HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-1997 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers December 9, 1997 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Sarff, David Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Chet Phillips, Jim Hartford Others Present: Mayor Donald Edwards, Jim Elson, Steve White, Gary Orwig, Clif O'Brien, Chief Elam, George Spahn, Jim Snider, Harlan Banister. Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman: Bills were discussed. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to send the bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried. A resolution approving pre. engineering service by MFT/FAU 690 Phase I -widening North fourth avenue was discussed. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to remove item for future consideration. Alderman Meade requested it be reviewed again in six months. Perhaps government financial participation would be clearer at the time. Motion Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer, voice vote - motion carried. Jim Snider presented a budget for a Gateway 2000 model #GP6-233 Mhz Computer. Jim said he reviewed various vendors, both component made and name brand. This business application computer from Gateway was recently rated very high in It~Es class. It was also recommended that we purchase the top of the line Hewlett Packard 890Cse ink jet printer. Including a surge protector, cords and ink cartridges - a budget of $2861.00 in forecasted. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve this budget. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider referred to the Committee a recommendation from Bob Anderson to purchase a software program for utility mapping from Caliper Corporation. The software, entitled Maptitude Geographic Information System (GIS) for Windows, can be used to continue the mapping program, and prepare and up-date the zoning map. GIS could also help the community development department assemble as information data base, and then link everything into a GIS. This type of software has been needed for some time, but only recently has the cost become affordable. Bob has reviewed similar software in the past that has run in the $1300 -5300 range. Maptitude GIS sells for $395.00. Motion made by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to purchase the Maptiude GIS software per Bob Anderson~Es recommendation. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Kevin Meade -Chairman: A request by Kama Duncan to extend the number of sick days applicable to IMRF was discussed. Alderman Meade said that Attorney Bruce Beal had reviewed the request and saw no major problem with agreeing to the language change in the personnel policy. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to increase the number of sick days applicable to IMFR to 240 days. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards recommended the Committee review the Early Retirement program offered by 1MRF which was considered by the Committee a few months ago. The item will be place on the agenda for January, 1998~Es meeting. Mayor Edwards also gave a report of the Community Mapping meetings sponsored by Spoon River College, that He and Linda Caudle have been attending the last couple of months. Mayor Edwards encouraged the council members to attend future one hour sessions which will be held in January, 1998. Alderman Meade informed the committee the council would need to go into executive session following the Clerical Committee meeting tonight. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Community & Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade Acting Chairman A request for an additional parking space for the Taxi Cab company on South Main was presented to the Committee by Chief Elam. After further discussion it was decided to deny the request. Motion by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Meade. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee David Nidiffer, Chairman A Lot Exchange request from Dave Burketta was removed from the agenda for future consideration. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Sarff. Voice vote, motion carried. The water & sewer rate increase, referred from council, was discussed. Harlan Banister reviewed the increases on water from $1.20 to $1.3 8 per 100 cubic feet and $1.00 to $1.15 per 100 cubic feet on sewer with the committee. Alderman Sarff said he believed most people who have followed the media reports and last week~Es televised city council meeting understand the need for the increase. Our water is a commodity and must be sold for more than it cost to produce. Alderman Nidiffer said he agreed with Alderman SarfflEs comments. Alderman Phillips commented as to the 20% of our water sales which goes to neighboring communities as being pure profit. The fixed cost of the operating the plant such as labor and infrastructure are not effected when these bulk sales occur. Alderman Hartford said he has received negative feedback fr he increase would eeffect their livelihood. crease. He said many are on a fixed-income and t Harlan Banister said he had receive seven call on the matter with no one opposing the necessary increase. He also invited the constituents to contact Jim Snider or himself to discuss the matter further if they are confused as to the need to raise rates. Alderman Meade noted that our proposed rate increases would still leave us with one of the lowest rates around. An article in today~Es& sewer~ates for $29 000(ourr eview was Bloomington approving a study of their wat done internally by Jim Snider and Harlan Banister). Bloomington~Es current rate for water is $2.70/100 cubic feet. Nearly twice the amount of this current proposed increase. Alderman Meade felt that this was a modest increase. As for the reason to raise the rates now after only 21 /2 years since the last increase; Alderman Meade said it only tells him we raised it but not enough to gouge people. Alderman Meade also indicated that he hasn~Et received one call of the rate increase. He said he was open to alternative solutions to the current shortfall in the Water & Sewer Fund, which has had to receive transfers from the CitylEs General Fund of $100,000 each of the last two fiscal years. Alderman Meade also pointed out that if rates do not increase, cuts must be made. Alderman are elected to be responsible and make tough decisions when necessary. He is also concerned of the future capital improvement needs of the water treatment plant. It is 50 - 60 years old and will need major work at some point in future. Alderman Hartford brought up the possibility of re-negotiating our outside water sale contracts as a way to deal with the shortfall. Raising the price they pay could provide the necessary income. Jim Elson said the first contract to expire would probably 10 years away. The possibility trying to force a price increase would require and extensive and costly legal battle. Mayor Edwards reminded the committee that when St. David tied into our system, they paid to have a line laid all the way to Chestnut Street. This pipe became part of our infrastructure. The cost they incurred was in the $700,000 to $1,000,000 range. Fairview and Norris also extended our system when they came on line to our water. A motion to send the recommended increase on to council was made by Alderman Meade, second by Larry Sarff. Voice vote, motion carried. Sign Ordinance: This ordinance wJ1smr Elsona Themre were me oncerng aboumt t~hesfee without an approval according to structure and number of political signs. Mayor Edwards stated for the commrtteelEs information that he is not pushing this ordinance or been behind the review of this by the commission. Voice vote to table tell next monthlEs meeting. Jim Elson informed the Committee that he is needing to hire an attorney to assist on the Fulton County Rental Lawsuit. The due date to file the court documents for the City is this Friday. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to hire Brad Dunham with a Peoria Law firm to assist Jim Elson. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll Call vote to adjourn and proceed to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Aldermen Sarff, Meade, Nidiffer, Phillips and Hartford. Nays: None. Motion carried. The committee reconvened in open session and no further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Jim Snider