSTART Program.
Required are soil borings, topographic survey, plat survey by a registered land surveyor,
information on surface and subsurface drainage, erosion control and prevailing wind
associated with the property, a USGS 7.5 Quad Map and Wetlands Map. All other
documents are in place. Motion by Chet Phillips, second by JoAnn Shores to spend up to
$2,000 to have Bob Anderson provide necessary documents and if cost exceeds that
amount to bring back to committee. Voice vote, motion carried.
Lmda Caudle reported that she had received the cost estimate from the United States
Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census for a special census recount. The
estimate is a minimum of $64,976, but could increase significantly if sufficient applicants
are not provided due to the additional time the Census Bureau would have to spend in
recruiting applicants. This estimate must be accepted within 90 days. It would take 120
days to prepare the documents with final results available 16 weeks after the recount.
Linda reported that research came up with an increase in 900 since the 1990 census which
was based largely upon the increase of 824 inmates at Illinois River Correctional Center.
She also stated that according to Strategic Planners Alliance, the City of Canton had an
estimated increase of only 11 in 1994. The City would need to be assured of an increase
of 800 in order to recoup the initial cost of the recount. There is no strong evidence of a
dramatic increase and the recount would be a gamble at this time. Motion by Alderman
Phillips, second by Alderman Shores not to have a census recount. Voice vote, motion
As an informational item Mayor Edwards stated that he had received a letter from Ray
Rakers of CIPS committing $500 to Mapping Your Community, if this project is
undertaken by the community.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee
Jim May, Chai~nan
Clark Wilson has requested permission to attend the Executive Development Institute
sponsored by BOCA, to be held March 17-20, 1997 at Matteson, Illinois. This is for
upgrading of code enforcement skills and administration. Cost of $459 for registration
which does not include lodging or meals. Overnight accommodations are available at the
Holiday Inn at $79 a night. Motion by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman Hartford
to allow Clark Wilson to attend the conference at a cost of $459 plus lodging, meals and
other expenses incurred. Voice vote, motion carried.
Steve White informed committee that there have been some recent complaints on the taste
and odor in the water. He provided a written report to committee. February 20th, 3.7
inches of rain was recorded causing the lake to fill up and run above the spillway. As a
result of this influx of water, turbidity went from 5.3ppm to 1531.0 ppm within a matter of
hours. This caused a dramatic increase in chemical usage to keep the water within the
required parameters. This is an informational item and requires no committee action.
No further business was discussed in open session and the committee adjourned.
Minutes Recorded By Linda Caudle