HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-08-1998 Clerical CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers December 8, 1998 6:30 p.m. '~ ors Present: Larry Sarff, Dave Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Bob Molleck. Others t: Mayor Edwards, Jim Elson, Jim Hartford, Clif O'Brien, Steve White, Chief Linda Caudle, George Spahn, Jim Snider, Clark Wilson, John Froehling, Chris Clayton Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman Item #2 on the agenda was addressed first. Jim Snider provided background information regarding the City's $200,000 Brownfield Pilot Grant for the assessment of the International Harvester site. He and Clark Wilson have attended several seminars and have made numerous contacts. Joy Stieglitz, a Brownfield redevelopment specialist, representing the firm of Vanderwalle & Associates, provided a written proposal from her firm. She stated that with the federal Brownfield Grant there is grant money available for assessment of the Brownfield from the state in the amount of $170,000. The application fee is $50,000 and can be paid at the end of the grant period with in kind services provided through federal Brownfield Grant funds. This $170,000 state grant would be used for the consultant fees straight out without having to go through the bidding processas required under the federal grant stipulations. She would complete the grant application with the understanding that if the state grant was awarded, the city would hire her firm as the consultant. If the city did not receive the state grant, then no fees would be owed to her firm. Her proposal was also to include in this process, Susan Nash from Western Illinois Regional Council, at a fee of 10% of the grant which would be $4,000 for one year, after which her fee would be reviewed. Deadline for the application for the state grant is January 1st. Mayor Edwards recommended that the city move forward on this proposal and to check references provided by the firm. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve the concept of the grant application and the hiring of Vanderwalle & Associates as the consulting firm for the Brownfield Grant, and to check references of the firm. Under discussion, Ms. Stieglitz said that she would present a detailed draft of the scope of services offered along with a draft of the grant application to the next council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to go into executive session for the purpose of negotiations. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes -Aldermen Nidiffer, Meade, Sarff, Molleck and Hartford. Motion carried. Executive minutes are on file. The committee reconvened into open session with no action taken on the executive session. ~" Bills were discussed and additional bills were approved to be added to the list. Motion by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to send the bills to council for approval. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Elam requested permission to spend up to $850 out of the drug seizure account to purchase 12 holsters, 24 speed loaders and 12 speed loader carriers' for the auxiliary police officers' duty belts. The police department's .38 caliber revolvers will be issued to the auxiliary officers. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to approve this expenditure from the drug seizure account. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Sarff reported that Steve meets andrinsulation tethe Van B on T Wes. re~s companies to repau and replace the br work needs to be done before freezing temperatures exist. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to waive the bidding process due to the urgency of this situation, and to accept the low quote of $20,475 from Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Inc.for the repairs. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Meade, ~ the amour oer f $33,2 9e 0 for phe depot r habilitation from Leander Land Company project. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider informed the committee that the city's contract to supply Bio-solids to Heil Trucking has been. canceled verbally. It is no longer profitable for Heil Trucking to continue with this program Gary Orwig is currently having his employees haul and spread it and new contacts are being made. No action required by committee. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman Alderman Meade reported that he had talked with attorney Bruce Beal regarding time off by employee Craig Shaw. Attorney Beal advised that the committee direct the City Clerk to add two sick days on the employee's record as his time off was work related. Motion by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to add two sick days to Craig Shaw's record. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Meade also stated that an executive session for the purpose of negotiations will be held after the regular committee meeting on January 12, 1999. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Community & Industrial Development Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman Linda Caudle reported that the 50/50 residential sidewalk replacement program has been closed out for this year and that $4363.01 had been expended to assist in replacing nine 2 residential sidewalks. She also recommended that $5,000 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds be allocated for this program again next year. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee David Nidiffer, Chairman City Attorney, Jim Elson, provided a memo to committee members regarding the amendment to the sign ordinance as requested at last month's meeting by Canton Realtors. He stated that the city can not control the wording on signs, but he could draft a brief amendment to allow for directional arrows for special events. Alderman Nidiffer stated that he does not feel the city should make an exception to the rules for one group of individuals and urged caution in making this change. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to authorize attorney Jim Elson to bring a proposed amendment to the sign ordinance to the next Legal and Ordinance Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to remove the volunteer handicap parking enforcement item from the agenda. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to remove the telecommunications infrastructure maintenance fee ordinance from the agenda pending further statistical information. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Edwards received a proposed Bernadin Amendment regarding Health Care. The letter requested that the city place this on the ballot in the April 13th city election. Attorney Jim Elson does not sense the urgency on this issue. Alderman Meade stated that he feels it is not a city issue, but a state issue. Alderman Nidiffer stated that he did not see what we would accomplish with it. No action was taken. As an informational item, attorney Jim Elson recommended that the city hold off on the loitering ordinance at the present time and to also look into a truancy enforcement. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Linda Caudle 3