HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-1999 Clerical CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers September 14, 1999 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Dave Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Robert Molleck Otters Present: Mayor Edwards, Jim Elson, Jim Hartford, Jo Ann Shores, Pat Wright, Clif O'Brien, Steve White, Gary Orwig, Lt. Don Edwards, Chief Stanko, George Spahn, Jim Snider, Clark Wilson, John Freehling, Chris Clayton Finance Committee Larry Say ff, C~hairmar~ Bills were discussed. Jim Snider requested an engineering bill on the 4`h Ave Water Tower standpipe repair from Maurer-Stutz in the amount of $4152.25 be added to the bills. Jim also requested an engineering bill on the Water Plant Filters from CMT for $2693.37 be added to the bills. Gary Orwig submitted a bill from Cummings Inc. in the amount of $968.71 for generator repair at the Industrial Park lift station to come out of sewer depreciation. Pat Wright requested that the two bills listed under the Water Survey Grant be especially acted on at next week's council meeting. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to send the bills, along with the noted additions, to council for approval. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider presented a packet to the committee outlining capital needs under the Water & Sewer Department. Jim Roth with CMT reviewed the 26 items on the capital list with the committee. Total Estimated Improvements over the next five years will cost approximately $9,799,200.00. Jim Snider highligted the larger items on the capital list: a new water main to town, $2.6 million; new clearwell and high service pump station, $1 million; new lake intake system at the water plant, $900,000; water meter replacement, $500,000. Two items were also included for the sewer plant including $200,000 for an aeration system and $100,000 for valves and a storm building. Other associated water capitals needs listed were: Van Buren Street standpipe replacement, $750,000; Fourth Avenue water tower painting/repair, $500,000. "There isn't anything here that is a luxury," Snider said. "There isn't any easy solution for this." Edward's said, "I don't recall ever having a $9 million project in this city. That is a lot of money." Discussion continued in how we could pay for these improvements. Jim Snider proposed a General Obligation Bond. The city has successfully reduced our indebtedness from $1.34 to $1.00 per $100 assessed valuation over the past 5 years. City Treasurer Pat Wright reported the city would retire nearly all of its general obligation bonds when those issued for construction of the David W. O'Brien Public Safety Building are paid off this year. "We're practically debt-free, other than bonds for the sewer plant," she added. Alderman Sarff asked if grant monies are available to offset some of these cost. Jim Roth indicated that was not likely. The most probable source would be grants of up to $400,000 for each award from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Services. The City is currently applying fora $400,000 grant for the water transmission line. Jim Roth recommended issuing general obligation bonds, which carry interest rates of around 4-5 percent. The State EPA has a revolving loan fund with interest rates of 2.7%, but have more requirements and red tape would be involved. Costs would be comparable in the end, and the city would have more control over the project with bonds. Pat Wright noted because of the city's lack of debt, it could qualify to issue up to $23 million in bonds based on a formula involving the city's total property value of $82 million assessed valuation. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to explore when a referendum question can be placed on the ballot asking voters to approve a bond issue. Voice vote, motion carried. The next election will be the March 2000 primary. A referendum question could appear on that ballot. The county clerk would need to be notified within a certain time prior to election. Alderman Sarff asked if there were provisions in agreements with other communities that buy Canton water to place a surcharge on their rates for infrasructural improvements. City Attorney Jim Elson said he would have to check the agreements to answer that question. Jim Snider also submitted for committee review a memo outlining comparable water rates from neighboring comminutes. An average two-month bill for the city is $47.95 based upon usage of 1500ct~not including garbage charge of $10 for the same period). Comparable bills are as follows: Galesburg: $59.55 Kewanee: $50.57 Macomb: $54.45 Morton: $55.47 Peoria: $63.86 (water only) A 1996 Water Survey of 30 Illinois water and wastewater utilities serving cities with service populations of 17,000 or greater showed a comparable rate of $54.09. Snider outlined how the city's water and sewer rates are not keeping up with operating cost. A graph was presented showing an operating expense trend of 6-8% a year over the past several years. If rates are not raised accordingly, an operating budget shortfall is forecasted for fiscal year 2000-2001 of $ 132,000. Jim Snider recommends a rate increase of 15% to offset this shortfall. As proposed, the water usage rate would increase to $1.60/100cf and the sewer rate would increase to $1.30/100cf. Snider recommended the rate increase go into effect January 1, 2000. Raising the local rates would cause an average bill to increase $7.20 every billing cycle. Mayor Edwards said before this could go into effect budget cuts needs to be reviewed. Harlan Banister noted that the current budget is 95% uncontrollable by management. Contracted manpower alone represents over 50% of the budget. Those cost go up every 2 year by contract. Mayor Edwards also recommend the city look at changing to a monthly billing system to make it easier for the citizens to budget their water bill. