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City Council Chambers
August 12, 1997
6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Larry Sarff, Dave Nidiffer, Bob Molleck, Kevin Meade, Others
Present: Mayor Edwards, James Elson, Chet Phillips, Jim May, Jim Hartford,
JoAnn Shores, Clif O'Brien, Steve White, Dean Putman, Chief Jackson, Linda Caudle,
Harlan Banister, Clark Wilson, John Froehling, Charlie Wright
Finance Committee
Larry Sarjf, Chairman
Alan Hansen addressed the committee at the request of Mayor Edwards concerning the
recent fire at the International Harvester Plant. City attorneys Jim Elson and James Elson
had contacted CyberAmerica in Salt Lake City, Utah requesting a plan for securing the
building and clean up, which Mr. Hansen presented verbally to the committee.
Mr. Hansen received permission from the company in Salt Lake City to move forward
with bringing in a back hoe to clean debris from Elm Street and place a fence around the
site. He plans to place fence posts in the sidewalk on Elm Street. He said the company
plans to bring in security in the next couple of weeks. They also plan to place "No
Trespassing signs on the property. As to clean up, Mr. Hansen stated he had been in
contact with a person who plans to remove all of the bricks and recycle the good bricks.
Any funds received from the recycling of the bricks will be used for clean up. He further
stated that Mike Hitchcock is interested in the scrap metal and may be able to assist in the
removal of the metal. He said the company may level as much of the site as they can and
try to develop new construction. Buildings #99 and #103 will not be leveled. He also
stated that money is a problem. Mr. Hansen said that the company has tried to get
something done there without community support for the past five yeazs. The company
will not work to develop the site unless the community will work with them.
Mayor Edwards asked how Mr. Hansen felt about getting federal and state people to
come in and assess the site and help with funding for the clean up. Mr. Hansen said he
was in favor of getting the state and federal people to assist. Chief Jackson stated that
there must be a gate in the fence for emergency access to the site.
Mr. Hansen also stated that Mr. DeLost has been asked not to enter the site. Dean
Putman requested a letter from Mr. Hansen stating this. Attorney James Elson asked for
documentation in writing of the plan that Mr. Hansen presented verbally and would like it
received by August 14, 1997. Mr. Hansen also stated that the company has no plans for
long time security at the site. Mayor Edwazds asked about the trailers at the back of the
plant. Mr. Hansen stated that Mr. Inman had permission to place them there to be
refurbished. Mayor Edwards also asked Mr. Hansen to be specific about future plans.
Mr. Hansen replied that he would like to meet with a committee of the city. Mayor
Edwards said that there is a Planning and Zoning Commission that would meet with him.
Alderman Meade stated that the company would receive community support if the taxes
were paid to date and a speedy clean up would take place.
Mr. Hansen stated that it is not easy to convince the company to spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars to clean up the site when the company has been getting bad press.
Charlie Wright, owner of WBYS Radio stated that they were unable to present comments
from the company as he had called Salt Lake City many times and they refused to talk
with him. He also stated that Mr. Hansen has refused to talk with WBYS on many
Mayor Edwards asked if International Harvester would have some obligation to help with
the environmental clean up.
Chief Jackson said the 1st step is to get the fence up within a day or two and get the area
cleared. Safety is the #1 concern at this time. Dean Putman stated that no trespassing
signs need to be posted immediately. Chief Jackson also told Mr. Hansen that new laws
allow the clearing of the land after this type of problem without a lot of the EPA
Mayor Edwards also stated that the city has applied for a federal Brownfield Grant to do
an environmental assessment of the property but Illinois did not get fiznded for
Mayor Edwards thanked Mr. Hansen for meeting with the committee and told him that the
Fire Chief, Police Chief and he would work with him.
Bills were discussed. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to send
the bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to open bids for a new pick up
truck for the Street Department. Voice vote, motion carried. Bids were opened and read
aloud as follows: Coleman Ford - $23,777, Hossler's Auto Plaza - $24,408.50, Hossler's
Auto Plaza (2nd bid) $23,060.50. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman
Meade to send the bids to staff for review and a recommendation. Voice vote, motion
The committee received a request from Dean Putman, representing Chief Elam, for an
educational reimbursement for Randy Zimmerman for books and tuition for classes in the
amount of $528. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Molleck to approve
this reimbursement. Voice vote, motion carried.
Mayor Edwards asked for an executive session for the purpose of personnel and
threatened litigation to be held at the end of the committee meeting.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Kevin Meade, Chairman
Harlan Banister distributed written employer information on the IlVIRF Early Retirement
Incentive. This is not mandated. A resolution must be passed in each individual case and
is good for one year from the time of passage. Mr. Banister asked that the committee
look this over. No action required at this time.
