HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-2000 Clerical'' CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers January 11, 2000 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Dave Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Robert Molleck Others Present: Mayor Edwards, Jim Elson, Jim Hartford, Jo Ann Shores, Chet Phillips, Jim May, Clif O'Brien, Steve White, Gary Orwig, Chief Elam, Chief Stanko, George Spahn, Jim Snider, Clark Wilson, John Froehling, Harlan Banister Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman Bills were discussed. Motion by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Meade to send the bills to council for approval. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Stanko submitted a request to purchase a 2000 Ford Expedition at a state bid price of $27,783. This request was held over from last fall to wait for the state bid to come in on this vehicle. This would be afour-wheel drive and be the only vehicle of that type in the fire department fleet. The purchase would come out of the capital budget. The former fetter truck from the System Maintenance Department had been placed in the Fire Department's fleet for a short time. This truck had a rebuilt transmission placed in it and has been moved to the Street Department. The Street Department has an early 80's Ford truck they will place in the next city auction. Motion made by Alderman Nidiffer, second by Alderman Molleck to approve the purchase of 2000 Ford Expedition at state bid of $27,783. Voice vote motion carried. Steve White submitted an engineering services work order from CMT to calculate the actual chlorine contact time at the water treatment plant. This calculation will enable the City and CMT to determine in the drinking water in meeting the current water quality standards. Jim Snider informed the committee that this work was originally going to placed in the water plant 2000-2001 budget. However, due to the recent review of capital needs at the water plant, a new clear well was placed as a priority to review for 2"d phase of capital repairs for the water facility. This would be paid out of the Water & Sewer Fund. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade to approve the engineering services work order form CMT for an amount not to exceed $2,900. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Elam submitted a request to purchase 40 ASP batons and 40 scabbards for a total price of $2,676 from Ray O' Herron Co. using funds from the drug forfeiture account. The state police use the ASP baton and new police recruits are being trained in its use at basic training. We currently have two police officers certified to provide low cost in service training on the ASP baton. This purchase would provide a baton to all sworn police officers and qualified auxiliary officers. If approved all members will be certified in the use of this baton before they are issued. The quote from Ray O'Herron Co. is the lowest of three received on this request. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer to approve the purchase of 40 ASP batons and 40 scabbards from Ray O'Herron for $2,676. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Stanko informed the committee that fire truck #423 is down because of the ladder being broken. It should be repaired by next week for approximately $500. Clif O'Brien briefed the committee on the dam slope repair project. Clif discussed the gabions to be used to shore up the slope. He will be using city employees to perform the work. Total estimate cost of project in $35,000. Clif recommends that we proceed as soon as possible due to the lake currently being low. Jim Snider mentioned that this project has been reviewed by Colin Edwards of Maurer & Stutz. All of the engineering work performed by Colin is under the City's monthly retainer. Motion made by Alderman Meade to give Clif O'Brien permission to proceed with the dam slope repair project -total estimated cost of $35,000. Second by Alderman Nidiffer, voice vote - motion carried. Jim Elson recommended to the committee that we have Clif proceed with the sewer repair work at Village Square. Estimated cost is $3500. Motion made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Nidiffer. Voice vote, motion carried. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman Alderman Meade informed the committee that he is still working on a police & fire drug policy for the city. Hope to have it finalized in next few weeks. Alderman Meade discussed a possible employee wellness program. Three local groups are interested in proposing different alternatives for the city to consider. Alderman Sarff recommended we survey other municipalities as to what plans, if any, they offer. Jim Snider offered to follow through on this request and will report at next week's council meeting his findings. Alderman Meade informed the committee of a delay in negotiations with the police union on a new contract. We are hopeful to begin negotiations in March. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. 2 Community & Industrial Development Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman No business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee David Nidiffer, Chairman Alderman Nidiffer discussed the fire ordinance review submitted by Chief Stank. Following additional discussion it was agreed to have Chief Stanko work with Jim Elson on having recommendation changes ready for next month. Chief Stanko outlined the main areas needing revisions being the administration fee of 2%, administration of the rescue fund and the folenter fire ordinance. Motion to table until February Clerical Committee meeting by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Meade. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Meade requested Jim Elson to draw up resolution on Marty Wilson's retirement that had been recently discussed in executive session. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Molleck. Voice vote, motion carried. Clark Wilson gave the committee an update on the former Opera House Building on the east side of the square. Mayor Edwards indicated he had David Maurer of Maurer & Stutz, a structural engineer; look at the building after Bill Phillips deemed the building unsafe. Mr. Maurer concurred with Bill Phillips opinion that it was in danger of eminent collapse. The street in front of the building remains cordon off. A 30-day notice to comply has been filed in Lewiston on January 6. A group from the Chamber of Commerce brought an architect to look at the building today. They fell the building can be made safe and renovated for a reasonable amount of money. The Mayor encouraged them to contact the owners Leonard Lasco and Eric Mathews. Alderman Phillips asked if any additional buildings are in eminent danger of collapse. Clark Wilson indicated none at this time. Mayor Edwards expressed concern over the city having to pay for demolition. "We did not share the profits, and we should not share the losses," the mayor said. Alderman Nidiffer requested that the current taxicab ordinance been repealed due to the current taxi company having moved. Motion to repeal said ordinance made by Alderman Meade, second by Alderman Sarf~: • Voice vote, motion carried. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Motion made by Alderman Sazff, second by Alderman Meade do go in to executive session for purposes of possible land acquisition. Roll call: Ayes -Molleck, Hartford, Sarff, Phillips, Nidiffer, Meade, Shores, and May. Nays -none. Committee reconvened in open session at 7:SOpm. Alderman Sarff reported on the executive session's discussion to purchase the Norwest Bank property at 2 North Main. Motion made by Alderman Phillips, second by Alderman Molleck to submit an "offer in concept" to purchase the Norwest Bank property. Roll call: Ayes -Molleck, Hartford, Sazff, Phillips, Nidiffer, Meade, Shores, and May. Nays -none. Mayor Edwazds asked Jim Snider to write an acceptance letter to Mazk Johann of Norwest Bank to be delivered tomorrow morning. Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Molleck, second by Alderman Meade. Voice vote, motion carried. Recorded by Jim Snider 4