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Sarff to holdover the request to next month's clerical committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. Emil Cook with CMT addressed the council on behalf of the City of Norris. They want to lay a sewer line in to our present system off North Main and Lakeland Road in Canton. Mayor Edwards asked if the line could run behind Mar-Lee Subdivision and continue down to our system at Hemlock Terrace. "This would benefit the City of Canton if this consideration can be made." Alderman Sarff expressed concern in committing to project without this and other particulars worked out. Mr. Cook indicated only a "preliminary" approval is necessary for Norris to move forward on the project. These issues can be resolved to the City of Cantons' satisfaction at a latter date. Motion made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to accept the City of Norris proposal to tie into the City of Canton's wastewater line on the north end at a yet undetermined connection point. Voice Vote, motion carried. Lt. Edwards submitted a memo from Chief Elam requesting two 2000 Ford Crown Victoria police cars with light bars and accessories for $45,385.50. This request is part of the police department fleet plan. Funds for this purchase will come out of the capital budget -general fund. Motion made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the purchase. Voice vote, motion carried. Lt. Edwards also made mentions of the $122,000 grant awarded last week for the COPS in School Program. These new vehicles will free up a used one for the school officer and one for the new K9 unit. Motion made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck for the local long distance phone service bid to be held over to next month's meeting, pending a counter proposal from Ameritech. Voice vote, motion carried. Lt. Edwards submitted a memo from Chief Elam requesting an additional K9 Unit for the City of Canton. Grando has been in service for nearly three years and has been very successful. During the planning at that time, it was anticipated a second unit should be activated within four years to keep a fully trained unit available in the future. Total cost for this project is $11,546 fora "green dog". The K9 donation account has a balance of $8500 and the $2320 training cost are reimbursable by the State Training Board. This will bring the net cost to the City down to $1,000. The former marked command vehicle will be reassigned to the K9. The dog would be purchased in February 2000 and placed in to service in March 2000. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve the request for the new K9 as submitted. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Molleck submitted a request to obtain an annual membership with the 336 Coalition. The recommended level of participation for a municipality is $500.00. Motion made by Alderman Nidiffer to pay the annual membership for the 33b Coalition for $500, second by Alderman Meade. Voice vote motion carried. Lt. Edwards submitted a memo from Chief Elam requesting approval to purchase 12 bulletproof vests. Chief Elam budgeted $2800 to replace seven bulletproof vests. Through the Bulletproof Vest Program, they submitted a request to replace 12 vests at a cost of $414.24 per vest (a total of $4970.88). They received a grant from the US Department of Justice for $2,000 leaving a balance of $2,485.44. Ray O'Herron gave a quote for a higher end vest for $399/per vest. Total cost will be $4788 less the $2000 grant for a total of $2788. Payment will come out of the operation budget #470. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve the purchase of the 12 bulletproof vest for $4788. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Stanko presented a memo on reviewing bids for a SUV for the fire department. Upon reviewing the bids received in July, John recommended the purchase of the 2000 Ford Expedition from Coleman Ford for $26,928. Chief Stanko recommendation was conditionally based upon going out for bids in a few months once all of the 2000 models are available for bid. Following discussion, Alderman Sarff requested an update from Jim Snider of the amount spent on capital this fiscal year. Motion to send to council with no recommendation by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Molleck. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider gave a report on the premises liability insurance coverage for the former IH plant site. The city's insurance carrier, Kiesewetter Insurance, was able to obtain a policy with Essex Insurance Company with $1,000,000 liability limit each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. The annual premium is $1,985. Jim Elson reviewed the policy for exclusions and is satisfied with the policy. Motion made by Alderman Meade to accept the policy, second by Alderman Nidiffer. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider submitted a request for five computers for city hall employees. The first one is a SSOMHZ to replace the auto-cad computer -cost $1965. Three 400MHZ computers to replace Jim Snider's(his will be moved to the outer office as an Internet computer), Susan Henlser's 48b and Linda Caudle's 486 -cost $4077. Susan & Linda's old computers will be used elsewhere for small word processing work. One 400Mhz computer for the Police & Fire Department as an internet computer - $1028. Five surge protectors for $225. Total cost is $7295. Jim Snider also made note of an optional computer for the city clerk for $1359 plus surge protector. In discussion, Jim Snider explained that the need to upgrade for Y2k purposes. The auto-cad machine is simply too slow to run the new software. The other machines are running on Windows 3.1, which has Y2K configuration problems and not easily upgraded to Windows 95. This is a capital budget request. The committee chose not to add the optional computer as outlined above. Motion made by Alderman Sarff to wave the bidding process and accept the proposal as outlined in the amount of $7295 to be paid out of the capital budget -general fund, second by Alderman Meade. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Snider submitted a request for he and Clark Wilson to attend the Region 5 EPA "Successfully Redeveloping Brownfields" Conference in Toledo, Ohio on October 12-14, 1999. Cost to attend $1386 for both. Mike Gifford/Region 5 EPA has asked that we attend to communicate informally our progress with the City's Pilot. Mr. Gifford also 4 ~irrr% `~` approved Jim & Clark attending the National Brownfield Conference in Dallas on December 6-8, 1999. We will be able to network with other pilots and HUD officials. Total cost $2,054. Both of these expenditures are reimbursable under our Brownfield Pilot Grant. Motion made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve the request. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Stanko submitted a request to have American Test Center perform our annual ladder testing for $1530. The item to be paid under the operating budget #411. Motion to approve the expenditure by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Nidiffer. Voice vote, motion carried. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman Alderman Meade informed the committee that he is still working on a police & fire drug policy for the city. Nothing else for committee action. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Community & Industrial Development Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman No business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee David Nidiffer, Chairman Alderman Sarff presented a request for residential only parking be considered for Birch Street between Main & First. Alderman Sarff indicated the residence simply has no access to their frontage do to neighborhood business traffic. "The residents are even willing to see `no parking' instituted as a last resort, if necessary. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to instruct Jim Elson to prepare an ordinance for "residential only" parking on Birch, between Main & First. Voice vote, motion carried. Lt. Edwards reported on a traffic study perform by the Police Department on Avenue C & Chestnut. Lt. Edwards indicated this falls under increased traffic patrol. We should maintain our policy of not controlling speed with stop signs. Lt. Edwards expressed the Police Department lack of expertise in the area and the need for a traffic engineer to study these issues. Alderman Nidiffer requested Jim Snider review the annual cost of hiring such an engineer. 5 • ~; Mayor Edwards submitted a request from Poor OI Tom's to use 2"d Ave at Elm for a garage sale. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade to approve the request. Voice vote, motion carried. The Mayor also received a request from Moore's Pub to move their liquor license. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck to allow Moore's Pub to move liquor license from 154 E. Elm to 164 E. Elm. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Stanko submitted a tentative Response Agreement with Spoon River College for approval by the committee. An annual fee of $2500 would be paid by SRC. Alderman Sarff expressed concern as to why we need to charge a fee to another local taxing body. Chief Stanko indicated that there are potential overtime charges that are not covered under our operating budget. Alderman Sarff agreed that the $2500 fee would then seem reasonable. Motion made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the Response Agreement with Spoon River College. Voice vote, motion carried. Jim Elson discussed a proposed ordinance to prohibit smoking for any person under 18 years of age, within 50 feet of a gas pump and 100 feet of a gas tanker. Under discussion, Alderman Meade expressed concern in enacting an ordinance that is not enforceable. Jim Elson said we have other laws, which are subject to selective enforcement. Mayor Edwards recommended the committee send it on to council without recommendation. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck, voice vote -motion carried. Jim Elson discussed his work on a truancy ordinance. Nothing ready for committee review or action. Alderman Meade asked the committee review parking in the area of Prairie Schooner at Locust & Avenue "B". Lt. Edwards indicated he would review it for next clerical committee meeting. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Jim Snider J 6