The Family Medical Leave Policy was discussed. Attorney Bruce Beal has prepared an
ordinance and policy in draft form. It needs to be included in the Personnel Policy and in
the union contracts. It is to be shared with the unions before it is finalized. Alderman
Sarff made a motion to institute this in the Personnel Policy upon passage by the council
for employees not covered by a bargaining unit and to have the 1st reading at next council
meeting. Second by Alderman Nidiffer. Voice vote, motion carried.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
At this time Mayor Edwards thanked all departments and department heads for their extra
effort last Wednesday during the fire. He also thanked all of those behind the scenes. "I
am very proud of the City's departments, and thanks to all of the people from the outside
who assisted. I am proud of the spirit of cooperation from everyone including the citizens.
The dispatch did a great job."
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Robert Molleck, Chairman
City engineer, Bob Anderson, discussed Casey's need to run a grinder pump station at
their new location on North Main Street. This will be installed by Casey's on their lot and
they will turn it over to the city to run. Mr. Anderson has done a study on the cost to the
3 qt ~ city and estimates that running the station over the next 20 years would be approximately
~ ~ $~6 a year which would cover costs of replacement parts, etc. This is for information
~ only. No action is required at this time.
Tony Rolando and Arlin Higgs were present to discuss a new concrete "Welcome To
Canton" sign which they would like placed at Four Seasons on the northeast corner of
their front lot, two feet back from IDOT's easement. The Chamber has received
permission from Jim Keith at Four Seasons and they have received a permit from IDOT to
place the sign. IDOT is requesting a letter from the City authorizing the placement of this
sign. Mr. Rolando said that the Steve Nagel sign will need to be moved 300 feet from this
location with the permission of the fire department. The firemen had received a permit
from IDOT for placement of this sign. The Chamber also plans to place signs at all
entrances when money becomes available. The Chamber would also like to request the
city waive the building permit fee and asked if city would provide labor and concrete to do
the footings for the sign. 4.1 cubic yards of concrete would be needed at a cost of
approximately $250. The sign weighs 5,000 pounds and the city would need to provide
the equipment to lift the sign in place on the footings. Clif stated that he didn't think the
city had equipment to lift 5,000 pounds. There is also concern about the water and sewer
lines in this location. Clif and Bob Anderson will check on the location and report back to
the committee. Alderman Molleck said the Chamber should be applauded for wanting to
spend $4300 to do this for the city. No action required at this time.
Linda Caudle, Chairman of the Downtown Building Evaluation Committee presented a
written report on the activities of the committee. They have met with the owners of the
building at the corner of 1st and Elm, the Churchill Hotel and the building on the corner
of South Main and Pine owned by Bar V Enterprises. She said that all of these owners
were very cooperative and wanted to see something done with these vacant buildings but
at this point the owners do not have the funds to do the rehabilitation or the demolition
that is needed. Linda has contacted Belvidere Associates of Chicago who has an interest
in acquiring older buildings to rehabilitate. Leonard Lasco, owner of the Capital Theater
refused to meet with the committee and no response was received from owner of the
building at 108 East Elm Street. Chief Jackson stated that this is a starting point and we
need to be meeting with owners of other buildings, not just those located in downtown.
No action required by committee.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
David Nidiffer, Chairman
The committee discussed the personnel policy in regards to sick day accrual. Harlan
Banister has talked with Carol Gummerson and she is going to send a letter regarding
IlVIltF. In order to change the policy, council would have to adopt a resolution. Attorney
Bruce Beal has prepared a suggested change in wording for the personnel policy. He has
no problem with this concept, however there would be some cost to the city. Harlan will
look at this and bring it back to committee. No action required at this time.
Debra Wheeler attended the meeting to discuss the problem she has with no road to her
home. Attorney Jim Elson prepared a written memo in regards to her request to extend
West Pine Street. Mr. Elson feels there is no apparent way to extend West Pine Street
since the extension area is privately owned. He did present three limited ways to do as the
Wheelers desire. Zoning Enforcement Officer, Clark Wilson issued a building permit for
the Wheeler's new home with the understanding that a road could go through and felt that
their attorney had everything worked out. Bob Anderson also addressed the committee
regarding this issue. Mrs. Wheeler said that Mr. Robertson would not give an easement
across his property and she did not feel the other neighbors would work with her. Clif
suggested a plan and will take his plan to the landowners in that area. The plan is to
extend a road with gravel and place a dead end sign at the street. He will talk to the
neighbors and report back to committee. This area is already being used for garbage
pickup. No action required at this time.
Motion by Alderman Molleck seconded by Alderman Sarff to go into executive session
for the purpose of discussing personnel and threatening litigation. Roll call vote as
follows: Ayes: Aldermen Nidif~'er, Meade, Shores, Sarff, Hartford, Phillips, May,
Molleck. Nays: none. Motion carried.
The committee reconvened in open session and no further business was discussed and the
committee adjourned.
Recorded by Linda Caudle