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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
November 13, 2001 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jim Hartford, Larry Sarff, Mazy Fillingham, and Craig West
Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Bob Molleck, Jo Anne Shores, Kevin Meade, Attorney Ron
Weber, Chief Stanko, Chief Elam, Gary Orwig, Steve White, Dave White, Clazk Wilson, Linda
Caudle, Joe Gin er, Hazlan Banister, John Froehlin ,Paul Vonderhaaz, Mazk Johann
Finance Committee
Jim Hartford, Chairman
Bills were discussed. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman
Fillingham to send the bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried.
Budget Administrator White presented a written monthly financial report which is self
explanatory. All departments aze close to where they should be at this half way point in the
fiscal yeaz. He also informed the committee of the legal deadlines for the 2001 Tax Levy. The
levy information will be presented to the November 20~' council meeting with the first reading of
the ordinance on December 4`~ and approval at the December 18~' council meeting.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to send to council for
approval Pay Application No. 2 from Leander Construction for the filter rehabilitation at the
water treatment plant in the amount of $108,777.60. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to send to council for
approval Application for Payment No. 1 from Thomas Industrial Coatings for the potable water
standpipe rehabilitation project in the amount of $91,021.50. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
for payment, Application for Payment No. 2 from Thomas Industrial Coatings for the potable
water standpipe rehabilitation project in the amount of $87,042.78. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
for approval, Request for Payment No. 1 from Laverdiere Construction, Inc. for the proposed
water transmission main in the amount of $141,292.80. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to approve the purchase of
traffic tickets and notice to appear/non-traffic complaint forms by the police department in the
amount of $765.15. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
for approval a request from Western Illinois Regional Council for payment of a bill in relation to
the CDAP water project grant with funds coming from the CDAP account designated for this
project. Voice vote, motion carried.
Chief Elam reported that the police department was successful in a competitive contest through
the Illinois Department of Transportation to receive free, a MPH Industries DocuCam video
system for installation in one of their marked squad cars. This camera is valued at $3,298.
Chief Elam explained a police situation, which involved officers taking appropriate action that
caused personal property to be damaged. Attorney Weber confirmed that appropriate action was
taken and the City is responsible for the damages to a door and frame. The City's Insurance
coverage has a $5,000 deductible so it would not be applicable in this situation. A Motion was
made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to send a bill to council from Rolland
Pettit for payment in the amount of $1,000 for a new door, doorframe and labor. Voice vote,
motion carried.
Pam Smith provided written quotes from two moving companies to relocate the police and city
hall to their new location. Locally Canton's Bestway was contacted as well as Macomb Transfer
Company. A Motion was made by Alderman 5arff, seconded by Alderman West to recommend
to council the low quote from Canton's Bestway, Inc be accepted in the estimated amount of
$1494 for the city building and $913 for the police department. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to recommend to
council the approval of the purchase of a moisture balance scale for the lab at the wastewater
plant in the amount of $2576.75 plus shipping, funds coming from the Capital Budget. Voice
vote, motion carried.
In the absence of Clif O'Brien, Dave White discussed the need for a new end loader for that
department and advised on the type of purchase and the lease/buy back program used in the past..
If the purchase is approved the City will advertise for bids and Clif will write the bid
specifications to provide for a good maintenance program. A Motion was made by Alderman
Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to allow the letting of bids for the purchase of a new end
loader. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to recommend to
council the purchase of a Systemac computer from Dartek in the amount of $1,483.59 to replace
the main computer in the office of the fire department. Under discussion, Chief Stanko said the
existing computer is 6 years old and has not been working properly. Voice vote, motion carried.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Chief Elam said that his department currently shares a copier and fax with the fire department.
