HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-1997 Clericaliiirnr ~' Clerical Committee City Council Chambers February 11, 1997 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Dave Nidiffer, Bob Molleck, Kevin Meade Others Present: Mayor Edwards, Jo Anne Shores, Jim May, Jim Hartford, Chet Phillips, Jim Elson, Steve White, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Chief Elam, Chief Jackson, Harlan Banister, George Spahn, Linda Caudle, John Froehling, Marnie Eichstaedt, Dave Leezer, Chad Murphy Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman Bills were discussed. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to send bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried. Linda Caudle received two quotes to purchase 5,000 purchase orders and recommended the low quote from Crawford's printing in Canton of $414.24. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the purchase. Voice vote, motion carried. Linda Caudle asked committee to consider continuing sponsorship of the Canton Heritage publication by David Badger. The publication will be bi-monthly. The cost for one year / 6 issues is $150. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve the sponsorship of the Canton Heritage publication for 1 year at a cost of $150. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif O'Brien stated he had a buyer for the old red city van. It was put out for bids twice with no bids received. Clif had received an offer from Doug Green of $75. Junk price would be $50 to $75. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to sell the van for $75.00. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif O'Brien asked to continue the same excavator lease as the city had in the past at the same amount. Cost is $875 a month by signing a one year lease. According to O'Brien, the lease program has paid for itself. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to accept this lease. Voice vote, motion carried. Gary Orwig requested approval to have repairs done by GA Rich & Sons on the motor/pump at the Kilroy Lift Station at a cost of $2500 out of the depreciation fund. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve the expense. '~r+' Steve White requested approval for the standard lab testing that is required by the EPA. Cost is $9750 for the year. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to approve testing. Voice vote, motion carried. Steve White presented quotes on the printing of water bill forms. He recommended the low quote from Proform of $13.40 per thousand. He requested the purchase of a 2 years supply at $1,072. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve the expense. Voice vote, motion carried. Linda Caudle presented a request from the Fulton County Tourism Council to renew the city's annual membership. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to renew the city's membership in the Fulton County Tourism Council at a cost of $200. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif O'Brien informed committee that he keeps an extra transmission on hand for emergency use. He requested permission to rebuild a transmission at a cost of $1,046. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the expense. Voice vote, motion carried. Larry Sarff informed committee received a request from Independent Risk Management to begin the bid process and to publish the public notice to receive bids for the city's property and casualty program. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to allow Independent Risk Management to begin the bid process. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed committee they had approved sending two water department personnel to a seminar February 26th at a cost of $79 each. Steve White is also planning to attend the seminar. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve spending $79 to send Steve White to the seminar February 26th along with his two employees. Voice vote, motion carried. As an informational item, Mayor Edwards stated that Canton Lake is now 40 inches below the spillway and has come up eleven inches. At 36 inches below the spillway the pumps will be shut off. Clif O'Brien and George Spahn have looked at the leak on the roof of the Public Safety Building. The same company that replaced the roof two years ago can repair the worn area at a cost not to exceed $700. The new roof is no longer under warranty. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to repair the roof at a cost not to exceed $700. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the committee that he and Linda Caudle have been attending meetings with a group of community leaders to discuss the feasibility of going through "Mapping Your Community". Linda informed the committee that this program was through the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs and was similar to the Competitive 2 Communities Initiative, however, it is not done through a competitive application process. This is a self assessment program which involves citizens and community leaders in helping to map out the future of their community and develop an action plan. It gives the citizens an opportunity to have input in the success of their community. Linda stated that there is a cost involved and she would be coming before the committee in the future for a request for financial support. Financial support is needed from all areas in the community. Dave Leezer, Community Development Representative from CIPS was in attendance and stated that CIPS believed so much in the Mapping Program that they would commit $500 to it. No action was required at this time by committee. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman Alderman Meade informed the committee there would be a meeting Wednesday, February 19, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. at the office of attorney Bruce Beal to exchange proposals with the Police Union. This meeting will be in executive session. Mayor Edwards informed committee that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a request from Gary Kinsel to rezone his lot on South Avenue I from residential to commercial. He plans to erect a 2,400 square foot building for storage. All neighbors approve of this building. The property is surrounded by the city and will be annexed to the city in the future. Alderman Sarff made a motion to notify the Fulton County authorities that the city looks favorably on this project and approves the issuance of a building permit by the county. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Community & Industrial Development Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman Dave Leezer, Economic Development Representative for CIPS addressed the committee regarding a new program for communities called CIPSSTART. CIPS will be selecting only 20 communities in Illinois to participate, and they would like to include Canton in this program. Through this partnership with CIPS, a community identifies a 10 acre industrial site, completes three soil borings and does an archeological review. CIPS electric or natural gas must run to the property along with water and sewer lines and road access. CIPS will provide engineer and architect plans fora 60,000 square foot building which can be given to a business interested in constructing a building. This will save approximately 120 days on construction for a new business. Mayor Edwards suggested setting aside 10 acres across from the old chips plant and getting with Bob Anderson on the archeological review. Dave said that CIPS has contracted with a company on doing the soil borings. Approximate cost to the city would be $2,000 or less to get everything in place that is required in this partnership. CIPS will be doing an intensive marketing program to 3 promote the CIPSSTART communities and will provide the city with printed brochures about the site. CIPS also does 5 trade shows a year where they will identify the CIPSSTART locations. CIPS will also provide a large sign at the entrance to the community. 'This will put the city ahead of the game in Economic Development. Dave stated that CIPS will be sending a letter requesting the city's participation. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade that we approve the CIPSSTART Partnership and start the process. Voice vote, motion carried. Linda Caudle asked committee to consider doing the 50/50 residential sidewalk replacement program again this year. Last year $5,000 was allocated from MFT and $3,013.67 was used with all interested residents being served. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Nidiffer to allocate $5,000 in Motor Fuel Tax to be used fora 50/50 residential sidewalk replacement program. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed committee that unpaid taxes exist on the lots given to the city by CIC. Also, there will be a hearing in Springfield with CIC concerning the clean up of tires and the money the EPA is requesting. Jim Elson asked for authority to begin court action in small claims court March 1, 1997 to get payment of the unpaid taxes on the CIC lots that the city obtained, otherwise the city must pay those taxes before the lots are sold. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to authorize attorney Elson to begin court action March 1st. Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee David Nidiffer, Chairman Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to remove "The Resolution for Professional Services by Mauer/McGillem for Pumping Station Engineering", from the agenda. Voice vote, motion carried. In related action, motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to authorize a purchase order not to exceed $2500 for evaluation and recommendation of the Kilroy Lift Station. Voice vote, motion carried. Discussion was held regardmg the Ordinance amending title 3, chapter 8, section 6 relating to residence district; license restriction 3-8-6. This amendment clarifies the polling of the neighborhood for the initial license only. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to send the ordinance to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Elam addressed the city regarding a study that he and Clif O'Brien did on the Market Street Alley behind Norwest Bank and on the north side of the bank. Chief Elam recommends that the east/west alley next to the bank be west bound only and the 4 north/south alley be north bound n b yAlderman Moller k, second by Alderman Sarff to objections to these changes. Motto y recommend these changes to council. Voice vote, motion carried. Attorney Jim Elson addressed the Ordinance defining and regulating bottle clubs. This ordinance was drafted some time ago and is no different than the liquor ordinance in regards to prohibiting certain types of entertainment. Alderman Sarff questioned whether the fines were high enough. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to amend the ordinance in regards to fines b cil for acgion~. Voice vote mot on carried, law" and to send the amended ordinance to coup Mayor Edwards brought before the committee a request from Brew N Cue for a beer garden application for ABATE's Spring fund raiser to be held in the city parking lot on Saturday, April 19th. Music will be outdoors from noon until 10:00 p.m. and will then be moved indoors. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the application. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and pending or threatening litigation. Roll Call: Ayes: Aldermen May, Shores, Meade, Nidiffer, Phillips, Sarff, Hartford, Molleck. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are on file. Open session reconvened at 8:55 p.m. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Linda Caudle 5