With the approaching move to the new building the police department will need to acquire a new
copier/fax machine. Chief Elam recommends the lease of a Minolta 351f from CDS at a cost of
$192.37 per month for 36 months with a maintenance program of $0.009 per page. At the end of
the lease the equipment can be turned in, upgraded with a new machine or purchased for 15% of
the selling price. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to
recommend to council the approval of the 36-month lease and maintenance program for a
Minolta copier/fax for the police department at a cost of $192.37 per month. Voice vote, motion
Steve White reported that Colin Edwards suggested the city hold off on the payment to Badger
Meters this month due to a change in payment forms. The payment should be made when the
new reporting forms are completed. Steve said that the meter replacement program has been in
progress for four weeks and the public response has been real good. No other business was
discussed and the committee adjourned.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Chief Stanko discussed the Resolution for Implementation of Emergency Interim Executive
Succession Act. This is only for a major emergency so the daily government activities would
continue without interruption. Acceptance of this resolution must be done in order that the
City's disaster plan be approved by IEMA. The naming of positions rather than individual
names will be added. The 1~ step is to adopt the resolution according to attorney Weber. A
Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Sarff to send the resolution to
council for approval. Voice vote, motion carried.
Mayor Bohler discussed the Hotel Motel Tax that had been brought before this committee
previously and had been on hold for further information. Attorney Weber suggested naming a
committee to research this and make suggestions on the designation of the funds from this tax.
Since the City is not home rule extreme caution has to be used in the spending of the funds
derived from this tax. Money must be spent on specific events that bring overnight visitors to
Canton. Mayor Bohler said he had discussed this with Alderman Meade and that Meade agreed
to chair a committee to research it and make recommendations. A Motion was made by
Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Hartford to recommend to council the formation of a
committee to study the Hotel Motel Tax with Alderman Meade as Chairman. Voice vote,
motion carried. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Craig West, Chairman
Alderman West reported that two downtown TIF Rehabilitation Loans had recently be paid in
full and that two loans remain along with two Revolving loans. All loans are current.
Linda updated the committee regarding a newly formed transportation resource committee,
which she has been attending. The purpose of the group is to explore a rural transportation
public shuttle service for the County. IDOT has met with them and shown an interest in
providing technical assistance. This would have to bee supported by the County Board in order
to be eligible for grants. Next meeting is December 6~' at 8:30 a.m. at the Historic Depot.
Ron Weber told the committee that he and Linda attended a meeting with the Ethanol Plant
group and Tom Henderson, Enterprise Zone consultant with DCCA. The group is asking that the
City expand its current enterprise zone to include their proposed site south of Canton. Tom
Henderson informed the group how this could be accomplished and has given the application to
Linda for completion.. Ron feels this is a good way for the City to assist in a 30 million dollar
project that will greatly benefit for our area. Additional information on the proposed expansion
of the enterprise zone will be coming to the committee at a later date.
Clark Wilson provided a written monthly report outlining the progress and situation at the IH
Brownsfield site. Starting November 26th the EIPA will be at the site to do additional soil
testing. Clark said he and our consultants met with the IEPA representative who will monitor the
cleanup. In addition, our engineering consultants retained the services of Harry Walton, an
expert on the Illinois Regulations concerning risked based clean-ups.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
Mayor Bohler discussed the need for the City to approve a budget for the Economic
Development Director and activities in that area. He also requested the committee recommend
to council the advertisement of this position. Mayor Bohler is suggesting the committee
authorize a $100,000 budget from city funds. 75% of that will be directed to salary and benefits.
An additional $25,000 will be added to the City's amount each year from the Canton
Development Council, who is soliciting funds from the community and businesses. He added
that the City Council will have 100% control over 75% of the total budget. This account will be
audited yearly at the same time as the City's audit. The City has 100% control over the hiring
and if necessary, the release of the employee in this position. Two elected officials serve on the
Revitalization Committee Board with a total of 5 board members being appointed by the City
Council. The Canton Development Council appoints four board members to the Revitalization
Board. A Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to allow
a City Budget of $100,000 for the position of Economic Development Director and activities in
that department and advertise the position opening. Voice vote, motion carried.
Recorded by Linda Caudle